Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Richard Erik O'Reilly.
Age: Nineteen.
Sex: Male.
Sexual/Romantic Preference: Bisexual Biromantic.

Diagnosis: Antisocial Personality Disorder/Explosive Anger Disorder.
Circumstance of Break: History of violence when unprovoked, the last straw being a skirmish with a teacher in which he tried to pry their eyeball out with a tool he stole from his science class.
Supernatural Identity: Half demon.
Stay Length: Four months.


Intelligent and charming, the boy has always proven to be incredibly engaging when approached and often had a knack for holding conversation with all who would offer it to him. It wasn't hard for him to get the conversation that he avidly craved and he often seemed to shine wherever he was in life. The kind of kid that teachers praised for his intelligence but were inherently weary of for his seemingly troubled behavior.
Though he's warm and friendly to those he tries to earn the trust of, he seems ready to snap on a dime, and when he does snap, there's often no stopping him. He becomes very cold very quickly and his entire mannerism changes so sharply and so suddenly that it could be deemed disturbing. It only lasts in short bursts and gets replaced by morbid humor. Often making light of his bad behavior, he's definitely not a friend that anyone has the patience for.


Born to a fairly normal family, he lived what most would consider a normal life and he was a very bright child who was teeming with ideas and imagination. A love for story books and learning, the child was cherished by his mother and father and there was no reason to believe that there was ever anything off about him. It wasn't until he started school that he started acting out, childish acts of bullying which often ended in skinned knees and tearful tattling. He learned to love sitting out during recess because it became kind of a theme.

The theme continued though his actions grew bolder and more violent, he became the bully that shoved students into lockers and started physical altercations rather than verbal. Usually found trailing after a more vocal bully, he was the added force to any scary team and he was scary.

His actions were brushed off like most bullying and he went through school being one person to the teachers and a completely different person to the students who irked him. Until one day, he had been lurking around the science room and found himself compelled to hide the sharp scalpel from the dissections into the pocket of his jeans as he made his way to the next class.

It was the strangest urge but he found himself compelled to it. The teacher had just chose the wrong time to approach him, he snapped, barreled her over and with some animalistic force, he found himself trying to pry the eye from her face with uneven jabs of the scalpel. He was dragged off of her by the school officer, still writhing and trying to grab for the scalpel.
That landed him here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Avery Jacob Myers.
Age: Eighteen.
Sex: Male.
Sexual/Romantic Preference: Asexual Gray-Aromantic.

Diagnosis: Avoidant Personality Disorder.
Circumstance of Break: A catastrophic meltdown in the midst of a school dance.
Supernatural Identity: Seer - Ability to see past and future events upon the touch of another being.
Stay Length: Two months.

Personality: Eccentric and excitable, the boy is known for his exuberance to become very interested in just about anything. The type of person that you could tell any small accomplishment to and receive heavy praise from. Dripping with natural kindness, it's hard to expect that anything could be different about this boy from any other highschooler.
Though he's plagued with a kind of hesitance in social settings, often not going out of his way to try to introduce himself, though it can be seen as a shyness of some sort. Quiet and observant, he is extremely friendly when approached but reluctant for emotional or physical endeavors.

Biography: Born with a natural drive to explore the unknown, Avery became aware of his powers at a very early age and learned that the only way to keep himself sane was to refrain from engaging himself in social structure and he became very good at it. His family wasn't much of a large family, a single mother and a pair of younger siblings who often liked to get on his nerves but he was a good older brother to them.

He went through his life with a withdrawn approach and nobody ever seemed to bother him until the day of the school dance. His mother was excited to introduce him to a girl that she practically begged him to take and he went along with it, trying to keep his thoughts drawn and it went fine until she asked him to dance.

The first touch of her hands was fine, just a jolting memory of her childhood in tones of gold and green but when his arms found her waist, he was bowled over. It was a future event, a trauma and a knife, screaming and stumbling, choking on blood. He was trying to see through the scene but the colors were too bright and suddenly everything around him was full of the agony coursing through his stomach and he was crumpling to the ground.

The screaming and the tears were coming from him and the dance seemed to halt around him, a thousand eyes and dim lighting was the only thing in his sight now. There was no knife and there was no blood on the stomach he was clutching, he couldn't stop screaming and sobbing when the finally wheeled him off.

Reluctantly, his mother agreed to send him to Lyle's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Sophia Mistly
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Sexual/Romantic Preference: Straight

Diagnosis: Borderline Personality Disorder
Circumstance of Break: One morning, Sophia was found in her bed covered in blood, wounds all over her body.
Supernatural Identity: Shadewisp (Sophia can manipulate shadows and darkness, even converting her body into shadow to a limited extent. However, this ability can only be used when her body is in a relatively dark environment. When exposed to even normal amounts of light, her abilties are inactive and her physical strength is less than even that of a normal girl of her size.)
Stay Length: 6 months
Likes: Sweets, plushies, sleeping, and darkness.
Dislikes: Other people, being honest, and light.

Personality: The stablest thing about Sophia's mood is its instability; she can go from quiet contentment to rage in an instant. As a pathological liar, she is adept at hiding her feelings, but never forgets who it was that upset her. She has been plagued with depression and trust issues for the majority of her life, and finds it nearly impossible to be positive or feel safe in the company of others. Though she is usually aloof and calm, on occasion she can become surprisingly aggressive.

Biography: Sophia the only child of a very wealthy couple, both of whom are the CEOs of the companies they work for. As a result, she scarcely ever spends time with her parents. Therefore, she was practically raised by the nannies her parents hired to care for her. Once she became old enough to attend school, she was sent to a prestigious academy for children. There she never quite fit in; her interests were in reading and other solitary activities, which only earned her the scorn of her peers.

For the next decade, her life was stagnant; those around her at school were far more sociable than she, and she found herself perpetually excluded. At the same time, her school work became more demanding by the year. At the age of fifteen, Sophia snapped; she simply stopped doing her homework and took a strong interest in the occult. If none of the other kids would befriend her, she would just have to find companionship elsewhere. For a year, her search for the mysterious proved fruitless... until that one night, when a force from within threatened to tear her body to shreds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Avery Edgar Willson



Sexual/Romantic Preference

Uncontrollable Agression

Circumstance of Break
Lost his temper during one of his parents 'arguments' and ended up somehow blowing every light bulb and within their house as well as all electronic devices.

Supernatural Identity

Stay Length
5 months(subject to change)


Avery rarely speaks and is easy to startle. He's kind and loves to help when and however he can, however he shies away from those who wish to be friends. Some days he'll wake with dazed eyes and a black expression on his pale face, this is an indication that's he's had a nightmare of his past or has locked himself away for a bit.

Having parents always fighting whenever they entered the same room, Avery was skittish and quieter then the other students around him. He'd try his best to get along with others however if someone would attempt to touch him or seemed close to shouting, Avery would bolt away and curl up in a corner and hyperventilate(have a panic attack) until he either passed out from exhaustion or managed to calm down enough so he could drink a glass of water. As he grew up, he learned to distance himself from the 'arguments' his parents had, his episodes slowing until they finally stopped happening, he never knew that the fights his parents were having were merely small ones, child's play even. The one that took the cake was the one that happened two days after his 17th birthday, the day had started out fine, his mom left before his dad, neither speaking as they made their breakfast. Really after so many years, Damien should of known something big was coming, he found out his suspicion was right on the money when he entered his home. Shouting filled the air as well as the faint but prominent smell of alcohol and the faint underlayer of blood. Finding his parents in the kitchen with a broken bottle of wine pointed at one another, cuts on their cheeks and still screaming as if the bleeding made no difference, Avery lost it. Something seemed to snap inside as a scream migrated from the center of his stomach, up his lunges and throat and out his mouth. Everything stilled as something fast and hard struck the roof, a mere second passed before every window, light bulb and electronic device blew and the house was plummeted into darkness.

He'd managed to blink and take a breath before his world faded to black. He woke up in a room with a rotating fan and his belongings placed neatly by the foot of the bed. He only found out later that his parents told the police he'd snapped and had broken everything within sight with his bare hands, that would of explained the blood he found on his shirt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Lucas Samuel Daniels

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Sexual/Romantic Preference: Heterosexual

Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Circumstance of Break: Would hear him mumble and speak to 'people' only he seemed to see. Was found on the roof of high school on the ledge conversing with someone while his feet kicked from the edge.

Supernatural Identity: Necromancer

Stay length:
4 months


Lucas has always been quiet, only raising his voice when something upsets him. He hasn't spoken much since an incident that happened when he was eight however. He's kind to those who don't bother him and happily helps them out if they need it, he'll stay away from those who his friends think are bad or make him feel uneasy.

Lucas has lived with his grandparents since he was three years old due to a car accident that killed his parents, he's never really been the same after that. His first 'friend' was a girl who's arms were covered in bandages, he was four and had been left with a babysitter while his grandparents had gone out to have a reunion with their friends, they came back and found their grandson sitting on his bed and excitedly talking to someone he said was there. They ignored it and played it off as an imaginary friend, the babysitter refused to return saying that things had begun to move around the time Lucas had excitedly said he had a new friend. They asked him from time to time as he grew older how his friends were doing, he'd tell them bits of what they'd told him and would sometimes ask his friend to move something, most of the time an argument would begin that had things lifting or slamming around the house that would leave both speechless. When he reached his teenage years, Lucas became quite and would no longer speak about his friends out loud, sometimes coming home with bruises or blood on his face. They intervened when he came home clutching his chest and mumbling about "I tried, they just don't understand, I'll try again, I will." Both allowed him to continue school, quietly telling their family friend -Lucas' high-school guidance counselor- to keep an eye on him and make sure he was doing okay, he'd also been skipping lunch as well she tells them.

That's who they found him, on his schools roof with his feet hanging off the edge and cuts from earlier that were made by the bullies with their pocket knives showing across his pale wrists. He was taken and sedated as he tried to fight them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Josie123


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name:Serenity Madeline Alvarez



Sexual/Romantic Preference:Straight

Diagnosis:Delusional disorder. She also gets random heat waves.

Circumstance Of Break:

Was found in the middle of the woods late at night, curled up on the ground. She was sweaty, crying, and screaming in pain while saying 'It burns! My bones are breaking and burning!'. While being taken home, she attacked the people who found her, almost killing them in the process, out of random fear and anger.

Supernatural Identity:Werecat

Stay Length:Six Months(subject to change)


She is calm and quiet when she is by herself with no one close to her or paying attention to her. But if someone walks up to her and talks to her, she will be shy and on high alert for a few minutes no matter if she knows the person or not. After a few minutes of being like that, her moods will change what ever she feels like mostly.


When Serenity was just six months old, when her mother had decided she leave the family without any trace of where she went. Her father, left with the thought of his ex girlfriend leaving him with their child, had decided that it would be best to give away baby Serenity.

A woman had found a crying Serenity in a stroller at a local park at ten o'clock at night with a diaper bag beside her. A note was attached her explaining the whole situation for why she was left behind. Feeling pity for the baby, the woman had gladly taken Serenity under her wing.

This woman had taken care of Serenity since that very same day; being the mother Serenity needed in her life since the abandonment. Making Serenity the daughter she always wanted, but never had gotten.

At age thirteen, the woman (Actual name is Gracilda Ashton Alvarez) had decided it was time to tell the truth about how her and Serenity meet. This had left Serenity depressed for two years of her life. After leaving her depressing mood aside, she had started to feel like she was unwanted by everyone and everything. Basically making her insecure and having urges to be left alone.

As days went, Serenity's emotions started to change more than they should be doing. Then she started to get the random heat waves on her body that made her dizzy sometimes. Gracilda always thought it was normal and it would just past. So she did nothing to help her adopted daughter for what was happening to her.The day when she got the call on what Serenity actually did made that thought flow right out of her mind, bringing her right where she is today.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dewey Deftones
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Dewey Deftones Skidaddle Skidoodle

Member Seen 16 days ago

Name: Cyril Szabo
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Sexual/Romantic Preference: Homosexual

Diagnosis: Cannibalism, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (more obsessive than compulsive)
Circumstance of Break: Found by police to be consuming the dug-up corpse of a recently deceased man who had been buried a day prior, and while in custody was constantly searching for coins and threatening to harm the children of the officers. Cyril didn't come to until the morning after the incident.
Supernatural Identity: Ghoul
(Arabic culture; a type of shapeshifting demon, known for collecting coins, terrorizing children, and consuming the dead)
Stay Length: 3 months (Subject to change)

Likes/Dislikes: Likes hot/dry weather, shiny tokens such as coins or medallions, graveyards and such things associated with death. As well, he likes carnivorous foods such as steak, fish, etc, and will rarely eat any type of vegetable or fruit. Also likes learning about the human body. He dislikes being around multiple people for too long, when people touch his belongings without permission (though he's likely to refuse permission regardless of who it is). Also dislikes wet weather and large, open spaces. He likes to feel secluded.

Hobbies: Collects coins and other such tokens, and has a rather vast array of coins, which he organizes meticulously and never lets anyone do anything more than look at them. He studies human anatomy when he's not searching for coins, and will sometimes draw Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man on spare pieces of paper laying around. He used to enjoy hunting, but since he's at Lyle's, he obviously can't do that.

Personality: Generally a fairly sweet guy, Cyril is only limited by the stigma of what he was institutionalized for, and by his odd obsessions (coins, meat, human anatomy). He insists he's not cannibalistic, that he just had a mental lapse, and that he's not insane. As he'd say, "Collecting coins is a normal hobby, right?". He finds comfort in the familiarity of his collection, which is his reasoning behind his desperate searching for coins at the police station when the incident happened. Cyril tries to rationalize things, and likes to get straight to the point. He's convinced he doesn't have any real problems.

Biography: Given up at a mere age of 1 year, Cyril never knew and never cared to learn who his parents were. He was adopted, and his life as an orphan ended as quick as it had begun. His adoptive parents, who he always recognized as his real ones, lived out in the woods, just outside of a small town. His father was a hunter, and during deer season, they'd eat the meat and lots of it. Cyril was very fond of eating said meat, and even went out hunting with his father once he was old enough to withstand the kick of a rifle to his shoulder. He enjoys his meat cooked rare; any more than that and he doesn't enjoy it.

He always had a knack for finding loose change around the house, and even took a metal detector out into the forest where he lived in search of more. His parents thought nothing of it, since coin collection is a common hobby. When he turned 16, Cyril got a job as a waiter, and kept every single bit of change he got. To this day, he has over $400 in coins alone, not counting the value of old, outdated currency he's stumbled upon and kept in his collection.

He lived a relatively normal life, working a part time job, collecting coins, and eating local wildlife he and his father hunted. In school he excelled in his Biology and Anatomy classes, having a peculiar interest in the human body. It was, however, when his mother decided to take his collected money to the bank and deposit it into his bank account for him that set him off. She'd touched his belongings without his permission, and that screwed with his deepest obsession. In hysterics when he came home to find his entire collection of coins, aside from the ones no longer in circulation, gone, Cyril ran out of the house into the forests. He describes what happened as blacking out after being really pissed off. He doesn't remember anything aside from going into his room after his mother had taken his coins away. He was told he'd cannibalized a dead body, but refuses to believe he actually ate any of it, despite having been shown pictures of the body.

He was taken to Lyle's House shortly after the incident, and has thus far just been trying to prove he's not a cannibal, despite what his diagnosis is.
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