The Test Subjects, you, are born in a facility, which is location is unkown. The children born here are made artificially made, so there are no traceable relatives or direct family members. This facility is funded and backed by an organization called Zion Augmented Unlimited Development, or ZAUD. In terms of actual existence, ZAUD is a front for a number of different organizations, headed by a man named Yu. Much like ZAUD, this facility, Sanctuary, doesn't exist. In fact it has never been seen from the outside world, even by ZAUD investors. The staff of three hundred that work there, don't even know where they are. They were located while heavily sedated and then told what their job was.
You will be playing one of these Test Subjects, in fact you will be the last group, as...lets say somethings has happened that you'll find out deeper into the RP. The reason behind this facility is unknown, but all the test subjects know is, they have powers, all vary in any type except time reality warping or gravity manipulation,(Any subject that's had that power, well they go "missing") they are allowed to pretty much eat and live like normal people with in the facility area known as lock down. They are allowed to train and pretty much live an almost normal life. However theres a catch, an Event in a place called "The Box", what lies in the box is the reason the test subjects are there. When a subject is put into The Box, it runs a program and quickly scans the subject, upon scanning, The Box then determines the level that the subject is going to be put through. Once determining the level, the subject is then forced to fight a copy of themselves, with the same power, mental ability, and physicality. If a subject survives the fight, then they move on to the next level and they get a holographic tally tattoo injected into their skin. Every level, adds another copy of themselves and something different (This will be dependent on you to pick)
This RP is essentially going to start with you all being "born" however you all will be different from the last, you will be born with your powers immediately and will be tested within the next couple days after your birth. You will meet me and the Co-GMs characters, who are the sole two survivors of the previous group before yours, and everything will be explained from there. This RP will MOSTLY start out with you fighting yourself, however you cannot Ex-Machina yourself (No easy cop outs here, you're fighting yourself, so make it awesome, funny or hella cool, but no cop outs). As the RP progresses, there will be more depth to the plot then that, but for now this is the beginning plot, so any takers?
1: Whatever me and the Co-GM says, goes, please don't argue, if we ask you to change it, just change it and move on with it, if you continue to argue, we'll simply ask you to leave the RP.
2:The obvious romance stuff goes, PG-13 please, if you must, take it to the PMs kindly ^-^.
3:Swear all you want, no reason to limit it, just nothing like oddly out of character.
4:If this gets enough interest, please post in the OOC before posting a finished char (actually if you're interested, start making a CS and post here)
5:In terms of power, you really are allowed almost anything an everything, the only things we will not allow, are Power Stealing, Gravity Distortion/Manipulation abilities, Time Travel/Warping, Reality Warping/Manipulation, Power Transforming (Shapeshifting with the ability to gain the power of the thing you turned into Basically), Immortality or Invulnerability (Now you can have borderline Invulnerability in which your power makes you insanely durable, but no outright, you cant kill me BS) or anything of that type, basically RP breaking powers, you can have absurd super strength or speed.
6:So I and my Co-GM know you read this, put I love the Great Llama, somewhere in your CS before posting
7: Have Fun!!!!That's why we RP after all.
The facility itself inside a mountain, located on an island. It's about the size of texas, though there is only one exit and enter entrance point into the mountain. Located on the south of the island, a lone single building stands, with transit tracks going into and out of it. Inside the building, is the only way, known to the test subjects, to get outside to the open world. There is one train tunnel that leads to loading bay, and one leading out, before snaking out, down into the small hut village on the water and other places hidden on the island.
Located lower down under the entrance building, is a small number of huts, which from the outside look abandoned, but hold the devices that cloak the entire island. These were put in place for assurance that the island would never be discovered, beyond the fact it's completely isolated. ZAUD personally flies in supplies to help sustain life on the island and delivers updated software for the machines located inside and outside the building.
Accepted Character:
@MonkeyBusiness: Subject 496 aka. Virgil
@Jinxer: Subject 133 aka. Alexander
@Satsuki: Subject 768 aka. Andarta
@Tendo: Subject 313 aka. Darlene
@Spade: Subject 562 aka. Johnny/Johnny Volatile
@karamonnom: Subject 268 aka. Chester(Doc) | Subject 627 aka. Sony
@Savato: Subject 332 aka. Parkinson
@AgentFallenSoul Subject 000 aka. D