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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Lex looked up at the person who came up to him. He looked part machine. "Please to meet you. My name is Lex Luthor." He said with a smile. He cured as he thought to himself *Dammit! How can I read this data with all this clods surrounding me?! I have to move to a more secluded place.* He looked over at the Green guy and tails talk more. He saw the green guy display some metahuman abilities. Lex looked down at Miles robot and saw something. "Your android's arms are faulty. They appear to be to loose. They would fal off after a few days. here let me see." Lex took the android and took out some tools from the breifcase with the warsuit, making sure the people arround him didnt see the suit. Lex adjusted the arms and handed it back to Tails. "The arms should be a little tighter now, but not enough that he cant move them around.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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Although Natasha didn't want to socialize, her cover identity was a fairly friendly person, so she stood and walked over to a couple of men talking. It didn't escape the Russian that she seemed to be the only woman on board. "Hello, fellas." She said, making sure that her voice was calm with an undercurrent of excitement. "I'm Raquel Nolan. What're your names?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Kula Alexandrite, Sula Sapphire and Magio Toadstool & Argento von Karmia

BGM: Sacred Moon

"...", Argento sighed as he looked outside. Magio did noticed that something was bothering him. "Hey, what's wrong?", he asked. Argento shook his head negatively. The young holy knight looked at the window, while his dark shadow closed its eyes and dwelled into thoughts. Soon, the speaked began to talk.

"Attention, all passengers. The S.P.R.E.A.D shuttles will depart. Our destination is the resort that lies at the Universe N° 2759. Please, enjoy the voyage with S.P.R.E.A.D and have a nice trip."

They could hear the engines starting as the shuttle line started to move. It was possible to see all the people at the station passing by, truly fast. "And now that it started, I'm going to take a nice nap... It'll be long until we reach there, right?", Sula asked, but got no answer. Kula was distracted by looking at the window. Yet, his face didn't seemed any pleased. Sula touched his shoulder, making Kula startle. "Kula, are you OK? Now I'm starting to get worried...", Sula said. "I am fine... please, have your rest.", Kula spoke, gently. Sula nodded and closed his eyes.

I cannot shake the feeling...
... That something dreadful will happen to us...
... And that this fun would soon come to an end...

Prologue: Our Plans for a Moment of Peace

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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BGM: Prayer
Chapter 1

The Peak of Disaster

BGM: Land of Beginnings

The shuttle kept travelling through the space. They could see stars from the windows. The conversations between some people kept going on. Of course, those who decided to remain quiet couldn't shake something they felt. And one of them, being a social person, decided to see what was going on. This quietness is too boring, I can't take it! I need to speak with someone-, Magio was thinking before he saw the space beyond the closed glass. I have a better idea on how I'll pass my time., he said. Then, Magio opened the window.

Being a little curious, Kula spied on what Magio was doing. Then, the next thing he saw was the white-haired boy jumping over to the roof. "Huh? What is he planning to do in the roof?", Kula spoke to himself and left to the window.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Lex kept seeing people coming over to him. It was rather annoying and it kept him from looking over all the data his phone stole. He would have to wait. He looked outside, and rose a eyebrow. He swore he saw omething on the roof. He looked over at the red haired woman from earlier. "I am Lex Luthor..." He said simply, trying to draw less attention to himself
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sheogorath
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Sheogorath The Irate God

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"Hmm...I wonder what this destination shall bring me." Mephistopheles murmured, sitting in her seat near the exit. She propped one foot up on the seat, then rested her elbow on her bent knee and stared out the window. "I shall bring honor to my organization though. That much is true." She smiled contently to herself, only looking up when she heard the sound of footsteps on the roof. "Why is there someone on the roof?" she asked aloud, confident that someone would know the answer or a good guess as to why.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The twins sat quietly in their seats, the conversations flowing around them though they kept to themselves. Estelle had her head laid on Erion's shoulder with her eyes closed. The older sibling glanced at his younger twin, glad she was able to get a little rest seeing as she hadn't been able to sleep well the past few nights. He hoped that with them escaping their past Estelle would be a bit more at ease. He could only hope and do his best to protect her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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@Cynder "Mothafucka?" he said as he pointed at the book that the gentleman held in his hands. he tried some sign language that he had picked up on his travels to the station which he ended by pointing at his own book in hopes that the man understood that he would want to trade literature with him and possible compare them at a later time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

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The shuttle had begun to travel at a considerable rate by now. Sable was taken back by the beauty of the stars -- though he had seen them before in his home world, he never had the opportunity to see them as close and personable as they were presented to him now. Anyway, back to his "conversation" with the strange man and a woman named "Raquel". What an interesting bunch. . that he'd probably want to trade in if he had the chance.

Hearing the man utter one swear and move his hands in strange motions, Sable lowered his shades and looked to the girl, "Do you have any idea what the hell he is trying to say?" Now where had he seen those motions before . . . ?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Tails appreciated Lex's gesture and nodded kindly then looked about as he felt the shuttle moving he turned to Mort and looked at him keenly.

@Rick Sanchez

"I do work with machines like that but not all the time, and by the way do you have an odd feeling that something bad is going to happen?"

He said sounding confused to Mort who was sitting next to him crunching down on Doritos and using his odd abilities to eat.

The feeling was only slight but it passed and he shuttered because he hadn't felt something like that for a while so he just looked down at his android.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Sign language." Thankfully, Natasha could understand the man. Her cover identity, Raquel, had a deaf brother-in-law, which allowed her to use her knowledge. "He's asking about your book. He wants to trade books with you and possibly compare them later."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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@LadyTale "Mothafucka" said the Mutant as he nodded his head in the agreement he then signed that mothafucka was the only thing he was capable of saying sadly
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Eesh." Natasha frowned slightly. Personally, she had no problem with his language, but Raquel was a different story. "He can only say... you know, that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lex was becoming more annoyed by everyone but decided to investigate who was on the roof of the shuttle. Excuse me.." Lex said to everyone. He took his two suitcases and began walking to tbhe restroom of the shuttle. He locked the door, and began hacking the shuttle's system. it would still run but it would gfive him a complete view of the shuttle. "Now lets see who is on top.."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Magio Toadstool

Magio was sitting on the roof, looking all the space and the infinite stars that it had. He always loved to watch the stars... the people he cares about. I can already hear the many wishes people are doing... like 'I wish to be a superhero' or 'I wish that everyday to be Saturday'. If only I could make all of them possible to be realized..., he thought. As he looked a little more, Magio stared to draw constellations and figures. He made a cake, a teddy bear and a smile with the stars. Now this is the way I enjoy the trip. I only wonder if no one's interested to come up here., he thought while drawing a dragon.

Kula Alexandrite, Sula Sapphire and Argento Von Karmia

Argento opened his eyes as he heard the many questionings about the person in the roof. He also heard many of the conversations. "Wait... is that a dragon?", Kula asked while looking at the window. He saw the dragon constellation Magio had drawn. "... My friend is on the roof. He is also the one who drew the dragon.", Argento finally spoke. Kula and Sula looked at Argento and walked towards him, much to his disdain. "Hey, how is he able to do that?", Sula asked, in curiosity. Argento simply sighed. "Go ask him yourself.", Argento said, while closing his eyes. Being the short-tempered person he is, Sula was about to punch him, when Kula held him back. "If that's the case, I'm going then! I want to know and I will!", he said, going to the window and climging to the roof. "How annoying... so many loud people, in so little time...", Argento said with his eyes closed. "I agree that Sula is a little loudmouthed. Please forgive him.", Kula said. Sensing that Kula was rather calm compared to the rest, Argento gave him a small smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sheogorath
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Sheogorath The Irate God

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"Hmm...a strange one indeed. He wears the head of a chicken but otherwise dresses normally." Mephistopheles mused to herself, finding herself intrigued by this Jacket character. She continued to look the man over, a thoughtful expression crowding her face as she stared silently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Jacket paused his game due to getting feeling like he was being watched by someone so he looked around the shuttle and took notice of a woman with silver hair and a golden mask. Did she work for "50 Blessing"? or was she an independent of any organization? but all this was starting to get awkward so he took out his Walkman and pushed the play button "Hello" Came a feminine voice from the small machine @Sheogorath
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lex saw more people were on the roof. Was someone attcking? He should get the war suit on or drink the superman serum just to be safe. He decided to risk it and walk out. As he walked out he got a good view of all the passengers. Some lookedd more interrsting then the others. He decided to sit in the front now where he would be alone. He began looking over more data from the shuttle. "Lets see if I can look at the passenger's information..." He thought to himself. Lex smirked as he looked over the data
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sheogorath
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Sheogorath The Irate God

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Billsomething "Hello." Mephistopheles replied to the small machine. That must be a 'tape recorder'. We do not have those in my world. she thought to herself for a moment, eyeing the device for a moment. She stood a moment before walking over to the seat beside Jacket. "Do you mind if I sit beside you, sir?" she asked, watching him cautiously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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"No" this time a masculine voice came out of the Walkman and Jacket moved a bit to the side so the woman could take seat he looked at her then pushed the buttons on his Walkman "I am Jacket" said the machine before Jacket placed the machine into his jean pockets he then pulled out his GameBoy and returned to the paused game @Sheogorath
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