Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gin
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Gin Unbreakable Father

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

May I burn in hell if I am jumping into the wrong conclusions here, but I think I got it right when I got Dynamo Frokane's seal of approval. :)

If not I swear to make it work for ya. :P

Name: Eld. Brinna.
Age: 28.
Height: 1.87 meters.
Weight: 100 kilos. (Give or take 5 kilos).
Class: Knight.
Race: Human.


Semi long dark brown hair kept in untamed backslick, deep green eyes, masculine to the bone he is not especially bulky despite having his fair share of body mass most of his muscles are built to keep up stamina rather than being raw and explosive. On the back of his neck a tattoo of the Brinna family esigna is visible, in the shape of a downward shield not connected at the bottom and pierced by a downward spear. It bares symbol to the family legend.
Unmasked he is quite handsome in a common way. Overall he appears to be a common fighter at first glance.

Weapons & Equipment: Leather harnesk, plated leather shin on his left arm and a steel gauntlet on his right arm and sabatons topping off with a leather mask. Sword and a typical knight shield. His armor, sword and shield is enchanted to resist magic and made to be amazingly durable as it is his primary weakness. The forgery of these items is from a Family which he has served since his becoming as a knight and at first glance would look quite simple and clean though to keen eyes they are high end items.

Skills and Abilities: Master of the shield and sword, Eld is a force to be recognized, while he ain't the killer in a battlefield he has worn out more opponents than most known knights in this day and age. Eld uses various staggering and push back techniques by pure muscle control, wasting minimal energy in order to wear out his opponents. With only that skill as his trademark to back himself up he has never shown potential to channel energy or magic in any way.

Bio: Born from a bloodline serving a Demonfolk familia in Neveroth. The small considering size, familia though Demonfolk were quite respected as a political family with fair and justifiable agendas driving a campaign for a more open minded cultural development between the cities of Neveroth. Small, but fairly known the Brinna family of Neveroth cared for their servants, enough to train them and maintain the servant bloodlines. However Eld's only remaining parent, his mother died when he was young protecting the baroness of the Brinna family and as sign of appreciation the Brinna family adopted Eld as their own while keeping him at an arm lenght to train him as a knight in their service. The Baroness held Eld in high regards just like the Baron himself. Eld gained much experience as knight through duels and hard training, enough so to become the Brinnas youngest ever captain and knight vanguard at age 20. Eld led their knights and continuely served them well and successfully from several assassination attempts and minor clan wars. Up until half a year ago when the Brinna bloodline was assassinated on their way to a decisive meeting at their city hall. Since then Eld has traveled in search for the assassin aswell as the ones whom hired it. Without fortune, a family or home Eld battles his regrets of never being able to protect them. Many believes that it was he himself whom killed them and thus he now wears a leather mask to hide his appearance from several bounty hunters. During his travels so far he have earned most of his money and reputation by taking up mercenary guard jobs and so far without fail and a rising reputation.
Now called by the Arch-Order Eld has taken it upon himself to serve their purpose, for what is according to him righteous with nothing but a small request in return...
A place to call home...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sinder Tarrock
90 lbs
Berserker "hill killers"
Weapons & Equipment:
Large/oversized magical greatsword,
Chain shirt armor,
Compound bow,
Magical boots*
Magical gloves*

Skills and Abilities:
Fiendish abilities: As a demonfolk, he can see in the dark quite well, his skin is quite tough and the metallic presence in it lets him conduct lighting over him rather than through him to a small extent. His body is twisted and deformed much like an ape ending in huge hands larger than even a normal mans on his small frame which lets him still get into the most amazing of places.

Take a beating: Perhaps neither an ability nor a skill, he is so used to daily beatings within an inch of his life then starved for days, he can take more punishment than most and his skin is thicker from all the abuse.

Survival: In part of being on the fringes of society, in part of being the tribe omega. He has learned how to scrounge for food daily or endure eating rotting scraps while making the most of minimum cloth and putting them to the best use while not succumbing to the dangers of the wild.

Giant weapons: While an odd skill, the people of the Tarrock clan have been fighting hill giants for so long that they have learned how to use the over-sized weapons of their enemy as easily as any other. He can wield regular two-handed weapons in each fist like a ranger, but he prefers to bear a monstrous blade instead.

Rage: A berserker trait, he can 'let the demon out' and deliver frightening blows to the enemy. In his own claim to fame he once unseated a mounted knight by cutting down the horse, in half, longways, from breast to butt.

Sinder's tale starts with his father, 'Deathless', a skald/bard known for surviving the worst life had thrown to him. His tribe of tieflings lived as barbarians in the hills across the river from one of he lesser Alviontown/villages where they risked the wilds of nature over the true dangers of the great city. At one time a forager noted a new wizards tower in the dwarves hills since the last full moon, Deathless organized a raiding party to raid the tower and add the riches to their own. Sadly all were slain by the wizards enchanted defenses and processed for reanimation as skeletal warriors. The necromancer fossilized all the fallen tieflings skeletons to make them stronger before bringing back to un-life except for the leader of the raid whose bones he turned to steel instead. When the necromancer began to animate dead, 'deathless' fiendish heritage came to pass and brought him back to life as per the raise dead instead with the steel still bound to his body in permanent living agony. He killed the necromancer with a backstab and returned alone but victorious with a wizards tower for the clan to use as a home base. The tower wasn't big enough for everyone but its magical construction was better than any other shelter they had for miles so they built the village around it and began to settle on the hill rather than simply roaming to survive. They used the wizards enchantment tools for much more mundane tasks such as simple crafting and mold casting stolen metals into new weapons and items. They grew in wealth and power by having a place to stay to raid out from instead of only carrying their lives upon their backs, as the tribe grew in power so did the bard who now went by 'Coldbones' for the new gift he posessed.

Sinder Tarrock is from a settled barbarian clan of 'hill giant hunter' tielflings, his mother was the successful capture of a raid on a halfling caravan and the personal 'pet' of the clans Skald. When she died giving birth to a child, he possessed the same red sheen on his skin as his father did on his iron horns so there was no mistaking his heritage. This small creature was malformed with oversized forearms with hands like mittens and a flesh of rusted iron. His father felt shamed in the ill omen that his prodgeny should be so far malformed and so Coldbones made the shaman summon an infernal 'relative' of the bard that he could make a deal for more power with his own son as a sacrifice for the cost, but the demon decided the price would be paid over years of the boy's life, not just a lump sum with the boy's murder. To cheat the demon as well as be rid of the boy, he took every pleasure in starving or kicking the child about for the slightest of infractions, trying to kill him off in every way but outright murder.

To say he had it rough was an understatement, for his father's position as third in power under the shaman and chieftan made it hard for any to assist the boy without reprisal but there one who showed him kindness, the shaman's daughter found a kinship with him in that she was being forced and shaped into a witch whether she liked it or not. She desperately wanted to fill a position she didn't choose and him completely unwanted. Anytime she saw Sinder being attacked, she would always take that moment and position to interrupt with a demanding request to be told one of the tales it was the bards job to memorize. These moments would give the unwanted a chance to slip away or on the moments of forced martial practice to flank and strike with all his might. As the years rolled on, she would sneak him food when he would starve and practice her weakest of magics to heal him. For over a decade, the child's skin grew thick in body and mind as he molded a burning hate for his father until finally he could take no more and challenged his father to a duel at the top of the wizards tower for all to see.

The cocky bard agreed for the chance to finally be rid of the stain to his bloodline in a way that even the demon couldn't refute and even made great mockery as the boy had to snap an copper tipped longspear in half just to wield it properly. Under the rolling storm of their skygod, both climbed the outside of the tower from opposing sides and faced off on the sloped tile roof. Like an ape, the boy threw himself at his father in a barbaric rage to begin climbing up the man to plant the jagged wood into the collarbone like a flag of first blood, then the lightning struck.

The tallest point for miles, with a skeleton of steel and a copper tipped pole sticking out. The skygod judged the man and found him weak while the son emerged transformed from the ordeal as he climbed back down with his fathers body to begin the funeral pyre.But he wasn't done yet.

Since the founding of the tower, the Tarrock clan has started forging their own items mostly by casting stolen molten metals into molds. Sinder took one such mold and set it under the pyre with some guiding troughs so that as his fathers melting bones would drip into the mold to shape them into a weapon that would be far too large for him to use if not for his over-sized arms. He took his father as a weapon and seeks to earn his father's pride by dragging him from fight to fight to show him just how strong his son truly is. He asked for the shaman's daughter to come with him, but she refused. With Coldbones dead, she could become the new skald of the tribe and escape the life of the witch. She wouldn't go with him but he freed her all the same.

Sadly, it seems that draging your murdered fathers melted bones around seems to garner some bad karma in the form of the restless spirit of that same father haunting you for the rest of your days. While not able to physically abuse him anymore, he settles for the constant jeering and sewing of verbal discord in his child’s ear. Now he could leave the weapon behind in a riverbed and be done with it but some strange contractual compulsion of pride keeps him attached to the tool of war to prove to the spirit he is worthy.

One of the first places he went to was the halfling village of his mother. He explained his situation and came to learn of the other side to his family tree. Unfortunately the village was besieged upon by gnolls and if he wanted to earn his place amidst the halflings then he would help with the looming danger or there would be nothing to learn.

Using the skills he honed hiding from his father, he slipped to the gnoll encampment at a cavern which wasn't much of a cave at all, it was a deep windbreak with a tree growing above it and that gave him an idea. He asked that every halfling follow him and bring a bucket of water.

He took the greatest risk and felled the scouts by himself. While nursing a few wounds, he dug at the earth before the tree with his sword and filled the hole with water, then he would cut at the softened mud with more ease and add another bucket to the new earth. Over and over he hacked away and continued to ass water to the earth under the trees roots.

His time in the hills had seen many roads blocked by a felled tree whose earth could no longer hold the weight of the wood and even the roots themselves lending to the weakening of the soil it clung to. So it was that he brought the great oak crashing down atop a hundred gnolls with he rapidly collapsing roof to add to it. While a good plan, it didn't kill many gnolls. But, in the confusion he only had to pick them off in much smaller numbers than taking on the whole pack by himself. By the rising sun, the fallen tree was bearing strange fruit with blood in the leaves and blood at the root.

While far more grisly than ever expected, they cant say they were surprised by a man who melted his fathers bones to make a sword. But while he had used a mold to cast the blade, civilization had much to teach him as the family of his mothers were blacksmiths who took the rough blade and made it into a masterwork greatsword. They told him of the much larger world he would have to be a part of if he wished to be more than just a 'tiny titan'.

They gave him some leather armor they cobbled together from the gnoll treasures and gave him back a blade with a far superior balance and a dulled forte for him to use both hands. Now having a home, he had the chance to settle down and have a halfling cook for him 11 times a day. But now that he knew of a wider world out there, he wanted to see it. He chose to join a caravan, like his mother, and travel to Costa for the other halfling-strong area with plans to caravan north through Roh and come back up to Avilon.

Finally, fate has brought him here before the lord of the land with a chance for great honnor or power. He is a man of simple needs and so his request is stronger enchantments for his blade and a title of nobility to claim the area of his tribe's wizard tower as his own private land beyond protestation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: "Jericho Kaite" (Kaitra J. Elzbrn)
Age: 45 (Equivalent to 25ish with the elven side)
Height: 1.78m
Weight: 61.2kg (Toned elven physique)
Class: Knight
Race: Half-elf (Human Father/Elf Mother)

Weapons & Equipment
-Steel roundshield (blacksteel front with signs of a crest that had been pried out and filed down to unrecognizable scuffs)
-Masterwork longsword
-Silver Shortsword (sheathed in shield)
-The remnants of The Black Knight of Ispar's Thornplate and shield

Bio: There began a legend that was whispered in the of Ispar some 15 years ago of a romance between a Human magician and an Elven blacksmith. That was the point when the tragedy began to come to light, and the good people of that frozen town woke up to the tale I intend to tell...

I remember watching mother train father with the sword. Sometimes the bark of wooden swords upon each other would wake me in the morning and I would watch their dance. He wasn't much, physically, heh...but he loved to cheat. With his magic, that is...
Love bound them, even after my brother was killed by the guard over petty theft.
I didn't see much of father after that, and one day, he simply never returned. Mother told me that he had left to settle the score with the man who put my brother up to the task. Soon afterwards, she wished for me to let her train me to be as good of a knight as father had come to be, so that I may use it to good unto the world where evil would manifest as your friend from birth...
I'd received my fair share of lumps and scratches from training, but I wore them like a tabard. I knew what I was doing, and so did the guard who thought I could benefit more from 'proper' training. Unlike my classmates, my first kill didn't come until it was far too late for me to learn the weight of my actions.

There was a rumor of a man clad in ebony black steel who wielded both sword and magic to accost students who hoped to make pilgrimage to the universities of Ispar. Convinced that the lead I had was solid, I hunted the rogue knight. I was certain, at first, that is was just a spook story of a bandit chieftain...until I was knee deep in my men's blood and charred remains. Every swing the man took was deliberate and calculated, though I was never harmed; a mistake I capitalized on...and a mistake on my end which proved to be my own undoing.
There did lie in the suit of steel, my father. I was so foolish, barely over myself to be able to hear anything he said. Angry, ashamed...I rejected him in the moment. I'm sure he had a reason for his actions. Rage against the town and wanting to ward off travelers in the hopes to cripple the economy? Senile descent? Inlaced evil? Some combination?
Before I could collect myself enough to ask, he was gone...leaving me in a field of scarlet-stained snow and a half tattered suit of my father's armor.
I stole what I could...and that's how the song truly ends, as I fled for Alvion with the gold wrenched from the frozen figures of the already cold corpses...and enough shame that I feared the ship would simply sink from the burden I had since come to terms with...mostly. The armor is a constant reminder. Of also, the mother who's thought the last of her family dead at the hands of her insane husband.

Her travels from port would lead Kaite through various odd jobs dealing with bandits along the way where her craft was more thoroughly honed. Ultimately, she seeks redemption for a family name she has long since abandoned. Lack of most motivation, she's partially given in to the will of the armor to seek out challenges.
Wherever they may hide, and wherever her subconscious can be manipulated to look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mortimer
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Mortimer Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Manawyddan Fab Llyr is his real name, but he is known as "DarkNite".
Age: 40
Height: 1.92m
Weight: 115 kgs.
Class: Wizard
Race: Acquired powers of an elf, physical composition of a human.
Weapons & Equipment: DarkNite has a large staff made of refined oak, ornamented with rubies and holding a large gem at the end, which holds half of his power. This gems is actually the other half of the gem that he holds in the hat he is wearing, which is his source of magic.
Skills and Abilities: DarkNite main abilities refer to dark magic and illusions. With his staff (or without it as long as he has the gem), he is able to cast spells to confuse his opponent, as well as summoning dark creatures and mystical dark masses to crush or severely damage his enemy. DarkNite's abilities work best on regular humans with no defense to magic, but the stronger the human is (and the more adept to withstanding magic he is) the less effect his abilities do. His spells are also negated by the power of light. He has 4 main abilities:
Dark Matter: DarkNite summons a dark mist around his opponent. Within a fraction of a second, the mist becomes extremely dense and crushes his opponent to the floor, additionally squishing anything below it. He can also summon it on the air.
Tainted Mind: While DarkNite does not control his enemy's mind, he creates a false reality of what is going on, one that is the complete opposite or one that is a horrifying nightmare. This can also cause an unbearable head-ache.
Shadow: DarkNite sends a shadow that travels to his enemy's position and then engulfs him. Then, more 'shadowy' creatures emerge from the large shadow and hold their unwary prey, clawing him/her and waiting for their lord to beliver a deadly blow.
Wicked Strike: DarkNite charges a dark sphere on his staff and then shoots it at a high speed, hitting everything on the way and burning it.
Bio: Llyr was born in Naveroth. He was the offspring of a raped elf a land-lord, a member of the high royalty. He was overlooked his whole life and hated by many. He had magic powers but looked like a human? He was a beast who had to be exterminated. His father did not approve of his son wanting to study the magic arts, and as soon as the boy turned 15, his father left him to die on the outskirts of Naveroth. Llyr wandered for years the darkest zones of his hometown, eventually learning more and more about himself and how he could produce magic spells. However, he became interested in the dark arts in a way that was not evil. He just wanted to know about them, but he did not want to use them to hurt or wreck havoc. He did not want to resemble the despicable human being his father had been. Years went by and Llyr managed to unlock his full potential on mastering the dark arts. This brought some bad consequences, but willing to undo them, he spent the rest of his life as a vigilante; hunting or apprehending the evil-doers when the law would fail to do so.

DarkNite's alter-ego/evil persona.
Weight: Unknown
Class: Dark Archmage
Race: Mixture between demon and human.
Weapons & Equipment: When DarkNite morphs into his dark side, he becomes bigger and stronger. His staff grows in size, his gems do as well and become part of his body, empowering his abilities. He also gains a metallic armor.
Skills and Abilities: Unknown. All that is known is that DarkNite's abilities become incredibly powerful.
Bio: When experimenting with dark spells, DarkNite managed to merge a morph spell, a shadow spell and a mind control spell all at the same time. The result was that he became the person he always feared and denied to become, an entity only known as Nitemare. Nitemare is the evil side of DarkNite who rarely (if ever) comes to life. His powers are beyond DarkNite's imagination. However, DarkNite is not aware of this side of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magnato


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Potnia Theron
Age: 23
Height: 1,87m
Weight: 81 kg
Class: Druid

Weapons & Equipment: Along with the basics of a explorer, like rations, a canteen, druidic components and ropes she has the following equipment:
- Leather Armor
- Quarterstaff
- Sling

Skills and Abilities: She has a basic set of druid abilities, she can control nature to some extent (Cast twigs to entangle enemies, call thunders and winds, create a bark-like aspect in her skin), can speak with animals and shapeshift once per day into small mammals who can't fly and knows a lot about poison and healing. Thanks to her life in a small village she knows a lot about hunting and living off the land.

She mostly uses her staff defensively and has little martial training with other weapons.

Bio: She knows only two things about her parents: That they were part of a merchant caravan crossing Naveroth and that they lost their daughter along the way. She doesn't remember how, but that happened, she was found in the wilds a few days later by some elves and they decided to take her in. Of course living a community that disliked humans were hard, but she was a strong girl and always did the chores she received.

Her diligent behavior took the interest of some elves, one in particular offered her a start into his druidic circle. The training from there on was hard, she was sent across the swamp to deal with beasts five times her size, she would eat poisonous herbs just to train her body's resistance and at times she was left completely bare in the middle of the wild and had to survive by herself.

It took her 10 years to fully become a started druid, but at the age of 20 she was finally accepted into the circle. She could keep her training there but she felt like she needed more, she wanted to know the world, its deserts, its forests, its islands and its sea, the druids felt that it was natural, but in exchange asked for her to promise that no matter what her home would always be the village. To that she answered "My home is also the village" (And everywhere else in the world)

She did a few simple jobs with parties, nothing too amazing but enough to get her a call for the matters in Bishop Isles
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