Swords & Septims
No longer accepting new players

- High fantasy that takes place on the continent of Tamriel.
- Characters are experienced adventurers from various walks of life that have recently joined forces to tackle bigger quests, with only one objective: gold.
- Moral ambiguity is to be expected from this group; they are not heroes.
- The timeline is set a few years after the appearance (and, after defeating Alduin, Lord Harkon and Miraak, subsequent disappearance) of the Dragonborn. The Stormcloak rebellion is over and the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire are still at peace, though tensions are high. For convenience's sake, Titus Mede II is still alive.
- All modern Tamrielic races are accepted (Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Orsimer, Breton, Imperial, Nord, Redguard, Khajiit and Argonian). No extinct races or Akaviri races.
- We will play experienced adventurers, but not godlike warriors or archmages. Materials like ebony and glass are too expensive for our characters to afford (for now), and nobody is a Master of Destruction. Err on the side of humility.
- I have high standards, despite the recent dilution of the quality in Advanced. Character sheets will be accepted based on merit alone, not 'first come first serve'.
- Players will get to collaborate with me on the course of the story. We will start out at the front doors of an old, undisturbed Nordic tomb near the border of Skyrim and Cyrodiil, where the characters have gathered for their first adventure together.
- Characters are experienced adventurers from various walks of life that have recently joined forces to tackle bigger quests, with only one objective: gold.
- Moral ambiguity is to be expected from this group; they are not heroes.
- The timeline is set a few years after the appearance (and, after defeating Alduin, Lord Harkon and Miraak, subsequent disappearance) of the Dragonborn. The Stormcloak rebellion is over and the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire are still at peace, though tensions are high. For convenience's sake, Titus Mede II is still alive.
- All modern Tamrielic races are accepted (Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Orsimer, Breton, Imperial, Nord, Redguard, Khajiit and Argonian). No extinct races or Akaviri races.
- We will play experienced adventurers, but not godlike warriors or archmages. Materials like ebony and glass are too expensive for our characters to afford (for now), and nobody is a Master of Destruction. Err on the side of humility.
- I have high standards, despite the recent dilution of the quality in Advanced. Character sheets will be accepted based on merit alone, not 'first come first serve'.
- Players will get to collaborate with me on the course of the story. We will start out at the front doors of an old, undisturbed Nordic tomb near the border of Skyrim and Cyrodiil, where the characters have gathered for their first adventure together.
In Character Info:
Old races and civilizations leave valuables behind when they disappear. In all of Tamriel's history, this has held true, and it fuels the existence of a particular profession: the adventurer. Well-versed in various survivalist and combat skills, these hardy folks delve dungeons, traverse harsh terrain and fight off all sorts of creatures to obtain said valuables. You are one such individual. What your particular skills are do not matter, nor what your history is. The only thing that matters is that you can keep yourself alive.
However, adventurers often perish on their... well, adventures. The inherent dangers of the profession are varied and many, and facing them alone can overwhelm even the toughest of treasure hunters. That's why a small group of adventurers has banded together after a fateful meeting in Cheydinhal, on a warm Sun's Height evening. One of them had recently learned of the existence of an undisturbed Nordic tomb near Falkreath, and they agreed to delve into this dungeon together. Some might be wary of each other, but the idea is to watch each other's back, collectively make it out alive and share the spoils equally.
Now, our adventurers find themselves staring at the great wooden doors of the tomb, waiting as their group gathers in its entirety. What will they find behind the gates?
However, adventurers often perish on their... well, adventures. The inherent dangers of the profession are varied and many, and facing them alone can overwhelm even the toughest of treasure hunters. That's why a small group of adventurers has banded together after a fateful meeting in Cheydinhal, on a warm Sun's Height evening. One of them had recently learned of the existence of an undisturbed Nordic tomb near Falkreath, and they agreed to delve into this dungeon together. Some might be wary of each other, but the idea is to watch each other's back, collectively make it out alive and share the spoils equally.
Now, our adventurers find themselves staring at the great wooden doors of the tomb, waiting as their group gathers in its entirety. What will they find behind the gates?
Out of character info:
So, as you may have guessed, we're going to be adventurers. Not assassins of the Dark Brotherhood, or thieves from the Thieves Guild, or Companions; we are all independent operators that are just in it for the money. Maybe you were previously contracted to the Fighter's Guild, but not any more. Perhaps you learned your magecraft in Winterhold, but you are not a member of that College any longer. You are an adventurer!
And now you're part of a group. The characters have only met once before, in Cheydinhal, where they collectively ran into each other while selling the loot from their previous ventures. We're going to pretend the Nerevarine, Champion of Cyrodiil and Dragonborn haven't single-handedly cleared their respective provinces of everything valuable, so that there are still undisturbed and undiscovered locations left for us.
At first, we're simply going to delve into a dungeon and see what happens. I have a few ideas for greater, overarching storylines if this roleplay goes anywhere long-term, but those aren't relevant just yet. Focus on having your characters get to know each other, developing respect or rivalries, while fighting side-by-side and back-to-back.
If you find your own knowledge of the Elder Scrolls world falling short, I invite you to use uesp.net (the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages) as a resource. I use it myself, so even if it's wrong, we'll be similarly misinformed.
And now you're part of a group. The characters have only met once before, in Cheydinhal, where they collectively ran into each other while selling the loot from their previous ventures. We're going to pretend the Nerevarine, Champion of Cyrodiil and Dragonborn haven't single-handedly cleared their respective provinces of everything valuable, so that there are still undisturbed and undiscovered locations left for us.
At first, we're simply going to delve into a dungeon and see what happens. I have a few ideas for greater, overarching storylines if this roleplay goes anywhere long-term, but those aren't relevant just yet. Focus on having your characters get to know each other, developing respect or rivalries, while fighting side-by-side and back-to-back.
If you find your own knowledge of the Elder Scrolls world falling short, I invite you to use uesp.net (the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages) as a resource. I use it myself, so even if it's wrong, we'll be similarly misinformed.
- Sort your squabbles out in private. If you persistently disagree with another player or they're grieving you, involve me. If necessary, I will get the moderators involved.
- No godmodding (controlling someone else's character). Obviously.
- Try to post at least once a week. I have seen too many roleplays die because people took their sweet, sweet time. And let me know if you can't post soon!
- One character per player.
- My decisions are final.
- If you've read all these rules and agree to them, include the word 'Marne' somewhere in your character sheet.
- No godmodding (controlling someone else's character). Obviously.
- Try to post at least once a week. I have seen too many roleplays die because people took their sweet, sweet time. And let me know if you can't post soon!
- One character per player.
- My decisions are final.
- If you've read all these rules and agree to them, include the word 'Marne' somewhere in your character sheet.
Character Sheet
Please submit your character sheets by SUNDAY, AUGUST 30th. Post them in a hider in a comment in the OOC tab, NOT the Character tab.
Name: Your character's name. Keep it appropriate to your chosen race; I don't want to see any Khajiit named Charles. Include any optional nicknames.
Age: The lifespan of Men and the beast races corresponds with our own. Elves live longer, but none of you are Divayth Fyr; think a few hundred years at most.
Gender: Male or female.
Race: One of the sapient Tamrielic races.
Appearance: A written description of your character's appearance. No pictures.
Personality: What kind of person is your character and how do they interact with others? Remember, they have already agreed to work with others in a group, so a morose, cynical lone wolf isn't going to work.
History: Describe your character's life. I don't need the exact details of their childhood, or an extensive account of all their previous adventures, but be comprehensive. Give me three solid paragraphs, at least.
Skills: Here you explain to me what your character is good at. I encourage you to draw inspiration from the Skills present in the games, but this roleplay doesn't use a clear-cut system. I will decide if I think your character's skills and abilities are acceptable. Remember what I said: we are humble adventurers, not the Champion of Cyrodiil. Mages are to list the Schools of Magic they are skilled in; someone who has dedicated their life to magical training will have Expert-level skill in one School, and perhaps Adept-level ability in two more.
Equipment: What do they bring with them on an adventure? Remember, err on the side of humility. Our characters aren't necessarily poor, but they aren't rich either. The first person to mention 'daedric' gets lynched.
Birthsign: "Very good. The letter that preceded mentioned you were born under a certain sign. And what would that be?"
Miscellaneous: Anything you want to mention but haven't been able to cover yet.
Name: Your character's name. Keep it appropriate to your chosen race; I don't want to see any Khajiit named Charles. Include any optional nicknames.
Age: The lifespan of Men and the beast races corresponds with our own. Elves live longer, but none of you are Divayth Fyr; think a few hundred years at most.
Gender: Male or female.
Race: One of the sapient Tamrielic races.
Appearance: A written description of your character's appearance. No pictures.
Personality: What kind of person is your character and how do they interact with others? Remember, they have already agreed to work with others in a group, so a morose, cynical lone wolf isn't going to work.
History: Describe your character's life. I don't need the exact details of their childhood, or an extensive account of all their previous adventures, but be comprehensive. Give me three solid paragraphs, at least.
Skills: Here you explain to me what your character is good at. I encourage you to draw inspiration from the Skills present in the games, but this roleplay doesn't use a clear-cut system. I will decide if I think your character's skills and abilities are acceptable. Remember what I said: we are humble adventurers, not the Champion of Cyrodiil. Mages are to list the Schools of Magic they are skilled in; someone who has dedicated their life to magical training will have Expert-level skill in one School, and perhaps Adept-level ability in two more.
Equipment: What do they bring with them on an adventure? Remember, err on the side of humility. Our characters aren't necessarily poor, but they aren't rich either. The first person to mention 'daedric' gets lynched.
Birthsign: "Very good. The letter that preceded mentioned you were born under a certain sign. And what would that be?"
Miscellaneous: Anything you want to mention but haven't been able to cover yet.
Ask them. I don't bite.