Susanna Grace
Mark of the Demon:
When she becomes angry or scared her eyes shift to a dark black, quite often this is when Lilith's power surfaces. The back of her neck has the demonic rune meaning "First One". This is the symbol of a terrible demon that hasn't set foot on the earth in ten thousand years. Many hellspawn consider it a god.
Bounty Hunter (Wanderer)
Susanna was happy once, but who is she kidding that was another lifetime, another girl. Her father was a foot soldier in the army many years before Susanna was born. When he was discharged for his services he was granted a small plot of land. It was by no means big but it grew enough for them to live and sometime a little more that he could sell on market day. Susanna's mother died giving birth to her making her, her father's only child. With no eldest male to take over his legacy Susanna's father taught her what he would have his son. He taught her about the world, to tell right from wrong, to fight with her hands or with a quarter staff. If they had the money for a sword he might have taught her that skill as well but the only sword in there house was the one that he had brought back from the army and it hadn't been unsheathed in several years.
One day he delivered her the most exciting news she'd heard. He had been saving money over the last several months and had decided that they would spend it on a road trip to trading city of Veiron. Susanna had never been to the city before but she had heard of it from the local town's gossips and drunks and it sounded exciting. Two weeks they road on horse and cart to reach the city and it was everything that Susanna had imagined, gleaming towers and fountains, and luscious fruit hanging in stands. That was until a great and terrible sound split the air. No one who stood there that day could adequately explain exactly what the sound was but it filled everyone right down to the rats with dread. Then a wave of black red smoke burst from the palace tower where the king resided. The smoke rolled all the way through Veiron before it dissipated and when the mass touched Susanna she felt so much evil push past her all around. This wasn't just smoke. It burned and battered her like a stormy wind. She dared not breath but the smoke that covered her felt like fire and in moments she fell to the ground spasming unable to move for the pain. At last she could stand it no longer and she took a breath of that evil air. The moment the smoke entered her body Susanna knew she had made a grave mistake. Something was invading her body, her mind, her soul. She started to jerk more violently than before for it wasn't just the smoke of normal fire. This was the smoke of hell and all it contained, demons. She could feel it. Her muddled brain told her that she was lying there for centuries and many times she begged and pleaded with the thing inside her to let her die. She didn't care if her soul was so unclean that she went below she just wanted it to end.
The essence filling up her being, teaming through her mind just laughed and she felt herself wishing that her father hadn't taught her to be so strong. So many other people she could just see through the smoke had burst into flames but not her, they were the lucky ones. After what felt like eons the pain finally cleared. Susanna stood up but it was not her that had ordered that command. "Hello dearie," said a voice emanating deep inside her being but coming from her mouth. Susanna realized with horror that her body was no longer her own. This demon owned her now.
"I'm surprised you survived, so many humans burst into flames. It's really irritating." Who are you? Susanna tried to say but her voice became lost somewhere in her throat. The question appeared to have reached the demon's ears though because it answered with a laugh. "Me, I'm Susanna Grace and I'm sure no one will have a dispute with that when I'm cutting their throats. You however, you're clearly too strong to be banished to the furthest corners of this mind so you might as well have something to scream when the guilt collapses on you. Call me Lilith." She said still laughing. Her laugh was unlike anything that Susanna had ever heard, unlike anything that had ever come out of her mouth.
"Lilith..." Came a gasping voice from not far away. Susanna and Lilith turned as one to face it. Partially buried under some debris was Susanna's father. Susanna gasped inside her cage but she could do nothing to stop what happened next and worse still she knew it. Lilith walked slowly over to Susanna's father. His face was broke and his eyes were red. Is he... Susanna asked Lilith the silent question. However horrible Lilith might be at least she was honest. "No he's not possessed merely a mark from having a hundred demon's swarming you. It's a pity to waste a strong vessel but I guess he was too old for any of the others."
Lilith walked slowly towards Susanna's father and placed her boot on the old man's throat. "You can fight her dear, you have too. There's no telling what she will do if she gets loose." Susanna's father choked and coughed the words out struggling against the boot on his throat, the boot he'd crafted himself. Susanna pushed as hard as she could against Lilith's grip but to no effect. There was a snapping sound as the boot pushed down and Susanna's father lay still. NO! Susanna screamed but even this did not reach her mouth. "Keep it down girl, can't you see I'm trying to enjoy myself." Lilith said with that evil smile on her face.
Lilith and Susanna walked away from Veiron, the land of scorched earth that day. Over the next six years Lilith performed unspeakable acts with Susanna's body, murder and torture and seduction and destruction and through it all nothing Susanna did could stop Lilith, not when she slit the innkeepers throat and made a cocktail with his blood, not when she cut the limbs one by one off a group of triplet children not even when Lilith hacked apart a convent and all the sister's in it. Lilith had a thing for showing up the clergy. That was what finally led her to her incarceration and Susanna's freedom.
There was a monastery outside a large village and the villager's spoke of it in awe. After butchering three or four of them Lilith walked to the monastery to kill everything inside in the most painful ways possible. Lilith knocked on the door and a spy hole opened. "State your business." said the monk simply. Lilith who was still covered in blood from the town's folk used Susanna's voice, the voice that Susanna had used when the cart had fallen on her, the voice of terror.
"Please sir the village was attacked by bandits. I barely got out alive, they need your help." Lilith said shakily in her most convincing matter. The monk closed the spy hole and opened the door. Lilith walked in shakily. Susanna knew that she was waiting to get all or most of them together before she struck. The monk took her to a central chamber.
"I will return with the council. Wait here."
Lilith stood in the center of the chamber laughing to herself. It wasn't long till all twelve monks came into the chamber and sat down in chairs around Lilith.
"What is it you need girl?" asked the eldest of the monks.
"You're head on a pike would be a good start." said Lilith dropping the scared farm girl routine. Lilith waved her hand expecting one of the wall brackets to come loose and impale the eldest monk but nothing happened. "We thought as much." said the old monk tiredly. "No villager in her right mind would come here for help. They would rather be killed by bandits. Now look above you."
Lilith looked up and was shocked and frightened to see a circle with a pentagram inside. On closer inspection the white lines were made up of tiny ruins. "A ruin trap?" said Lilith real fear filling her voice for the first time. The fear woke Susanna who though awake for the whole six years had sunk back into a state of apathy to deal with all she had watched her hands do. Susanna watched excitedly not saying a word. "How long do you think till I figure a way out of this, and you know I will." Lilith said it with gusto but she was scared.
"Most likely a couple of hours but you don't have that long. Monks prepare the circle of obliteration."
You finally bit off more than you could chew Lilith. This is where you pay for everything you forced me to do. This is my revenge.
"Shut up you insignificant fly, I have more things to worry about than a silly girl still thinking she can make a difference."
The monks around the circle froze and all turned to look at the eldest for instructions. "The vessel lives." He said simply. He nodded at his brothers and they changed their tactic, moving into a different formation and aiming their magicks at the ruin trap rather than at Susanna and Lilith. A light shot from each of their hands and converged over the ruins. It filled the room with a golden light that caused Lilith to scream. For the first time in a long while Susanna found herself present, not just an onlooker. "Thank you, thank you. I can never repay you for this." Susanna's voice burst forth and for once in the last six years it was truly her own. "This is not permanent child. What is your name?" said the eldest monk.
"Susanna," she said barely able to breath for the tears trailing down her face. "Does this mean that she'll come back?" "Yes," said the monk slowly "once you leave this light she will return." "Please, please," Susanna begged. "Cast her out, I can't go through that again." "She had been there far to long, the act of untangling her from your soul would be very painful and most likely kill you and set her free. None of us want that least of all you."
Susanna looked at him the hope draining from her eyes. "Then kill me. Destroy us both like you were going to. Better one girl dies than a hundred villages."
"There is another option Susanna. We could swap your roles. We could bury her in your soul and give you control leaving her with perhaps slightly more control than you had in the same position."
"Do it." Susanna said without hesitation.
"Susanna, this is not something done lightly she could make your life a living hell. You may come to curse us before your life ends."
"She's already led me through hell and back. She murdered my father with my hands and countless other people. So do it, push her down. Give me my life back."
The eldest monk looked at her sorrowfully. "As you wish my lady." He and the other monks lowered their beams of light till they converged on Susanna and Lilith. The scream that escaped their lips was a mixture of Lilith's hideousness and Susanna's pain. This hurt them both but when the light cleared Susanna could move her arms again.
Over the next four years Susanna wandered, never staying in one place for too long, scared of the harm she might do to people. Lilith's power was still inside her and so was the demon, tempting her like the dark side of a conscious. It worked sometimes. Susanna strangled a man who owed her money and slit the throat of a thief who tried to rob her. Lilith was like an impulse that Susanna struggled to control. She never stayed anywhere too populated for fear of Lilith's tempting words and her powers.
One day he delivered her the most exciting news she'd heard. He had been saving money over the last several months and had decided that they would spend it on a road trip to trading city of Veiron. Susanna had never been to the city before but she had heard of it from the local town's gossips and drunks and it sounded exciting. Two weeks they road on horse and cart to reach the city and it was everything that Susanna had imagined, gleaming towers and fountains, and luscious fruit hanging in stands. That was until a great and terrible sound split the air. No one who stood there that day could adequately explain exactly what the sound was but it filled everyone right down to the rats with dread. Then a wave of black red smoke burst from the palace tower where the king resided. The smoke rolled all the way through Veiron before it dissipated and when the mass touched Susanna she felt so much evil push past her all around. This wasn't just smoke. It burned and battered her like a stormy wind. She dared not breath but the smoke that covered her felt like fire and in moments she fell to the ground spasming unable to move for the pain. At last she could stand it no longer and she took a breath of that evil air. The moment the smoke entered her body Susanna knew she had made a grave mistake. Something was invading her body, her mind, her soul. She started to jerk more violently than before for it wasn't just the smoke of normal fire. This was the smoke of hell and all it contained, demons. She could feel it. Her muddled brain told her that she was lying there for centuries and many times she begged and pleaded with the thing inside her to let her die. She didn't care if her soul was so unclean that she went below she just wanted it to end.
The essence filling up her being, teaming through her mind just laughed and she felt herself wishing that her father hadn't taught her to be so strong. So many other people she could just see through the smoke had burst into flames but not her, they were the lucky ones. After what felt like eons the pain finally cleared. Susanna stood up but it was not her that had ordered that command. "Hello dearie," said a voice emanating deep inside her being but coming from her mouth. Susanna realized with horror that her body was no longer her own. This demon owned her now.
"I'm surprised you survived, so many humans burst into flames. It's really irritating." Who are you? Susanna tried to say but her voice became lost somewhere in her throat. The question appeared to have reached the demon's ears though because it answered with a laugh. "Me, I'm Susanna Grace and I'm sure no one will have a dispute with that when I'm cutting their throats. You however, you're clearly too strong to be banished to the furthest corners of this mind so you might as well have something to scream when the guilt collapses on you. Call me Lilith." She said still laughing. Her laugh was unlike anything that Susanna had ever heard, unlike anything that had ever come out of her mouth.
"Lilith..." Came a gasping voice from not far away. Susanna and Lilith turned as one to face it. Partially buried under some debris was Susanna's father. Susanna gasped inside her cage but she could do nothing to stop what happened next and worse still she knew it. Lilith walked slowly over to Susanna's father. His face was broke and his eyes were red. Is he... Susanna asked Lilith the silent question. However horrible Lilith might be at least she was honest. "No he's not possessed merely a mark from having a hundred demon's swarming you. It's a pity to waste a strong vessel but I guess he was too old for any of the others."
Lilith walked slowly towards Susanna's father and placed her boot on the old man's throat. "You can fight her dear, you have too. There's no telling what she will do if she gets loose." Susanna's father choked and coughed the words out struggling against the boot on his throat, the boot he'd crafted himself. Susanna pushed as hard as she could against Lilith's grip but to no effect. There was a snapping sound as the boot pushed down and Susanna's father lay still. NO! Susanna screamed but even this did not reach her mouth. "Keep it down girl, can't you see I'm trying to enjoy myself." Lilith said with that evil smile on her face.
Lilith and Susanna walked away from Veiron, the land of scorched earth that day. Over the next six years Lilith performed unspeakable acts with Susanna's body, murder and torture and seduction and destruction and through it all nothing Susanna did could stop Lilith, not when she slit the innkeepers throat and made a cocktail with his blood, not when she cut the limbs one by one off a group of triplet children not even when Lilith hacked apart a convent and all the sister's in it. Lilith had a thing for showing up the clergy. That was what finally led her to her incarceration and Susanna's freedom.
There was a monastery outside a large village and the villager's spoke of it in awe. After butchering three or four of them Lilith walked to the monastery to kill everything inside in the most painful ways possible. Lilith knocked on the door and a spy hole opened. "State your business." said the monk simply. Lilith who was still covered in blood from the town's folk used Susanna's voice, the voice that Susanna had used when the cart had fallen on her, the voice of terror.
"Please sir the village was attacked by bandits. I barely got out alive, they need your help." Lilith said shakily in her most convincing matter. The monk closed the spy hole and opened the door. Lilith walked in shakily. Susanna knew that she was waiting to get all or most of them together before she struck. The monk took her to a central chamber.
"I will return with the council. Wait here."
Lilith stood in the center of the chamber laughing to herself. It wasn't long till all twelve monks came into the chamber and sat down in chairs around Lilith.
"What is it you need girl?" asked the eldest of the monks.
"You're head on a pike would be a good start." said Lilith dropping the scared farm girl routine. Lilith waved her hand expecting one of the wall brackets to come loose and impale the eldest monk but nothing happened. "We thought as much." said the old monk tiredly. "No villager in her right mind would come here for help. They would rather be killed by bandits. Now look above you."
Lilith looked up and was shocked and frightened to see a circle with a pentagram inside. On closer inspection the white lines were made up of tiny ruins. "A ruin trap?" said Lilith real fear filling her voice for the first time. The fear woke Susanna who though awake for the whole six years had sunk back into a state of apathy to deal with all she had watched her hands do. Susanna watched excitedly not saying a word. "How long do you think till I figure a way out of this, and you know I will." Lilith said it with gusto but she was scared.
"Most likely a couple of hours but you don't have that long. Monks prepare the circle of obliteration."
You finally bit off more than you could chew Lilith. This is where you pay for everything you forced me to do. This is my revenge.
"Shut up you insignificant fly, I have more things to worry about than a silly girl still thinking she can make a difference."
The monks around the circle froze and all turned to look at the eldest for instructions. "The vessel lives." He said simply. He nodded at his brothers and they changed their tactic, moving into a different formation and aiming their magicks at the ruin trap rather than at Susanna and Lilith. A light shot from each of their hands and converged over the ruins. It filled the room with a golden light that caused Lilith to scream. For the first time in a long while Susanna found herself present, not just an onlooker. "Thank you, thank you. I can never repay you for this." Susanna's voice burst forth and for once in the last six years it was truly her own. "This is not permanent child. What is your name?" said the eldest monk.
"Susanna," she said barely able to breath for the tears trailing down her face. "Does this mean that she'll come back?" "Yes," said the monk slowly "once you leave this light she will return." "Please, please," Susanna begged. "Cast her out, I can't go through that again." "She had been there far to long, the act of untangling her from your soul would be very painful and most likely kill you and set her free. None of us want that least of all you."
Susanna looked at him the hope draining from her eyes. "Then kill me. Destroy us both like you were going to. Better one girl dies than a hundred villages."
"There is another option Susanna. We could swap your roles. We could bury her in your soul and give you control leaving her with perhaps slightly more control than you had in the same position."
"Do it." Susanna said without hesitation.
"Susanna, this is not something done lightly she could make your life a living hell. You may come to curse us before your life ends."
"She's already led me through hell and back. She murdered my father with my hands and countless other people. So do it, push her down. Give me my life back."
The eldest monk looked at her sorrowfully. "As you wish my lady." He and the other monks lowered their beams of light till they converged on Susanna and Lilith. The scream that escaped their lips was a mixture of Lilith's hideousness and Susanna's pain. This hurt them both but when the light cleared Susanna could move her arms again.
Over the next four years Susanna wandered, never staying in one place for too long, scared of the harm she might do to people. Lilith's power was still inside her and so was the demon, tempting her like the dark side of a conscious. It worked sometimes. Susanna strangled a man who owed her money and slit the throat of a thief who tried to rob her. Lilith was like an impulse that Susanna struggled to control. She never stayed anywhere too populated for fear of Lilith's tempting words and her powers.
- Simple Traveling clothes
-A quarter staff (most commonly used as a walking stick)
-Her Father's Sword (which she retrieved from her father's corpse in Verion some years later)
-A quarter staff (most commonly used as a walking stick)
-Her Father's Sword (which she retrieved from her father's corpse in Verion some years later)
Lilith and Susanna's souls are so intertwined that she could possibly pass as a demon to other demons if she played the part right.