"So the End has finally begun...it's vengenace." - The One Above All
Something has gone wrong; the natural balance of life and death has been disturbed, on a scale so vast and past imagining that only the most powerful of cosmic entities can even sense it. The disturbance bleeds through the multiverse, connecting universes that would otherwise share nothing, not even gods. Determined something must be done, a being known as Eternity has set into a motion a series of events prescribed by Destiny of the Endless, itself. What comes from the unfolding of these events will determine the future of not simply the stars, or sentient life...but of the infinity of the multiverse itself.
Characters in this game can, and likely will, come from all corners of the Marvel multiverse. While the plot will take our little band to other universes, I'm limiting characters to Marvel; including everything from 616 (the primary comic book continuity) to the MCU to 2099 to...whatever. It's just gotta be Marvel. Just as the "space" from which a character can come from is mostly unlimited, so is the time. Play a neophyte version of your favorite hero, or Old Man Logan. You may even return a character from the dead without much of an explanation. (The story will provide one.)
I'm limiting this to a "small group" game; the exact number of which I'll keep to myself (so I can change it if need be). Character Sheets, as you'll see below, will be minimalistic in nature. (Please post them in the OOC, approved sheets will then be posted in the Characters section.) That does not mean spots for the game will be first come, first serve. For now Star Lord will act as our Ringmaster, the NPC by which the plot will be pushed. He is not truly a character of mine, but as the GM, I'll be writing him. I've already picked for myself the recently returned from death Jean Grey, who will be awaiting trial by the Shi'ar Empire for crimes committed as the Dark Phoenix. Her appearance will not come until a little ways into the plot's progression.
High Casual is the standard set for the game. One post a week is required. Act like an adult, even if you aren't one. GM word=law, though I'm happy to let you argue with me and try to sway me. If for any reason you fail to meet my standards for this game, you will receive a PM from me, and that will be the end of your ride. No fuss, no muss, nothing public. Worried your posts aren't measuring up? Don't; if they aren't, I'll tell you in private.
Replacements may be added if needed, or they may not. I reserve the right to decide that depending on circumstances that come up in the playing of the game and the telling of the story.
In the beginning, Star Lord will go around gathering the team, one character at a time. There will be no forced grand gathering at the start--this means you may have to be patient while we get to you. (One of the reasons for the requirement of a small group; don't want anyone waiting too long.) I don't plan for the initial scene for each character to be drawn out, he'll show up, more or less compel your character with quite the convincing argument, and then they're off. Each player will, however, have a certain control of their character's introduction: setting, circumstances, etc, will be worked out between the player and myself so there's a little plan for each character. If you're waiting for Star Lord to boogie on down to you, it's perfectly fine to do a solo post "setting up" the setting and circumstances of your character's introduction--you'd just stop your post shortly before Star Lord were to "walk through that door"--so to speak.
A quick list of universes our characters will find themselves in (and notable NPCs found in them):
The real world. That is to say, our mundane world. During this time all characters will be de-powered, though any training they have wouldn't have suddenly disappeared. (Omar Rakeem, comic book shop owner and political activist)
Star Wars. (Luke Skywalker)
The DC Universe. (Batman)
WWII, Marvel's. (Agent Peggy Carter)
Marvel 2099. (Punisher 2099)
The Walking Dead. (Death of the Endless)
Star Wars. (Luke Skywalker)
The DC Universe. (Batman)
WWII, Marvel's. (Agent Peggy Carter)
Marvel 2099. (Punisher 2099)
The Walking Dead. (Death of the Endless)
At the end of the day, this is a ghost story, and the entire multiverse is being haunted. It's going to take some pretty intense writing on my part, but I've gone out my way to ensure I have the time available to me IRL to make sure I stick with it. Players can also vote to "veto" one of the above verses that will be visited if one seriously bugs you that much.
For those wanting to know story details, you may ask in PMs. For those wanting to be surprised, well, just sit back and enjoy!
Questions, comments? Feel free! Even if it's something you're afraid I may not like, I can take it.