Dragon Ball: Leviathan
A silent war has been declared within galactic space, and the instigator is a paragon of the interstellar community who has decided that the Planet Trade Organization has had enough amnesty and neutrality from her organization. This woman is known as Mokuzai, also known as the commanding officer of the Interstellar Security Force. The Interstellar Security Force, otherwise known as the ‘Galactic Police’ are the line against smugglers, pirates, despots, murderers, and outlaws… or they were supposed to be when they were founded over two centuries ago. That mission against criminal forces in the galaxy was put on idle status when the Planet Trade Organization enacted a trade alliance with the Saiyan Empire and as the galaxy itself quaked in fear as it was conquered and enslaved the previous commanding officers of the supposed Galactic Police decided to impose a “strict policy against suicide missions” – in layman’s terms? They cowered and declared those quadrants effected to not be their problem. Fast forward to present day and you will see in the aftermath of the destruction of Planet Vegeta that the Planet Trade Organization is beginning to move their vision on more centralized core planets as their supreme overlord believes himself to be invincible. Following the death of the previous commanding officer, Mokuzai intends to set things right before it is too late… if it already isn’t.
“I need a shadow operation. No uniforms, no tags, no signatures. I need a team of covert saboteurs and information gatherers. The only way to shut down the Planet Trade Organization is to damage key operations, protect the few planets we can by any means necessary, and not leading to a bloody public war that we don’t have the support to enact in the first place. Show me these men who believe ‘Lord’ Frieza is not invincible nor immortal.”
With the operation approved it will certainly be an uphill battle combating Frieza in the unforgiving universe that they find themselves in. But who would ready themselves for a suicide mission against disastrous odds and how could they ever succeed if Frieza is as powerful as it is said?
Dragon Ball: Leviathan is set in an alternate universe thus the canon events of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball are decidedly altered. But this much should be obvious, so this is just a redundant disclaimer. Individuals will create and design characters from the Galactic Police Patrol (Interstellar Security Force) who are relatively skilled but have an axe to grind against the Planet Trade Organization or Freiza’s administration of said organization. This can offer a broad stroke of characters considering what the Planet Trade Organization likes to do – though instead of just destruction, they are also prone to slavery and other functions so they have an actual infrastructure instead of the canonical “just destroy it” methods. I’m looking for dedicated and cooperative writers to join us and creating fun cooperative storytelling for as long as we do it.
As a casual RP I’m hoping we’ll have some dedicated writers who can write a few paragraphs to the previous scene they are replying to, I’m not expecting novel standards just the typical role-playing affair but it’s not a rule because I’ve done one paragraph replies (or less) in similar avenues. I’m looking forward to working together to write something fun yet kind of cohesive.
Honestly, this is a Dragon Ball role-play, so what could really be said that isn’t blatantly obvious? Don’t break the website’s host rules, don’t control other characters actions unless it’s a collaboration post, don’t assume you will win every battle we will fight, and most certainly we should respect the GM authority. Here’s some other bullet-points to be noted:
High concept characters should be only made with GM approval, such concepts include character’s that are involved with time travel or are obtuse character races such as Frieza’s Race, Sayians, Tuffles, and so on.
We are space cops! So remember we have been trained to be particularly skewed towards the law, and it wasn’t easy to get into the police force in the first place. Yes, there will be loose cannons but not all of the squadmates will be.
If it wasn’t obvious… do not decide to kill player-created characters or important NPC’s as if they were your dirty laundry or that fly on the wall.
No characters from another reality/dimension.
Keep your character sheet’s techniques up to date.
Activity will be left vague as social obligations such as employment, academics, and so forth take precedent over a shared hobby. But we should at least have a post for every few days. Obligations will be reminded by the staff, but this is a low stress endeavor so we shouldn't feel the need to make extreme demands regarding this.
Characters involved in an ongoing arc (so once we start) that have their host player (you) drop out will be considered NPC's until they are removed from story play. You agree to this by making your application.