Name: John Smith (SuPeR iNcOnSpIcuOuS
(Real name: Wel'ÿthlle Aieal Yllylwëëiää)
Gender: Male
Age and academic grade: 17, 4th year
(Real age: 433)
Appearance: Turquoise eyes, white hair, and ~pretty butterfly wings~

(shameful edit of
this picture)
Species: Half-elf, half-fairy.
Biography: Wel'ÿthlle Aieal Yllylwëëiää was studying to be a poet on his home world, when one day a frightening secret was revealed to him as he observed the Infinite Mysteries of the Universe in search of inspiration. The very fabric of reality was being threatened, and the locus of this tragedy was to be a place called Sugoi Kawaii-nee Moe Moe High School. Wel'ÿthlle searched the galaxy far and wide (his home world was a teensy bit isolated, so they'd never heard of the school. They're too absorbed with higher matters.) After twenty-six years of travelling around and inquiring about the school, he finally made his way there. (So he's not very good at asking for directions. Whatever. It's not his fault. He's got More Important Things to worry about, like how to make his hair shine even more than yesterday.) By searching his heart and praying to the Grand Unified World God of Everything, he has been told that there is but one person who can prevent the disaster of Sugoi Kawaii-nee Moe Moe High, and save the world. He infiltrated the school under the name of John Smith, and now he pesters the One and Only Hero Who Can Save Us All From Ultimate Evil to, uh, be a hero and save us all from ultimate evil. He wants to help this person in their quest (that they will totally be on board for
really soon, as soon as John Smith can convince them), but the only way he can help is by sounding ominous and giving vague advice.
Claimed powers:
- Reading the Grand Tapestry of All Living Things
- Hearing the Melody of the Universe
- Communing with the Grand Unified World God of Everything
- Innate sense of the Chosen One Who Will Save The World
- Flying
Real powers: Flying.
- John Smith does not walk. John Smith glides gracefully above the surface of the planet (aka he flies).
- In case you hadn't noticed, he likes to give things Pompous Names With Important Capital Letters.