Notable NPCs
(More will be added as necessary)

Name: Eternity (AKA: Big Cosmicdude, Ernie)
Superhero identity: N/A
Age: 13,819,627,000 years old
Brief History:
Born "shortly" after the Big Bang that created the Universe, along with "siblings" Death, Oblivion, and Infinity. It's domain is time, and the consciousness of all living things in the universe, with the exception of the Living Tribunal. As an abstract being his true origins and exact nature remain unknown, perhaps unknowable to any but those that exist on his primal level.
Eternity was one of a handful of cosmic beings that witnessed the emergence of the cosmic disturbance they have dubbed "The End", and presumably, was tasked by the One Above All to do something about it. Realizing it cannot leave it's home multiverse to follow the disturbance in order to study it, Eternity sought out mortals that could be trusted with the task. To further complicate matters, eternal beings of a dimension Eternity has encountered before have "borrowed" Death, prompting Eternity to speed up his search for a trusted mortal to such a degree Eternity was forced to turn to the first available mortal with any connections to mortal heroes: Peter Quill...or as he is otherwise known, Star Lord.

Name: Peter Quill
Superhero identity: Star Lord
Age: 30 standard Earth years
Brief History:
Default leader of the "Guardians of the Galaxy", Peter's actions in stopping Ronan the Accuser from destroying the galaxy and removing the Power Gem to safety with the Nova Empire caught Eternity's attention. The more Eternity examined Peter Quill, the supreme being decided Quill would not make an ideal agent for saving the infinity-verse. Actions beyond Eternity's control forced the being's hand, and Quill was called to action...despite the fact that "Star Lord" initially tried to bargain his way out of the role.
Peter decided against bringing his fellow Guardians with him, in case the "big galaxy lookin' dude" was just going to get him killed; Star Lord refused to allow his fellow Guardians to go down with he and the Milano. Reluctantly Peter points his ship in the direction of Earth, a place he has had no interest in returning to since his mother's death, to collect those Eternity has ordered him to collect for their cause. While Eternity said he couldn't go around telling everyone what was going on, universal destruction or some non-sense, the big galaxy lookin' dude never said ANYTHING about not taking any pit stops along the way. You know, for refreshment...or a fine young hunny to warm his bed.

Name: Omar Rakeem
Superhero Identity: N/A
Age: 27
Brief Bio:
Born and raised in some of Chicago's worst areas, guided by a strong NCAAP activist and morally stout Muslim father, Omar never messed with the thug scene, the drug game, or street culture in general. Ever a nerd into robots, skateboards, comic books, and videogames as well as a straight A student that attended some of Chicago's most dangerous public schools. Anything but sheltered, just disinterested in the Godless and a pacifist at heart that believes jihad and murder have no part in a soul truly observant of Islam. Despite his pacifism, Omar takes after his father and has never been a quiet observer on the sidelines: a neighborhood leader, an active member of protest movements (the Occupy movement only his latest), refuses to vote (believing the American political system corrupted), sees Capitalism as soulless, and celebrity/material worship as a plague of modern society.
A graduate of Northwestern with an Engineering degree, Omar returned to his old neighborhood after graduating when his father died shortly before he finished school. Determined to do something for the neighborhood, Omar took he and his father's combined life savings and purchased a store front that had been vacant since the movie rental business was taken over by Netflix and Red Box, giving the south side hood of Chicago a comic book store that dared to put Captain America right up front display next to the Black Panther.
Though he doesn't know it yet, Omar has a key part to play in the struggle to save the multiverse, as an unknowing wielder of an Infinity Gem.