Senjin Sayama

15 | Sen or Jin | Health | Biology | ART CLUUUB | Tsundere mofo
Senjin is your average happy-go-lucky, loud-mouthed, boisterous teen. He is usually the speaker of the group, and chooses to act without a second thought. Pre-planning had never once occurred to him, in any case scenario, and decides to wing it most of the time. Senji had found this method worked out well for him, despite what other people may think. 'Socialite'- a label people seemed to have associated him with, never sounded too bad. After having been called a "raw dictator" once, he'd agreed on settling for just that. The boy was always fond of labels, because it gave him the chance to prove others wrong. It allowed him to reach above their standards and perhaps even soar higher. To others, he may seem like a blunt overachiever- but after all, he does like to have his fun every now and then. With an unpredictable personality, he is a delight to be around.
Senjin grew up a good listener, thanks to his Grandmother, who insisted that if he never followed her rules, she would take a slipper to his ass. That she did. It turned out well for him, at least. Other than that, he loves her deeply.
For the last 3 years the young boy had lived alone with his grandparents, due to the unfortunate event that caught both his parents in a mountain-hiking tragedy, which subsequently landed them in a vegetable state due to falling from a few hundred feet. Naturally, Senjin despised the few months he visited his parents- only to watch them lay still for hours on end. He grew tired and decided to make use of his life by working to get into college. With the slight independence his parents had left him with, he had learned how to bake and taught himself little Hangeul- a result of indulging in Korean girl-groups to set aside real-life struggles.