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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Solekii
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Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My Characters

Name: Carter

Age: 19

Sex/Gender: cisgender Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Demon

Eye Type: Yellow with slitted pupils

Curse: Carter can see the 'auras' of people and demons. Everyone tends to have a different colour or combination of colours. If he meets their eyes without his glasses on, he can turn a person into a corrupted version of themselves: a physical monster without any remnants left of the person they once were. If he kills the monster, the person reverts back to normal before they die. Because of his curse, Carter is very untrusting and secretive, as well as angry and sharp with people.

His curse has a catch, however, one that he himself is not aware of.

General appearance: Carter is tall and lean-muscled with sharp features. He has an old, beat-up leather jacket he wears almost always, a pair of torn jeans and combat boots, and a pink-tinted choker with a white ankh hanging from it. We wears a pair of rose-coloured glasses that have slanted, rectangular frames. The glasses prevent him from turning people and from seeing auras.

He has sharply pointed ears with multiple piercings, fangs that occasionally stick out a little (he bites his lip rather often), and black claws (part of the demon package, of course). His hair is deep black, rather long and a bit 'fluffy' as it never lays flat. There's always that one piece that never lays down and he doesn't bother ever fixing it. He's most often seen with arms folded, looking mad about something. And, in truth, he probably IS mad about something.

Personality: Carter is constantly lashing out at just about anything he can manage. He pushes people away as much as possible by putting up a front of being a jerk. He does his best to make sure people keep a distance and his short temper tends to help with that. He's more often angry than anything else and can't always explain why. He tries to shrug it off as 'everyone's just being stupid' or blaming it on the others when in truth he doesn't really believe that. He has no idea why he's so angry all the time and he suppresses the question to the point where he doesn't bother to ask himself anymore.

He was always a bit short-tempered but it was never to push people away from the start. The second he was turned it just grew and grew until he couldn't think about it anymore. It was just his natural response. Push people away because if they get too attached, too trusting, they could be next.

Despite his brash nature and tendencies to say anything without holding back, he does care about people, even if he'd prefer not to let on. Despite pretending he's only with Edgar for the cure, he's grown rather protective of him without realizing and though he does threaten to leave often, he likely wouldn't.

Every emotion Carter has is big, so the anger acts as a cover-up for what he really feels deep down. Anger's easy, but everything else? Not so much. He pushes people away so often now he's forgotten how to keep them close. Even though he really does care, he'd have trouble expressing it.

He's also self-conscious about his intelligence and tries to hide things like, how slow a reader he is and his difficulty in things like mathematics. He tries his best but can't ever seem to get a hold of things as fast as other people. He did grow up without schooling but even when he tried to learn it was frustrating as all hell.

What he does know, however, is strategy, how to hide and plenty about how this world works. So he makes up for it, but it doesn't stop him from being a little jealous of Edgar's booksmarts.

He has tendencies towards dwelling on the past and constantly blames himself for anything going wrong, but externally projects onto others. If he feels stupid, guess what insult he's most likely to use on someone. He's not always aware he does this, but sometimes he catches himself. He almost never apologizes, though. He has a hard time doing so since he can't bring himself to open up to others. He's positive that there aren't any good people and is beyond the point of hope. He's pessimistic and usually the first one to pick out the negatives in any plan.

Carter can't always help jumping to anger, but he doesn't always try either. It's a lot of patience with him, and he doesn't have it. He's the type to shoot first, whether he wants to be or not.

Special Object: Carter has two, his pair of rose-coloured glasses with slanted, rectangular lenses, and a choker with a small ankh hanging from it. He never removes the necklace and it'll be a rare sight to see him without his glasses. While he doesn't have a sentimental attachment to the glasses, he keeps them on just to be safe that he doesn't turn anyone. He's never quite certain just who will turn out to be a monster and tends to assume everyone is.

His necklace is a different story. That will stay on forever and he's fiercely protective of it. He wouldn't remove it or trust it with anyone.

You could argue he has a third object, his old pocket knife that if he carves an X in something, can cut through just about anything, but he doesn't have the same sentimental attachment to it as his necklace.

History: Carter comes from the city, a place known for its child gangs and decrepit buildings. He's not sure what became of the city after he left, or his old friends but after an angel attack, it isn't likely anyone's going to go near that place any time soon.

Plenty of things happened between the point of leaving the city and meeting Edgar, but if you asked him about it, he'd say something along the lines of 'shit happened, now I'm here, you want a fucking novel?'

There are also a few things he won't talk about. Such as where he got his knife, who his former friends were, how long he lived in the city, why he never takes his necklace off and why he even bothers wearing an ankh if it's the symbol of life and at this point, a bit of an ironic joke at his unwanted immortality.

He won't talk about the day he got cursed either, all that's really known are vague things Edgar's picked up on. Something bad happened, he did something he's not proud of and that's the extent he'll talk about it.

Family/animal companions: None to speak of. However, owls and other nocturnal animals seem to like him. Cats, however, do not and that kind of pisses him off.

-Slow reader
-Has ADD
-Bad at math
-Has been a demon for about four years
-Knows a fair bit about the world and how it works
-Most of his opinions are negative ones
-Terrified of ageing
-A little claustrophobic
-Great at fighting
-Has many basic survival skills


Name: Edgar

Age: 18

Sex/Gender: cisgender Male

Sexuality: Panromantic demisexual

Species: Human

Eye Type: Bright

General appearance: Edgar is a short little mad scientist (nicknamed Shorty by Carter) with ruffled, dark hair flipped up a little at the sides. Just about everything he has seems oversized on him due to his height, a white lab coat that falls below his knees, a pair of boots that nearly reach his knees, long gloves that reach his elbows and a pair of goggles that often hide his eyes.

He's almost never seen without his scarf, an old orange-striped monstrosity that's always getting caught on things (something that pisses Carter off because Edgar refuses to ditch it).

If you were to take off his goggles, he'd have deep dark rings under his eyes, and if you pulled down his scarf you'd find a scar just left of his chin below his cheek.

He tends to look younger than he is and is often mistaken for the wrong age because of it and not taken seriously unless he proves himself.

He has sharp little teeth for a human that often creep people out a little but he doesn't seem to notice. He's not exactly muscular or strong but he can be rather fast if need be.

Personality: Edgar is a bit... strange. He often can't speak his mind as clearly as he would like to, and his sentences turn out choppy and blunt because of it. Inwardly his thoughts can be pretty articulate, but outwardly he seems sharp and impatient. Rewording phrases can confuse him and people who talk too fast tend to cause him to zone out a little. He's usually thinking about something else anyway, like solving a current problem he's having, but often doesn't say outloud what he's doing, leading to people to believe he's uncaring when he's really just trying to think so he can move on to the next step.

Everything is in steps to him. He plans things out three times before he goes through with a plan so he knows it'll work. He can't stand not knowing something and is always trying to find solutions and answers. He doesn't know much about socializing and isn't very good at it, but he really does try. He's just uncomfortable around people, even if he does want to help them.

He's a bit of an introvert and can often seem mysterious because of his usually quiet nature. He doesn't react the way most people expect to things and often has his own way of stating something.

He hates thunder and rain and though he's fine with small fires, the second it gets as large as, say, a bonfire or bigger, he can't be anywhere near it. He also doesn't know how to swim but that hasn't exactly come up yet.

He tries really hard to relate to people but finds it difficult and often gives up in trying to talk to someone if he's getting frustrated. If his point isn't getting across he'll just go through with the plan anyway, ignoring everyone else, which can make him seem inconsiderate when really he's just not being understood.

He is almost positive that everyone who joins him will eventually leave, but he feels that if he makes the Cure, they'll all come back in the end. He doesn't feel useful most of the time and tries to compensate with inventions and, of course, the Cure.

Special Object: Edgar owns an orange-striped scarf that he insists on wearing all the time. It covers half his face and that, combined with his goggles, makes his expressions near impossible to read. Carter can't stand the scarf but that doesn't stop Edgar from wearing it day and night. He rarely takes it off and if he does it's never for long. It seems to hold some sort of sentimental value but he never talks about it.

History: Edgar was found in a lab somewhere in the middle of nowhere, near a strange old house where it was rumoured a dark-eyed man was raising monsters. Edgar grew up in the lab apparently, but as far as Carter knows he was alone. No say on what happened to his family, if he had any siblings, why he was there alone, how long he was alone for, etc. He never brings it up. All that is known is that he was alone with his cat, working on the Cure for a number of years until Carter stumbled upon him. His lab burned down shortly after the encounter for an unrelated, but also mysterious reason. He was too terrified to leave and stood staring at the door for a good ten minutes before Carter finally decided to pull him out. Apparently he'd never been outside before. Even the wind scared him at first.

Animal Companion: Edgar has a dwarf cat named Winston. A little stubby-legged black and orange-patched cat with short fur and bright eyes. He has short whiskers and clear, tiny claws. He isn't the best hunting cat in the world but he is extremely well-trained for passing Edgar what he needs, purring exactly when you need it most and welcoming everyone into the group. Odds are, if Winston doesn't like you then you're out of luck. He generally likes everyone.

-Strange speech patterns
-Hates oranges but won't stop eating them
-Has attempted several 'controversial' experiments on monsters
-Extremely intelligent but lacks the ability to properly express himself
-Socially ignorant
-hisses at people occasionally
-Memory is eidetic but only for things he reads

(I will update this post with NPCs and such when we have them)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ravenDivinity

ravenDivinity many signs and wonders

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Hunter
Age: 17
Sex/Gender: Male, cisgender
Sexuality: Homosexual, panromantic
Species: Human
Eye Type: Bright, pale blue

Hunter has medium-length, thick hair that has a dark brown color not unlike brown sugar and is parted to the left side of his face almost always. He keeps his square jaw cleanly shaven, depriving it of the short-boxed beard that he would otherwise have growing on the soft, beach sand-colored skin of his face and around his dark pink lips. Those same lips give warm smiles of straight teeth and canines sharpened by a boy who grew up a meat-eater. His cheekbones are high, his nose flat and high-bridged, and his face, though very manly in a traditional sense, taps into a few softer aspects that make his handsomeness a little more approachable, possibly even cuter or sweeter. Half-frame, horn-rimmed black corrective glasses aid his vision.

A fairly strong youth, Hunter has an average build, consisting of broad shoulders, thin arms, and thick legs with capable muscles built by some strenuous work under the sun, all connected to a slim, muscled torso, with a little bit of fat. This bundle of muscle, like his face, is made softer and less intimidating by that same bit of fat, all packaged in an average height of 5 feet and 8 inches. Over his fairly standard body, he usually wears T-shirts and button-ups of all sorts of designs and pairs of cargo shorts that he ever so often swaps for tight jeans, all this depending on the clothes he finds and the conditions he meets. The most prevalent color in his wardrobe is the color blue and its tints and shades in keeping with his favorite color. Hunter typically wears a quartz pendant around his neck on a black cord necklace.

Hunter was raised by his paternal grandfather after his parents died when he was just an infant. In such a lawless, insane world, his grandfather did what he could to assure that Hunter would grow to have integrity and virtue among men and that Hunter would at least have a few skills to guarantee his survival into old age. They lived a very nomadic life, drifting from town to town and bringing few actual possessions with them beyond the necessities like food and clothing, but that didn't stop Hunter from sneaking other things in his backpack like the journals that he filled with art and writing.

Never able to have a long-lasting friendship, few people ever got very close to Hunter. The only people who really got close to him were the boys he'd involved himself in romantic relationships with in the towns where Hunter and his grandfather had stayed for longer, but Hunter found himself breaking all ties with those boys each time he'd moved to another town. He'd had the time to secretly explore his sexuality and figure it all out, but he would never have the time to develop anything more than a short fling. And so, Hunter's relationships were few and far between and as scarce as gems in the earth.

Eventually, like the rest of his family had before Hunter was even born, his grandfather too departed and left Hunter the last of his kin, the only child of a family that had once been as innumerable as the stars. In turn he came to possess the quartz pendant that belonged to his mother's father, then his mother, then his father, and last his grandfather, and he had only his beloved pet cat to keep him company. Hunter traveled with whichever boys he dated, from the start of the relationship to the end, as the fragile youth searched for someone on whom he could depend and for enlightenment and for purpose. He joined the group convinced that if he did, he might be able to fulfill his goals and see the end of the hell they live in. If he were a part of the group that found the Cure, he could realize his dream of having a large impact on the world.

Special Object:
The quartz pendant left in his inheritance by his grandfather is Hunter's special object. Claims to whether or not it can do anything spectacular or miraculous are dubious, but for obvious sentiments about his love for his grandfather, the pendant is important to Hunter. It is, however, peculiarly warm to the touch.

Hunter's cat is a Maine Coon silver tabby cat that he affectionately calls "Luna." Luna, like most cats of her breed, is a docile and vocal hunting cat that responds well to Hunter's calls and understands commands Hunter has trained her to follow. Hunter and Luna are about as close as a human and a feline can become.

  • Left-handed
  • Decent artist
  • Good writer
  • Compassionate and optimistic
  • Good cook
  • Attentive and more intelligent than most
  • Has a few spells of depression every now and then
  • Forgetful, procrastinating, perfectionist
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Daniel Kiefer

Age: 20

Gender/Sex: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Species: Demon

Eye type: Golden yellow.

Curse: Daniel is forced to experience the emotions of anyone around him on top of his own. It's a constant process like tuning in to a radio channel. To make matters worse, for whatever reason not all songs are played at the same volume and similarly, some emotions hit him harder than others. It doesn't matter who the person is or whether they're even a person, in fact the strong and simple emotions of animals affect him even more, leading him to dislike most creatures.

Daniel is unable to stop the process but he can at least partially control it. If you get on his bad side he just might overcome his natural pacifism and make you feel what he does.

General Appearance: Daniel is a tall and lanky young man with a handsome face that often bears a frown of some sort. His bright eyes stand out against his dark hair, their unnatural colour sometimes giving him an unintentionally dangerous appearance. This is only enhanced by the pointy ears, long nails and the sharp fangs, littering his mouth. His curse has largely erased his desire to try and look good or even presentable and he often forgets to shave.

His once proud posture was melted away since he was cursed, leaving him stumped up and miserable-looking more often than not. His muscles have also melted away, giving him a fragile and almost malnourished appearance.

He's not picky about his clothes and usually wears whatever he can get from the least busy shops in town. If given the opportunity he'd be choosing nice-fitting dark jeans, t-shirts with a print on and a shirt or denim jacket on top, depending on the weather. He usually buys two sets of clothes and alternates between them until they're completely torn apart, at which point he'd replace them.

Personality: Before he was cursed four years ago, Daniel was an energetic and easygoing boy, exploring the world with the vigour and curiosity of youth. Charismatic by nature, he didn't lack friends but doesn't seem to have anyone close at the moment.

Daniel barely remembers what it felt like to be “normal”. He is quite literally a shadow of his former self, a broken individual who tries his best to hold onto the remains of the identity he feels was ripped away from him by the angel who cursed him. His checked red shirt is a remembrance of that past and he displays a very odd attachment to it. He's since become very fidgety and jumpy, emotionally unstable more often than not. Almost every emotion seems to be amplified fivefold, sometimes leaving him a crying and whimpering mess. Embarrassment soon follows, sealing his lips and making him quiet and distant.

Special Object: It's the checked shirt that he seems most attached to, and which he refuses to throw away. It's colours are faded and rips can be seen at the hems and sleeves and the fabric seems thin and ready to break at the elbows. Still, it seems to mean a lot to Daniel and he wears it almost exclusively unless he needs to be presentable for whatever reason.

History: Daniel doesn't talk openly about his past and despite the fact that he's told it to a few individuals along the way, his name doesn't ring a bell for most people. What he openly admits is that his curse was largely his own fault and that there must be something inherently wrong with him. In the rare cases when he feels like discussing his past regret tinges his words, leading people to believe that whatever happened has left Daniel bitter and mad at both himself and the rest of the world.

Daniel realises he'd been given a pretty decent chance at life where he didn't have to worry about much as a teenager. A chance he blew or someone else blew for him.

Companions: None.

Why do we meet up?

He's heard Edgar was a scientist looking for a cure for demons and immediately started asking around, eventually managing to find the man.


- Was actually quite confident before his curse.
- Doesn't like talking about romance or sex.
- Despite everything he doesn't mind being touched.
- Is fiercely protective of his checked shirt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ADreamofStormySkies
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ADreamofStormySkies Sic Transit Gloria

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Ayn Lofton (Pronounced with a long A, Ayyyyn)

Age: 18

Sex/Gender: Female, Cisgender

Sexuality: Heteroromantic asexual

Species: Human

Eye Type: Bright, pale blue

General appearance: Ayn was taught by her parents that looking somewhat presentable, even if there's no point, will make a person have a better attitude. Even though it can be somewhat unwieldy, Ayn keeps her long black hair in a braid that ends at her waist. If Ayn finds that it is becoming longer, she cuts it as she ends up sitting on it. The strands just short enough to not stay in the braid frame her face and she keeps her bangs short enough that they do not interfere with her vision. Most of the time the braid is swept up into a type of bun on the back of her head. Ayn is rather proud of it as it took her most of a year to accomplish it for the first time. Ayn stands at 5'6" and while she is lean she has plenty of muscle for her size.

Ayn tries to wear comprehensive outfits, but often fails. She refuses to wear trousers and will choose any other piece of lower clothing, no matter how ratty. Her favorite outfit would be a T-shirt or sweater with a somewhat-short skirt and leggings with the whole outfit somewhat coordinating color-wise. Because beggars can't be choosers, however, she is often found in whatever she can find that is most comfortable. Recently she "found" (probably stole) a pair of brown leather hiking boots that she wears almost constantly. Her outfit is always completed by her necklace and knife (wherever on her body she has hidden it this time).

Personality: Ayn is rather optimistic, but not ridiculously. She has an calm, upbeat demeanor that seems to either attract or repel people, depending on their attitude. This is exacerbated by the fact that Ayn has a hard time dealing with negative emotions, both within herself and others. To keep from becoming sad, Ayn refuses to acknowledge any hurt within her past, locking away negative memories. Because she has done this within herself, she doesn't know how to deal with people when they express negative emotions. Her shallow emotional range has lead to a lack of meaningful relationships as she can't seem to comfort people who are sad and refuses to talk about any of her negative experiences. Her upbeat demeanor, while not conducive to intimate relationships (not that she wants them to get physically intimate anyway) has lead to a large network of passing acquaintances that she often finds helpful. Ayn can be annoyingly stubborn, often to the point of childishness. While she often shows anger, it is often in a playful manner. She can be quite manipulative, purposefully pushing people's buttons to get what she wants. Her 'sticky fingers' sometimes get her in trouble as because she never stays in one place she resorts to stealing to get along.

What some would call a 'bubbly demeanor' masks Ayn's true intelligence. While because she is always on the move she cannot possess a library, she always has a few books in her pack that seem to rotate with every city that is passed. Her inexhaustible thirst for knowledge is what motivates her forward in life; it doesn't matter what the knowledge is, and it doesn't necessarily have to be useful. Ayn seems to know a little bit about most things but is an expert in nothing. Due to her parents' training she has both tactical and logical reasoning and is very observant, normally more than she lets on. While she doesn't really like fighting she is fairly good at it, enough to defend herself from one or two average attackers.

Special Objects: Ayn's necklace was given to her by her mother, who crafted it herself, although it is unknown when or how. It is a wonder it is not completely broken as Ayn never takes it off, even when she sleeps (and Ayn is a rather fitful sleeper). In fact, it never scratches, rusts, or really anything else; it just is. Ayn doesn't know what it is made out of but it is always cold.

Ayn's double-edged knife was given to her by her father and the blade seems to be made out of the same material as her necklace. It is also cold to the touch and refuses to be damaged at all by normal wear and tear; the blade doesn't seem to dull, although Ayn still sharpens it just in case. The blade is about seven inches long and is kept in a tough leather sheath.

History: The first experiences that Ayn remembers are of her and her parents travelling from place to place, her parents often staying in each town for a few days to buy supplies and perform odd jobs. Ayn was effectively protected from the corruption in the cities by not being allowed to leave the place they were staying in. If the place was particularly bad, one parent would stay with her outside the city while the other one went in.

By overhearing discussions between her parents and directly asking them herself, Ayn learned that her mom used to be some sort of scientist and her father used to be a warrior (though that was probably embellished, he was probably an assassin, gang member, or something less glorious). When Ayn asked why they no longer had steady jobs in their professions she would get very vague answers, though she did know that they were running from something; her parents had used to live in a city but something had happened that they had to leave and were constantly chased. Every once in a while one parent would come rushing back to the residence declaring that they had to leave and Ayn often saw her parents nervously scanning the landscape, looking for danger.

When she was eight years old her father started teaching her how to protect herself. At that age it was mostly using a knife, but over the years her father taught her more and more complex fighting styles with different types of knives. When she was twelve her father even started training her on a small sword, which quickly became Ayn's favorite weapon.

Since an extremely young age Ayn had known how to read, and her mother made sure she was constantly supplied with more and more advanced titles. While Ayn would read novels, she didn't like them much. Her mom would give her short lessons on the many facets of science, but nothing that hinted what area her mother had worked in. Both of her parents tried to teach her how to survive on her own: finding food and water, gleaning details from her surroundings, and even ways to steal effectively (which Ayn excelled at).

During her twelfth year her parents became more and more paranoid, refusing to stop anywhere for more than two days, and never all in the same building. There were more and more 'scares' in which they had to hurry away from wherever they were staying. For her thirteenth birthday Ayn was given the knife she currently holds dear. Ayn knew it had not been bought during her lifetime as she remembered seeing it with her father's things in her earliest memories. Even though Ayn begged to help her parents out in the city, she continued to be treated just as she was as a small child, if not more protectively.

One day during her fourteenth year after a day in which her parents were particularly tense and they had to leave town early, they camped on the edge of a forest in what was arguably the middle of nowhere. Ayn doesn't remember what happened that night in detail and is not sure she wants to. In fact she lives in fear of the day the memories will come flooding back, one of the reasons she avoids discussing tragedy or sadness. What she does remember is being grabbed, blood, blood everywhere, people in weird outfits, a sword through her dad's chest, her mother on the ground, reaching out a bloodstained hand toward Ayn with the necklace clutched inside, and running away. Running far, running until her feet bled.

After that things are more straightforward. Ayn was found by a large family travelling a long way who cleaned her up and took care of her for about two weeks, leaving her in a modestly small town after Ayn assured them she would be fine. While her parents had been extremely wary of the cities, in small towns or gatherings of houses Ayn had been able to travel with her parents to learn prices, haggling, and other basic skills needed in such places. At first Ayn tried to stay in the town, but the locals found her somewhat suspicious and Ayn had acquired some of her parents' paranoia, so she left with the first wandering group that would accept her.

Throughout the 3 plus years after her parents' deaths, Ayn wandered the land with whomever would take her, sometimes taking jobs in cities but most of the time just stealing to get by. Over the course of those years Ayn explored the cities, failed a few relationships, perfected her knife-fighting skills (swords were too expensive, too hard to steal, and often stolen, though she still loved them), and read many more books. While she wanted to find out the secrets behind her parents and their deaths, she also didn't want to face the truth and knew that asking about them would set off alarms. She developed her happy personality as a way to make coping with the world easier. After a few years she started getting bored and losing her drive. That was when she heard a group of demons talking about some sort of 'cure'.

Animal companion: A year after her parents' deaths Ayn saw members of the group she was travelling with surrounding a barn owl that they had shot out of a tree with a rock. Ayn saved the poor creature from their torment (even though it would have made a good dinner) and nursed it back to health, though it didn't take much. After releasing the bird back into the trees, it didn't leave but kept following Ayn around. Occasionally it would drop a dead rat at her feet and occasionally Ayn would give it a piece of meat from what she was eating. After a while with the bird following her wherever she went (although it just stared when she got in trouble, not helping, it did let her pet it sometimes) she named it Faisal.

How she joined: One day she heard a few demons in a bar talking about some sort of 'cure'. She moved closer to hear their conversation, but even they didn't know much about what was going on, just that a few guys, one of them some kind of scientist, were looking for and might be close to a cure and that they had gone by recently. Ayn, who had been rather tired of wondering around aimlessly, became very excited and decided to track them down. Ayn thought that travelling with someone engaging in that sort of scientific endeavor would be exciting. If she begged maybe the guy working on the cure would have books she could read or would teach her some things about his profession. He might even know something about her parents. Eventually she found the group and begged to join them (by walking up to them and literally falling onto the ground before them and begging--her backup plan was to follow them obsessively whether they consented or not, though she didn't know how that would work out).

--While she is not sexual, she does long for physical affection.
--Ayn is rather crafty, making small creatures out of bits and pieces of leftover materials. What legitimate money she makes comes partially from selling such creatures for small change. While she is good at writing grammar-wise, she would never be able to write a novel. Furthermore, any attempt at drawing results in something unrecognizable.
--Has no prejudice against demons or any specific type of person due to both her upbringing and amicable personality.
--Normally easily accepted into groups due to her tendency to break up fights and try to settle issues fairly as well as her generally upbeat personality.
Impossible reality.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Name: Alexandria 'Alex' Calmeran

Age: 19

Sex/Gender: Female

Sexuality: Dashingly Heterosexual

Species: Human

Eye Type: Bright green eyes

General appearance:
Alex is one badass mofo and she knows it. A cocky grin on her face at all times, she has bleached hair that falls to her shoulders, and bright green eyes that stare confidently from under her bangs. Her slim figure stands at 5'4, and she usually wears military-style jackets, tight black pants, and leather knee boots. When not in her 'uniform', she wears a white tank top and black jeans, with hiking boots.

Personality: In one word, cocky. Alex is capable in a fight, and she knows it. And mentions it at every given opportunity. And is aggressive, and doesn't take shit from anyone. However, beneath her cockiness and aggression, is a girl who cared for someone, and got burned because of it. Still, she is loud and boisterous, and genuinely likes her friends, (even if she doesn't take jokes well.)

Special Object (If any): Her sword, Baugr, is the special object. It allows for the wielder to essentially 'flash step' up to 15 feet in their line of sight. It was given to her by her sister, who died years ago. Alex doesn't seem to be aware that objects with such power are pretty damn rare, and keeps expecting everyone else's keepsakes and belongings to do something incredibly badass. It can get annoying after a while.

History: Alex was born in the woods to two simple woodsmen, lived with them, along with her older sister, until the day that an angel appeared one day, and cursed her father. Her mother looked at it, and died. Her father, however, was turned into a horrific creature of unsupressed rage. Attacking his two daughters, with tears in his eyes, he told them to go, and take his sword, Baugr. Turning on the angel, they fought, results of the fight unknown.

After a while, the two sisters grew up quickly, and became fighters. They had to, if they were to survive. Alex's older sister was the fighter, and Alex was the tricky one. However, one day, this didn't matter. An angel, for whatever reason, came for Alex. Shivering in fear, Alex managed to not look, while her sister, ever the brave one, pushed her out of the way, and gave her Baugr. She knew that she was going to die. Alex, now totally alone, ran away, and blamed herself for her sister's death. If she wasn't such a weakling, maybe she wouldn't have died. She then swore revenge on the type of world that would take away a child's only family, and became the badass you see today. She heard of Edgar's 'cure', and thought that it would be the perfect way to make the world right. And maybe stick it to those angels, as well.

Family/animal companions (if any): None.

Why did you decide to join the group: Alex sees the world as a malignant entity, out to prey on the weak. Edgar's cure would fix that. At least, that's how she sees it.

-Right Handed
-Skilled at sword fighting
-Can survive in the woods, from her being raised there.
-Surprisingly, a good singer, and mandolin player
-Has average intelligence, but is quite perceptive, able to notice small details

Impossible reality :)
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