Lee "Lao" McLloyd
(He is no Katana wielding badass, that would be pretty boring)

Character Type:
Master of Lancer
McLloyd Family
201 lb
Place of Origin:
Lee was originally born into the Mik Family in it's main branch headquarters in Shanghai. Most of his child hood was spent learning the inner workings of Magecraft with his families teachers. But Lee was born an anomaly by Mik Family standards. He was blessed with 35 Magical Circuits instead if the normal 20 in compar to the rest of the Mik. Because of this, he become sort of a celebrity, but the glamor quickly dissaperaed as time went on. Lee soon went on to learn the Supreme Ultimate, the graphical representation of the Yin-Yang theory. In succession of learning this, Lee also learned the art Tai Chi, learning and mastering both its traditional and modern forms. Lee quickly became a prominent man in his family, and was soon sent to American to supervise the branch family there. Reasons for this are unknown, but Lee changed his last name to the branch families.
On the surface, Lee comes off as a rather silly and lighthearted person, frequently engaging in comical behavior and retaining his oft-present grin even while making threats. He displays a childlike amusement for new situations whether or not they prove adverse or even potentially fatal, he has a penchant for wandering off on his own. Even with all these idiosyncrasies, Lee is extremely personable and has a particularly complimentary nature that easily gains him the friendship and trust of those surrounding him.
Of course, these aspects hide the complex and determined young man underneath. On the reverse side of his frivolous nature is his considerable shrewdness, which makes him quite capable of reading people and situations. He is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival. Being singularly ambitious, Lee also has a remarkably tenacious will that allows him to overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles and accept inhuman burdens for the sake of his own ultimate goal. Lee has a considerable pride that will not stand for having his humanity insulted or condemned by his enemies, but Lee is also capable of shelving his pride if it becomes something that will stand in the way of his objective.
Lee is very protective of family and comrades, refusing to allow any harm to come to them and often deem their safety more important than his own in spite of his own personal ambitions and goals. Lee has to be reminded several times that his own safety is something upon which many people depend and he uses his loved ones as hid primary motivation when all hope seems lost. As such, he becomes furious when observing those who willingly or remorselessly cast aside their own comrades or brethren and is sickened by the idea of superiors who reject their duty to those who trust them.
Is a Chinese family that is considered elite in relation to the rest of the families. Despite this, they are extremely secretive and quite about there actions. They have no close ties to any families, opting to keep outside relations to a minimum. It's current head head Xhao Lin the Tenth. Despite this quiet and secretive nature, they are quite prominent in the Mage's Association. The Mik also have a branch family in America called the McLloyd, which Lee has come so supervise under the order of Xhao. The Mik Family has existed as far back as the start of the Tang Dynasty. Members of this family ate considered masters of the Supreme Ultimate.
Blood Type
Lee "Lao" McLloyd
(He is no Katana wielding badass, that would be pretty boring)

Character Type:
Master of Lancer
McLloyd Family
201 lb
Place of Origin:
Lee was originally born into the Mik Family in it's main branch headquarters in Shanghai. Most of his child hood was spent learning the inner workings of Magecraft with his families teachers. But Lee was born an anomaly by Mik Family standards. He was blessed with 35 Magical Circuits instead if the normal 20 in compar to the rest of the Mik. Because of this, he become sort of a celebrity, but the glamor quickly dissaperaed as time went on. Lee soon went on to learn the Supreme Ultimate, the graphical representation of the Yin-Yang theory. In succession of learning this, Lee also learned the art Tai Chi, learning and mastering both its traditional and modern forms. Lee quickly became a prominent man in his family, and was soon sent to American to supervise the branch family there. Reasons for this are unknown, but Lee changed his last name to the branch families.
On the surface, Lee comes off as a rather silly and lighthearted person, frequently engaging in comical behavior and retaining his oft-present grin even while making threats. He displays a childlike amusement for new situations whether or not they prove adverse or even potentially fatal, he has a penchant for wandering off on his own. Even with all these idiosyncrasies, Lee is extremely personable and has a particularly complimentary nature that easily gains him the friendship and trust of those surrounding him.
Of course, these aspects hide the complex and determined young man underneath. On the reverse side of his frivolous nature is his considerable shrewdness, which makes him quite capable of reading people and situations. He is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival. Being singularly ambitious, Lee also has a remarkably tenacious will that allows him to overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles and accept inhuman burdens for the sake of his own ultimate goal. Lee has a considerable pride that will not stand for having his humanity insulted or condemned by his enemies, but Lee is also capable of shelving his pride if it becomes something that will stand in the way of his objective.
Lee is very protective of family and comrades, refusing to allow any harm to come to them and often deem their safety more important than his own in spite of his own personal ambitions and goals. Lee has to be reminded several times that his own safety is something upon which many people depend and he uses his loved ones as hid primary motivation when all hope seems lost. As such, he becomes furious when observing those who willingly or remorselessly cast aside their own comrades or brethren and is sickened by the idea of superiors who reject their duty to those who trust them.
Is a Chinese family that is considered elite in relation to the rest of the families. Despite this, they are extremely secretive and quite about there actions. They have no close ties to any families, opting to keep outside relations to a minimum. It's current head head Xhao Lin the Tenth. Despite this quiet and secretive nature, they are quite prominent in the Mage's Association. The Mik also have a branch family in America called the McLloyd, which Lee has come so supervise under the order of Xhao. The Mik Family has existed as far back as the start of the Tang Dynasty. Members of this family ate considered masters of the Supreme Ultimate.
Blood Type