Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Long Term Character

And when we go we won't go slow, we'll put up such a fight . .
When they fade into the dust and into ash . . .
But all the children know for sure this pain will surely pass.

- Kiss The Sky, Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra

Full Name: Ruby Christopher Maddox
Nickname(s): None.
Gender: Male

Age: 17
Birthday: July 3rd
Astrological Sign: Cancer

Room: 3
Position: Student (first year)
Level: 1
Course: TDS

Magical Ranking: Wind, Earth, Water, Fire (in that order).

Likes: Swimming, animals (especially birds), seafood, mornings, fruit, alternative music, hot chocolate, accessorizing, "lazing" around, gems.
Dislikes: Eggs, bright screens, coffee, whistling, high-tide, meat (not much of a fan, will still eat it). He is deeply horrified by the sight of blood.

Personality: Neutral, yet affable, Ruby is generally described as "one of a kind". This is mostly due to his poor experiences with others, however, his ability to withstand strong faith in people and the world in general is sometimes rare to find. It's fair to say that Ruby is generally content with his life, though he strides to make a difference and is deeply afraid of being forgotten which creates a "I can always improve" philosophy. Kind and friendly, he's almost the perfect friend aside from his occasional moodiness which often leads to tirades of self-pity. He's also surprisingly cavalier about social issues, meaning that he can be perfect for venting or seen as borderline sociopathic for his lack of concern about certain manners. Though he is good with people, to see Ruby in his most "natural" state of mind, you'd probably have to find him with nature or with a group of animals (especially birds or fish).

History: Ruby has vague recollection of his childhood, aside from the fact that it was relatively carefree and "normal". He grew up near the sea and had a heavy dependency on fish for food and water for entertainment. Even as a child, he was strangely empathetic to his surroundings, which would involve both animals and people. During his late childhood, he had to relocate for reasons that he can't remember. Over his early teen years, like others his age, he had become jaded due to the harsh reality of the world. Because of this, in recent years, he armed himself with the dark grasp of reality and an iron will to change the world.

Independent Courses: Auras && Archaic Language.

Pet: Rainbow Parrot
Dragon: Water Riding Dragon

Other: Follow the rainbow parrot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Long Term Character
Name: Lady Violetta Rose deForest

Age: 25
Room: Head mistress room
Magic Specialty: Runeology
Rank of the Basic 4 (Fire, Water, Earth, Air/Wind):
1) Fire
2) Earth
3) Water
4) Air/WindMagic
Likes: quiet, chocolate, animals, crafts, books
Dislikes: loud noises, thunder, fishy food, gardening
Personality: Lady Violetta is kind but a bit aggravating because she is quite strict and stubborn in her ways. She can be a bit of an introvert and prefers to be with animals than people. She enjoys teaching those who are willing to learn and will obey her rules at all times. However, she is a bit lonely.
History: She was a Librarian in the young adult section of a big city library. One day she was cleaning some new paintings that came in when she was pulled into the picture. She landed on the lawn which she named the Fall. The Creator met her and instructed her about her new world. She is the HeadMistress of Caldwell's.
Pet desired: Personal Dragon-Jewel
Other: Follow the rainbow.
Education Completed:
Level 7
Independent Study Courses Completed:
All of them
*She inherited the knowledge when she came through the picture*

Long Term Character

Name: Mystique Rose deforest

Spare Teacher

Name: Thomas Skywalker
Age: 23
Level 1 Teacher
Rank of the Basic 4 (Fire, Water, Earth, Air/Wind):
1) Earth
2) Fire
3) Wind
4) Water
Magic Affinity: Mental
Magic Specialty: Teleportation
Likes: Blue skies. Warm sunshine, friendship, teaching
Dislikes: Fighting, Arguing,
Personality: Warm, kind, willing to help anyone
History: Find out in the RP
Unique Traits: Thomas has a limp from an accident as a child.
Pet desired: Dragon-Nightstalker
Other: Follow the rainbow.
Education Completed:
Independent Study Courses Completed:
*He inherited the knowledge when He came through the picture*

Name: Avalon Rose deForrest-
Age: 26
Fitness Instructor
Rank of the Basic 4 (Fire, Water, Earth, Air/Wind):
1) Wind
2) Earth
3) Water
4) Fire

Magic Specialty: Antigravity
Likes: Blue skies. Warm sunshine, friendship, gymnastics
Dislikes: Fighting, Arguing,
Personality: Warm, kind, willing to help anyone
History: Find out in the RP
Unique Traits: She sings when she is alone
Pet desired: Personal Dragon- Singer- Male-
Other: Follow the rainbow.
Education Completed:
Independent Study Courses Completed:
*She inherited the knowledge when she came through the picture*

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Long-Term Character

Name: Elizabeth Laurent
Age: 18
Room: 5
Position: Student
Level: 2
TDS (Traditional and Draconic Magic)
Magic Specialty: elemental control

Ranking of the Basic Four
1) Earth
2) Wind
3) Water
4) Fire
Likes: Literature, Classical Music, Intriguing Situations, Interesting People
Dislikes: Homophobia, Boring People

Personality: Elizabeth is notable for being intelligent and erudite for her age, and she's not afraid to flaunt it. She is often friendly, but is not very fond of things or people she finds boring. Unless she's working on a project, she likely won't stay on one subject for very long.

History: Elizabeth grew up in Virginia, and she found the life there too simple. She is naturally drawn to magic, but she had no idea about it. This lead her to become a restless girl constantly searching for excitement, never to be completely fulfilled.
Pet: Arcane Hound
Pet Name: Hesiod
Dragon Name: Uriel

Other: Follow the Rainbow.
Independent Study Courses Taken: Archaic Languages, Calligraphy I, Auras, Musical Instrument I, and Basketry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Long Term Character
Name: Ayaka Rain

Age: 15
Room: 2
Position wanted: Student
Level: 2
Course: TDS

Magic Specialty: elemental control
Magic Affinity: Mental
Unique Traits: Ayaka tends to wear a headband that looks like cat ears.

Rank of the Basic 4:
1) Water
2) Wind
3) Fire
4) Earth

Likes: Cats, Animals in general, learning new things, reading
Dislikes: obnoxious people tend to annoy her though she tries to hide that fact,

Personality: Most the time, if she isn't busy with something, Ayaka would more than likely be one of the first people to introduce herself to someone new. She likes to stay as organized as possible when it comes to school.

History: Growing up, Ayaka was most the time hanging out with friends or studying in her room unless one of the cats decided it was time to bug her, which happened quite often. She got used to the idea of her cats waiting until she was busy to demand attention since it seemed that's what they do. Her parents were always taking in stray cats either as their own or to later find a home for.

Other: Follow the Rainbow
Education Completed: Level 1

Pet Name: Frost Wolf named Rikami
2nd Pet Name: Shadow Cat named Dusk
Dragon Name: Air Riding Dragon named Skye

Independent Study Courses Taken: Archaic Language, Auras, Basketry, Calligraphy 1, Musical Instrument 1

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by decayedAngel
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decayedAngel The Weirder One.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

CS Application:
Name: Nathan Grant
Age: 16
Room: 8
Position wanted: Student

Level: Level 1
Course: TDS
Rank of the Basic 4 (Fire, Water, Earth, Air/Wind):
1) Fire
2) Earth
3) Water
4) Air/Wind

Likes: Cats, Dogs, Furry things, Books.
Dislikes: Things with more or less than 2 legs.

Personality: Quiet, Overprotective, Quite loud and open once you get to know him
History: Nathan came from what one would call a 'rich' family, Although he felt like he never fit in, he would always wonder what fun it could be living in a normal suburb would be like, instead of the pompous lands of fake grass they called estates. He would always sneak away for the night, and be back 'sleeping' in the morning. He loved his parents, But believed that they were rather overprotective and spoiled him too much..

Independent Courses taken: Archaic Language, Auras, Basketry, Calligraphy 1, Musical Instrument 1
Pet desired: Miniature Desert Fox
Other: Follow the Rainbow road and die
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The IC is up and ready for anyone who wishes to 'Fall In' to the Academy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mafu


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Long Term Character

Name: Aurora Normann

Age: 17
Birthday: January 21st

Room: 4

Position: Student
Level: 1
Course: TDS

Rank of the Basic 4
1) Earth
2) Air/Wind
3) Fire
4) Water

Likes: Cloud-watching, star-gazing, coffee and coffee-based desserts, canines, rodents, exploring
Dislikes: Showing off/boasting, getting assistance, bookwork, feeling rushed

Personality: Aurora frequently zones out and prefers to take things at her own pace, which may include not thinking it through first. She doesn't mind talking to others or making conversation, though she doesn't seem to do so very often unless she is spoken to first. She tends to be very patient with others and pays extremely close attention to details when made to focus, but can be easily distracted again.

History: Aurora was born to a very large family that severely lacked in finances and as a result, she worked from a very young age in life and very seldom had time for studying, much less leisure. By the time she was 14, she made the choice to live on her own to be less of a monetary burden and had become very self-conscious of asking others for help. During the very rare time Aurora found to herself, she would use it to stare up at the sky and wander around her local area until it was time for her to go back to work or go rest.

Independent Courses: Auras & Basketry

Pet desired: Nunbola
Dragon: Pleseourous

Other: Follow the Rainbow
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DjGameK1ng
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DjGameK1ng The Azure Gamer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Long-term character

Damian (DJ) Jordan
Appearance in words:
The picture is how he looks, but he’s 6’2”

Age: 16
Room: 6

Character wanted:
Traditional Magic Student
Level: 1

Unique Traits:
He’s strategic, maybe because of his long gaming sessions. Through his strategic nature, in his group of friends, he’s often the one to fix the problems and be the one not to panic. Any problem, weirdly enough.
Gaming, making game references, protecting and helping people,
Mean people, being the center of attention, “fans” of games and genres,

Loyal, calm, trustworthy, nice to pretty much everyone, respect for everyone. He has a sense of justice and if he sees injustice, he will not just watch, he’ll take action. If he’s hurt, he’ll try to mask it, just so no one will worry about him. He is a wimp though, he’s easily afraid.

A gamer living his normal life. He never hurt anyone and no one ever hurt him. He didn’t have many friends, but he didn’t need many. The only time that was noticeable is when he tried to get into an MMORPG, he felt lonely without anyone to play with. He has always imagined how it would be to use magic and be in a fantasy setting. On someday, he found some picture hanging a game store. It looked like he saw himself in it, so he decided to check it out. It was dusty so he decided to wipe it off, but not before touching the actual picture, on the spot where ‘he’ stood, and when he did, he saw that he entered the picture. “What the fu- How in the blue hell did this happen? This must be my goddamn luck.”, he thought. He looked at the school. “There was something written below the picture, what was it?”, he thought. “Let’s make the best of this, wherever this may be.”

Rank of the Basic 4 (Fire, Water, Earth, Air/Wind):
1) Earth
2) Water
3) Wind
4) Fire
Pet desired: Arcane Hound
Game on! Oh, and follow the rainbow too!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Long Term Character

Name: Nova Terra
Age: 18
Room: Room 9
Position: Student
Magic Specialty: Spirit Manipulation
Magical Ranking: Water, Air/Wind, Earth, Fire (in that order)

• Lollipop Candy
• Violin/Piano
• Horror Films
• Ghosts
• not having Lollipops Candy with her.
• Chocolate
• Girly Movies

Personality: Despite being naturally aggressive and a little cranky, Nova tries to maintain as positive as others, even if sometimes she doesn't succeed. She has a good sense of humor before losing her patience, which, indeed, is little. Nova tends to be violent when something goes wrong and, indeed, in many cases the violence is mainly her first choice to fix the problem. Nova has a good heart and, like her companions, is determined to do whatever it takes to help other people. It also appears she takes that more seriously then everyday affairs.

Education Completed: Level 1
Course: Traditional Magic
Independent Study Courses Taken: Auras, Plantology
Other: Follow the Rainbow

Pet Name: Shadow Cat named 'Amanojaku'
Dragon Name: Water Riding Dragon named 'Azuro'

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 3 mos ago

(I have school right now)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by 545Zafir39


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name:Asif el-Amin


Room: 1

Position wanted: Student

Level: 1

Course: TDS

Rank of the Basic 4
1) Air/Wind
2) Fire
3) Water
4) Earth

Likes: Video games (MMORPG's and shooters), music, Vietnamese pho noodle soups, Tae Kwon Do (and other martial arts),
sushi, hibachi, keeping to self, drawing, meditating, being lost deep in thought, and balance.

Dislikes: Loud noises, public speaking, chaos, disorder, large crowds (4+), feeling "exposed" or "out in the open",

Personality: Asif appears to be somewhat aloof and lost in the clouds most of the time. He can be quite contemplative,
and normally doesn't show too much expression. He is also a bit of a wonky individual, and will attempt to persuade
others that actions taken to either gain his attention or seek his company are either foolish or a waste of time.
Secretly, he does enjoy the company of others, but seems to have a problem confronting his poor sense of trust, or
some prideful want to continuously prove himself, even if he isn't being evaluated.

History: Hailing from Cairo, Egypt, Asif el-Amin was raised around the more Westernized Arabian culture. His parents,
although more stoic in their traditional ways, would always give Asif opportunities to explore new ideas and concepts.
As a young boy, Asif participated in a few sports, and eventually studied Tae Kwon Do in order to compete internationally.
Aside from his martial arts, he had an extreme addiction to video games of all kinds, including shooters and MMORPG's.
In school, he was first very boisterous and the center of attention, up until he had met his first girlfriend. After
two and a half years together, she had betrayed and left him for a more dangerous crowd. Because of this, his trust in
other people had been destroyed. Since that time, he had grown to be the shadow in the corner, generally attempting to avoid
contact with most everyone he had met. However, he still remained curious and pondered much about the world, and given the
chance to enroll in a new, strange school noone has heard of seemed to have sparked his intrest...

Independent Courses taken: Archaeic Language and Caligraphy I.

Pet desired: Personal Air Dragon

Riding Dragon: Fire Dragon

Other: Follow the rainbow.
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