Avatar of Aphelion
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aphe The Lion
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 863 (0.21 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Aphelion 11 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current So I'm not cool enough to do it, but I think a Pokemon based Nation RP would be cool. Jussayin.
1 like
7 yrs ago
[@Xandrya] I'm so sorry to hear that! :[ It's the most heart breaking thing to lose one of those little guys. I hope you'll be okay.
9 yrs ago
Rescued a baby squirrel yesterday. They're so FLUFFY. <3
9 yrs ago
Uncle falls from a ladder, mother has heart attack. What next, June? Bring it on, asshole.
9 yrs ago
Today is a day of sadness. It is the day I quit partaking of the drink of my lord and savior, Lord Coffee Bean. I shall be very grumpy for the next three weeks.


Fandoms/Genres I like to roleplay

  • Pokemon
  • League of Legends
  • Golden Sun

  • Harry Potter
  • Eragon
  • Percy Jackson


I'm all about that fantasy. I can mix it with other genres, such as sci-fi, slice of life, etc. but I generally stick to fantasy settings. As long as something supernatural or mystical is afoot, I'm interested. I generally like adventure, exploration, and conversation more than action and fighting in my roleplays as long as everyone is having a good time. I enjoy tabletop RPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons, Scion, Dungeon World, and Ryuutama.

Most Recent Posts

@Aphelion Petty rivals? ;)

Yasssss xD
"A nurse, huh? I know who to come to if I get hurt." Noelani crooked a smile at Rebecca. When they got closer, her smaller companion made a comment about how nice the place looked. Noelani glanced around. Everything here looked soul-less to her, from the plants to the outside of the building. "It's got glam, I guess. but I wouldn't want to be the groundskeeper." She retorted.

A short distance ahead, the bus driver opened the doors and everyone began to step inside. Noelani picked up the pace, hoping to get Rebecca out of the cold faster. When they finally stepped into the foyer, she took in everything. From the fire place, to the other men and women, and finally the "Mysterious Doctor Muller", who didn't look threatening, but neither did Rebecca for the most part. She was sure both of them were capable of killing her... not that they would.

When the boy who stared at her earlier spoke up, she gave him a dose of his own medicine and gave him a side-long peek. She didn't think she would have to room with anyone, she wasn't used to that. It made his question more pressing immediately, at least to herself, but she quickly followed it up with her own.

"And what would you have us do here...? Noelani added casually on to Angel's comment.
@Kinjaav@Birdboy I don't mind having another in the RP to be honest.

As far as the roommate situation, if Kinjaav joins then there will be a player imbalance (if 2 per room is the goal). I do not mind being the odd one out. I can have a NPC roommate, or just bunk alone.

I will be replying tonight, sorry for all of my long waits between posts. My job is pretty physically demanding, so I'm decimated when I come home and just end up sleeping. xD I'll try to get better about maybe writing out posts between breaks or something.
@Birdboy I'm cool to continue it along if you'd like to! :]
Noelani smiled at Rebecca's determination to stay positive and considerate. She looked up towards the ominous building when Rebecca did; it's empty windows staring at them hungrily like gaping maws. "You're right... I wondered if any of the Mistings had gotten sick. I seem fine so far, but who knows?" She grinned lopsidedly. "Maybe we can make the best of this, even if we are far from our families. So," Noelani stretched her arms above her head as she walked. "I can't keep calling you "little flower" all day, what's your name? I'm Noelani, everyone just calls me "Noel". It's good to meet someone friendly up here."

The shadow of the building loomed over them, the large doors might as well have been the entry way into hell. She hated schools. "Did anyone tell you what to do when we got here? I assume go looking for the "doctor", but..." She hefted her back pack on her shoulders in an effort to stop it from digging into the same spot. "It wouldn't hurt to poke around? I'm starving."

Sorry, I had a stupid work week. Mon/Tue are my days off so I'll be posting shortly, if not tonight. I apologize for my absence. :/
Is this one dying? These days I only participate in one RP at a time, and this is my only one right now - so if it wont continue or we've generally lost interest, then I'll go apply to another RP.
Noelani noticed Angel staring at them, and gave him a quick eyebrow quirk before the boy turned back around and trudged up the hill even faster than before. She noticed that Angel and the bus driver had quick strides as they marched out in front, and she was suddenly tempted to see if she could beat them to the top of the hill in a burst of competitiveness.

When Rebecca spoke though, Noelani instantly decided that she would walk this awkward, funny girl all the way up the hill and poke and prod to see just how flustered she could get Rebecca. "I'm not too sure about all of that - I mean, if you pay somebody enough money, they'll even go to war, what's stopping them from wanting to figure out how we tick, little flower?" Noelani smiled toothily, and her teeth had the self-same glow as her eyes and veins when she opened her mouth.

"A little bit of a sleeping powder in our food, and what are we to do to stop it, so far up here in the mountains? Although, maybe you're right, maybe they're frightened of the big-bag Misties, and we'll be left to stare at each other for the whole time we're here eh, little flower? Maybe we'll take some pottery and poetry lessons? It seems like the sort of thing to do out in the mountains, too, I suppose." She gave an exaggerated shrug, her eerie eyes locked on to Rebecca the entire time that she spoke.

@Birdboy I think it's good so far. You're doing a good job at describing situations and progressing the story along. No true suggestions to be honest... I think the atmosphere and pacing are exactly what you want them to be for the type of story.

Edit: I guess at this point it'd be a good idea to see if some of the people who haven't posted in awhile are still interested and, if they aren't, get more people to replace them to keep the story moving along?

Lol Rebecca's personality xD

I kind of want to give other people time to respond, but I might just post sometime tomorrow afternoon.
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