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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Argon, Capital of the Grand Kingdom of Emperiat

Six carriages ride through the Eternity Gate entering the great city of Argon. The streets are filled with people who came to see the new advisers of the king. Plenty of items are thrown to the carriages, ranging from flowers to stones. Apparently the mood is mixed. If one would take a closer look at the crowd, some people would be seen wearing black, still mourning the death of king Andèris. Along the trip can also be seen a large marketplace with a statue under construction on it. Already it bears the liking of king Andèris.

Upon the one hill Argon counts sits the royal palace, far above the rest of the city with it's many towers and high walls. Normally the ride to the Royal Palace would take up to an hour, but because of the large crowds the trip was extended to nearly two and half hours. When the carriages finally ride through the Gate of Hearts and enter the grounds of the Royal Palace the sun is already setting. The carriages stop one by one in front of the the entrance of the palace. All doors get opened simultaneously by the lackeys, allowing the guests to finally get out. They step to the side, not drawing attention to themselves, as they were trained.

On the stairs stands an older man. He is lavishly dressed in fancy clothes and wears a medallion around his neck which indicates he is the steward of the new king Elendin. As you all know, the steward goes by the name of Sir Isaac and is the uncle of king Elendin. He spreads his arms and let's out a booming voice. "Welcome! I welcome you to Argon, the jewel of our kingdom. It pains me to see you all, as it reminds me of the fact that our beloved king Andèris is no longer with us. Although I'm also very pleased to see you, as it is the first step towards a new Emperiat under the rule of our new king, Elendin. Now, you all are probably tired because of the long journey, but the king has requested a meeting to get to know you all. So if you'll be following me." Not waiting for any responses the man turns around and walks up the stairs and through the open door.

Walking through the door reveals a large hall as you have never seen before. Large marble pillars support the roof that is high up and the walls are covered in art and arms. To top it all of, due to the setting sun coming through the windows, the entire hall seems to be covered in gold. In this beauty lackeys are running around, trying to keep all the residents of the Royal Palace pleased and comforted. The lackeys that opened the doors of the carriages now walk through the door, carrying the luggage you have brought towards your rooms. In his haste one lackey accidentally bumps against High Inquisitor Saran of Jalehm. He quickly apologizes and goes back to his business before anyone has time to react. At the end of the hall is a large door which gives access to the throne room. Two lackeys are needed to open the door and the group enters the room.

A large red carpet leads to the back of the room where a large golden throne stands. On this throne a small figure can be seen. The group gets announced one by one by a lackey as they enter the room. As the group approaches the figure can be recognized as Elendin, the new king of Emperiat. He is dressed in a fancy looking gambeson and wide pantaloons. On his head he wears the silver with jewels adorned crown that can only be worn by the king. He stands up as the group approaches and Isaac kneels down before him. "My liege, " he says, "The delegation has arrived and are ready to serve you." The young boy looks over the group with flickering eyes, and as he speaks it is not the nervous voice you'd have though you would hear, but rather a snarky one. "Finally. It took you long enough. I would thought my uncle said in his letter that you'd come here with great haste. If you cannot even follows such a simple order, what am I to expect from the council you are supposed to give me. But enough of that. I welcome you all to Argon. I hope all of you will have a pleasant stay here, and I hope that with the help of your council I will become a great as king as my father once was. As you are probably tired from the long journey, I will cut this short. Tomorrow will be our very first meeting as I would like to receive council on a delicate matter which has to be dealt with as soon as possible. You will be gathered by my lackeys when it's time and you will be brought to the Chamber of Choices, our fancy name for the meeting room. Clear? Yes? Good. You are dismissed. But not you uncle. We have things to discuss. A lackey will bring you to your chambers when you are ready. Go explore some. The Palaces has a lot to offer." That last is said with a sinister grin.

The steward turns towards the group, bows and turns back to his king. Two lackeys lead the group back to the main chamber. The two explain that all the lackeys know where the guests are residing, so one could be asked at any time to lead them there. They themselves were also available to direct the guests to there rooms if that is what they wished.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 1 mo ago

It was a few years ago that Saran visited Argon for the first time. Before that he spend his whole life in Kumur. It looked like he would have to stay a little longer in this city. Until the king came of age, or he joined Zunit in his sky palace, since royal advisers where prone to accidents.

The crowd that gathered to greed them was enormous, hundreds of people, dozens of merchants trying to sell trinkets and Saran's eyes even spotted a group of Zunit followers, lead by a monk. Argon had the biggest temple of Zunit outside of Kumur, a relatively new building but already gathering many followers. The temple was not comparable to the royal palace however. The palace was a gigantic building and it took hours to reach it.
Saran spend the time in contemplation, prayer and thought. He thought about the other advisers. He did not know much about them. What kind of people might they be? What would be their goals? Saran knew his, to make the king a righteous ruler, behaving according to scripture and the will of Zunit. He also wanted to strengthen the church and Kumur in the kingdom and would look to influence the king in such ways.

When the carriage finally arrived at the royal palace after the hours of travelling through the loud and obnoxious masses Saran was relieved as his carriage caught quite a few stones. A lackey opened the door and Saran was greeted by a man in fancy clothing, the uncle of the king. As the royal steward talked about the dead king, Saran did the sign of Zunit, forming a circle with his hands to show his sorrow and sadness for the loss.
The dead king was well regarded in Kumur, since he did not interfere with church business and although not a direct follower of Zunit himself he once said to have read all of the holy scriptures.
Directly after that they were send into the throneroom. A slender servant bumped into Saran, but he barely even noticed. Saran had not really a chance to study the other advisers when stood before the king. His first impression of the king was not the best. He seemed like a spoiled child, lacking wisdom. But perhaps the scriptures and the way of Zunit could find acceptance within him.
After that Saran spend no time talking to the other advisors as he walked away to have some privacy.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryuzaki
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Ryuzaki Mad Prophet, and Herald of the Old Gods

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As the carriages filed down the streets, Ella looked out the window silently wishing that she could be doing something more amusing. The city was completely alien to her, what wasn't alien though was the peasants angrily throwing rocks as she rode past. The poor and ugly hated the rich and fabulous, that was the truth of the world and Ella accepted that. At least this was more peaceful than the murder attempts back home. A group of Nobles walked by wearing the Arena crest, one saluting her as he passed. In response, Ella shook her hand briefly and winked. The man who had saluted blushed and looked away, then began to walk faster. Ella curiously stuck her head out the window of the carriage, which she was quickly punished for by a small rock connecting with the top of her head and causing a flower to fall from her hair. Before she retreated to the interior yet again, Ella caught a glimpse of the castle, which was only a few meters away.

The poorly dressed serf that had driven Ella's carriage stepped down and opened her door simultaneously with the other serfs. As she stood, the man attempted to grab one of her scarfs, which she quickly reprimanded him for with a hard smack. Maybe bringing a driver from home wasn't as good an idea as it had seemed when she had left. Anyhow, she followed the steward in to meet the Heir Apparent. On their way in, a serf bumped the "High Inquisitor", who simply ignored the man. Ella quickly flagged the man down and whispered to him, "Could you have some wine here for me by the time this meeting is over? I'm parched." The look on the man's face said "You just got here and you're ready to get drunk already?" Despite the look he gave, he quickly nodded and rushed off.

Ella ignored the introductions and opening of the king's speech, bending one knee slightly, waving, and winking when she was introduced. She was generally uninterested until the boy on the throne spoke of their council being poor based on their travel speed. At this point she suddenly looked shocked but quickly recollected herself and gave a coy look to the other advisors. When the boy dismissed them, Ella quickly took the lead of the charge outward, led only by the two serfs who were here to escort them. Upon getting to their destination, she quickly scanned the area for the slender serf who would be carrying her beverage. When he was nowhere to be seen, she looked to the only other female advisor and said, "Good for nothing servants, can't deliver wine on time if their life depended on it." She giggled a bit before becoming silent to wait for a reply.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Elayne's carriage made it's way through the crowded streets of Argon, she peered out of her window, a sly smirk on her face. Her carriage drew odd attention for it was an odd craft that many of these people had never seen nor heard of. It floated several feet above the ground, while a balloon of carefully controlled hot air attached to the top of her vehicle suspended it there. It was one of her many pride and joys, and the invention of hers that had solidified her spot as a High Scholar beyond all else – in her mind, at least.

A single extremely large horse drew the hot-air balloon carriage ever forward, while a driver from her homeland of the Pale Moors operated the craft smoothly and efficiently. The reaction from most of the people, especially the children, was one of awe – though many faces were more apprehensive than anything else. She saw an irate man about to throw a stone, but his wife stilled his arm and pointed to their children who were beyond happy with excitement as they pointed at it. He grimaced and threw the stone to the ground at his feet in frustration.

She took a small trinket, a thing made of whirring gears and parts, and opened her window so she could lightly toss it the children. It unfolded it's wings, revealing a small mechanical bird, as it glided to them. The squeals of glee and excitement were reward enough as she sat back in her seat and grinned. Most of the odd trinkets she brought were trivial things, gifts she intended for the new child-king, but she could spare a single gear-bird if it meant less people were likely to stone her carriage. The children would speak loudly to each other, and news of the generous ambassador from the Pale Moors in her odd carriage would reach the ears of the adults. That should still many of their hands, if the unusual sight of the carriage did not.

When her carriage finally stopped at the Palace some hour or two later, the driver operated the balloon so that the carriage would lower closer to the ground. She was mildly amused to see a servant swiftly opening her door, she hadn't expected them to be brave enough, but as the door opened spring-loaded steps popped out and she saw the poor man flinch in surprise. She descended them easily enough, and they retracted back into the carriage when the door was shut behind her.

When her silk slippers touched the ground, she turned to look up at her driver. “Do be a dear for me, Brimish, and make sure this is properly stored? I do not want a gift for our new King to be sullied in any fashion.” She said it just loudly enough that the servant holding her door open could hear, and she knew that the news would travel. The driver nodded his assurance that it would be done, silence was the virtue of servants – words were unnecessary unless they were incapable of performing the task assigned to them. At least, in the Pale Moors this was true.

She followed the steward, Sir Isaac, along with all of the other advisers through the gilded halls of the Palace. It was grandiose and impressive, and though normally she cared not for gold and jewels even she could find this sight intoxicating, in it's own fashion. She noticed when a servant bumped into one of the other advisers and raised a brow. She half expected the tall, pale man to get angry, but was pleasantly surprised when he brushed it off so casually. (Hmm, that was quite interesting.)

Finally they met the child-king, and Elayne performed her part perfectly, a well placed bow, low enough to be properly respectful, but inside she wanted to burst out laughing at Elendin's ridiculous nature and commentary. (A product of his environment, no doubt.) She mused to herself, her eyes flicking over to Sir Isaac.

When they were promptly dismissed, as if nothing more than a trivial occurrence and told to explore the Palace and enjoy their time until the 'morrow, Elayne watched the steward and the child-king intently. She would have to steer the waters of this political nightmare carefully, else she could find herself dashed upon the rocks without much warning. When the two servants led the group back to the main chamber, Elayne followed reflexively, her mind on the possible troubles she could face here.

She was pulled from her thoughts when the only other female adviser turned to her and made a comment about good for nothing servants. “Yes, I do wonder. Do you think that you could?” She pointed the comment at one of the servants who had led them here, her dark eyes gazing down at him imperiously. She was quite tall for a woman, even back in the Pale Moors, and many men usually met her at eye-level, though she took advantage of her height when she could. When the servant looked at her in slight confusion, she smiled. Her pearly white teeth stood out in stark contrast to her dark skin. “Could you deliver wine on time, if your life depended on it?” He took the hint and bowed quickly before scuttling away to bring them refreshments.

She turned back to Ella. “I can only hypothesize that his quest will fare better than the first, but I hope the poor chap did not truly believe his life was in danger.” Elayne chuckled at the retreating sight of him, and felt a tinge of guilt for playing her joke. “Oh, I should have asked him for some tea!” She snapped her fingers and put her hands on her hips. “Oh well, that is a fate I am not yet to meet. Such is the way of things, wine it is then. Shall we drink together, perhaps in the gardens, Lady Ella?” Elayne had paid rapt attention to the introductions earlier, putting faces to names, and names to provinces, and provinces to possible allies... and enemies.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

It was raining. And on the muddy fields of Hallsenber there were many cheerful faces. They all celebrated him, and even the rain couldn't break their morale. He tried to look at the town once again before they leave, but he failed. The gloomy weather, and the cosy warmth inside made it almost impossible to see throught he glass. He could cach a few gliumpse of happy faces, then with a sudden pull the carriage started. It was nothing extraordinary, but it was mighty enough for a man like him. It was padded with finest leatherworks from Halsen, and two beautiful white mares in leather clothes pulled it.

He sat down on his chair and took a deep breath. The carriage was big enough to fit a coffe table, an armchair and a small bookshelf. He poured a glass of tea for himself and took a sip. Fine Halsen tea. He put the cup back on the table, then grabbed the book that was lying on the table. He opened it with a small sigh. The trip was long, and the book was thick. Even the ride through the familiar wheat fields and animal stocks, looked grim. Heavy fog slept on the lands, and one could barely see anything. With a small sigh he starte reading the book, his minds filled with thoughts.

A loud knock. Then another. Suddenly Thrall woke up and looked out the window. They arrived at the capital. What a cheerful bunch these people are. All the happy faces throwing rocks at them. Pathetic. His book was in his lap, and it was nearly finished. But he read all he wanted to read. He closed the book and put it back on the shelf. He wanted to pour another cup of tea, but no tea was left. With a small sigh, he put the cup back, slightly opened the curtains.

He wanted to look out the window, but he feared that one of the angry folks would hit him. He quickly gave up this idea, with the fear of dying before achieving anything here. Or even having to lie in bed for weeks. Just as he gave up the idea, he saw another ambassador getting hit by a stone. It was Ella Halore, and she quickly pulled his head back, leaving a faint flower drop to the ground. She was always of a proud and egoic nature. As much as he was a silent and peaceful nature, he wished that the stone was bigger, or the villager more accurate.

He pulled the curtains back, and grabbed another book. It was much smaller, and was covered in carved leather. He opened it and started to flip the pages. After some searching he wrote something on a page fairly empty. With a gloomy face, he looked through the narrow gap in the curtains.
It was a very hot day.

After a long trip to the palace, they finally arrived. His back was aching painfully, and every step was hard to make. The servants opened the door, and took his luggage. He nodded at the servant who opened the door, making it bow even harder. With small and careful steps he followed the others inside, after the steward finished his speech.

The Hallway was long and axtravagant. He was used to simple designs, and this hallway bred a small disgust in him. Soon they reached the throne room, and the new king. A young child of proud nature. He wanted to play the adult, yet he clearly failed. Empty lies and threats, he was nothing more than a child. Thankfully Thrall knew how to deal with people like the new king. He examined the other ambassadors during the speech. There was four of them, and they all seemed unnerved. Even the priest who let a servant go, even though it bumped into him, looked nervous. He knew all of them well. He psent his last weeks at Halsen researching, and finding out their backgrounds.

He was the first to announce himself. He bowed gently and told his name and rank: "Shak Teel, Right Hand of Lord Robert"
The others replied in a similar way, apart from Ella. He knew that she would mean problems. Her nature disgusted him even more than all the fancy decorations in the palace.

He joined the others as they left, but kept a small distance. Soon the Priest left, then the 2 girl ambassadors tormented a servant. Child's paly nothing more. How could the High Scholar of the Pale Moors do it? How could she reach that rank even? Thrall wondered what else he could think about the ambassador, but nothing came. He hated people from the Pale Moors. Slimy bastards always showing off. A servant passed by, and he asked where the library was. After pointed the right way, he made his way towards the house of knowledge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The valley was cloudy and smelled of morning dew and moist pasture, most floated aimlessly throughout the valley making it hard to see things.

Arlis sat in the local tavern named the Tipsy Talonwing singing to its patrons in the dim candle lighting and the misty ominous atmospehere of the tavern as he sung of an old sailors shanty one called 'Leave her Johnny' which he chanted as he raised a mug to his audience, Arlis was once a sailor in his you set of years and he was fond of many shanties but he loved this one song.

He finished and sat down a few patrons walked up to him and gave him a few gold coins which he secretly shared with the bartender.

One quite tall and muscular gentlemen approached Alris with a dumb look on his face, Alris was about to shoo him when the beast spoke.

"I am Davie Deren, head smith of the Deren Arc Blacksmiths I come looking for rumours and gossip!"

He said this lightly and slowly in a slightly squeaky voice, Alris gave him an odd look then nodded.

"Follow me Davie!"

He turned and gestured for Davie to follow, quickly winking to the bartender who slyly fetched a few of the gold coins that he had earnt.

Alris opened a door that revealed a large room furnished with a carpet and two arm chairs near a fireplace.

"Take a seat and voice your request!"

Alris said as he seated himself in one of the arm chairs, crossing his legs and clasping his hands together in his lap.

"Are the rumours true about the past king?"

Davie asked Alris, who coughed and slightly rolled his eyes because he was tired of telling people about the past king.

"Yes all the rumours are true the man worshiped evil spirits and became a mad man!"

Alris tapped his fingers against the leather arm chair.

"Oh and what about the rumours of the wild men!"

This was a story that was new amongst the people of Aaywalfal, and the rumours were quite false.

"I will answer for about twenty gold coins!"

Davie raised his eyebrows, then quickly sat back as Alris grasped his dagger.

"That's for the last rumour and now this rumour!"

Davie angrily forked a bag of clanking gold coins over to Alris, who was recounting the rumours of the wild men who were just natives who came from the unknown regions.

"The rumours ar almost true accept those of the ones that tell that they are playing to attack us!"

Davie seemed thankful and then stood wiping his forhead and nodding at Alris with a hint of jealousy in his eyes then he left.

Alris simply shrugged his shoulders.

"I get that all the time noting to worry about"

He thought as he sat comfortably in front of the fire.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Saran went to the gardens, since Zunit rituals and prayers demanded to be held under the open sky. There he got on his knees and placed a small bowl, filled with sticks and holy herbs in front of him. He proceeded by using two beautifully engraved stones to set fire too the content of the bowl.
A small flame started and smoke began to rise to the sky. Smoke served as a connection from the earth to the heavens in the religion of Zunit. While the small flame burned in the relatively empty garden Saran began praying. "Zunit, oh Zunit! Heavenly king of kings who you dwell in the heavens! Extend your reach to us, show us our way and give us your justice!", Saran spoke the beginning of his prayer in a deep, powerful voice.
While speaking these words he held his arms up into the sky. When he was still living in a monastery as a monk he sometimes had held that position for longer than a day without moving, nowadays he unfortunately had no times for such a long period of prayer and meditation. Zunit followers where expected to worship at least once a day, even if only for a short time.

While being on his knees motionless, his arms stretched into the sky and his eyes closed his mind wandered. He thought about the king. He was still a child, but that did not excuse his behavior. This land deserved a just king, and this boy had still the chance to be one. Saran recalled as it was written in the holy scriptures: For every man I have given his way. A just king may feast at my hall with a a diligent farmer. For when every man follows the way I gave him my heavenly kingdom shall be on earth.
The King needed to know his way. Everyone did. Saran found his long ago, now he had to help other people find theirs.

He sighed as the flame died and he stud up...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Some who had seen the ritual of High Inquisitor Saran smiled and made the holy symbol with their hands. But their smile quickly disappeared as a robed man approached the Inquisitor.

As Shak Teel entered the House of Knowledge, one could clearly see the effort that was put into preserving knowledge. There were probably two larger libraries in the Kingdom of Emperiat. The one being in the university of The Moor of Pale Giants and the other being in the Argon University down in this very city. Maybe house was the wrong word for this construction, as it was more of a tower, spiraling upwards, bookcases stacked upon bookcases. And all neatly labeled so that people can see what bookcase holds what.

There are several people going about, all being as silent as possible. Apart from some whispers between squires and other folk the House of Knowledge is completely silent. Until suddenly a loud conversation can be heard. It's coming from two individuals who seem to be locked into a heated debate. "Well... Over my dead body Ser Richard. I will not simply accept this comment of yours." It is clear these two bear no respect for each other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ryuzaki
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Ryuzaki Mad Prophet, and Herald of the Old Gods

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ella nearly fell over laughing when she saw the serf scurry away like a mouse being chased by a cat. Now THIS girl knew how to have fun! Leaning against a nearby column to support herself, she let out the last chuckle in her fit and righted herself before saying, "I think that is a fantastic idea." When she finished, there was a pause before she began to adjust the silk scarves around her neck which had become uncomfortably tight during her fit of laughing. Once her scarves were no longer attempting to hang her, she glanced around and spotted the servant Elayne had sent to retrieve wine rushing around a corner toward them, a serving dish with 2 wine glasses and a tall greenish bottle sitting atop his hand. When the serf arrived, Ella lifted one of the glasses and took a short sip of it. She looked at the other woman and said, "Shall we be off?"
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