Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rick Sanchez
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Rick Sanchez the kinkiest boot

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

There was a suspicious lack of staff, from what Mortimer could tell, and he cautiously slid up in the seat to look around.

The shuttle was almost full (well, there were at least a good percentage of the people from outside now having boarded, but the shuttle itself was hardly full) and Mortimer relaxed a little bit. He knew this role very well; act like you're supposed to be there, smile--the "nothing's amiss here" kind of act. Heck, he could go to sleep, no one would try to throw a sleeping dude out, hopefully.

A fox, similar to the ones he'd seen earlier--actually familiar, this one--was speaking animatedly to a really scary, bald dude with a laptop, and Mort happened to overhear the last part of what he was saying. The kid was a mechanic? That was...really cool.

"Wait, really?" He grinned and leaned over the seat in front of him, trying to get the fox's attention. "You're a mechanic, bro? What types of aircrafts?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tails looked over and saw an odd green man trying to get his attention, he smiled at the man.

@Rick Sanchez

"Yeah I am a mechanic and an inventor, my names Tails"

He smiled at the frog man and looked him over, he wore ragged clothing and looked very odd but obviously his intentions were to just get a ride on the shuttle.

"And not to be rude or anything sir but what are you?"

Tails asked the man wondering where he had come from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mean while else where on the shuttle...

Although blatant and obnoxious as ever Wade or Deadpool as people called him-

"Yeah that's me!"

Do you mind?

"Well yeah since I am the character of this survival I have the freedom of-"

Just be quiet so we can make this whole thing progress.

"Ugh fine!"

Anyways, Deadpool sat amongst the other people or creatures "Or Freaks!" Deadpool interrupted the Narrator so impolitely.

"Oh come on I was just kidding go on!"

So Deadpool sat in the shuttle among the otherworldly people as if it were another day in his life and everyone and then he got the odd look because he talked to the Narrator.


He waved into the space to no one, many think him insane yet he isn't insane he is a Marvel character so he can do that.

So he pulled a Chimichanga from nowhere and started munching down on it letting the Narrator take a lunch break.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Kula Alexandrite, Sula Sapphire and Magio Toadstool & Argento von Karmia

Kula and Sula listened to the conersation a bit. They looked behind and saw Tails. "Hey, isn't that Sonic's inventor buddy? What was his name again?", Sula asked. "He is Tails. Sonic had told me about him when he came to the castle. I never managed to meet all of his friends, just him, Shadow and Silver.", Kula said. Sula scratched his head. How come Kula never met anyone but Sonic, Shadow and Silver? Maybe he was over restrict guard before so they weren't able to meet. "Then how about we go and say our hi? It must be really strage for the guy to see two people from Mobius and not know them.", Sula said, getting up. However, Kula held him before he could walk to the corridor. "It is best if we leave him be for now. He is already in a discussion.", Kula spoke, a little serious. Sula nodded and sat back, but soon started to complain. "Gaaaah, it's hot... when they're going to turn the air conditioners on?", he said.

BGM: Diamond Dust

"Why would you need an air conditioner?", Kula asked and aimed up. He started to blow an icy breeze to the ambient to make it less hot. "... Alright, I was dumb to forget that. My bad.", Sula said, scratching his head.

Magio and Argento noticed that the air had gone a little colder than usual, but the sensation felt really nice. When they looked behind, they saw Kula blowing ice to refresh. "Wow, isn't that convenient. We practically don't need those air conditioners.", Magio spoke. Argento kept looking at them while thinking. Those two... are they the Twin Sprites of Chaos from Mobius?, he thought while staring. Magio's attention diversed back to Argento, who seemed puzzled. I wonder what's with Argento... he's been so thoughtful ever since we left The End of Everything and came here. I know he's moody, but not so moody like that., Magio thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rick Sanchez
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Rick Sanchez the kinkiest boot

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

From somewhere on the shuttle, a rough-voiced man was shouting to himself, and Mortimer looked quickly before swallowing hard and looking back to the fox with a nervous smile. That was Deadpool--he knew who he was, he'd seen him on the news plenty of times. Vigilante hero, and if he recognized Mort as Toad, it could be problematic.

Hopefully, he either wouldn't bother with a inadequate terrorist or he'd be from another timeline, and the version of Mort there would either be non-existent or look completely different. He really hadn't wanted to run into people from his dimension here--especially heroes--but he supposed he could keep his hood up and lay low.

He returned his attention to Tails as quickly as he could and gave out a winding, self-deprecating reply.

"That's real cool, man, that kind of stuff--I fixed a jeep and my teammate's automag, before, but nothing like that." Mortimer used a webbed hand when he talked to emphasize his point, then paused.

"Uh...human, just mutant. I'm Mort." He held out aforementioned hand to the other to shake. "Mind the claws. What're you, a fox right? Where from?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tails nodded he knew technically what a mutant was and that was interesting because he looked at Mort and he could see that he was no different from other people than Tails was in a crowd at Times Square.

Quickly Tails replied to Mort's question.

@Rick Sanchez

"I am from Mobius a world where people like me live except they are different animals, like those two!"

Tails pointed to the odd looking Mobian he didn't know then to another Fox like being that looked similar to Tails yet older.

"They're from my world, I don't know why they came but I came because I need to learn to be independent"

He said to Mort, he looked at Lex and then traversed the shuttle taking a seat beside Mort so he wouldn't be talking from across the seats, he took his bags with him.

"You seem cool so I will sit with you and leave him alone, he seems to be interested in other things"

He pointed at Lex and then turned to Mort, his ears picked up the voice of a rough sounding man who was yelling to himself.

"Where are you from Mort?"

Tails asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rick Sanchez
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Rick Sanchez the kinkiest boot

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mort followed his finger to the two who were making a racket earlier, and nodded, then slid in to allow Tails to occupy the seat when the Mobian decided to move. "I'm fine with that, go ahead."

"Independent, huh?" Mort gave a soft laugh, because that reminded him of things he'd been told before. Tails didn't sound very old for needing to learn self-sufficiency, however, and the Mort raised an eyebrow. "How old are you?"

"I'm from Earth 80...69, I think. Or at least that's the number they told us when they were setting up S.P.R.E.A.D. It's like regular Earth, but with a nasty war going on. I figured I'd take a long vacation until mutants and humans figure their stuff out." He laughed weakly, and ran a hand through his dreads, the metal beads of which clinked together at the movement.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Looking over the other people in the shuttle, Natasha quickly catalogued them and any apparent abilities in her mind. Don't tell me I'm the only non-powered person in here. She thought, a touch exasperated. As usual, however, she looked to be perfectly content. Her cover, Raquel, was a fairly calm and capable kind of person.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jacket had boarded the shuttle there where a lot of odd people in here but the one that put him on edge the most was that woman and bald man he had just placed a gun in his pocket. But he tried to ignore him which was a lot easier then he thought it would be.

So just he looked for an empty seat he saw one across from a pair of twins so he sat down they didn't pay him much mind other then a quick glance well brother of the pair seemed stare at him a bit longer but he quickly went back to talking to his sister. Jacket just messed with his Walkman before putting it back into his pocket so he just waited for the shuttle to lunch it made him anxious so he tried searching his pockets for something to take his mind off things, he found it and it was his Game-Boy he forgot that he had taken it with him. so he checked what cartridge was in it, he found it to be "Super Mario Lands" so he turned it on and went on playing his game

Bad was quite displeased with the fact that the shuttle seemed lack a seat appropriate to his Size so he sat down in the corner of the ship and went back to reading his book
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tails always got tired of explaining how old he was but he decided he would tell Mort.

@Rick Sanchez

"I am eight years old, but most people consider me a genius for my age!"

He looked around again noticing an odd looking man with a chicken mask, be he looked back at Mort to continue speaking.

"I am trying to be my own person and not try to be something I can not be"

He said, this was true because he was trying to not always depend on his friend Sonic, because he knew Sonic and because he felt as though it was time to discover himself.

"It's hard to be the sidekick!"

Tails sighed glumly looking at his feet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rick Sanchez
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Rick Sanchez the kinkiest boot

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh, heh, yeah. I hear you, man." Mort looked away and thought back to all the times his teammates had sent an withering look his way, how he'd always been last to get his coffee in the morning, how easy it'd been for them to leave him--it was very hard being second (or in his case, fifth) best. It hurt, but not as much as the self-loathing that coiled in his chest at the memories.

But he smiled kindly for Tails anyway, hoping he'd cheer up, and pulled out the bag of Doritos from his satchel and popped them open. He held out the bag with one hand in offering to the younger.

"It's not easy when you're still figuring everything out. It gets better." He wasn't sure, but it sounded good.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tails nodded and looked up at Mort, he reached his hand into the bag and pulled out a few odd looking triangular shaped pieces of fiber and popes one of them into his mouth.

It was delicious as a matter of fact it probably was the best thing he had ever tasted, he smiled at Mort who Tails figured was also a sidekick of some sort always left in the dust, so to speak.

@Rick Sanchez

"That makes me feel better Mort thanks!"

He popped another 'Dorito' into his mouth then when he finished chewing and swallowed he licked his fingers and then spoke again.

"That tasted really good it's probably the best thing I have ever eaten in my life!"

He said to Mort, the food was probably the best thing he had ever eaten other than rabbit which was really good but he appreciated that Mort had cheered him up a little bit although Tails could never forget that he was number two, even if he ate Doritos all his life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Lex realized the others here had powers. He then guessed the red-head woman was possibly another human like him. "I like to build robots, mech suits, and weapons. I usually make whatever is useful for me and my goals." Lex looked over seeing a annoying man in red, who resembled Deathstroke. A relative maybe? Slade did have family. Lex looked back at the computer, the donwloading was complete. He smirked to himself, as all the shuttle's technological secrets were now at Lexcorp,and his computer. He looked over as the ugly green guy talked with Tails.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rick Sanchez
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Rick Sanchez the kinkiest boot

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

His smile was a little bit more genuine now, glad his words had worked their magic--or his chips, either way.

Mort took a Dorito and flicked it into the air, deciding to show off; his tongue shot out of his mouth and snaked upwards three feet or so, catching the Dorito and retracting to his mouth like a rubber band. He chewed, and grinned.

"You don't have Doritos in Mobius? I wouldn't say they're the best, but they're pretty good. I think pizza cheats them out of...fourth place, maybe?" He shrugged. Considering he had no qualms with eating bugs or small lizards, live, he probably wasn't the best judge of flavor.

He noticed the scary looking dude looking at them and raised a brow, wondering if his tongue move wasn't low-key enough.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tails was impressed by Morts abilities, which were very frog-like but interesting at the very most.

"That's a pretty cool ability,"

Tails said to Mort, who chewed on the Dorito he seemed pretty surprised that Mobius didn't have Doritos, in fact Tails wondered why no one had ever made Doritos although people made things like Pizza and Chilli Dogs but no Doritos, he noted to keep this in mind once or when he returned to Mobius to start manufacturing Doritos for the world.

"Mort we do have Pizza, and as a matter of fact Chilli Dogs"

Rolling his eyes he said as he became comfortable in his seat, his tails twitching.

"My best friend is obsessed with Chilli Dogs"

He said, reaching for his bags pulling a backpack close to his and pulled the incomplete android out and then pulled a screw driver from his tool belt and began surveying the small android for imperfections.

@Rick Sanchez
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The shuttle had finally arrived. Truth being told, the gathering crowd made Sable both interested and uncomfortable, not that he would show signs of either. He had a sinking feeling in his being that he would have to eventually deal with these strange folk, but couldn't explain it. Nor did he want to.

Not to say he didn't want to: the anthropomorphized foxes made him ponder, perhaps they were new members of the Vulpix family line? They looked much more different than any other Pokemon he had seen before. Then again, the world flew ahead of you after being alive for thousands and millions of years, existing mostly as a legend.

Boarding the shuttle, Sable took a seat in the back of the car. He fixed his sunglasses and focused his attention on a small book -- a personal book that would document his experiences for his siblings, Kyurem and Reshiram -- because in all honesty, this trip wasn't a vacation or anything else. It was a new final frontier to see what the multi-verse could bring to his species -- and his ideal of a perfect world.

And being a pilgrim wasn't very easy, apparently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bad Mothafucka looked up from his own book as he saw the new arrival his interest was a bit pecked at the book that the man was holding
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He felt eyes on him -- the legendary Pokemon was being watched.

Tapping the button on his pen, he placed both that and the little black book into a pocket on the inner side of his heavy, black coat. He fixed his sunglasses, looking at this unfamiliar. . creature. "Is something I can help you with, gent?" The green skin was a little off-setting, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Especially in the past couple of years when Sable had been introduced to violence, guns and the obscure idea that humans could have "superpowers".

Life was certainly more "alive" in the past century or so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mizn was alerted when the shuttle arrived at the station quickly gathering his only items the bobble head and dust canister. Entering shuttle 11 he located a seat near the balded headed organic. Quickly taking his seat the automaton looked around at people he will be traveling with. He decide to try to make small talk with the baled human next to him. "Introduction: Greetings bald human, I am Mizn how are you?" the automaton asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rick Sanchez
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Rick Sanchez the kinkiest boot

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"That's a pretty cool ability."

"It ain't much and it ain't pretty, honestly. Your friend's off a bit, man; chili dogs don't even come close to the top five. Have they ever tried a quesadilla, or...?" Mort watched Tails work in minor awe, the slits of his pupils contracting.

When he'd been younger, he'd been fascinated by this sort of thing. He once tried to take the VCR apart to see if he could put it together again (he could) and when his dad found out, he'd been given hell (he had to. If he hadn't put it back together, he might as well have been excommunicated). He smiled at the other in admiration and growing fondness--Tail's wasn't kidding around when he said he was a genius for his age--and ignored the envy he felt.

"That's the types of robots you work on? Is it an AI?"

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