@Hillan: Thanks, H. I'm sure I will. I write utter crap when I'm under pressure, which I wasn't but for some reason I was feeling the pressure. :P Hopefully I can please you with my contributions, O Mighty GM! I'm about to leave for family thing, so I'll read the IC when I get back and work on a post.
I have a good tolerance for alcohol, but only blacked out twice.
I surprisingly never get hangovers though. I only started drinking the summer before College, but became a better drinker than my friends that had been drinking before.
Edit: I'm currently out with the family so I'll try and get a post in later as well.
Skills -Speak fluent Greek and five other languages. -Can make her own weapons. -Advanced in Hand-to-Hand combat. -College Level Writer -Advanced Artist -Can play guitar and piano
Abilities Ryva can control air, shape it to her will and use it to fly. She can also hear snatches of conversation and scents that it carries. She always knows what kind of wind it is, how fast it's going, where it's coming from, where it's going, and where it's been. She uses this to her advantage whenever she's on a boat.
-She is always learning new tricks in everything; her writing, drawing, wind abilities, and even the languages she knows.
-At minimum, two paragraphs showing your character in action and displaying their personality. This can be a portion of their backstory or just a random scene of your choosing.
| NOTES: |
-Any notes you wish to add. Can be for the benefit of other players or simply reminders for yourself.
I should be able to post tomorrow night. Just got back ant it's 11:00PM my time, and my niece and nephew are coming over tomorrow. Gonna hit the hay and take at a look at the IC thread tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!
IC's Gonna have to wait a little longer. I had almost finished it yesterday, but me in my drunken dumbassery relied on the Sites saving function, instead of saving it in word.
yeah, sometimes when you click away on accident or accidently close the page entirely, and you go back, your stuff will still be there rather than completely disappearing like it used to. And trust me, it's a lifesaver since I've got the worst butterfingers ever.
For me; Not so much. I am still annoyed, but I'm working on the post again, but I can't promise that it's gonna be up before monday, terribly sorry, ya'll.