I thought I counted 6 unique posts... o-o oh I counted myself. heh oops!o-o im sorry for forgetting you in the count
I'm so glad this is a okay everyone post before the gm type of game and not one with a post order
I've never gotten post order to work, nor has it ever been effective for posting. Whomever posts first acts first and that's just how I roll with it. In some cases that may be impossible then posting speed won't matter. But that usually happens when people are talking to each other in the middle of combat and there's still the enemy in front of them.
In those cases we go anime mode, where dialogue becomes more important than realism of time. However as weird as that may seem, it is an effective solution.
Also don't forget, I have a 2 day rule in effect. Those who do not post within 2 days of my previous post are skipped. I usually don't kill them unless they were attacked by a bad guy; however, its easier to put someone out cold than kill them in a story. o-o It also makes sense too since people may just be busy, depressed, or desire a break from the internet. All of those things have happened to me, where I've just upped and abandoned an rp or it dies underneath me when someone else falls out.
Collaborative forum roleplaying is the most difficult to maintain as there's no controlling participants, only the evolution of the process across the web. That evolution would be enticing role players to stick to one place long enough to tell a story. This filters the Gems from the Pebbles in terms of role players... no wait maybe I should say the polished from unpolished. People change overnight and it can be difficult to say what they intend to do. However, trust is the most valuable resource between humans. I would trust you all to continue this role play and so I continue to write the story for you. :)
Oh here I am going off on a long tangent. Hehe, you should expect your enemies to have long monologues simply because that's how I am.
Edit: oh AA posted before DJA that means I can post soon.