Name: Tordor
Nicknames: The Pistol Wraith, The Shapeless Man, Gravewalker
Age: Approximately 500 years
Race: Assumed Human, Revenant
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Place of Birth: Unknown
Eye Color: Dark Brown to black
Height: 5’11
Arm Length: 35 inches
Arm Reach: 73.2 in'
Weight: 165 Ib
Hair: Black
Class: Slayer, Mercenary
Appearance: Tordor physically resembles a human with African american features in his early to mid twenties. His hair is dark black and shaved short; his face possessing no significant facial hair of any kind. His build is athletic leaning toward lean, with fairly broad shoulders and chest. His skin is a dark caramel complexion, his overall features giving a deceiving baby face innocence about him. His muscular build aside, he dresses in a obviously Victorian style. Wearing a long black Great Coat that he always leaves unbuttoned and open in the front.
The border of this coat is a tad tattered at the bottom edges revealing its age. Once more he wears a long sleeved button tunic, with a leather shoulder guard on his right shoulder. The shoulder guard is reinforced with a metallic skin strengthened by titanium fibers. His trousers are also in the old Victorian style that match his black leather suede boots perfectly. His coat, shirt, and gloves are all a tame dark black color. His most visible adornment, however, is his curled wide brimmed hat with a single feather in the classic musketeer style. At last he carries a strange looking sword on his back supported by a stranger looking sheath that seems to sport metal components and a small clockwork wheel near the base.
Personality: Torder is a man of much inner turmoil and mystery. In fact he is much a mystery to himself. He carries himself with the bearings of a gentleman, even going so far as to avoid fighting women out of respect. He generally avoids confrontation, always seeking the most diplomatic solution to a problem. However, when words fail he does not hesitate to act, or even react, violently if needed. He shows no mercy when in battle, but is not above sparing those he finds worthy.
Armor- Tordor’s great coat is woven of a rare arachnid spiders web silk that is even more resilient than normal spider silk. Making it 10 times stronger than Kevlar by weight. Which leads to an ultra-lightweight, super-strong armor that protects against bullets and shrapnel; as well as cutting and piercing weapons. The protection works by spreading out the blunt trauma so that the force is not received in one focused spot. The thinness of the coat prevents it from countering pure bludgeoning force. Tordor also wears forearm bracers that like his right shoulder guard, are made of a combination of hard leather and woven titanium.
Field Emitter- Worn in the form of a simple leather built with Mechanical components. This emitter mimics the effects of a true warcasters power field in a short burst of energy. The edge this gives in a tight spot, and the portability of such devices has made them a popular niche product for non-warcasters going up against long odds The otherwise unimposing thick steel rod built into the belt of this device sports a two sectioned grip halfway along its 1ft length that reaches around to Tordors left side and an arcane emitter recessed into one end. Within however are layers of runeplate’s around a disposable runelock capacitor. Focusing nether into the device causes it to clockwise rotate the capacitors rings into alignment, activating the device. Thus creating a momentary shield of pure energy, also, due to power source, the field has a rather negative effect on living beings who are exposed to it for long periods. The field does not last long enough to be used offensively in this manner, but prevents it from being used by a living operator.
Gear- Tordor wears two Cryx Holsters on each side of his waist. The Cryx Holster is an oversized pistol holster that is able to automatically reload the weapon. In essence each holster is a Mechanikal device that harvests ether and converts it into nether energy which Tordor can manipulate at will into deadly ammunition which he calls razor rounds. The pistols can hold up to eight shots before needing to cool-down for two posts.
Hoverboard- Tordor makes use of a hover-board empowered by his own manipulation of the nether. As a Mechanikal device, it can holster and store itself into a compact frame and remain at the small of Tordor's back. He can free it so that it can extend to its full length. The device itself looks to possess a number of conduits and metal parts. Once freed it can levitate as high as 100 feet in the air and be used for personal transportation, traversing all kinds of terrain at speeds up to 500 mph. It is steered and operated by thought by its driver.
Blood Drinker- The bastard sword holstered on Tordor's back is indeed no normal weapon of mundane craft. Tordor himself is not fully away of it’s origins but knows what it is capable of. Forged in the heart of a dying star with the bones of an ancient cosmic dragon, an Eldritch horror older than time itself sought to create a weapon to his own liking. It’s purpose unknown to all but him. Melded from dragon bone, the blade of the weapon is harder than diamond, while the malign spirit of the dragon itself, trapped within by the Eldritch gods power, spreads a toxic aura around itself extending some 6 feet from the blade. Like its name suggest, the blade feeds off of the living. Even the living dead exposed to the weapon for too long can feel its ill effects.
Its edge is sharp enough to rend through leather or wood with ease, while it’s corrosive nature allows it the cutting power to sunder thin iron or steel if wielded with enough strength. While near unbreakable, it is not wholly indestructible. The cosmic energies manifested within the blade however, allow the spirit of the dragon to slowly mend or even repair the blade whole again. The sheath is specially blessed and consecrated, while itself being a highly advanced piece of clockwork. The sheath is capable of opening itself when triggered allowing the easy drawing of the weapon even from Tordor's back surprising his foes
The sheath protects him from the blade day to day, when unleashed however, the full power of the sword can be manifested. The hilt, cross-guard, and handle are components of Mechanika, rune plates are fused into the blade itself, an accumulator allows the control and storing of the swords powers. Finally the ring guard is a arcane conduit of sorts that channels Tordor's own power into the sword in the form of nether. This means he can cause the weapon to catch black fire, which burns and eats through anything it touches. But it cannot spread like normal fire without a charge. Due to the life draining effect of the sword however, it punishes those who block and parry this weapon. The sword itself is 51 inches long, while being approximately 3.5 cm in width. The sheath also has a trigger mechanism built into it, when the sword is sheathed, Tordor can activate the sheath to draw ether into the blade to form into nether.
Minx and Pixie- Tordor carries with him two magelock pistols that carrying the soul of a master pistol duelist in each. Their real names long forgotten, they allow Tordor to channel his powers directly into the pistols in order to fire them. Each pistol roughly resembles a Victorian era single shot pistol. However, each has a clockwork device built into them near the base above the grip that resembles a revolvers base with eight shots. The pistols can fire two shots a second of pure nether bolts. These have the power of a cannon shot (they lack the impact power of a cannon keep in mind, as they tend to pierce right through a target.) in the form of a small amethyst ball of energy. As nether, they drain life and corrode anything they come into contact with, in addition to the raw damage they bring. Torder has learned a few tricks to increase the power they bring through charges. They do not follow the normal laws of projectiles as they hold no weight in themselves, meaning no bullet drop or change in trajectory due to outside sources like wind. Overuse of these pistols however, will cause them to burn out forcing him to swap them out with his sword and allow their inherent spirits to mend themselves.
There are many types of undead, some are born through magic, others are spawned by other undead who have killed a living target only for it to rise again in their shape, others still are undead who are brought back to life by acts of a god, or even acts so horrific they are unable to pass on, others are those who cling to life through sheer willpower and refuse to die. Tordor is the last of these cases. Scholars call such individuals simply ‘The Undying.’ Rare individuals who possess such strong souls as to refuse to leave their mortal coil and thus achieve a painful form of immortality. In the end what is death? The stilling of the heart and mere absence of visible life? When does death even occur? Such questions Tordor has asked himself, but he hardly cares at this point.
Even so, had not an eldritch parasite not happened upon Tordors broken body, he would have remained nothing more than an incorporeal spirit. The ‘Black Blood’ is a being that now inhabits the shell of Tordors old body, feeding off his pain and misery. However, this being is in truth more symbiotic for it repairs and strengthens Tordors dead frame. As a revenant of sorts empowered by the nether as well as the strange being within him, Tordor is seven folds stronger than a mortal man; he can bench press 800 Ibs with ease. His speed has also been changed, no longer held back by the weaknesses of a living body, he can run in excess of 45 mph without needing to rest.
His experience with nether and training have also given him unnatural reaction speeds as well as a unique awareness of his surroundings. His sense of smell and hearing are only slightly above average for a human, however. It should be noted that due to the mutations of the black blood, Tordor does not require full eyes to see, nor ears to hear due to his state of undeath. Tordor is also capable of binding his enemies' feet to the earth via black flame if his opponents walks over it.
When trying to understand the Black Blood, the first step is to understand that Tordor, Blood Drinker, and the Black Blood are separate entities, existing in the same body. Tordor is the body, the receptacle of the Black Blood and Blood Drinkers hatred. Blood Drinker is contained within both the sword as well as the Black Blood, and thus, is the main controller of the substance. Which it has bleed into over time.
Under Blood Drinker's control, the Black Blood itself both protects Tordor from physical harm and provides a degree of healing, and it can be hardened to provide massive reductions in damage when hit. It is not clear if Blood Drinker does so because it needs a wielder, or that Tordors destruction means it's own, or that perhaps the being within the blood itself influences Blood Drinker. Another unique trait of this pairing is that even after the blood has left the body, through something like a cut, it still retains its ability to be controlled. This is due to Blood Drinker and the Black Blood being spiritually linked, as he himself is contained within it. This means that the Black Blood can be manipulated into varying shapes and forms, like needles and blades, which allows Tordor to focus on attacks using Blood Drinker's sword form while simultaneous attacks are provided from the blood present in the surrounding environment. It also serves as a counter-attack when Tordor is wounded. Note carefully that the Black Blood itself cannot move, (unless it is touching Tordor) and the ability to spike out, and pierce objects is controlled completely by Blood Drinker, who is bound to the Black Blood within Tordor. Thus Tordor himself can not easily use his own blood to fight offensively.
Blood Drinker’s Weapon form can be completely coated in Black Blood, which is a single prep to do so (which would involve Tordor cutting himself or using nearby blood). In this mode this means that it can change shape and can infect anyone that it cuts. The Black Blood cells on the sword can also vibrate, acting with a chainsaw-like effect. This is achieved through the use of nether energy, but can be very draining to maintain.
Limitations- Tordor himself while undead, is not subject to the same weaknesses of a living man. Such as the need of air, or the requirement of sustenance, and poisons are of no use on him. His true weakness lies in the need for black blood for locomotion. The more damage he takes, the more blood he loses, thus the weaker he grows until his eventual defeat. As well, the removal of his head would instantly destroy him, or simply removing all his limbs. The destruction/removal of his heart, the main conduit of his blood, would greatly weaken him. Should he lose his heart and two organs, this would mean a significant loss of his black blood and thus spell his defeat.
As well divine magic is as effective on him as other undead, though he has the option of some protection from it through the use of the Hollow Saint. Black Blood also, as noted before, cannot move on it's own, and can be made inherent through the use of divine magic.
Sword Master- Having been a solider for most of his life, Tordor is a skillful swordsman, being very proficient at using both swords and daggers. Due to being the Captain of the Cygnar Infantrymen, he is skilled in the use of pistols. Tordor also demonstrates a natural aptitude for the ways of the sword. He is able to wield Blood Drinker with great proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing him to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimate large objects or areas using nether charges, cutting through hard materials such as stone, and even hold back his strength to deal damage to his foes without killing them.
Due to countless decades of experience Tordor is also able to operate with little or no effort, deliver skillful strikes to weak points with great precision and cut only and exactly what he wants. This almost supernatural skill also allows Tordor to become naturally skilled with multiple swords or any bladed weapon regardless of shape or size to suit his needs in combat. Having mastered his own unique fighting style he is incredibly fast with his weapon control which allows him to bypass obstacles in order to cut his intended target. Tordor’s skill and strength allow him to wield Blood Drinker as an extension of his arm, surprising most opponents with his speed. Tordor is also proved to be a skilled climber, capable of scaling large walls and walking along ropes.
Gun Mage- Like with his sword, Tordor’s skill with his two pistols are also exceptional. Still he prefers his sword, as he is more skilled with the latter. His connection to the nether gives him acute aim. Giving him excellent bullseye aim on his targets via nether bullets. His real skill with his pistols comes in the form of his manipulation of nether through them. Which gives the added benefit of willing blades of this coercive energy from them like bayonets.
Gun Kata- Thanks to his long familiarity with them, Tordor is capable of calculating the most precise angle for targeting an opponent and predicting where to be in order to avoid return fire by the enemy even in close-quarters fighting with his pistols. This, combined with good gunman-ship results in a deadly combination of speed and firepower. It should be noted that without his pistols or sword, Tordor suffers in close combat due to his lack of formal training in that area.
Aside from his own skills and training, Tordors time as one of the unliving has earned him a unique understanding of the nether. The nether is a cobweb of natural energy that exists within all realms and universes and is the direct counter of ether. As ether is responsible for life, and the energies of the divine or arcane that empower the world and the living, the nether is the exact opposite, dark energy in laymen terms. Animus of a being, their soul, can be powered either by the ether, which is the very spark of existence and thus creates vitae, or it can be empowered by the nether. The two cannot coexist within the same space, but also one cannot have the existence of one without the other. As dark energy, nether absorbs and feeds off of ether. Tordor has learned to manipulate this energy to his own ends.
Nether it should be known, cannot be used in the exact manner as ether/chi, it must feed off of something in order to exist. This is always ether.
Aura of the the Undying- Torder permits an malign aura of decay wherever he goes that extends just ten feet around him. He can suppress this if he wishes. Those attuned to negative energy are quite capable of sensing it, while those attuned to detecting the ether are blind to it. However, they will still feel the sense of wrongness and emptiness where there should be something. The absence of something is often the proof of something. This aura slowly feeds off of living things in the environment, plants, animals, even right down to the microscopic level. It is only fatal after long exposure.
Voices of the Dead- Torder has attracted the disembodied souls of several beings over time as he has traveled the multiverse. There are eight ghostly visages in all. They are as follows, the False One, the Iron Maiden, the Screeching Widow, the Drowned Boy, the Hollow Saint, the Black Skull, The Old man, and the Young Man. With enough preparation Tordor has learned to invoke certain powers that were apart of the beings of these descend individuals. These floating skulls are ethereal and cannot be seen by the living or those not greatly attuned to the dead. Either way, they cannot harm the living, and to most are perceived as a ‘wrongness’ surrounded by despair.
The False One is a trickster; a con man who perished long ago. Everything he says is a lie or has some hidden half truth to it. A single prep allows Tordor to create a minor illusionary image, often of some false attack or even a copy of himself. More nether put into these illusions allows more to be created as well as being more realistic to those who see them. These illusions however, can never harm or affect the real world.
The Iron Maiden, or the mother as Tordor calls her, is a spirit ever wishing to protect and safe keep. With a single prep Tordor can in case his body in iron, while more preps can increase the strength of his defense to match or defeat equal or lower prep attacks. Tordor needs a free hand to invoke this skulls power.
The Screeching Widow constantly moans and cries in distress. Tordor has learned to block out her crying with training, while the living cannot hear her at all. However, Tordor can use two preps to invoke her power in the form of a powerful sonic attack. He needs a free hand to do so.
The Drowned Boy is a lost orphan who drowned eons ago. A truly sad spirit, Tordor finds himself confiding in this spirit more than the others. It sometimes even seems to genuinely care about his plight. Invoking his grief into power takes at least two preps, the first allows Tordor to create a ward of protection about him that protects him from ice and water based magic. However, four preps allows Tordor to create a immobile rune of defense around him that only a greater prepped attack can pierce. This rune lasts five turns and is often used to allow Tordor breathing room to plan. He needs two free hands for the latter ability.
The Hollow Saint is that of a dead priest of some power long ago. Evoking his power can be dangerous to Tordor, as he is an unliving, and he often never uses it. Using this spirit's power however, gives Tordor the ability to rebuke the dead, often in the form of taking control of or driving off undead minions. A five turn prep allows him to bind the mind and soul of an undead being, it only works if that being is already weakened as a finishing move. Thus giving them true peace. This ability often does great harm to Tordor himself.
The Black Skull belongs to a man who died tragically in a fire. Even now it still has burnt melted flesh clinging to it’s disembodied skull. Like the opposite of the Drowned boy this soul does not defend but allows Tordor to create fiery elemental attacks with enough prep, these create black fire that drain life instead of normal flames. He needs one free hand and at least one prep to use it.
The Old man and The Young Man are unique in that their spirits are tightly tied together. Possibly siblings of some kind, they also offer unique abilities. With two preps. Tordor can use the soul of the Young Man to greatly increase his speed and agility to double their norm for a period of ten seconds, usually three posts. The Old Man allows him to center his mind and is the only skull he needs no prep to use, as the Old Man is a passive power. It offers Tordor serenity and the ability to center his soul/chi, offering greater control of the nether. The Two souls are so tied, that with three preps Tordor can create a small anchor gate through the ethereal world with them, in the form of attack through the mouth of one, so that same attack exits through the other skulls mouth. Doing so causes them to fade out even more however, so it can only be used once a battle.