Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sable Hollingsworth

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The annoying sound of an alarm clock rang through the room, over the sound of Sable's music playing in her ears. With a moan, she would do her best to cover up her head with a pillow on the bed, only to find herself failing in her attempts. Her subconscious suddenly made her aware that this was the official first day of school. Throwing the blankets to one side of the bed, simply lying there as her eyes adjusted to the light, Sable would then soon get up, gather her clothes for the day and then off to the shower. Striping her body of the clothing, she would climb into the tub, feeling the hot water soothe her muscles. It's just another day in this place, Sable. You can make it.

With a sigh, she would get out and dress herself, brush her teeth and dry, as well as brush, her hair. Applying her mascara, eyeliner and lip-gloss she would give herself one last look over before going out into what could be considered the public. That was if the public was considered to be the hall that linked all of the dorms together. First thing to do this morning: Get her new schedule. And the office was exactly were she was headed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


One, Lift
Two, Hold
Three, Drop...

His voiced huffed out, echoing around the near empty gym, other than a younger woman on the treadmill and the gym workers. He continued to huff out the mantra as he pressed the 325 pound(plus the bar)weights up from his chest, working slowly and steadily. He had been on this bench for the last fifteen minutes, working various muscles in his upper body. He cycled, like most other gym goers, between Chest/Shoulders/Biceps/ForeArms, Back/Triceps/Sides/Abs, and Legs a day for each, with a rest day after every leg day. He woke up two hours earlier than need every day so he could spend thirty minutes sprinting to warm up, an hour lifting weights, and thirty minutes to shower and prepare for the day... An hour and a half later, he was on the public bus with a duffel bag of gym clothes, and a messenger bag with his electronics. He was a minimalist by nature, taking up the least amount of space and using the least amount of anything he could. His grandparents said it was in his blood, that he was used to living with nothing to spare, so he used very little to get by. Now, whether that was true or not didn't really matter to him, He thought it was an interesting explanation.

Arriving at the school, he bee-lined for his dorm, quickly throwing his stuff in the room and heading back out onto the campus, jogging to the Main Office, and tripping over a brunette, sending himself sprawling on the ground as he dived to avoid running directly into her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~ Han Bin ~

The sun started to rise at the early crack of dawn. The sunlight, that peaked over the building tops, shined into the glass window of Han's room. His room, filling up with an orange light, became bright as his eastern facing window capture everything the sun had to offer. With the rising of the sun, came the rising of Han. There was no power struggle to bring himself out of bed, no sore muscles from waking to early, and definitely no grumpy attitudes. Han looked out his window, directly into the blinding light, and yawned.

He stood from his bed and walked over to his coffee machine, he filled it with water than walked over to the cupboard with a filter in hand. He opened the cupboard, only to be greeted with a variety o different coffees. After choosing a coffee, he put it in the filter than started his machine. He picked out a random outfit from his closet and put it on. For Han, this is about ready as he'll ever be. He'll brush his teeth after he finishes his coffee, and he'll flick his hair to the side to make up for the lack of brushing.

Han poured his freshly made coffee, A coffee he'd been wanting to taste for a few months now. It was a full city roast blend that is made of 3 different beans. Han took his first sip and let out a relaxing hum. He then grabbed his camera from his end table and walked out into the hallway. He knew the office was going to be packed at this time, so he took a detour and walked to the cafeteria where he'd pick up some breakfast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Luka Winchester


A shrill beeping pierced the quiet bedroom, ringing through the space and causing a small lump under the blankets to stir. One pale hand, small and delicate, emerged from the warm cocoon and fumbled around a moment on the nightstand before it successfully found the alarm clock and gleefully slapped at the snooze button. The quiet now returned and its mission complete, the hand rejoined its brethren under the blankets. The lump was still for a few minutes before a small sigh was heard and the blankets drew back a bit, one bright blue eye blinking sleepily at the far wall amid mess of black curls. Further down the blanket fell before a small form slowly sat up and the blanket fell to rest on the lap of the slender boy. Luka blinked and rubbed his eyes sleepily, stretching his arms above his head as he yawned. Sunlight was streaming through the blinds on his window and he could hear birds chirping cheerfully in the trees outside. Luka ran a hand through his hair as his feet slid to the carpeted floor and he stumbled his way into the bathroom connected to his room. The sudden light that accompanied the flicking of the switch made the boy blink owlishly for a few moments as his eyes adjusted before he looked in the mirror. A short boy looked back at him, blue eyes bright and black locks a messy tangle on his head. Luka frowned, hand reaching up to comb through his bangs before he gave up and turned towards the shower. He fiddled with the knobs and soon steam was filling the bathroom.

One hot shower later and Luka was walking out of his bathroom feeling more awake with a towel wrapped around his waist. He strode over to his closet and gazed at the selection, wondering what to wear today. After getting dressed Luka ran a towel through his hair, not bothering to brush it seeing as his hair did what it wanted and remained messy curls no matter what he did. He then examined himself in the mirror. Did he care if his outfit looked girly? Not one bit. He liked it and that was all that mattered. He needed to grab his schedule but he as also kind of hungry. Which did he choose first? Hmmmm....the office was going to be packed but it might not be so bad right now. If he went after breakfast it might be beyond packed so maybe going to the office first was a good thing.

With that thought in mind Luka grabbed his backpack and headed out the door and towards the main office. On his way he spotted a guy heading there as well almost run into a girl then trip while trying to avoid her. Luka gasped and hurried over. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, peering down at the guy with bright blue eyes as he extended a hand to help the guy up.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He rubbed his head, groaning a bit before he look up at the voice asking about his state of well being. When he saw him, he nearly collapsed. Fuck... He's hot. he thought to himself, feeling a vat of anxiety begin to boil over in his stomach. He hated when that happened, everytime he saw someone he had a crush on it would happen, some people got butterflys, other people got nervous, he nearly fell into panic attacks. Fucking lovely.

Reaching up, he too the hand shakily, it was so small next to his, and as he stood he saw that wasn't the only size difference. The boy stood at around the height of his chest, and was tiny in comparison to Eq's muscular form. He looked away from the young man, trying to swallow down the panic that was slowly boiling over in his stomach.

He said softly, reaching up with his arm and scratching the back of his neck nervously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Luka Winchester


Luka watched in concern as the male groaned a bit before looking around, presumably to look for the voice that had spoken to him. When the guy saw Luka there, he was confused to see the guy adapt a panicked look. Luka watched, brows burrowed slightly. Was it something he had said? Was his outfit offending the guy? He knew it looked girly but he didn't think anyone would act like this. Was the guy ill or something? Did Luka need to take him to the nurse? Maybe he hit his head when he fell? All these thoughts and more ran rampant through Luka's head as he watched the guy go through what appeared to be a panic attack. When the guy finally reached out and climbed to his feet Luka realized that this towered over him. Then again, Luka was rather short. Some girls here were even taller than him, a thought he tried not to think about. Luka regarded the male before him, sensing that this guy was uncomfortable about something. Was it him? Luka just didn't get it. Maybe the guy was just shy? Luka can relate to that all too well. He gave the male what he hoped was a reassuring smile, reaching up to brush his bangs away from his eyes and shove his glasses back up his nose; stupid things were constantly trying to fall off.

"Are you okay? You didn't hurt yourself did you? Do you need to go to the nurse?" Luka had to stop himself before he spewed out more questions than the poor guy could handle. A small blush coated his cheeks in embarrassment and he glanced down at the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He shook his head no, his hand moving down from his neck and into his pocket, fidgeting with the pencils and single pen in his pocket. He's so fucking cute oh my god wait until Lyn here's about this he thought to himself, smiling nervously and blushing to himself as well. Deciding to make a move, he swallowed his anxiety and offered a kind smile.
"Hi, I'm Eq', Want to grab a coffee, before classes start?"
He asked, blushing deeply, looking down at his feet before shuffling them a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 16 days ago

Linta's day had started long before the students even considered waking up. She'd sprung out of bed at four-thirty that morning, wasting no time getting dressed and ready to face the first day of Riverdale's new year. She and other staff, as well as some brave veteran students participating in the orientation, had busied themselves with setting up everything from booths in the cafeteria and student common grounds to promote interest in all available clubs, teams, organizations and services that Riverdale's had to offer to running countless tech checks on equipment for the comin orientation assembly. It was one of the busiest mornings of the year.

Linda herself had spent most of her time setting up booths for the dance and aerobatics teams, as well as occasionally hovering around the tutor's booth, which was meant to encourage students to seek any help they needed, from math to shifting to history to airbending. She was most proud of the aerobatics booth; the photography club had taken some breathtaking photos of last year's team in flight and even made an excellent graphic of Linta and a few of the long-standing club members in their human forms with their shifted forms edited in as if they were perched on their arms or shoulders. Though she'd be hovering between her many booths, it was that one she wanted to spend the day manning.

As students tricked in to the cafeteria, Linta stood, clipboard in hand, ready to answer questions and invite people to join the team. One particular student, caught her eye, and she sauntered over, pen ready, to answer questions and hopefully get some new members.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Luka Winchester


Luka smiled up at the boy, glad he was okay. The guy still seemed nervous but no where near the level of panic he was at earlier. Luka was still confused as to what happened with the guy but since the guy wasn't commenting about it nor did he seemed panicked anymore, Luka wasn't going to bring it up. The guy said he wasn't hurt and so Luka wasn't going to make fuss. Though even if the guy said he was okay, Luka might be a bit worried still. The guy did fall after all. He was too busy wrapped up in his thoughts that he answered the guys question before the word really registered in his mind. "I'm glad you're okay wait...w-what?" Luka sputtered, brain catching up with his mouth. He stood there gaping at the male, at a loss for words as his cheeks heated up to a bright pink.

Had...Had he just been asked out on a date? Well, it was just coffee but that counted as a date...right? Luka continued to flounder until he finally found his words. "U-Umm...sure. I-I have to get my schedule first but we can go after?" Luka could slap himself for all the stammering he was doing. He suddenly remembered his manners and stuck his hand out once more. "I'm Luka by the way. Luka Winchester."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He smiled a bit, listening to this adorable fuck in front of him stutter like a child. When a hand was offered to him, he took it in his, shaking it softly, then lingering just a moment too long, enjoying the feeling of Luka's hand in his. He was begginning to question just how much he liked this guy, despite knowing so little about him. Hopefully the coffee date would help that, at least, he hoped it was a date.
"I've actually gotta get mine as well, maybe we'll have some shared classes?"
He suggested, the initial wave of anxiety he had felt had slowly ebbed, and he was back to his calm, at ease self. He had to have a crush on him, as that one felt like a train hitting him in the stomach. Stepping to the office, he reached forward quickly to grab the door handle and gracefully twist it open, pushing to open the door for him. He was a gentleman, above all.
"I actually work at the on-campus coffee shop, so free drinks"
He said with a soft smirk, subtly checking him out. He had a goddamn killer ass.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sable Hollingsworth

Okay, Sable had to admit, she was walking down the hall paying no attention as Daughtry blasted into her ears, but she wasn't the one that tripped instead, she was the one that got tripped over. She found herself falling to the ground, the large form of a male tumbling with her. She simply rolled her eyes, got up and brushed herself off. "Sorry about that..." she mumbled, her voice barely audible. However, looking up, she would see that the boy had already gotten up himself as well as engaged in another conversation. Sable over heard the word 'coffee' and taking another glance at the two, she smiled to herself as the thought of them being a couple sprang in her head. Not wanting to ruin whatever the pair had going on, she would turn and head in the other direction.

First order of business had been to go the cafeteria in order to get something to eat, but now, she found herself walking around the school looking for interesting clubs and such with just one set in mind: The swim team.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Luka Winchester


Luka noticed the other male linger when holding his hand but Luka didn't think anything of it. His hand dropped to his side and he smiled at the thought of sharing classes with the other male, Eq was his name wasn't it? He wondered if it was short for something but pushed the thought away. A question for another time. It would be nice to share classes with Eq, he seemed like a nice guy though his behavior when Luka first showed up was still confusing in itself but since it would be rude to ask Eq why exactly he seemed panicked, Luka kept his thoughts to himself. Side by side, the two walked towards the office, slightly awkward silence falling between. Luka opened his mouth a few times but he was unsure of what to say and so he remained quiet. They reached the office and a surprised look stole over Luka's features when Eq beat him to the door and held it open for the shorter boy.

A small blush spread across his cheeks and he sent a shy smile up at Eq as he stepped past him into the office. "Thank you. I guess chivalry isn't dead after all." He said with a small giggle. The office wasn't as packed as he feared, only a few people waiting in line.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

That smile nearly sent him into a panic attack by itself, appearing perfectly normal and calm while visible, he waited until he was behind Luka to bite his knuckle, so hard it nearly drew blood. He's gotta fucking know what he's doing to me he thought, groaning internally. A cute tease? He would be dead within the hour, but perhaps it was unintentional, which would possibly be even worse, just due to shear adorability. Either way though, he was definetly going to need to get a handle on this "anxiety around cute people" thing, otherwise he would likely have a heart attack walking down the street because he passed a model. Hopefully though, it would become less frequent and less intense with Luka, and they could become good friends, or perhaps more, without the fear of constant panic.

"So what's your drink of choice?"
He asked casually, definetly wanting to keep the conversation flowing, as Lukas voice was like silk next to his own voice, which comparatively sounded like nails falling on rocks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~ Han Bin ~

~ Cafateria ~

The Cafeteria was one of Han's favorite places to be at Riverdale. The smell of the bakery baking the bread and pastries that would be eaten later that day, the ambiance of the modern style, even the smell of the lemon scented all purpose cleaner they used to clean the floors, everything about this cafeteria made Han feel relaxed. When Han walked in to the cafeteria, coffee in hand, the first thing that caught his eye was the extra curricular activities both, next to it stood Linta. Han had met Linta last year when he'd first come to Riverdale; He was a grade 11 back then and she was the one who helped him achieve greatness in his Avian form. He was a bit un-certain why she was here today, thinking that she graduated the year prior.

Han made a be-line for one of the cafeteria shops, it was a sandwich shop that made morning specials. Han picked himself up a egg wrap, dipping into the little change he had. He'd been trying to manage his money recently, but the temptation of the coffee shop was overpowering. Han looked back at Lint through the booths. He could see her eagerness to meat the new students, unfortunately the cafeteria wasn't the first stop of most peoples agenda. Han decided to hi; He marched through the booths over to Linta, and when he was sure he'd caught her eye, he waved. While he was still walking to her he spoke up, "You excited? This year looks like a good." Han's voice was smooth, and mellowing. It wasn't to high pitched, or to low, and it didn't have that nasally sound. "I can't wait to see the newcomers change. Oh jeez it's gunna be funny." Han said as he approached Linta, who stood strong with her clipboard in hand.
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