Dear schoolboard,
I am incredibly appreciative for the effort you put into the happiness of your students, bribed or not. However, if I am light and sound sensitive and would rather spend my time studying for an upcoming chemistry test rather than be attending an assembly that serves no educative purpose and is rather just a concert, I should be able to without being penalized,
because it got bad enough that I cried at not one but two points and is far more productive anyways.
Yours truly,
...On that note, hello everyone! Half dead + sister is visiting, so you may not see much of me today.
@RaijinSlayer Happy birthday man!@HaltingBlooper My earliest memory was either of me hanging upside down from a sofa ledge and my mother telling me to stop playing around or I'd ruin said sofa, spinning underneath a lamp while it snowed on a very clear night (I remember thinking how much it looked like the stars were falling, thought it was beautiful and to this day I still remember it vividly and thinks it's one of my fondest memories somehow), or, far less poetic, throwing up on a carpet. I was around my early to mid twos during these three memories, so it's one of these three.