Are your tired of normal fantasy RPs? Well have I got the RP for you! No Dwarves! No Gnomes! No Elves! No Hobbits! Brand new races and concepts like you've never seen before!
The planet of Crawtorio

Honestly, I couldn't avoid it. It doesn't how different this RP is going to be from other fantasy RPs, it's gotta have magic. Magic is split into six different "flaps". Each of those flaps is set up into three "subflaps."

[hider=Casting Spells]
There are a few different materials in this magical world of Crawtorio. In addition, certain materials that wouldn't make sense to use in weapons/ armor (e.g. Silver, gold, wood) actually have some viable uses.

Magical resistance not only means that your armor protects you more from magic, but your damage to someone casting a spell or to something created from the spell.