Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sorry for disappearing for a short period, guys! I'm gonna work on a post tonight and write the beginning of Ash's Rose experience and then probably show how my characters are doing. Maybe even have my own meet up...?

I really don't mind either way. Forcibly meeting up almost at once or slowly meeting everyone, either is cool with me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Actually, angel, I might do something with my twins and tail someone.

It could be you!


Do tell me where you'll write your characters.

I'm trying to see what we can do :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

i don't mind how they all meet, but I have to make sure that Chris and Holly meet first.
Chris will live somewhere Lancaster area of Dallas.

BTW i use google maps so I have a clear idea of where this all takes place. It's really hard for me to just imagine stuff when there's a clear picture so if i can find it in real life will use it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Oh god that's embarrassing.

I thought Jefferson, OK, was south.

Hold on, let me change it to a city closer to Texas.

Nevermind. I put in the wrong thing xD

Scratch that!



Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago

There we go! :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

*rolls in* Still here! Planning on working more on my reply today.

I'll put in my post where my characters are seated at. Honestly, I don't know the Dallas area so I'll look it up and explore a bit to get the feel of it.

I wouldn't mind the twins tailing my characters, Dioxide, considering I'm going to have them meet in my next upcoming post (which will probably be long, since I'll have Ash's intro and then them meeting).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago

All your posts are so nice :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It's official. The only time I can ever post is on the weekends.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Don't worry about that. You see how long it takes me to get a post up.

but there's one! I plan on working on where Ash and Joey are now so don't worry. There'll probably be some past parts in it but I'm about to do them in the present so we can start meeting up soon!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sweet Plum

Sweet Plum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ughh.. Sorry about not staying in touch. Things have been hell. Well anyways, I will post something shortly.

Feel free to post when you need! There is no rush to post! :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


By comparison I think mine are the shortest...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago

But they're still good!

Amazing to read!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Really? Thank you so much.

I always feel a tad bit insecure when it comes to my post since they seem so bland to me for some reason.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

All of y'all's posts are great! I really enjoy reading them.

I'll work on my reply tonight. Today is turning out busier than I thought. And I would start my post but once I get rolling, I don't like stopping. So hopefully tonight or tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I don't think any zombie topic movies or creative artwork has shown this:

How do girls manage their menstruation periods every month in the zombie apocalypse? I haven't read Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide ( there might be something there.) So... yeah. It's kind of worrying me since I don't think many people have thought about this and I have two twin girls :/
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It's the same with survival stories, but so far the greatest response to this issue was done by Tamura Yumi in 7 Seeds. To combat the period there were rewashable padsgiven to the girls, and when left unchecked the girls are walking targets by those bloodthirsty predators.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago

FiroIV said
It's the same with survival stories, but so far the greatest response to this issue was done by Tamura Yumi in 7 Seeds. To combat the period there were rewashable padsgiven to the girls, and when left unchecked the girls are walking targets by those bloodthirsty predators.


That's pretty good :D

I'll see what I can muster up the next time I post!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

You know, I've asked myself the same thing. I actually have Max Brooks' Survival Guide but I have yet to read it. So I can't say if he addresses it or not.

Oh, that's a good idea! I'll keep that in mind, actually. I think a lot of zombie movies/TV shows/and such forget that one, actually, important fact about female characters. I would really like to see a movie or TV show where they address it and figure out a way to take care of it.

But the rewashable pads is actually really smart.

I'm working on my post! I've just been super busy and tired. It's insane! But I'll have a post up soon :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry Amanda, I really am, but after a break from RPing, I'm ready to begin anew. The rest of you guys, I haven't been much of the co-admin of this that I've supposed to have been. Amanda know's what's been going on though. To the rest of you, just know it's been some nasty personal stuff. I've had a rough effing month, to put it mildly. BUT, I'm ready for some therapeutic RPing! AND I've got one of my CS finished. I'll post the other one shortly, I'm working on him next.

I look forward to hopping on in here, and again, I am terribly sorry for my rather long leave of absence!!!


Full Name :: “My name is Elendria Michelle Price--but I usually just go by Elle.”
Date of Birth and Age :: “August fifteenth, 1998...I’m fifteen years old.”
Male or Female :: “I’m a girl, of course!”
Relationship Status before the Outbreak :: “I was single...my dad wouldn’t let me date….”
About Yourself before the Outbreak ::

Elendria averts her gaze, biting her lower lip as tears begin to trickle down her cheeks. She swallows hard before answering, trying to rein in her emotions. “…...I miss it. My old life, I mean. It was...it was so wonderful, so perfect...and now...now what do I have? My parents loved me, I was popular in my school….but all that’s over now...isn’t it? It’ll never be the same again. My best friend Tess...my mother Anna-Marie...my dad, Daren...all of them are...are lost. Either one of them or….” Visibly beginning to Tremble, Elendria takes in a deep breath, clearly on the verge of a complete breakdown. Lip quivering, she continues. “ Anyway, I was in highschool, had a lot of friends...there was this guy I was interested in too--and I think he liked me but as I wasn’t old enough….anyway, that was my life before the outbreak. Just your average teenage girl, trying to make her way in life. I never would’ve imagined that I would see...the things I’ve seen….”

How Did you Survive the Outbreak ::

Taking in a deep breath, Elendria gets a faraway look in her eyes, her cheeks paling at the memories running through her mind. “I...I would say luck. Pure luck. I wasn’t really very into guns you know? So prior to the apocalypse, I didn’t really spend time shooting. Dad had me learn to use a pistol, I was passable, but my skills weren’t all that great. I guess I met the right people at the right time, and got lucky with a lot of the choices that I made. To be honest, I’m not really sure how I’ve managed to make it this long.

What Weapons do you Have ::
* Glock g22 with Tactical flashlight attachment

What is Within Your Bookbag :

* Cantine
*Some beef jerky strips
*3 protein bars
*A map of the Gatesville area
*1 box of .40 S&W ammo (100 rounds) for Glock 22

Any Personal Items :: “I have my leather-bound diary my mom gave me for my twelfth birthday. I take it with me wherever I go, it’s like having a piece of her with me.”
What are you Wearing :: “I’m wearing a black sweater, the sleeves are a little long, but I like them that way. I’m also wearing a pair of blue jeans, my backpack, and and a pair of white hiking shoes. OH, and there’s the locket my mom gave me for my birthday this last year, sterling silver. It has a picture of us together…..and a bracelet Tess gave me…..um, that’s it. I better stop talking now….”
What you Look Like ::

What Have you Noticed About the Infected :: “All I’ve noticed is they seem to be attracted to light! My tactical flashlight on my pistol is nice in dark places, but it’s also been known to attract a few walkers now and again. I’ve also noticed they don’t seem all that intelligent. They’re pretty easy to outsmart. If you can’t outrun one of them, look around--you might be able to use the environment to your advantage!”
Have You Noticed Any Physical Changes in the Infected :: “Not beyond the obvious. They are faster, they are stronger, they are psychotic and want nothing more than to kill.”
Who Have you Lost to the Infected :: Elendia looks up, tears glistening in her deep blue eyes. “Why...why are you going to ask me this? Why do you keep asking such painful questions, damnit?!!” She slams her fist onto the table, then buries her face in her arms, shoulders quaking uncontrollably. Between sobs, she manages to answer; “My...my mother. My dad...my best friend Tess...I’ve lost EVERYONE that I ever cared about. Is that good enough for you? Now leave me alone!”
How Many Infected Have you Killed :: “...I asked you to leave me alone! I don’t know how many infected I’ve killed. More than I can count, okay?? I’m not sick enough to keep track!”

Full Name :: “I’m Petty Officer First Class Ethan Lynne Ryder
Date of Birth and Age :: “September 15, 1989. I’m 24 years old. “
Male or Female :: “The hell, you blind? I’m a guy. next question please.”
Relationship Status before the Outbreak :: “Had a girl, lost a girl. Enough said.”
About Yourself before the Outbreak ::

“Before the outbreak, you say? I was a military brat. That’s right, I early enlisted into the Navy when I was seventeen. Dad couldn’t wait to fucking sign me over, and I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there. He said good riddance to me, I said good riddance to his sorry ass. Anyway, I enlisted into the Navy at 17, went into their seaman to seal program and from there….well, I went through bootcamp, then straight into SEAL training. Let me tell you, that was a damn MOTHER. But I managed it.

I showed my asshole father. Showed him I was tough, that I could be tougher than his sorry ass. Maybe he used me as a fucking punching bag growing up, but I wasn’t gonna be weak. No fucking way. So I decided to be a damn SEAL. Best of the best, right? Well, being 17, I went through the hell of bootcamp and SEAL training….and it wasn’t long before I got deployed.

I’ll be honest. I’ve been deep in the sandbox more than once. I’ve had a hand in various...activities that I can’t talk about. Trust me, whatever clearance you think you’ve got, mine’s better buddy. So I ain’t talkin bout the shit I did. Let’s just say I’ve seen my fair share of combat.

My specialty is a sniper and recon. One shot, one kill. I move swiftly, I move silently. By the time you realize I’m there, you’ve got a knife in the back or bullet to the brain. I’m alpha dog enough to enjoy being in combat, enjoy the rush, the stress, the do or die situations. I’m a born warrior, and proud of it!

How Did you Survive the Outbreak ::

Same way I survived Iraq. Same way I survived Afghanistan. Same way I’ve survived bein out in the fuckin jungles of places I’m not even allowed to name. I know what the fuck I’m doing and I do it right. I was a born survivor, ain’t no shuffling walkers gonna stop me. I’ll admit it though, I was in some hairy situations...met a few survivors along the way. No SEAL does it alone, no matter how good he is. I had good help, met good people. I survived because I can adapt, and because the people I chose to survive with could adapt too.

What Weapons do you Have ::

*Mk 11 Mod 0 Sniper Rifle/weapons system (7.62)

*Mark 23 Mod 0 SOCOM (.45)

*US Navy MK3 MOD diving/survival knife

What is Within Your Bookbag :

* 3 boxes of 7.62 ammunition (150 rounds)
* 3 boxes of .45 ammunition (300 rounds)
* flint for firestarting
* waterproof matches in ziplock bag
* cantine
*50 foot coil of rope
Any Personal Items :: “Sure, I got me a necklace with the bullet of the first enemy sniper I killed. I took the bullet from the chamber of his gun--it’s the bullet that was supposed to kill me. It’s a good luck charm, and a sniper’s tradition. Other than that, I’ve got nothin.
What are you Wearing :: “Battle fatigues, what else? I’ve got my face paint, my camo uniform, my combat boots, tactical gloves...Of course I have my kevlar vest too!
What you Look Like ::
“Here’s a picture of me at a shooting range, without all my gear:

What Have you Noticed About the Infected :: “I’ve noticed they can be permanantly killed with a bullet, like anything else. I noticed they are fucking raging psychopaths. I notice that if you see one, you better take it the hell out quickly, before it takes you out. I noticed not to underestimate those sons of bitches, or they’ll put you in an early grave. They don’t typically think tactically though, so if you use tactics to your advantage, you can get the upper hand. Just gotta be careful and fast.”
Have You Noticed Any Physical Changes in the Infected :: “What everyone else has, they got real ugly real fast. They got real strong too--but they somehow are pretty fucking fast for a bunch of shuffling corpses. To be honest, I try not to pay too much attention to the damn things once they’re dead. Leave that to the science types, I’m just here to bag em and tag em. “
How Many Infected Have you Killed :: “I have no damn clue. Don’t really give a damn, I don’t keep notches on my gun or anything. Hundreds, I know that much. Couldn’t give an exact figure though, they attack in swarms. But I’ve taken out a lot of the little bastards, I can tell you that much.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sweet Plum

Sweet Plum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Everyone- LoneSilverWolf will be taking my spot for a few.

I am currently neck deep in school work. I also have a trip to Missouri for a federal court case. I will pretty much be gone from Feb. 27-March 10th. Please please please feel free to continue to RP. I am giving LSW all the information about the RP so he can run it while I am gone!

Keep up the great work everyone!
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