You know Raijin's story reminded me of two things. One is that I'd kind of like to play a statted RP like Pathfinder, it kind of sucks that people here never really seem to go for that. Also I miss our friend of the same name.
I hate life right now. I was making a post for another RP, was basically fucking done, and then my computer suddenly decided to reload the fucking page for some reason, and I fucking lost everything. God, nothing kills your desire to write faster than bullshit like that. I really want to punch something write now.
That use to happen to me all the time! That is the very reason I switched to firefox because you are right. Nothing kills a writing mood more than losing everything you just worked on >:(
Well this is Maeve's mom, leg enhancers to be slightly taller and more vicious. This is what she would look like before having to blend into the human world a bit more and her views changed.