This is a skirmish between two teams whose goal is finding an old Tome of power within The Fortress of Drakonia. This battle is a prelude to the next installment of Arena Multiverse. Note events here will help shape the future story line now in the works. This is an open challenge for another opposing team.
The Flavor/theme for this match is mid tier powered sword fighting. All combatants main form of attack or fighting should be melee sword related. (though a sword my not be your only weapon, but should be main.)
Name: The Fortress of Drakonia
Size: Measuring by the widest point, the Castle has a:
Length of 750 feet or 250 yards
Width: 320 feet or 106.667 yards
Properties: The Courtyard and open areas of the castle are subject to fierce and powerful gale force storms with wind speeds up to 72 mph, roughly the strength of a tornado. Due to this, flying is very difficult but not impossible, though ranged combat that relies on physical objects will suffer accuracy at long ranges. Air magic or powers are also amplified when outside. (by a degree of one prep, but only if there is at least one prep involved, so non prepped attacks still count as not having preps.)
Those who do falloff the edge are considered disqualified from combat, as far enough below the castle proper (about 100 feet) subjects vanish completely. Note that pieces of the castle that have broken off will continue to float under their own power. The narrow halls of the castle themselves are filled with ancient booby traps, spiked pits, falling ceiling blocks of stone, or the classic hidden darts from the wall to even magical dragon statues that breath fire when one walks before them. Most rooms are 10 by 10, with hallways being 5 feet wide to round inter section chambers that can be as wide as 20 feet in diameter.
Also note that the dungeons have fallen away over the years, and one must traverse the underbelly of this castle by moving from floating rock to floating rock. The winds are no less forgiving here. Still, these lower depths once held the magical armory of the castle garrison, and fallen objects of no sentience tend to float up into the dungeons if they have fallen off.
Player Capacity: Up to 4v4 or Free-For-All
Description :

Flavor Text: Built by an ancient people long ago, no one remembers who they were or why they constructed this fortress. Let along why they gifted it the power of flight. The wise men and scholars of these lost civilization however were grand diviners, and their ancient text, so it is told, hold the secrets of the future across many universes. What other powers lie hidden within the fortresses libraries?