Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The red Gardevoir sped out of the house, rushing to the medical tavern. If it everything was true, about the Stargate being reopened, she needed to find away to protect herself and Rin. She busted through the door, and started yelling frantically. "Is it true?! Is it open?!" Everyone looked at her in shock. It was unexpected for her to rush through and yell, but no one told her anything, until a Chansey came out. "Yes Lana, I'm afraid so. All three are here." The Chansey gestured to the stairs, and Lana went up, The creaking wood stairway.

All three of them were there. Barely conscious, and barely alive. There bodies were as cold as ice, and their breath was soft, barely there. "Will Rin, never have a normal childhood?"

Rin & Haven

The town square was a fun place to play in for Rin and Haven. Splashing in the fountain, playing tag, doing whatever. Haven was Rin's best, and probably her only friend. While it was hard, and although she hated it, she managed to keep the truth away from Haven, who couldn't know anything about the Stargate. While Rin was thinking, Haven came up behind her. "Tag! Your it!" Haven ran towards the woods, going towards the Phosphor Forest.

Rin stopped at the edge of town, but then gathered up some courage to follow. Haven squeaked as he ran, going farther and farther into the woods. The canopy was growing larger, and the forest was getting darker, illuminated by small blue and green mushrooms. She kept running, until a hand reached out and grabbed her as she screamed.

Rin stopped abruptly, and tripped over her own feet. The shrill cry sounded like Haven, and she didn't hear her squeaking anymore. She started back for the village, and heard a rattle behind her. She ran faster, and faster, hoping she would get to the village, but they had ran far out, and the village would be a couple kilometers away. There was a shadow in the phosphorescent light, and a mouth full of fangs caught her in the face.

"Oh, that's just great! Now you've done it Kalis!" "Relax! The two are just sleeping. Did you think I killed them?" The Arbok snapped back at Bisharp who accused him of doing such a thing. They were just kids playing in the forest, killing them would be cruel, and unnecessary. Now if they had gotten to the base, that would be different. "Well it kind of looked like it. Anyways, we'll take 'em to the boss, and people will sure come looking for them, and that's when all of us will strike." They both laughed evilly, and continued to walk deeper into the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

As was generally the case in Mithril's life; he was very happy. The Stargate was a thing of legends, something that had remained close for longer then anyone had been alive, was now open once again. 'Clearly this can only mean one thing;' Mithril had thought to himself 'adventure!' With that line of flawless deductive reasoning, he made his way to the town of Medburn, the location of said Stargate. While his parents didn't expect him to find anything too exciting there, Mithril knew differently; he knew that there was adventure there, just waiting for him to grasp it, to slowly caress it like one would a lover.

As Mithril finally entered the town of Medburn, bobbing as he did, he began to quiver in excitement "here I am. The place where my dream will come true. It's...just...so exciting." By now, his quivering had evolved into vibrating "so...many...possibilities! Mind...filled with...squee! Can't...breath. Suddenly...remembering...I don't...breath. Constantly pausing...narration fading." His vibrating slowed down into normal quivering, before dying down altogether. "Now first thing's first; I need to find my wielder and partner." He said to himself was he went in search of an adventuring partner
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gris was more than worried that he wouldn't find the funds he needed to start up his spa. As he scampered on all fours around his inn room, the clamor became too much for him to handle. He had left the clan simply because all they did was scratch and whine. The mincinno didn't take into account all pokemon were prone to complaining! There were rumors that strange pokemon had ended up at the inn recently, and after realizing that no one was talking about him, he decided it would be fine to ignore them.

It wasn't as if they could build him a spa, after all! He would need to do that once he had gathered enough loot to sell or barter... That was the olan, at least! Gris hadn't planned on getting up until much later, but rude inn visitors had no idea how to shut their little jaws. Ah, well. Some things just couldn't be helped, and the normal type stretched his tail as he scampered out the door. Should he visit the forest today or the islands?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Smash sleeped onto her little den she called a home. Rolling over she could hear the others pokemon voice outside, but she was too tired to care. Closing her eyes again she wasen't interested about doing nothing yet, not now she only tried to go back to her dream world.
She loved to sleep, dream world was like paradise to her. There never neede to do anything, no sadness only happiness. She could sleep forever and after, but always needed to wake up to the reality. Not now she going back to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Lana walked out of the tavern, wiping the tears from her eyes. It was true, and they would probably have to move, to get farther away from the Stargate. She then snapped out of it, and went to go get Rin from the town square. She walked to the fountain, and looked to it, the crisp, clear, sparkling water. There was hope in it, light. Lana took her gaze off the water, and put it on the rest of the town square, keeping an eye out for Rin. Realizing Rin was nowhere to be found, she panicked, breathing heavy, and her heart, pounding out of her chest.

She went to the shops in the square, but most everyone was asleep, except for Gris. Shuddering, she ran over to him. "Gris! Gris! Have you seen Rin or Haven!? They were in the square, and I-I can't find them!"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

How strange, he thought, that there were both sunflowers and sunflora. Both were beautiful in their own ways, but it struck him as he paused to examine a big yellow blossom growing near the inn that some pokemon looked an awful lot like other things. If a sunflora ate sunflower seeds were they cannibals? More importantly, if he decided to use sunflowers in his spa, what would the sunflora say? And what of roses and lillies? There was no way business would thrive if he couldn't use flowers!

Frowning as he ran possible solutions through his head, Gris was snapped out of his dilemma by a panicked Gardevoir. Grey eyes widened. He hadn't been in Melburn that log, but the people were kind and got to know him right away. Besides, if he was going to open up a facility in the town, he needed the support of the locals. In other words, he would have to give a little elbow grease and lend a paw. Who was Rin? The youngsters of Melburn raced through his mind like wildfire. Was it that perky swablu? No, that was Haven, the other one. The jittery joltik? That UNBEARABLE STUPID MISDRREAVUS WHO WOULDN'T LEAVE HIS POOR TAIL ALONE?! Because if it was her he wasn't going to help. At all.

He suddenly lit up. The little quiet one! He could never remember her. "Oh, your ralts?" Gris hummed thoughtfully. What were they doing outside so early in the first place? Being out in the morning must have been better than in the evening, but when he was a swaddled little furball, his mama-cino never let him out of her sight! Something bad could happen to toddlers who wander. He hadn't seen anyone shady around town, though, so maybe the girls had decided to run off. He of all pokemon knew how easy it was to lose track of the world.

The difference was Gris could defend himself alright, or at least run away fairly quickly. On the other hand, he wasn't sure that Rin could even see from under her mushroom cap. "We should start looking around now. I'm sure they're off playin' somewhere but if they are in trouble, we need to get to them ASAP! I was just on my way to the forest, kinda so I'll keep an eye out for her then!" Gris was all by his lonesome, but so far he hadn't met any pokemon who had pursued him when he ran. Worst case scenario the two had fallen into a hole or something and he could pull them out with his tail.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

It was nothing short of a miracle that Mithril made it to Medburn in the first place. See, Mithril had an abnormally horrible sense of direction, and I mean really bad. In fact, his sense of direction was so bad, that it seemed to warp space itself. For example; one time when Mithril was climbing down his mountain home, he somehow ended up on the peak. However, despite the random spatial distortions caused by his navigation, he didn't really understand that his sense of direction was truly that bad. Why Mention any of this you may ask? Well it's simple; during his exploration of the town, he somehow ended up in Phosphor Forest.

"Huh...I wonder how I got here. I could have sworn I was just in someone's house. Hmmm...maybe they have a greenhouse? Oh well, just more for me to explore" and in a very Mithril fashion, the Ghost/Steel type simply brushed off his state of completely-lost. As he merrily made his was through the forest, whistling a tune (despite not having lips. No questions dammit!), he stumbled across a Ralts and Swablu "Oh hi! Are you two on an epic greenhouse safari too?" he asked them
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Smash waked to all this noise and yelling, she rolled over and over, several times but coulden get any sleep anymore. Jumping up she walked tail twisting out to her so called home "What's going one? Why all this noise?" she yelled looking around the pokemons as far she could see them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Darkness... pain... and a few nightmares here and there until finally, I awaken in the middle of some sort of hospital. My vision was somewhat blurry, but I could still make out a tall, reddish, possibly pinkish humanoid, feminine shape entering the place, and asking... something. For some reason, I couldn't hear too well, either. Another shape, this one much more round, and significantly less humanoid seemed to stay in the room even after the humanoid shape left. I muttered something, which seemed to surprise the round figure, which I eventually recognized as a Chansey... a pokemon. She asked me "Oh my, are you awake?" though, at first I couldn't hear it, she repeated herself, and I responded with a groan. The Chansey didn't seem to have anything else to say, but, I did start to feel more energetic, and I did start to feel my wounds heal up a bit. I finally tried something, I tried to move my hand in front of my face. Unfortunately, however, I was greeted with a wing rather than a human hand. A wing similar to a bat's, yet... it wasn't quite the right color for a Zubat's, or even a Crobat's. "Wha... happened?" I finally ask, rather than mutter, which got a response from the Chansey with "Oh... you came out of the Stargate, when I found you, you were severely hurt, as well as the others..." The Stargate...? Wait... was that what I saw in my dreams yesterday? I came here from my dream...? I thought, though it sounded downright strange for any sort of dream to have an effect on reality, and yet, here I was. I finally managed to move out of my bed, and start trying to walk around this strange place, leaving the med cabin or whatever that place was after thanking the Chansey who rescued me, and not even giving a second thought to that word 'others...'

After a few failed attempts, I finally got the hang of flying, and I started to wonder where I should go after this. I wonder... perhaps there are some pokemon I don't know anything about... and if these pokemon can speak, perhaps they can write, and if they can write, I'm sure they'd have some sort of records about themselves... maybe I should head to the library, and figure out about these pokemon I don't know about. I decide, heading for the library, or, rather, flying to the nearest pokemon, and ASK where it was, and THEN head to the library after getting hopelessly lost in the town which I eventually learned was called 'Medburn', and was somewhat famous for, well, having access to the Stargate. Once I was in the library, I searched almost until I found 'A Compendium of Pokemon Species and Types' by ... someone who wanted to remain anonymous for some reason. Reading through the book, I found out about literally hundreds of pokemon that I didn't know about before, but... something got to me... there was a whole TYPE I didn't know about... it was listed after steel in this, and once I read the name of that type, I nearly screamed. I finished the book, skimming through and reading only whatever details might become necessary, and then I heard someone behind me "Oh, are you finished with your book?" I turned around to see a Sylveon... one of those new 'fairy' types. I accidentally used screech on the Sylveon, something that he (I could tell he was a he, judging from his voice) didn't appreciate very much, and I flew off in a panic... those fairies were immune to dragon type moves, and, not only that, but their moves were effective against dragons, like myself. I had no clue where I'd end up in my panic, but I honestly hoped that it would be far away from the nearest fairy... I didn't need one of those ruining something what was now REALITY.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Haven & Rin

Haven and Rin awoke, the faint green glow o ft he mushrooms and plants illuminating the corners of their eyes. When they finally got up, they were met by a Honedge, who was apparently, on acid. They met him with a face that said, oh, well, let me just show you...

"Ummmmm... No. But can you get us out of here. We were trapped by-" Rin was interrupted by the same rattle that she heard before, before she was taken out by a mouthful of fangs. Rin shuttered, emitting a fuchsia glow, from under her mushroom cap. The glow became brighter, and brighter, as a silhouette came closer, and closer to her. She heard the hiss of the Arbok, as he coiled up, and launched at Rin. Rin emitting a purple blast from under her mushroom cap instinctively, and sent the Arbok, coiling up with pain.

Then came the Bisharp, jumping down from a thick branch on a tree. Hitting Haven in the face as he did so. An extra metallic coat, and a surge of blue energy came over his right blade, as he tried to swipe at Haven, who barely got out of the way.

The Arbok, staying away from the Ralts who caused him pain, then went to the Honedge, who, to the Arbok, looked like he was on acid. Was he actually, by the looks of it, probably.

@Card Captor
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Hey! Jumping out and attacking people like that is...not...nice!" As Mithril yelled that last word, he did so while focusing Metal Sound on the Arbok, stunning it with sound that made Justin Bieber sound like he was Frank Sinatra. While the Poison Type was still staggered, Mithril hit him with Shadow Sneak, the mass of blackness that was his shadow crept over the the Arbok before lashing out at it. Then, taking his sheathe off and holding it in his cloth hand, his blade glowed with his next attack; Aerial Ace. Dashing forward to the Arbok, he quickly slashed him with his body, knocking him out. "Woop! For great justice!" Mithril triumphantly cried. It was then that he took notice of the Bisharp "hey, I just said that stuff was not nice!" he called out to the other partial Steel Type as he blindly charged at him, waving his sheathe around like a mad man as he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Bisharp, originally going for Haven, was interrupted by a Honedge, who thought he could take him. Yeah right. The Bisharp left arm, had been covered in darkness, and he pointed it at the Honedge. A ray of darkness pinned the Honedge to the wall. The Bisharp would have kept him there, but was interrupted by Rin, who tried to use confusion on him, which did nothing. "Weak. Pathetic. I'll put you in your place!"

The Bisharps arm-blade-thing glowed with brilliance, as he slashed it across Rin's face, sending her down onto the ground, covered in dirt. He then picked up Haven, and beat her across a tree, and then went over to his Arbok friend, and dragged him deeper into the forest. Someplace unknown.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Humming pleasantly as he made a sweet soiree into the Phosphor Forest, Gris stopped suddenly. Something caught his eye from beneath the shade of a great tree. There was a really interesting... something sprouting from the earth! Curiously, he poked at it a few times, chuckling at the mushroom's bouncy texture. He saw that there were many more, scattered around as if someone had dropped them out of a bag and they had just begun to root again. They were, oddly enough, black with pink speckles, and the to-be masseuse plucked one from its moist home. He sniffed it experimentally a few times, before snapping it in two, stump in one paw and cap on the other. It smelled like peppermint mixed with something sour, and he was a little afraid to try it. Maybe when he got back to the town, he could go to the dojo to give Yere and Iya a taste. They had strong stomachs, he was sure.

Physical peace was linked to mental peace, so of course he was going to open up his spa near the dojo. After pokemon had spent all their energy, they could come and strengthen their spiritual sense in his baths and other goodies! Looking at the cute little mushroom cap reminded him that he was also looking for Rin. Though he was sure the ralts could handle herself alright, it was fairly easy to get frazzled and forget how to fight, especially if you were a little baby. Maybe he could have a section in his spa for young pokemon? Yea, that would be good. It would make his spa popular with people of all ages!

Foraging with all fours, Gris' eys went wide when a voice echoed through the woods. For... great... justice? How much trouble could a few kids get into?! Making a mad dash in the direction of the voice, the mincinno began to wonder what had happened. The only sounds he usually heard in the forest was the rustling of the leaves and the occasional agitated local. Coming to a clearing, he saw a green mushroom cap and the fluffy wings of a swablu. "The girls!" He was about to exclaim, but it only came out as a hiss. A part of him was going to rush forward and embrace the two, but something was off. It was then that through the branches he spotted several other pokemon, all appearing to be menacing in their own way. A huge serpent pokemon and two made of metal fought. Gris sunk into his hiding place behind the trees. Obviously the girls were in trouble, but he was too frozen to move. What could he do? Both the steel types could hack his soft body into mincemeat so the arbok could have him for a snack!

There was a loud clash of metal when the honedge and bisharp's blades met. The cool lick of steel echoed through the forest and Gris took another glace at Rin and Haven. The battle wore on, and the grey pokemon was left cowering in his hiding spot even as they were hauled away. Only the honedge remained. The battle was over, but the weight of dread still hung over him. Or was it a different heavy feeling? Gritting his teeth, the mincinno felt a fiery feeling well up in his stomach. He pounced at the honedge with a roar, tumbling in midair and letting his tail glow black before bringing it down on the sword like pokemon.

[Gris used Knock Off!]

"You... You let them get away!" He shouted, panting quickly. It felt so heavy he was almost kept from standing. Why was he blaming the sword pokemon when he had actually fought he attackers and he had stood to the side like a- a rodent? Gris fell onto his back, eyes red around the edges. "That cloud looks like a mushroom." He mused to no one in particular. "Wait." He suddenly sat up, feeling his eardrum vibrate. His large fluffy ears made for much stronger hearing than the average pokemon. He could hear their footprints crunch on twigs and dried leaves on the forest floor. "They... They went that way!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina slowly woke up, a bursting headache. She stared forwards, seeing the room.
"Finally awoke I see..." a voice then said. She turned around to see a chansey... in the living flesh. She stared at her for a bit before suddenly backing away, only to feel... small... smaller then a human. She then started to look at herself... and the first thing that came out of her mouth was a scream, before remembering when she first woke up here. What happened to her! Why was she round and small. And why were pokemons here! She then started to remember... a togepi... that what she was now! But... how???
"It's ok... it's ok... you came from the stargate... we don't know how but I found you laying there with some others." she then said. Celina stared for a bit, and then looked down. The tournament... her friends... her familly.... she felt the pain now, feeling that she just lost them... that life threw a curve ball at her and that she would not see them again.
"Leave me be... please..." she says, staying to cry now. The chansey stared at her, and breath deeply.
"Alright..." the Chansey then said, before leaving. Celina just stayed in the bed, crying, thinking about what happened. It took her about half a hour to stop crying, and then get up. She looked forwards, and cleaned her tears. Others... others had been stripped of their life like her. Unfortunately for her, she played pokemon till gen 5.... and she stopped afterwards, not getting any gen 6 games, being too busy with her shooter game. She though about it more.... togepi.... a normal type... she had to be a normal type... She got up, before the chansey saw her going to walk.
"Your alright now?" she asks.
"I... am.... I only saw one other in the room... wheres the other person?" she asks.
"Hes already awake.... although he left the building" the chansey then said, before Celina moved out of the room, going to search for that other guy. He probably was confused on how all this happen also... She needed to find out what was going on!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Bloody Beaches

She floated above the sand of the bloody beaches, not making a sound. She watched the Gabite go deeper into the dungeon, and she followed, her shadowy figure, gliding across the fine grains of rock. The trickier that he entered, was a sort of rock tunnel, leading to smaller tide pools. The iron in the water gave off a red tint. With each drop, it rippled, like the waves of the Stargate, their end goal...

Taking her mind off the Stargate, she continued to silently follow the Gabite. As they went through the second funnel of sorts, ore began sticking out of the rock, and the water on the other side, was significantly brighter than the one prior. After a couple more funnels, and rock ways, she came to a stash. Money. Lots of it. She already knew what he was after. More. He was greedy, self centered, he would only care of the benefit of himself, but that would be his downfall. She cleared her mind, and spoke to him.

"If it's money you want, I have it."


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mizu "The Golden Gabite"

Bloody Beaches

Mizu turned around as he heard a voice call out to him. "Who's there!" He looked around and moved closer to his money. He bared his teeth and cracked his neck. The words that were said than caught up to him as greed filled his eyes. "Do you now? Show yourself so I can take it then!" Mizu smiled as his claws gleaned in the light. His greed knew no limits, money was power and he needed to be stronger. He would be strong enough to protect his money. He would never let anyone take it from him. He would be the strongest ever. He would be stronger than Arceus itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She raised a brow at the greed filled Gabite. "Of course you know it's not going to be that easy. Or has your greed overcome you?" Even though the Gabite didn't see it, the Bannette smirked, then slowly, chuckled. The Banette silently moved closer to the Gabite, away from the shadows, and into the dim light, so that he could see her powerful eyes, and her serious face.

She cleared her mind, and took a deep breath. Her serious side, was now in control. "Of course, you know, that money, gives you power, but to get money, you must already have power. I have an offer to propose to you, that will give you both."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Bloody Beaches

Mizu frowned as the Bannete insulted him. As soon as he found her he would destroy her and throw her out of the Beaches himself. But then she offered both money and power and his grin came back even wider as he considered her offer. He liked the sound of money and power at the same time. Her words made sense, a lot of it. The Bannete's eyes appeared in the darkness with a strong glow. She was in view now, he could probably rush her. "What would I need to give? Because I'm not giving up any of my treasure if that's what you want." Mizu replied as his legs relaxed slightly. She didn't seem to be a threat. Yet. He made sure to keep looking intimidating just in case though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I continued flying around, panicked, and thinking about what horrors those evil fairies might cause should any of them ever get annoyed with me, and then figure out that I probably will NEVER be able to return to that library, given how I left that place. In my panic, I fly by an odd forest with a group of strange pokemon, and eventually fly back into town. I started to fly lower, and had to actively dodge pokemon, though, I still felt as if I was being chased... even if I knew I wasn't. I passed by a weird rock-type that had one giant eye in the middle of its body, two legs, and no arms who somehow produced another rock and somehow threw said rock at me, causing me to start to crash, and I eventually do so after bumping into a poor togepi who just happened to be in the way. "GAH... oh, uh, sorry miss," I end up saying to her. I then look behind me really quickly just to ensure that there were no fairies trying to kill me, and, thankfully, there weren't... at least, for now. I then add "Er... also, sorry about the loud screaming earlier... I kinda just got to this world. The other pokemon said something about a Stargate, and me somehow entering it... whoops, I've been rambling, sorry about that," I then take a few steps back, finally realizing that I was just a bit too close to the Togepi for comfort... of course, while that was true for humans in my world, things might be different here, and I might be angering the Togepi by NOT standing that close. I then notice some scratches, scuffs, and bruises... yeah, I looked like a mess, and that was all from that unknown rock-type attack, not to mention the landing. Heck, the fact that I'm still conscious might just be an accomplishment considering how much both of those things hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina was just walking around casually, looking around, confused a bit by this place, before a strange bat thing suddenly crashed into her, making her fall down. She then started to get up, and stared at him as he started to talk.
"It's ok." she says before he continued, and then continued to talk, about screaming and how he just arrived in the world. She stared at him for a bit, and looked at him from top to bottom.
"Uhm... well... this is awkward... I... just got in this world also... by that Stargate thing..." she then says, looking down. She holded the sensations about wanting to cry at the moment.
"I don't know why we were brought here... I was about to go and get into a tournament back home the next day... only to wake up here... and to think I wasen't up to date with Pokemon and went until gen 5... Life seemed to have given a cruel fate to me..." she then says, looking down. She sighed.
"Names Celina by the way..." she then says.
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