Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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all of a sudden everything was slient. all slient. except the slow repetitive waves that crashed onto the beach shore.

Sayaka opened her eyes. staring up at the pure blue sky. ugh...where am I? Sayaka thought and lifted her head off of the sandy shore. she turned her head and looked around. their was nothing but a sandy beach and a forest of exotic trees. Sayaka clutched her head. She was wearing a school uniform

their was a small blue object in the ground. infact..it was Sayaka's soulgem. Sayaka grabbed it and looked at the gem. it had a gold frame around it in the shape of a egg. the Gem was a cyan color. Sayaka put the gem in her pocket.

Sayaka gotten up off of the Beach and then it hit her...Wheres the others? Sayaka looked around again but no one was their. well....this sucks. she whispered to herself and began to walk across the sandy shore. Madoka! Sayaka yelled out. Madoka! She yelled out again.

Goddamnit. She whispered as she kept walking across the beach. Anyone!. Sayaka grunted and kept walking across the beach. occasionally yelling out the names of her friends.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Mommy I don't wanna ride the pony...no...n-"

Wade Wilson or better known as Deadpool awoke to find himself on an island in the middle of the ocean the sun beating down on his backside and he was covered in seaweed.


Deadpool said as he got up wiping himself off.

"So I have to do this ugh I can always just-"

And then he noticed a part of his utility belt was broken: the teleportation device, Deadpool slapped a hand to his masked face.

"Well this is going to be a problem"

He looked around to find a girl yelling for a Mad- a Madyoo...

"How do even pronounce that?"

Deadpool said holding a script with a pair of small glasses on his mask which he threw both into the ocean.

"Well whatever at least we're not alone!"

Wade walked over to the girl who was now grumbling about some of her personal problems and he tapped her on the shoulder.


"Hey uh so yeah we're kinda stuck on an island so let's work together or something like that,"

He said with a bored yawn and a whimsical tone of voice.

"The names Deadpool or Wade but just call me Deadpool!"

And he looked at the girl skeptically and then said.

"And what's your name?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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Hipster Why did I name myself this?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sayaka kept walking until she felt someone tap on her shoulder, she immediately turned around to face the man who looked like he was some kinda Marvel superhero or something.

@Blackmist16 My names Sayaka and I also gotten lost on this island too. say deadpool. have you happened to see A girl about my age with Pink hair walk by?. Sayaka introduced herself to deadpool and reached out her hand for Deadpool to shake. So. Team?. Sayaka asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarkLord99
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DarkLord99 Akatsuki

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Madara woke up on grass, right in the middle of the island. He thought he was alone. His clothes were dirty for some reason. He started wondering how he had ended up in that area, and where he was before. He was confused. Madara tried to call for help. But there was no reply. He wasn't used to surviving and needed help. He then caught something move at the corner of his eye. As quickly as he can, He ran towards it. And he was surprised when he saw two people. Walking with each other. He soon realised that he had to talk to them, whether he's like it or not. As they could be helpful. So he gets ready and walks towards the two Strangers, "Hello, I'm Madara, I seem to be stuck in this mysterious place, could you please tell me where I am?"

The two people look at Madara in surprise. He looked so huge and dangerous, and they didn't know if they could team up with him or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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Hipster Why did I name myself this?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@DarkLord99@Blackmist16 Sayaka lowered her hand turned around to the man who looked like he definitely needed to cut his hair once in a while and then lifted both of her hands and performed something that was called a shrug Beats me, both of us don't know where the heck are. say, have you seen a girl my age of pink hair anywhere?.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarkLord99
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DarkLord99 Akatsuki

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Madara Looks at the girl in surprise, not knowing whether to answer her or not. He suddenly starts to speak "Sorry, But I just woke up, and haven't seen anyone" Madara starts to look around, he was hungry. He didn't know how long he had been unconscious. Probably for a whole day. He has never been this tired. He is one of the strongest shinobi of all time, and was surprised of how hungry/thirsty he is. He started to ask the girl "How are we going to survive this, We don't have food or water" Madara didn't know anything about survival, and started to ask many stupid questions. He definitely needed help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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Hipster Why did I name myself this?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@DarkLord99 well thats okay.Well I guess maybe we need to find food and water? Sayaka shrugged once more and told the small group of people that they obviously need to find food and water.

Sayaka stopped and thought for a minute does anyone know how to find food and water? @Blackmist16
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Deadpool just kind of pointed to the jungle casually not even looking at it, the. He said to Sayaka.


"Well there's always the dangerous and most likely to kill us option"

He said cheerfully, then he looked the guy who called himself Madara was wondering where he is.


"Well first off M-Mad- uh whatever I'll call you Murderer so first off we were wondering the same thing and secondary to that and most important why in hell's name did the author of my this setting make my teleportation belt not work,"

And Deadpool continued speaking to him.

"I am Deadpool and this Sayaka she does stuff I kill stuff what's your name pal?"

Deadpool asked "Murderer" guy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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Hipster Why did I name myself this?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

should I tell them?....maybe not..yeah that can wait. Sayaka thought a bit in her head, Thats me, the girl who does stuff Sayaka waved her hand to the Murderer guy in response to deadpool.

wait...whos the Author? Sayaka thought and then heard the sound of things rustling from a small green bush near the Lush green jungle of the Island. Sayaka turned around and stared at the bush and pointed to it, Theirs definitely something in that bush, I'm guessing its a animal and its eatable @Blackmist16@DarkLord99
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Dark yawned and sat up looking around surprised. It seemed that he was alive again, yet he couldn't sense the hero of time as he normally could. How very strange. He looked around and saw he was on some sort of beach, nearby a group of three people seemed to be conversing. Well he had no desire to do the same so he began walking inland wondering if he could find anything of interest. It seemed he had most of his equipment with him so that was good, why exactly was he here though...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sayaka mentioned eatable and Deadpool thought killable but they were two very different minds.


"I can guarantee it probably will either be something completely horrific or it's just a bunny rabbit"

He said as he stood there casually tapping his foot with impatience, he had noticed the Emo cosplayer dude walk off but I don't think it would bode well with the Emo if they tried to follow him most everyone would die...all except Deadpool sadly because of his regenerative capabilities, and that would most likely lead to the Emo cosplayer becoming even more annoyed so he let him go wherever he was going which was probably to his death whereas really if Deadpool actually died he could probably just woo death as he always did and maybe even save his new friends.

"Anywho who is for killing whatever is in the bush say I I!"

He said excitedly raising his hand as if in vote.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Count Vladra Helcrest awoke in a forested area of the island. Drawing his sword he looked around 'by the endless were am I?' he thought to him self walk deeper into the forest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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Hipster Why did I name myself this?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

and then suddenly a medium sized green reptile hopped out of the bush, not just any reptile it was a raptor, it immediately jumped up in the air flying straight towards deadpool, Another Raptor hopped out of a green bush and another,

before the group could notice they were completely surrounded by a gang of 9 Reptillian creatures known as Raptors, one of the Raptors had a navy blue streak on its head.

I! Sayaka yelled and reached her hand into her pocket taking out a blue gem with a golden frame around it, She held it up in the air with her right hand and in a blinding white glow her school uniform was changed to a Blue leather breastplate with a white skirt, a cape Materialized on Sayakas back, the soul gem glowed white and disappeared, only to reappear on Sayaka's belly button.

A Sword appeared in Sayakas hand, Sayaka grabbed the handle of the sword with one hand, her face almost immediately turned from a Smile to a serious stare. @Blackmist16@DarkLord99@Eklispe
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dead pool had minor trouble prying the Raptor off his face but it prevailed after the fifth try and he had no time to rest so he did a back flip away from the small creatures and pulled out his two swords as he landed.

"I'm so awesome"

He said to himself, he was instantly attacked by another Raptor who he had to behead in order to kill it and another who he cut in half he sheathed his swords and pulled out his two hand guns.

"Eat lead Mother$&@%ers!"

And he shot one clean in the head and it dropped he shot another who had to take another shot to die, a Raptor bit his leg as he tried to shoot and he misfired and hit a tree instead aggravated he decided to grab it by the mouth and pry its jaws open which took great effort but worked and he let go of the jaw and grabbed it by the neck held it in the air and threw it up in the air and shot it as it fell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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Hipster Why did I name myself this?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A raptor ran towards Sayaka, Sayaka immediately turned around to face the creature who by the time she faced the raptor the raptor had already pounced on her and pinned her onto the ground, Sayaka's sword flew out of her hands in a arc and disappeared in a white glow.

Sayaka grunted in response and a small dagger appeared in her hand, Sayaka flicked her hand and the knife flew straight through the raptors head, piercing straight through the reptiles head leaving a hole on the backside of the reptiles neck, Blood whipped at Sayakas face leaving a red crimson streak of blood.

Sayaka immediately gotten up only to be attacked by, yet another raptor. a sword materialized in Sayaka's hand in just enough time to block the creatures slash. Sayaka counter-attacked the Reptile with a clean cut through the creatures head. decapitating the thing in one slice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Dark turned back at the loud sound of animals in pain and loud booming noises. It seemed the group had been set upon by creatures that looked like small dondongos. Since they and already killed around 5 out of the 9 that beset them they were clearly more than a match for the creatures. But it did warn him that this place was dangerous, he proceeded inland more cautiously. Through the trees he glanced a heavily armored warrior with a massive sword but he had even less desire to talk to this one than the others so he continued on his way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DarkLord99
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DarkLord99 Akatsuki

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Madara was not worried or scared of how dangerous this island could be. He had never been scared in his life, and he obviously would never be. Madara told the group of people that he'd protect them if there was an attack. He is really strong and fast. And nothing could touch him or even get closer to him. He could sense attacks from a large distance. But didn't warn the other group because he wanted to test their strength. He was impressed. Madara was prepared for a huge attack, and knew that this is not just the beginning, as there would be huger, fiercer creatures that could be impossible to defeat. He thought to himself "This is not just the beginning". He suddenly caught something moving, far in the distance between the trees. He readied his fists, and waited as that huge armored beast approaches him with his giant sword...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avalant


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"FOR THE EMPEROR!" Erica yelled as she charged across the line, chainsaw bayonet brought to bare on the small Tau squad. Suddenly an object landed next to her foot, then white

A red haired woman awoke on the shores of an unknown island. Mystery surrounded her as there was no sign of wreckage or means of how she even got there. Sitting up, she moaned and rubbed her aching head. "By the Emperor.... where am I?" she groaned aloud, glancing around. She picked up her over-charged las gun and helmet before moving inland. Erica crept through the forest, staying low and being vigilant. Suddenly she heard something and immediately hid. A human looking creature, with nearly black skin and red eyes made its way through the forest.

"Could that be... a human tainted by chaos? Perhaps.... Well... the fact remains that its either a filthy xeno or a corrupted human. Right then!" she thought to herself, watching the creature. Suddenly she burst forth from the foliage, charging towards the creature, las gun blazing. "DIE YOU FOUL CREATURE!!!" she yelled as she ran.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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Hipster Why did I name myself this?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Both fear and anger were rushing through Sayaka's veins at the moment. out of nowhere the blue streaked raptor's teeth latched on to Sayaka's arm ripping off a large chunk of her arm, the weird thing was, Sayaka didn't feel any pain at all just a numb feeling coming from her arm.

Sayaka Held her arm out and sent her sword straight through the beasts Heart, Sayaka quickly looked at her arm in horror and realized that their was a large chunk of her arm missing. but however she noticed that her arm was actually growing back, in fact it was regenerating.

Sayaka turned around and noticed all the raptors around her were gone. the last ones stared Madara with a drooling hunger. @DarkLord99@Blackmist16
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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A loud crashing sound alerted Dark to the presence of something or someone else and he instantly rotated to face the possible threat. At the clearly aggressive intent and the girl clearly wielding some sort of ranged weapon Dark brought up his mirror shield deflecting the shots with ease and charging the unknown gun girl. When in range for a melee attack he would simply conduct a horizontal diagonal slash in aims of slicing her from her right hip to her left shoulder. As the hero of time did Dark had his sword in his left hand and his shield in his right.

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