CCG Chars

Her name alone strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies
//-Eye Colour-\\
//-Hair Colour-\\
Light green
Shizuka is a truly special case, she is by all means a complete psycho. She cannot be controlled yet the CCG use this to their advantage...she's like a rabid dog chasing after rabbits and she will catch her prey. Shizuka has shown herself to be utterly brutal towards ghouls and seems to show little to no emotion for any other being (aside from animals, those she enjoys a lot) If a human were to stumble into her line of sight whilst she was in a fight with a ghoul she'd cut the human down. The CCG are aware of this and this is why they usually assign her on lone missions as her last partners wound up dead
Shizuka was abandoned as a young child and has hardly any recollection of who her parents were, luckily for her the CCG took her in and even from a young age she showed promise, despite the CCG not wanting to send her out on missions she'd end up tagging along anyway and much to their surprise eliminate targets alone, targets that would take more than one investigator to kill...from there on they sent her out on more missions, sometimes with partners that'd end up dead...this was when they realised the trade off for her great skill...she had to work alone. This however never meant they stopped keeping an eye on her which in itself proved difficult.
Shizuka was 13 when the God of Ghouls went missing, this sent the Kings under him into some sort of war with eachother. Shizuka had targeted one certain organisation at that time and despite it taking her 3 years she eventually took down most of the organisation alone, by the age of 18 she had killed it's king. It was this undeniable evidence that lead to her promotion to a Special Class Investigator, one of the youngest of the time, if not the youngest. Shizuka has now been a Special Class Investigator for 5 years now and in her time has killed an un-countable amount of ghouls...if there is one thing she does well it's kill ghouls...
Special Class
//-Ward of Operation-\\
Any Ward she feels like
(Works Alone mostly)
Case 1 -
Name: AxA MK.9
Rating: SSS
Type: Ukaku/Rinkaku
Description: AxA was the name of Shizuka's first ever Quinque and came in the form of a scythe, as the years have gone on she has had many versions developed and AxA MK.9 was made with the combined Kagune of the King she had killed and his right hand man. This has resulted in a truly incredible weapon that is capable of many, many things. The basic form is that of a Scythe yet she is capable of using many Ukaku and Rinkaku elements. Due to this Scythe's strength is can easily break trough the strongest of ghouls Kagune which truly makes this weapon something to be feared
Case 2 -
Name: XK.13
Rating: S~
Type: Ukaku/Bikaku
Description: XK comes in the form of a small throwing knife yet there isn't just one of these, in fact Shizuka has many upon her person, how many is unknown but it has been shown to be an incredible amount. These knives have the ability to not only explode but also discharge a form of electricity that can stun a ghoul
Case 3 - TBR (Those that have seen this have died)
Case 4 - TBR
//-Special trait/Skill-\\
Shizuka has shown that her best trait is her Agility and speed yet her resilience in battle also shows as she has taken inhumane amounts of damage, it's as if she has no concept of pain as she has never once shown herself to stop or slow down, in fact if she feels her body weakening she can be seen actually attacking the part of her body she feels failing, further showing her unstable nature. Aside from this Shizuka has impressive strength for a woman of her size. Shizuka also has a keen sense of smell allowing her to track down ghouls on scent alone
Wears a mask to cover the bottom half of her face and wears claw like gloves as well as an eyepatch over her left eye. She has also been known to carry various syringes upon her person, what these contain is unknown but she has been shown to inject both herself her opponents with them.
Ashido Kazuyaka

CCG's Hunter
//-Eye Colour-\\
//-Hair Colour-\\
Whilst working Ashido is cold and harsh. He doesn't believe in can either do it or you can't, and if you can't then you have no place in his Squad. Ashido wants only success and so pushes his Squad to be the best. One thing Ashido dislikes is working with clowns, the sort of people that don't seem to understand how serious their jobs are...
Ashido over his years has shown to be a hard working investigator and an exceptional fighter. It'd be safe to say Ashido has a very good understanding of the Ghoul world and their movements which and it is this understanding that has helped him get to the top and lead some of the best investigations and take down some of the strongest Ghouls.
Associate Special Class
//-Ward of Operation-\\
13th Ward
Case 1 - Katana made from a Ghouls Koukaku and Rinkaku. This allows the Katana to strike hard as well as be tough and thus means quick strikes are relatively strong and easy. This Quinque possess a special ability to extend and split, this often used to strike an opponent that otherwise thought they may have successfully dodged an attack. Due to it's Koukaku side the Katana can also change form into a shield. Rating - SS
Case 2 - This weapon takes the form of a Pistol that fires projectiles capable of easily piercing and wounding a ghoul. This weapon has been made entirely from a ghouls Ukaku and thus works to great effect on Ghouls. The weapon has a very sneaky secret that allows it to fire special bolts of electric that will not only pierce the target but also shock them. These rounds also possess the capability to explode. Rating - A+

Case 3 (Rarely used) - Full body Armour made from a Koukaku. Rating - S
Case 4 - TBR
//-Special trait/Skill-\\
Great Physical Ability that allows Ashido to move quickly as well as strike with great power. Also has an incredible ability that has been described as "Abnormal" by other Investigators. Ashido has an incredible ability or more understanding of the Ghoul underworld which has lead to some of the most feared and elusive ghouls demise
Smokes quite a bit
Ghoul Chars
Is always seen wearing a black cloak that covers their entire body
Presumed Male
Assumed to be 6 foot something
//-Eye Colour-\\
//-Hair Colour-\\
This ghoul has shown to act of it's own accord and doesn't seem to align with any of the current ghoul Organisations. While the ghouls intentions are unknown as well as it's whereabouts it is considered a fairly large threat.
//-Ward of Operation-\\
Rinkaku type

Has been known to use various Quinque from dead investigators
//-Special trait-\\
Other than being able to successfully evade the CCG nothing else has been noted


//-Eye Colour-\\
//-Hair Colour-\\
Scarecrow is a true monster...his very appearance is enough to send the average dove mad...and to strike fear into even some of the strongest spirited Doves. Scarecrow has been noted to cause his victims immense pain through the use of Pain enhancing drugs, coupled with his brutality and known hobby of experimenting on some of his victims does make him one to truly run thing is certain...he is immensely unstable
//-Ward of Operation-\\
21st - 23rd Ward
From the CCG's point of view not much is known about Scarecrow however in truth Scarecrow is an experiment of the previous king that controlled Yatagarasu. Scarecrow was apart of a program to create stronger ghouls in order to crush the CCG as well as the rival organisations, yet Scarecrow is an experiment gone wrong and through his various experiments and tests wound up on a rampage that resulted in many death's of humans and ghouls alike, the previous Yatagarasu king included.
From the program Scarecrow was apart of he is the last as he consumed the others. Now he rules over Yatagarasu as it's king, those under him dare not question his role or methods as those who have were dealt with, with sickening brutality.
CCG File History - The Ghoul known as Scarecrow is responsible for the death's of many Investigators as well as some of the higher ranking Investigators. He is a top priority target for the CCG however due to the nightmarish rumours that circle around about him most investigators will try avoid him the best they can. It is unknown what Scarecrow does with his followers but a lot come from the Ghoul Detention Center that was taken by Yatagarasu. This does make Yatagarasu a high priority target however previous attempts at taking back the 23rd Ward have proven greatly unsuccessful.
Codenamed Scarecrow because of his crow like mask and his uncanny ability to strike fear into his enemies thus scaring them.
Scarecrow has shown to possess a Dual Kagune. This is assumed to be a result of his experimentation.
Rinkaku - Four Tentacles that possess black bone like segments that are heavily serrated making them ideal for cutting their targets. The ends appear much like large thick hooks which are made of the very same black bone and are used in terrifying ways such as wrapping around someone's neck and beheading them or piercing the opponent through the back and out their chest and lifting them into the air letting the hooks slowly cut through them which results in the targets slow and painful death.
Koukaku - This has been shown to be very flexible in it's form and although usually used primarily for defence has been shown to be manipulated into weapons that Scarecrow can wield in his hands. This done by the Koukaku wrapping around Scarecrows arms and then making it's way into his palms where he shapes them further into weapons to use in close combat. This Koukaku is capable of covering Scarecrows entire body in a thick armour which when combined with his Rinkaku make him a truly unstoppable force.
//-Special trait-\\
Scarecrow has been known to strike fear into his opponents by simply showing up however his true special trait is that due to being both a Rinkaku and Koukaku type his otherwise brittle Rinkaku is a great deal amount stronger.
Is known to carry many pain enhancing drugs on his person

Is rarely seen wearing a mask and when he does they're usually different everytime
//-Eye Colour-\\
//-Hair Colour-\\
Karasu is a man of mystery and keeps his problems and thoughts to himself, from an outside perspective he would appear very secluded and secretive but this is down to Karasu not trusting anyone else as it seems everyone he has ever encountered has always been out for their own gain. In truth Karasu despises most people yet he is always willing to get to know new people but don't expect him to ever open fully up. He will most likely feed people lies about his past and what he does as to throw a person off his track but to also test them and see where they stand within this world.
When it comes to the likes of the CCG Karasu cares very little as he is for the most part under their radar. However he isn't a fan of any of the three main ghoul organisations and personally believes they're a sure way to die and in the end everyone seems to be a meaningless pawn to these Kings. Karasu prefers to float around in the middle of this all...blending into both sides and living his life...however one can only wonder if this is just a front...
//-Ward of Operation-\\
The Ward Varies as he is often travelling around a great deal
(Isn't on CCG records)
Not much is known about Karasu other than the fact that he has worked various jobs and even then people are unsure what he is doing, he is seemingly here, there and everywhere. Karasu shrouds himself with mystery and to this date he hasn't opened up to anyone about his past but people assume it's bad due to the fact that he refuses to talk about it.
Ukaku type - Although Karasu is rarely seen using his Kagune it is known by a very small number that he possess an Ukaku type Kagune. He is capable of utilising various forms with his Ukaku which can vary from large wings capable of firing large and deadly projectiles in great numbers to fully manifesting them into blades to use in close combat.
//-Special trait-\\
Karasu has a great way to cover his tracks and deceive people, however he only does this in order to protect his own ass so he can avoid getting to much heat. Aside from this Karasu is shown to be very physically fit due to the fact that he often utilises hand to hand combat, even against another ghoul. Due to his Ukaku nature he has also tried to work on his Stamina in order to increase the time he can use his Kagune...although chances are if he his forced to use it the fight will end quickly.
Karasu is known to smoke for whatever reason. Although it does literally nothing for him he does it purely because he enjoys looking at smoke. He is also known to have an interest in games, vehicles, masks and more
Is always seen wearing a black cloak that covers their entire body
Presumed Male
Assumed to be 6 foot something
//-Eye Colour-\\
//-Hair Colour-\\
This ghoul has shown to act of it's own accord and doesn't seem to align with any of the current ghoul Organisations. While the ghouls intentions are unknown as well as it's whereabouts it is considered a fairly large threat.
//-Ward of Operation-\\
Rinkaku type

Has been known to use various Quinque from dead investigators
//-Special trait-\\
Other than being able to successfully evade the CCG nothing else has been noted


//-Eye Colour-\\
//-Hair Colour-\\
Scarecrow is a true monster...his very appearance is enough to send the average dove mad...and to strike fear into even some of the strongest spirited Doves. Scarecrow has been noted to cause his victims immense pain through the use of Pain enhancing drugs, coupled with his brutality and known hobby of experimenting on some of his victims does make him one to truly run thing is certain...he is immensely unstable
//-Ward of Operation-\\
21st - 23rd Ward
From the CCG's point of view not much is known about Scarecrow however in truth Scarecrow is an experiment of the previous king that controlled Yatagarasu. Scarecrow was apart of a program to create stronger ghouls in order to crush the CCG as well as the rival organisations, yet Scarecrow is an experiment gone wrong and through his various experiments and tests wound up on a rampage that resulted in many death's of humans and ghouls alike, the previous Yatagarasu king included.
From the program Scarecrow was apart of he is the last as he consumed the others. Now he rules over Yatagarasu as it's king, those under him dare not question his role or methods as those who have were dealt with, with sickening brutality.
CCG File History - The Ghoul known as Scarecrow is responsible for the death's of many Investigators as well as some of the higher ranking Investigators. He is a top priority target for the CCG however due to the nightmarish rumours that circle around about him most investigators will try avoid him the best they can. It is unknown what Scarecrow does with his followers but a lot come from the Ghoul Detention Center that was taken by Yatagarasu. This does make Yatagarasu a high priority target however previous attempts at taking back the 23rd Ward have proven greatly unsuccessful.
Codenamed Scarecrow because of his crow like mask and his uncanny ability to strike fear into his enemies thus scaring them.
Scarecrow has shown to possess a Dual Kagune. This is assumed to be a result of his experimentation.
Rinkaku - Four Tentacles that possess black bone like segments that are heavily serrated making them ideal for cutting their targets. The ends appear much like large thick hooks which are made of the very same black bone and are used in terrifying ways such as wrapping around someone's neck and beheading them or piercing the opponent through the back and out their chest and lifting them into the air letting the hooks slowly cut through them which results in the targets slow and painful death.
Koukaku - This has been shown to be very flexible in it's form and although usually used primarily for defence has been shown to be manipulated into weapons that Scarecrow can wield in his hands. This done by the Koukaku wrapping around Scarecrows arms and then making it's way into his palms where he shapes them further into weapons to use in close combat. This Koukaku is capable of covering Scarecrows entire body in a thick armour which when combined with his Rinkaku make him a truly unstoppable force.
//-Special trait-\\
Scarecrow has been known to strike fear into his opponents by simply showing up however his true special trait is that due to being both a Rinkaku and Koukaku type his otherwise brittle Rinkaku is a great deal amount stronger.
Is known to carry many pain enhancing drugs on his person

Is rarely seen wearing a mask and when he does they're usually different everytime
//-Eye Colour-\\
//-Hair Colour-\\
Karasu is a man of mystery and keeps his problems and thoughts to himself, from an outside perspective he would appear very secluded and secretive but this is down to Karasu not trusting anyone else as it seems everyone he has ever encountered has always been out for their own gain. In truth Karasu despises most people yet he is always willing to get to know new people but don't expect him to ever open fully up. He will most likely feed people lies about his past and what he does as to throw a person off his track but to also test them and see where they stand within this world.
When it comes to the likes of the CCG Karasu cares very little as he is for the most part under their radar. However he isn't a fan of any of the three main ghoul organisations and personally believes they're a sure way to die and in the end everyone seems to be a meaningless pawn to these Kings. Karasu prefers to float around in the middle of this all...blending into both sides and living his life...however one can only wonder if this is just a front...
//-Ward of Operation-\\
The Ward Varies as he is often travelling around a great deal
(Isn't on CCG records)
Not much is known about Karasu other than the fact that he has worked various jobs and even then people are unsure what he is doing, he is seemingly here, there and everywhere. Karasu shrouds himself with mystery and to this date he hasn't opened up to anyone about his past but people assume it's bad due to the fact that he refuses to talk about it.
Ukaku type - Although Karasu is rarely seen using his Kagune it is known by a very small number that he possess an Ukaku type Kagune. He is capable of utilising various forms with his Ukaku which can vary from large wings capable of firing large and deadly projectiles in great numbers to fully manifesting them into blades to use in close combat.
//-Special trait-\\
Karasu has a great way to cover his tracks and deceive people, however he only does this in order to protect his own ass so he can avoid getting to much heat. Aside from this Karasu is shown to be very physically fit due to the fact that he often utilises hand to hand combat, even against another ghoul. Due to his Ukaku nature he has also tried to work on his Stamina in order to increase the time he can use his Kagune...although chances are if he his forced to use it the fight will end quickly.
Karasu is known to smoke for whatever reason. Although it does literally nothing for him he does it purely because he enjoys looking at smoke. He is also known to have an interest in games, vehicles, masks and more