Assyrian Empire

What Areas Do You Control: Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, and Kuwait
Political Party: Petros Dynasty (Far Right Dynasty that was started by Ashur Petros)
Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy
Total Enlisted Forces: 240,136
Total Active Personnel: 202,295
The Assyrian Empire itself has built something known as the Ashurian Wall. The Wall is both a wall in the physical and the electronic world. The wall covers both the Northern, Southern, and Eastern Border of the nation and every mile a Guard Tower is propped up that has 3 Assyrian Immortals and 5 Scout troops. The wall also has a Gate every 100 miles. Assyrian Immortals are like The Ottoman Janissaries as they are the kids who where picked out during the Great Cleansing. They are like the Persian Immortals from ancient times as they are the most elite warriors in the nation and they are replaced almost immediately if one dies, making them seem Immortal.
The Ashurian Wall is also one of the largest Fire walls on the planet. It is meant to keep government computers safe from foreign hackers who might want to steal information that the Glorious Assyrian Empire Has.
Assyrium is the Capital of the Assyrian Empire. Assyrium was built out of the ashes of Mosul during the Kurdish Assyrian war. It is a giant fortress as it has the Petros Wall around it, a giant wall that can be compared to the Walls of Constantinople for its near impenetrability. In the Middle of the city lies the Royal Palace where Ashur, his family, and his closest advisors live.
The Assyrian Mediterranean border holds one of the largest ports on the planet that stretches from the Southern area of Antioch all the way to the top of Israeli-Assyrian border. It also holds some of the largest Naval bases on the planet just in case the Assyrians need to invade from the Mediterranean sea against European Nations.
Productions (What your nation Produces):
The Assyrian Empire is one of the largest producers of Oil on the planet. They are also one of the largest producers of Military arms on Earth because of the mass producing areas that lie outside of Baghdad and Assyrium.
History of the Nation (Easy Pz):
In Early 2016, Israel finally joined the war against ISIS and began an invasion against the terrorist controlled areas and it seemed like they where going to succeed at destroying the terrorist menace. Soon after, Hezbollah began popping up in Iraqi and Syrian occupied areas, leading to the Israelis moving out.
This caused the Israelis to go to plan B and they began to arm Sutoro, an Assyrian militia fighting ISIS that at the time only had 2000 soldiers. The reason why the Israelis armed the Assyrians and not the Kurds is because the Assyrians had a better relationship with the Israelis then the Kurds.
The Field was set for the next stage of the Syrio-Iraq Civil War, the Iraqi and Syrian governments going against ISIS going against Hezbollah going against the PKK and Sutoro. Majority of the battles consisted of what was left from the governments in the Iraq and Syrian nations going against ISIS, with Hezbollah having small skirmishes against ISIS and the PKK. Sutoro attacked the ISIS outposts.
The 2016 year came and passed, and 2017 arrived. This year, as called by the Assyrian people, is known as the Year of Freedom. Sutoro began growing very quickly as Assyrians in both Iraq and Syria began to join the armies. By August 2017 they hit 20 thousand members in Sutoro. With the help of the PKK, they eventually managed to beat Hezbollah out of the area leaving only ISIS and the governments of the two nations to deal with.
In November 2017, ISIS had been pushed back into the edges of both nations and the governments where dissolved (finally) and where to be put back after the civil war finally ended. Majority of the members of ISIS had fled into Libya and other North African countries and the ones who where left fought to the very end, but they eventually fell, and the Civil War finally ended.
The United Nations redivided the nations of Iraq and Syria and the division lead to this. North Iraq and Syria where known as the Kurdo-Assyrian Republic, and it would be a nation for the Kurds and Assyrians. The Middle part of Iraq and Syria would be known as Syria, and the Shia muslim area of Iraq would be known as Iraq, leaving the lower part of Syria to vote with where they wanted to join, and they joined Syria.
A mass migration began into the Kurdo-Assyrian republic as Assyrians from all around the planet began to return to there Homeland, leading to a nation that had around 3 Million Assyrians, 5.9 Million Kurds, and 1 million Iraqi/Assyrians to populate the nation.
The Iraqi/Syria area was just fine until 2029, when Ashur Petros was elected president of the Kurdo-Assyrian republic. Ashur Petros preached a return to the great Assyrian Empire, an empire that shall hold all of the areas of Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Kuwait. The Kurdo-Assyrian republic began an invasion of Syria on September 16th, 2029, 6 months before the start of World War Three.
The Capital of Syria was North Baghdad. In North Baghdad a wall that divided Syria and Iraq lied known as the Baghdad Wall. Ashur personally wanted to raise the flag of the Kurdo-Assyrian republic in the city, and by the start of World War Three, he did. When the first shot was fired in the first battle of World War 3, all of what was Syria was now part of the Kurdo-Assyrian republic. Ashur began a massacre against all of the Syrian/Iraqi Adults, stating that this is merely revenge for what they did to the Assyrians and Kurds. All Children under 5 where to be taken and converted by his government.
Ashur soon released this message towards the world. "I am someone who is forming a homeland for the oppressed peoples in the Middle East. All Christian Arabs, Assyrians, and Kurds around the world will be allowed to enter our nation. We want all of you to return home."
In 2031, Ashur tore down the Baghdad wall and marched into Iraq, slaughtering people from city to city leading to the conquest of the nation in 3 months. Ashur's next target was Kuwait, and he surrounded the country in a circle his armies began to do exactly what they did in Iraq, slaughtering all who where not Assyrian, Kurd, or Christian. 2 months after the invasion of Kuwait, it too joined what Ashur had begun to call the Kurdo-Assyrian Empire.
Next, they warned Lebanon, stating that they either join the Empire, or be eradicated. Soon, the streets of Beirut where filled with Christians protesting against the government because the government chose to fight the Assyrians. Ashur voiced another message to the Christians in Lebanon. "Hello, it seems that at least some of the Lebanese are smart enough to join me, those who want to join my Empire, begin to occupy areas, I shall send armies to help you."
Ashur did just that, Lebanon was taken in only a month, and in two months, majority of the Lebanese Islamic population where destroyed. Ashur put his eyes on the country Jordan, in what would be the longest invasion the country went through. The Kurdo-Assyrian armies began to march against the nation of Jordan on October 16th, 2030. The two armies collided on October 25th, 2030 in what would begin the Great March.
Day by Day, the Kurdo-Assyrian Armies slowly pushed the armies of Jordan back. The people of Jordan knew they where going to lose, but they knew they where going to fight to there last breath, and well, they did. The last known Islamic resident of Jordan was their King, and he was put to death on live tv by Ashur by firing Squad on September 15th 2031.
For two years, mass genocide was committed against who was left in the Empire. During the 2033 election, Ashur destroyed the democracy and crowned himself Emperor of Assyria, stating that the Kurds are disgusting and they must be destroyed, and that all Kurds under the age of 7 are to be put to death, this is, except those who are in the Army as they have proven to be loyal to Emperor Ashur.
This began the darkest days in the history of the nation, known as the Kurdish Assyrian war. A mass exodus of Kurds into Turkey happened, that was, until Ashur sent his soldiers to build a wall between the two nations. Slowly, the Muslim Kurds where purged from his Empire one by one, and by 2037, nearly four years after it began, the Great Purge stopped. The Kurds had either all been eradicated or they moved. Ashur soon voiced this message around the world "The deed is done, my perfect Empire has been formed, and I shall voice this again, if any Christian Arabs from around the world want to leave their nations and join my Perfect Empire, they may."
Soon, the Copts from Egypt began to pour into the nation. Christians from Iran began to run in from the West, and Christian Arabs from South America and Australia began to fly into the nation. In 2040, the Empire had reached a population of 30 million.
Main Race: The High Class and Dynasty is Assyrian.
Assyrian 17%
Copt (Egyptian Christian) 50%
Iraqi/Syrian Christian 10%
Iraqi/Syrian Muslim 3% (Mostly Hiding)
Kurdish Christian 10%
Kurdish Muslim 5% (Mostly Hiding)
Other Arab 5% (Mostly Hiding)
Total Population: 24 Million
Main Religion: The State Religion is Syriac Christian, but all sects of Christianity are accepted.
Syriac Christian: 37%
Coptic: 50%
Islamic: 12%
Atheist: 0.9%
Jewish: 0.1%