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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Rin

Level: 9

Ability: Synchronize

Moveset: Growl, Comfusion, Double Team, Teleport

History: She was born in Medburn, to a Gardevoir mother, and Gallade father. When the Stargate had become intense, and strange things started happening, her father was killed by the energy surge from a rift. Her whole life after that, she lived with her mother, in a life of loneliness, and sadness, even when her mother tried to comfort her, it made her feel better, but was not enough.

Personality: Rin is at most of the time, scared. Of EVERYTHING. Lightning, thunder, the dark, you name it. Now with the word of the Stargate being reopened, she is always scared and frightened, cowering behind her mother every time she hears a rustle in the bushes. To many, she is weak, but deep inside, there is a courage, trying to escape, but will she let it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Exhibits Unique Coloring>

Name: Lana

Level: 27

Ability: Trace

Moveset: Teleport, Calm Mind, Disarming Voice, Magical Leaf

History: Lana's childhood was a good one, a great one if you asked me. Her family was rich, and lived in a mansion of the Serene Coast. Even though they were rich, Lana was a very modest person, not taking advantage of it. Her parents on the other hand, were cruel, and self centered. They cut down nature reserves to build resorts and houses.

Then when Lana was 18, they went broke. Her parents blew all their money, having only what they left aside for Lana. Lana was of age, so when they tried to take it out, it was Lana's and only Lana's to take out. So she took it, and settled down in the nice town of Medburn, ano went from there...

Personality: She is very modest, and inhibits none of her parents greed and cruelty. While Lana is a kind Pokemon to all she meets, She is very secluded, keeping to herself, and of course Rin. While she can always cheer up other Pokemon, it sadly, does not work on her daughter, because of the same evolutionary line. So, Lana, is worried about her daughter, and what might happen to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Mithril

Level: 23

Ability: No Guard

Moveset: Metal Sound, Automatize, Shadow Sneak, Arial Ace

History: Mithril grew up in the mountains, in a community of Steel Types. Over all, his childhood was pretty good. His family was always able to eat, and he never had any real problems with his peers. However there was one thing odd about it; when he was still a newborn, his parents would read him stories of legendary heros to get him to sleep. One would think that having such stories in one's life might inspire them to rise up and become a here themselves, and you'd be right...except in this case. You see, Mithril didn't want to become a legendary hero, he wanted to become a legendary weapon

Personality: When people think of Ghost types, then tend to think of Pokemon with mischievous or outright malevolent. Likewise, the stereotype of Steel Types is their lack of emotion and reliance on cold unfeeling logic...Mithril in none of these things. He is happy, loves to make friends, ignores his brain when it disagrees with his heart and he doesn't have a cruel bone in his body (not taking into account that fact that he doesn't have a skeleton).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Haven

Level: 7

Ability: Cloud Nine

Moveset: Peck, Astonish, Sing. Fury Attack

History: Haven was not born in Medburn, but in the Aether Islands. Before she was a year old, her mother and father moved from the Aether Islands, to Medburn, because their nest was running out of space for the ever growing Haven, and the Island was full with other Pokemon. Haven hardly remembers anything from or about the Aether Islands, so she considers Medburn as her first home.

Personality: Haven is always excited, and seems to never run out of energy. She is loved by all because of her funny, eccentric personality, but often drives her mother, and other people crazy with her quantum amount of energy. The only reason that she is not scared, is because her mother and father have hidden the recent news of the Stargate being reopened from her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: (Master) Yere

Level: 45


Moveset: High Jump Kick, Dynamic Punch, Swords Dance, Counter

History: Yere lived in Medburn his whole life. He then became interested in the art of Shaolin Kempo, and was the Grand Master's star pupil. When the Grand Master died, his will and testament, left Yere the Dojo. From there he has trained to become a master, with a 7th Degree Black Belt, and now has a pupil of his own.

Personality: Yere is understanding, and patient, qualities needed for his art. Many think that Yere is harsh, but he is thorough, making sure his students understand what they need to know. Truly, Yere is a kind person, filled with wisdom, and will be happy to pass down that wisdom. While some think Yere's ways are old, they are the correct, the right ways to do things, and the most successful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Iya

Level: 25

Ability: Pure Power

Moveset: High Jump Kick, Force Palm, Meditate, Detect

History: Iya was born in Medburn to a Medicham and a Gallade. She followed her ancestors in the art of Shaolin , and was thought under Yere. She became Yere's star pupil, and she devotes almost every second of her day training with him. She is a First Degree Black Belt, and an instructor at the Dojo.

Personality: Iya is warm hearted to anyone she meets. Unlike some others she finds beauty in everything, even the most ugly. She is also focused, and hard working, worrying only on the task at hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Gris

Level: 12

Ability: Cute Charm

Moveset: Knock Off, Baby Doll Eyes, Helping Hand, Tickle

History: After high-tailing it away from the family, Gris eventually wandered into the town of Melburn. He decided that the town would be the perfect place to hone his skills- as a masseuse!

The many dungeons around the town, he reasoned, would be the perfect place to forage for supplies. Because he didn't have the money and supplies to build his establishment, he decided to become an adventurer in order to promote his future business and to raise funds.
Personality: This minccino is easily distracted, and appears to always be scuttling around and observing absolutely everything. This by no means makes him an idiot, but he's not exactly an alert pokemon. Gris often laughs at jokes long after they have been told, and if he spots something that piques his interest, will leave mid-sentence to investigate it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Smash
Gender: Female Raichu
Level: 30lv
Ability: Static
Moveset: Quick attack, Thunderbolt, Charge, Thunder wave

History: She is been lived as group of Pikachu's, which was leaded By strong elder Raichu. Smash hated to be so similar to the other group of Pikachus. She go to find the Thunderstone which the elder was hided to safe Place. It's was part of their group rules that only the accetable one to be next leader is accepted to use this stone and evolve. Smash founded the stone and evolved. She was happy but her leader thought that this will bring misfortune and exiled the Smash to the group.

Personality: She is stubborn, hot-headed and angry easely. She have her calm side too, and cares to the ones she very likes. She looks very tough guy, but she loves girly thinks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Trevor

Level: 5

Ability: Infiltrator

Moveset: -Screech -Tackle (Even though I could also know Leech Life, and Supersonic by level 5... you said TWO moves... kinda odd.)

History: It all started with the first memory Trevor ever formed... and it was a bad one. His older sister was mad at him for whatever reason, and in response, she threw her tiny fairy doll at Trevor, though, somehow, she managed to throw it right into his open mouth, causing him to choke, and nearly die from the thing... yes, his first memory was of a near-death experience. For a few years after that, he was afraid of anything resembling that fairy doll in any way, and just when he thought that he was finally done being afraid of them, his sister made him try out the Legend of Zelda, a hand-me-down from his uncle who was trying to get rid of his old gaming systems at the time... with what she called 'special, and amazing' cheats. She led him to the fairy fountain, or, one of them anyways, and she told Trevor to try to get one of them... he did, but due to her 'cheats', the fairy didn't heal him like it should have, instead, it made a loud noise and hurt Trevor's character, killing the character, and causing his sister to laugh uproariously, though, Trevor was still young, so he actually thought THIS was what normally happened when you got a fairy in that game, so, he started avoiding them in all future games. A few years later, his uncle brought another old system, the Gameboy, and another old game Final Fantasy something or other... Trevor's memory of that game was kinda fuzzy, but he does remember one thing there, the pixies, now, he didn't know that these things had the defenses of a piece of paper, so he stupidly tried using magic on them with all of his party members and predictably, it didn't go well, with the entire party getting knocked out, and just that one pixie remaining. They've struck again... was Trevor's thought at the game over scene played.

Trevor started playing pokemon after that, starting with his uncle's Red and Blue versions, yes, he had both, and his sister didn't want either of them. Thankfully, there weren't any fairies, or, at least, any sort of 'fairy-type' in the game, and the fairy-like pokemon in the game didn't seem to give him that much trouble. Trevor found a new favorite game series in pokemon, as he quickly went on to get the Silver version, and then, once he finally got a new system in the Gameboy Advance, he got the Emerald version, given that he didn't have the GBA until after Emerald came out. This was the last pokemon game he played... sure, he eventually got a 3DS, but he kinda moved on from pokemon since then, at least, that's what his parents kept telling him, so he got Bravely Default instead. Unfortunately for him, the game pretty much started off with a fairy helper, though, at the time, he didn't think anything of it, and just moved along the story as per normal, with the fairy helper getting more and more... well... strange as the story went forwards. He eventually purified the last crystal in the last world, and that's when he got to fight... HER. His party was underleveled for this fight, and he didn't have the right classes to keep everyone alive, so, every time he booted up the game, he got steamrolled by the boss... and he couldn't go anywhere else. They've struck again... was Trevor's only thought at this, remembering that this boss was, in fact, a fairy.

Then the remakes of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire were coming out. Trevor was, as expected, excited for this, and he saved up some money to get one of the games for himself, even if his parents didn't want him to get it. That's when the dreams started. Much like with Bravely Default, he didn't think much of them at the time, but, they kept getting stranger day by day, but, this was the day, the new pokemon games were finally coming out... he just had to sleep through tonight. He did just that, however, where he woke up wasn't his home, but some sort of rocky wasteland. Trevor didn't get a lot of time to think about, or observe this place, as the next thing he knew, he was attacked by pokemon, as well as other strange creatures he didn't really know about, but assumed were also pokemon, and was knocked out almost immediately. He woke up again, this time in some sort of medical cabin, with a pink, tall pokemon looking over him. He tried to say something, but couldn't due to a mix of exhaustion and pain, and he tried to move his arms only for a wing to come into his view... a wing that resembled a bat's. It wasn't the right color for zubat, golbat, or crobat, so he had no idea what he was, other than that he, at least thanks to the what he now knew was an Audino's speech about how he got here, and where this was. Since that day, he looked around in some books to get information on the pokemon he missed in gen 4, gen 5, and gen 6, and when he was looking at types... he saw it, the fairy type... no... that can't be! It was right after steel, and was immune to dragon-type attacks. He also checked what kind of pokemon he was, and figured out that he was a pokemon known as a Noibat... which was a dragon type. They've struck again...

Personality: Trevor is cautious, if not simply timid. He'll usually try to help out others, however, he'll also be the first to flee in any dangerous situation. Due to some history with his childhood, he's particularly afraid of the fairy type... that being said he doesn't know some pokemon ARE fairy-types, so he won't fear them until he figures that out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Mizu A.K.A. The Golden Gabite

Level: 30

Ability: Sand Veil

Moveset: Sandstorm, Dual Chop, Sand Tomb, and Slash

History: Mizu was born on a beach with no family and no friends as is dictated by typical Garchomp culture. He learned to fend for himself and eventually joined a clan of other Garchomps, Gabites, and Gibles which is what he was at the time. He grew stronger, he had to or he would've been kicked out or worse, killed for food. He eventually evolved into a Gabite and that was where his life took a turn for the worse. He didn't understand at the time but his clan had been raiding villages and plundering them for all of their food. A Rescue Team was hired to take them down for a high price by a town that the clan was on the path to. The team was made of an Alakazam, a Machamp, and a Goodra. They fought the entire clan and was able to defeat them all but with a cost. By the end the team was exhausted and there was one Gabite left. That Gabite was Mizu. He didn't like his clan by any means but he liked the safety they brought him. That safety was now gone which enraged him. He took down the tired Rescue Team and ate their corpses. He looted their bags and found the letter which ordered his team's demise. He had no idea what money was but it was obviously valuable if the promise of it brought this tens to destroy his clan he thought. So he began his reign of terror as he pillaged, looted, and stole as much as he could in the pursuit of money. Let it be known though that he has not killed anyone other than the Rescue Team who wiped out his clan. He hid his entire stash of treasures and gold where he was first born, The Bloody Beaches. The Bloody Beaches are home to many Water types and as you get deeper within the dungeon, Dragon Types as well. There are high amounts of iron in the water causing it to have a slight red tint from which the Beaches gain their namesake. There is nothing too special environment wise which is why it is only classified with a difficulty rank of 3. The treasure is in the deepest part of the Beaches where Mizu has made his home.

Personality: Mizu is violent, greedy, rude, and just a mean Pokemon in general. This is due to the lack of friends he's had his entire life, he doesn't even understand the concept of friendship. The only thing he cares about is money and battle. He believes that all power comes from money and everything else is worthless. However he is honorable to a degree and knows when to admit defeat. His upbringing as a Dragon type assured that much at least. He isn't really a bad Pokemon overall, he just doesn't know anything other than the life he leads. If he were to be convinced to join a guild he would treat his guild mates as if they were his clan, but he would still be pretty obsessed with money. He has a pretty mean sense of humour, he loves to prank other Pokemon when not collecting treasure. His greatest wish is to find Garchompite, as he believes it is the ultimate treasure for his species.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Celina Letendre

Level: 5

Ability: Serene Grace

Moveset: Charm, Metronome

History: Celina started her life rather normally, her dad worked as a financial advisor for small companies, and her mother stayed at home, working on cleaning up as well as taking care of buying everything that was needed in the house. Life was rather calm for Celina, because she didn’t cause a lot of trouble, although compare to other girls, she didn’t like dolls and such. Instead, she was more of a gamer girl, playing rather popular video games, but being more towards strategics games.
So life continued on, although at school, she didn’t really fit in with other girls, who talked more about beauty and other things, like fashion. This didn’t really interest her, because at a young age, accuriteher mother constantly told her that beauty was from within, not from the outside, and she actually believed that.

So she kept doing her things, playing her games at school but actually making friends with the boys at school, even if they sometimes made fun of her for being a girl… which they regretted not long after as she pulled the guilty boys hair and then looked at him in the face, serious and with a mean look. They stopped soon after with bothering her with this, thinking it was not even worth making fun about it.
School wise, she actually had good grades, especially in mathematics, beating most of the people in class. This got her the reputation of nerdy girl… but she actually didn’t care. They didn’t know what they were saying. She just continued on with her life, making friends and actually playing online, and surprisingly playing shooters and such.

At first as she played, she didn’t use any mics, so no one actually knew she was a girl, and she kept on dominating players on servers, being very accurate in her shots, and actually using commands to keep her team in track of what was going on. Then one day, when she got her mic during vacation… people in her friend list coulden’t believe it was her. A girl all this time was dominating everyone… It was then she was invited on a tournament with the best players of the game. She knew she was going to have a lot of fun there…

It was in a couple of days… but she started having weird dreams…. Dreams that didn’t make any sense to her. But she didn’t think anything about them. She was getting ready for the tournament… Then the next day the tournament was going to start… she coulden’t wait… She went to sleep… but she didn’t wake up where she though she would….

Instead, she woke up in a strange world with a rocky wasteland all around. She looked around confused, feeling weak. She tried to walk, only to find it rather difficult for her to even more properly. She looked down, seeing her body… She had become a togepi! She started to freak out until something hit her…
She then woke up in Medburn, in a strange building where a Chansey was healing her wounds. Although all this… all this made her confused… why was she like this… what changed her… and the tournament… she was suppose to go play, and now it was ruined… Her friends… what would they think of her having gone away like that…. She started to cry a bit for the first hours, wanting to be alone.

Then she started to feel better, and started to study about where she landed, trying to get the most information on what happened, why she was here. She didn’t get much information except she came from a Stargate and about mystery dungeons appearing cause of them. What would she do…. She coulden’t go and stand there to do nothing… she had to figure out what was going on, fix it and possibly go back home…. And to home her friends would forgive her for disappearing like that.

Personality: Celina is more of a easy-going girl, although rather intelligent, being able to think quickly in situations. She can also be serious when needed. She dislikes being alone, and is rather friendly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Mildred

Level: 8

Age (not on CS but I wanted to include it): 21

Ability: Technician

Moveset: Gust (sketched)

History: Mildred was born to a proud clan of Smeargles who pass on their legacy by demonstrating their treasured family move, Secret Sword, for their children to Sketch as their first move. Unfortunately for Mildred, she became aware and curious of her ability unusually fast. Before she learned about her clan's rite of passage, she had already Sketched the move of a random passing Pokemon. This anomaly made her a bully target, and her naturally nerdy personality and top grades in school only worsened the situation. When she was fourteen, Mildred got so sick of the teasing that she tried to run away. Before long, she was attacked by some villainous Pokemon who wanted to steal her bag, including her favorite art history book! Luckily, a group of adventurers from nearby Medburn saved her. Mildred returned home with a new dream: to give back to the guild that helped her. Five years later, that dream finally came true when she was hired as an assistant secretary at Medburn's guild. She has spent the past year happily organizing lots of paperwork and supplies and performing the occasional obligatory coffee run.

Personality: Mildred's intelligence is what makes her stand out. She's not a very strong fighter, but she loves to learn and solve puzzles and has a nearly photographic memory. Mildred is quiet and shy, but friendly enough. She is usually calm, practical, organized, and efficient. However, sometimes she will totally geek out and become an excitable chatterbox, especially when art and/or history is involved. While Mildred fully supports the guild's mission to protect Pokemon, she doesn't personally like battling. She is a little timid and afraid of the dangerous world beyond the walls of the guild.
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