Name: Trevor
Level: 5
Ability: Infiltrator
Moveset: -Screech -Tackle (Even though I could also know Leech Life, and Supersonic by level 5... you said TWO moves... kinda odd.)
History: It all started with the first memory Trevor ever formed... and it was a bad one. His older sister was mad at him for whatever reason, and in response, she threw her tiny fairy doll at Trevor, though, somehow, she managed to throw it right into his open mouth, causing him to choke, and nearly die from the thing... yes, his first memory was of a near-death experience. For a few years after that, he was afraid of anything resembling that fairy doll in any way, and just when he thought that he was finally done being afraid of them, his sister made him try out the Legend of Zelda, a hand-me-down from his uncle who was trying to get rid of his old gaming systems at the time... with what she called 'special, and amazing' cheats. She led him to the fairy fountain, or, one of them anyways, and she told Trevor to try to get one of them... he did, but due to her 'cheats', the fairy didn't heal him like it should have, instead, it made a loud noise and hurt Trevor's character, killing the character, and causing his sister to laugh uproariously, though, Trevor was still young, so he actually thought THIS was what normally happened when you got a fairy in that game, so, he started avoiding them in all future games. A few years later, his uncle brought another old system, the Gameboy, and another old game Final Fantasy something or other... Trevor's memory of that game was kinda fuzzy, but he does remember one thing there, the pixies, now, he didn't know that these things had the defenses of a piece of paper, so he stupidly tried using magic on them with all of his party members and predictably, it didn't go well, with the entire party getting knocked out, and just that one pixie remaining.
They've struck again... was Trevor's thought at the game over scene played.
Trevor started playing pokemon after that, starting with his uncle's Red and Blue versions, yes, he had both, and his sister didn't want either of them. Thankfully, there weren't any fairies, or, at least, any sort of 'fairy-type' in the game, and the fairy-like pokemon in the game didn't seem to give him that much trouble. Trevor found a new favorite game series in pokemon, as he quickly went on to get the Silver version, and then, once he finally got a new system in the Gameboy Advance, he got the Emerald version, given that he didn't have the GBA until after Emerald came out. This was the last pokemon game he played... sure, he eventually got a 3DS, but he kinda moved on from pokemon since then, at least, that's what his parents kept telling him, so he got Bravely Default instead. Unfortunately for him, the game pretty much started off with a fairy helper, though, at the time, he didn't think anything of it, and just moved along the story as per normal, with the fairy helper getting more and more... well... strange as the story went forwards. He eventually purified the last crystal in the last world, and that's when he got to fight... HER. His party was underleveled for this fight, and he didn't have the right classes to keep everyone alive, so, every time he booted up the game, he got steamrolled by the boss... and he couldn't go anywhere else.
They've struck again... was Trevor's only thought at this, remembering that this boss was, in fact, a fairy.
Then the remakes of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire were coming out. Trevor was, as expected, excited for this, and he saved up some money to get one of the games for himself, even if his parents didn't want him to get it. That's when the dreams started. Much like with Bravely Default, he didn't think much of them at the time, but, they kept getting stranger day by day, but, this was the day, the new pokemon games were finally coming out... he just had to sleep through tonight. He did just that, however, where he woke up wasn't his home, but some sort of rocky wasteland. Trevor didn't get a lot of time to think about, or observe this place, as the next thing he knew, he was attacked by pokemon, as well as other strange creatures he didn't really know about, but assumed were also pokemon, and was knocked out almost immediately. He woke up again, this time in some sort of medical cabin, with a pink, tall pokemon looking over him. He tried to say something, but couldn't due to a mix of exhaustion and pain, and he tried to move his arms only for a wing to come into his view... a wing that resembled a bat's. It wasn't the right color for zubat, golbat, or crobat, so he had no idea what he was, other than that he, at least thanks to the what he now knew was an Audino's speech about how he got here, and where this was. Since that day, he looked around in some books to get information on the pokemon he missed in gen 4, gen 5, and gen 6, and when he was looking at types... he saw it, the fairy type... no... that can't be! It was right after steel, and was immune to dragon-type attacks. He also checked what kind of pokemon he was, and figured out that he was a pokemon known as a Noibat... which was a dragon type.
They've struck again...Personality: Trevor is cautious, if not simply timid. He'll usually try to help out others, however, he'll also be the first to flee in any dangerous situation. Due to some history with his childhood, he's particularly afraid of the fairy type... that being said he doesn't know some pokemon ARE fairy-types, so he won't fear them until he figures that out.