Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 7 days ago

Notable NPCs

(More will be added as necessary)

Name: Eternity (AKA: Big Cosmicdude, Ernie)
Superhero identity: N/A
Age: 13,819,627,000 years old
Brief History:

Born "shortly" after the Big Bang that created the Universe, along with "siblings" Death, Oblivion, and Infinity. It's domain is time, and the consciousness of all living things in the universe, with the exception of the Living Tribunal. As an abstract being his true origins and exact nature remain unknown, perhaps unknowable to any but those that exist on his primal level.

Eternity was one of a handful of cosmic beings that witnessed the emergence of the cosmic disturbance they have dubbed "The End", and presumably, was tasked by the One Above All to do something about it. Realizing it cannot leave it's home multiverse to follow the disturbance in order to study it, Eternity sought out mortals that could be trusted with the task. To further complicate matters, eternal beings of a dimension Eternity has encountered before have "borrowed" Death, prompting Eternity to speed up his search for a trusted mortal to such a degree Eternity was forced to turn to the first available mortal with any connections to mortal heroes: Peter Quill...or as he is otherwise known, Star Lord.

Name: Peter Quill
Superhero identity: Star Lord
Age: 30 standard Earth years
Brief History:

Default leader of the "Guardians of the Galaxy", Peter's actions in stopping Ronan the Accuser from destroying the galaxy and removing the Power Gem to safety with the Nova Empire caught Eternity's attention. The more Eternity examined Peter Quill, the supreme being decided Quill would not make an ideal agent for saving the infinity-verse. Actions beyond Eternity's control forced the being's hand, and Quill was called to action...despite the fact that "Star Lord" initially tried to bargain his way out of the role.

Peter decided against bringing his fellow Guardians with him, in case the "big galaxy lookin' dude" was just going to get him killed; Star Lord refused to allow his fellow Guardians to go down with he and the Milano. Reluctantly Peter points his ship in the direction of Earth, a place he has had no interest in returning to since his mother's death, to collect those Eternity has ordered him to collect for their cause. While Eternity said he couldn't go around telling everyone what was going on, universal destruction or some non-sense, the big galaxy lookin' dude never said ANYTHING about not taking any pit stops along the way. You know, for refreshment...or a fine young hunny to warm his bed.

Name: Omar Rakeem
Superhero Identity: N/A
Age: 27
Brief Bio:

Born and raised in some of Chicago's worst areas, guided by a strong NCAAP activist and morally stout Muslim father, Omar never messed with the thug scene, the drug game, or street culture in general. Ever a nerd into robots, skateboards, comic books, and videogames as well as a straight A student that attended some of Chicago's most dangerous public schools. Anything but sheltered, just disinterested in the Godless and a pacifist at heart that believes jihad and murder have no part in a soul truly observant of Islam. Despite his pacifism, Omar takes after his father and has never been a quiet observer on the sidelines: a neighborhood leader, an active member of protest movements (the Occupy movement only his latest), refuses to vote (believing the American political system corrupted), sees Capitalism as soulless, and celebrity/material worship as a plague of modern society.

A graduate of Northwestern with an Engineering degree, Omar returned to his old neighborhood after graduating when his father died shortly before he finished school. Determined to do something for the neighborhood, Omar took he and his father's combined life savings and purchased a store front that had been vacant since the movie rental business was taken over by Netflix and Red Box, giving the south side hood of Chicago a comic book store that dared to put Captain America right up front display next to the Black Panther.

Though he doesn't know it yet, Omar has a key part to play in the struggle to save the multiverse, as an unknowing wielder of an Infinity Gem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: Jean Grey
Superhero identity: Marvel Girl, Phoenix
Age: 32 years old
Brief History:

Jean Grey is a founding member of the X-Men, and an Omega level mutant. At least, she was, before her life and life's mission were derailed when a cosmic entity known only as the Phoenix Force possessed her to the point where even those closest to Jean, such as Charles Xavier, couldn't tell where Jean began and the Phoenix Force ended. Though she has saved the world numerous times, and a few galaxies to boot, it was never the less her actions during what has come to be known as the "Dark Phoenix Incident" that became her prevailing reputation in the cosmos, away from Earth; that of a mass-murderer on a scale even most cosmic supervillains would envy, with a body count easily in the billions.

In a twist of fate, it is Jean Grey, and she alone, that ultimately stopped the reign of terror by sacrificing herself in order to stop the by then vengeful Phoenix Force from causing any more harm and death. This is often glossed over by many cosmic residents.

When the cosmic entity known as Death disappeared from the multiverse, a strange thing happened: Jean Grey, seemingly free from the Phoenix Force, rematerialized reanimated exactly upon the very spot where she took her own life over half a decade before. Officials from the Shi'ar Empire respondedly immediately, taking the Omega level into custody, noting she offered no resistance. The impending trial of Jean Grey for the crimes of the Phoenix has become the greatest story in the galaxy, spreading from empire to empire to empire, even reaching those on Earth tuned into the goings-on of the cosmos.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 14 days ago

Name: James Buchanan Barnes.

Superhero identity: Captain America.

Age: Technically ninety years old, but physically in his mid-twenties due to the magic of cryogenics.

Brief History:

Once the teenaged sidekick of Captain America, Bucky was thought lost in 1945 to an explosion caused by Heinrich Zemo. In fact Bucky was found by Soviet soldiers who wiped the sidekick's brain, fitted him with a prosthetic arm, and programmed him to assassinate enemies of the Soviet Union. In between assassinations "The Winter Soldier", as Barnes would come to be known, would have his mind wiped once more and be placed in a cryogenic sleep until he was needed again. It isn't until the fall of the Soviet Union that Barnes reappears under the control of Aleksander Lukin, former KGB agent turned Kronas CEO.

After some time Steve Rogers is able to break Lukin's hold over Bucky using the Cosmic Cube and restore his sidekick's memories to him. Bucky disappears, traumatised by the knowledge of the crimes he had committed, reappearing upon learning that Steve had been arrested in the fallout of the superhero "civil war" over the Registration Act with intents to break him free. Instead he watched on whilst Steve was shot dead. In the aftermath, Bucky is approached by Tony Stark with a proposition: carry the shield and keep Steve's memory alive by becoming the Captain America the world so desperately needs. A reluctant Bucky accepts, knowing he'd never be able to stomach someone else in Steve's uniform, and sets about trying to live up to the mantle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Howard the Duck.

Superhero identity: Howard the Duck.

Age: 43 in Howard the Duck Years.

Brief History:

A resident of a world where the people are normal people, except only Ducks, Howard was was sent into the 616 universe through some extra-dimensional shenanigans. Exiled from his home dimension, Howard lives among the hairless, ape people of the world and moonlights as a private eye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 21 days ago

Remy Etienne LeBeau

Superhero identity:
Gambit, The Prince Of Thieves



Brief History:
Remy LeBeau is a mutant who was trained to be the leader of the Thieves Guild, a master thief and one of the greatest acrobats alive. Famous for his black and red eyes, his Cajun accent and his card throwing skills. When he was a child he was chased out of his hometown of New Orleans after killing his fiance's brother in self defense, as result of a duel between the two. He had his powers damed by Mr.Sinister when he quickly understood that they were too much for him to control.

Sometime later, he met the X-men, which he never did join, but worked alongside. A longtime lovestory between him and the mutant known as Rogue kept him as a ally of the mutant school, and eventually he joined the X-men.
During his adventures with the X-men, he slowly but surely began letting up, he began trusting them.

Then came Apocalypse, and Remy was forced to join him as the fourth horseman, Death. After trying to kill his fellow X-men, he was saved by Mr.Sinister, who rid Remy of the evil mutant's influence, just like he had done almost a decade before.

Remy went back to being a part of the X-men and helped his fellow mutants to a better, safer world, but peace cannot last in his life, he can never be complacent. A dimensional rift came across, revealing a but all-powerful mutant, calling himself New Sun who quickly all but demolished the mutants in the X-men. It was revealed that he was a alternative version of Remy, that they were in fact the same.

Hiding, he once against searched out Mr.Sinister and pleaded with him to have him break the dam he had set up fifteen years ago in Remy's brain, to make him whole again. To make him strong enough to defeat his counterpart.
So it was done, and with his full arsenal of powers at his disposal again, Remy and New Sun fought. Remy eventually emerged victorious, killing his counterpart.

Knowing what he was capable off, and all the power he did possess, Remy chose to stay away from the X-men, to cut the ties he used to have, afraid that if he didn't, he would become New Sun.
He would kill them all.

Remy do have full access to all of his powers, but they are still all but burned out from his fight against New Sun, leaving him effectively at his 'ordinary' power level.

He dons a Stark Industries provided battle suit that he won in a card game against the Playboy Philanthropist when he needs to fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Jeanne Marie Beaubier
Superhero identity: Aurora
Age: 25
Brief History: Jeanne Marie was born a twin, to two loving parents who unfortunately died when she was very young. Her brother was taken in by cousins of their father, but she was sent to a catholic boarding school essentially. She was shy and bullied mercilessly. When she was 13, her powers came in, but being so religious she couldn't accept it. Coupled with the torture one of the nuns put her through when they found out about her powers, Jeanne Marie developed multiple personality disorder. The first being Jeanne Marie, who desperately hates her mutation and mutants in general, the second being Aurora who is carefree, enjoys life and all it's vices pretty much. She also has a third personality than only comes out when she's in extreme danger and likes to see blood just a bit too much.

After Aurora reunited with her brother, she found herself part of Alpha Flight, helping with some missions but mostly on the sidelines for the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kablamicus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Matt Murdock
Superhero identity: Daredevil
Age: 30

Brief History: Ever since he was born Matt was faced with adversity, his mother abandoned him for the church and he was raised exclusively by his father, famed boxer 'Battlin Jack' Murdock. Growing up in Hell's Kitchen Matt was surrounded by crime and fear, he constantly witnessed the consequences of injustice and a corrupt system. Matt's life took a dramatic turn when he pushed an old man out of the way of a truck carrying an experimental isotope, although the old man was saved Matt was blinded by the isotope. With one of his senses gone, his other senses compensated, however with the exposure to the radiation they compensated to such a degree that they reached superhuman levels.

While in hospital Matt was visited by a man named Stick who trained him to use his enhanced senses to become a powerful fighter. When Matt was old enough to attend college he went to Columbia university where he studied law desperate to bring justice to the place he had grown up in, his father fixing fights for the mafia in order to pay for his tuition. Eventually 'Battlin Jack' was asked to throw the fight of his career for a huge payoff, stubborn to a fault he refused to do so and the mafia, not appreciating his attitude decided it was time 'Battlin Jack' became one for the history books and gunned him down.

Matt, overwhelmed with anger at his father's death chased down the mob donning a homemade costume and the moniker "Daredevil", after bludgeoning the men who were responsible he became a costumed vigilante protecting hell's kitchen.

Nowadays Matt has graduated from Columbia and works at his law firm Nelson and Murdock, his career as Daredevil continues despite the tabloids constant attempts to out Murdock as the masked hero. Still fighting on the streets of New York, Matt is completely unaware of how bizarre he will find the next few months.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vee
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(Before the experiment and scars.)

Wanda Wilson.

Superhero identity:
Lady Deadpool // Lady-D.

Appears to be in her Mid-Twenties.

Current Appearance:

Brief History:
Wanda Wilson comes from Earth-3010 where she is a sort of recluse; keeping to her own and avoiding crowds. She was apart of an experiment that fused her with Wolverine's DNA giving her his Healing Factor. Though the experiment had left her with terrible scars that never seemed to heal. Not only physical scars but mental as well. Giving her an array of psychosis. She often hears voices in her head and has conversations with them as if they were standing right next to her.

She is a bit of a lose cannon, doing as she please and easily persuaded by the voices in her head. All in all she is a good person, but her personal desires have had large influences on her decision making skills. Her biggest desires usually lie in food and shiny things (or money to buy food and shiny things). So in this respect she often sells her services as a Mercenary to anyone willing to pay. This having branded her a sort of Anti-Hero.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Superhero identity:

Over three thousand years old

Brief History:
Thousands of years ago Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, forsaw the need for a champion powerful enough to protect the God's of Olympus and mankind from future threats. She arranged for her father, Zeus, Master of Olympus, and Alcemena, a mortal woman, to sire that champion. And so Hercules, Prince of Power, was born.

For millennia he has used his great strength, endless courage, and boundless enthusiasm to face those beings that would threaten the weak and innocent, first as the greatest hero of Ancient Greece, and more recently as an Avenger. No matter the challenge, Hercules is it's equal.

This is the regular 616 Herc, though one that still has his Godly powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Peter Parker

Superhero identity:


Brief History:
Raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May, Peter was never a popular child, expressing a love for academics and a disdain for sport. Often bullied, he never had the strength or the means to defend himself. That was until one fateful class trip to OsCorp, where, at the age of fifteen, he was bitten by a genetically modified spider. Upon recovering from the bite, he discovered that he had inherited its abilities, deciding to use them to kickstart his short career as a professional wrestler, using what money he earnt to help boost his popularity.

It didn’t take long for him to receive a hard dose of reality, coming home to find his uncle lying dead, his distraught aunt relaying all that had happened to a police detective. Overhearing a police radio give the murderer’s location, Peter stormed out of the house, pulling on his wrestling suit. The NYPD found Uncle Ben’s killer bound by rope in an abandoned warehouse, a note resting on his unconscious form:

'From your friendly neighbourhood, Spiderman.'

And thus, the Amazing Spiderman was born.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vigfast
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Waiting, watching, scheming! (ergo, on the waiting list)

"I swear to devote my life to the destruction of piracy, greed, cruelty, and injustice, in all their forms! My sons and their sons, shall follow me."

Christopher Walker

Superhero Identity:
The Phantom; "The Ghost Who Walks" and "The Man Who Cannot Die"

Unknown (appears to be in his late twenties)

Brief History:
Born in the deep woods of Bangalla, proud owner of the Skull Cave, liberator of great treasures and wenches.

The eighth of his name, as well as the eighth Phantom, Christopher Walker took over the role of the Phantom following the tragic death of his father (unsurprisingly perhaps) at the hands of pirates. Most importantly he would also came to be remembered as the tallest Phantom.

Following in the footsteps of his ancestors, Walker had sworn an oath to devote his life to the “destruction of piracy, greed, cruelty, and injustice, in all their forms” and at first he stuck to the tried–and–true methods of phantoming. However, it was the Golden Age of Piracy and challenging villains to honorable duels began to seem an ineffective strategy. Fortunately, being a young man of an adventurous persuasion and one blessed with a more pragmatic, more modern sense of morality, Walker did not let his early failures dissuade him. Instead, taking heed of the success of a number of other rather clever individuals, Walker quickly embraced both the spirit and the methods of the new era and pursued a life of adventure and heroic piracy on the high seas.

After he assembled a crew of honorable swashbucklers, Walker borrowed a suitable ship, and cut a bloody path of justice across the Caribbean as he sought revenge on his father’s killers and their ilk. A skilled captain and fearless swordsman, he hunted some of the most legendary pirates to have ever sailed the Seven Seas in pursuit of the higher ideals of justice and securing a respectable cut of the profit.

He fought the notorious Edward Low to stalemate, leaving the cruel pirate missing the better part of an ear. Even more impressively, Walker crossed swords with the dreaded Edward Teach, more commonly known as Blackbeard and lived to tell the tale without receiving so much as a scratch. However, his reputation as one of the greatest pirates in history was assured when he managed to drink Bartholomew Roberts under the table in the cold winter of 1720.

Currently, Walker can be found in the wretched hive of scum and villainy known as Tortuga, enjoying a bottle of rum and the amenities of what is assuredly not a reputable tavern.

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