It was a calm day in the port city of Cumberland, the capital of Nevarra. The waves of the Waking Sea lightly crashed against the rocks of the shore line. Ships were docked at the harbor, most of Rivain make. The streets were littered with refugees from the Tevinter Slave Rebellion looking for some work on the passing ships. The local Grey Warden outpost was rather busy than normal. With the possiblity of another Blight looming over Thedas, volunteers looking to serve the order, or criminals looking to escape their fates flooded the halls. As always, the Wardens don't care about what walk of life the recruits come from.
The Commander of the Grey at the local outpost was a Dwarven man, Dwyliner Klardash. He was of burly nature, having a long, thick, and bushy beard many Dwarves have been known for. His hair was long, being tied up in a small pony tail. His hair was jet black, with light streaks of grey. His face was weathered by time, and combat. He was completely blind in his left eye, as he has a rather large burn on it that forced that eye shut. His attire was worn, and dirty. Having a musty old leather vest over a dirt covered white t-shirt, and mud covered boots, and jeans. He had his sleeves rolled up, and his right arm he worn an armored sleeve, with the Commander of the Grey heraldry emblazoned on the pauldron.
Dwyliner could hear the footsteps of the recruits as they came pouring in, some coming of their own accord, others being chosen by the various traveling Wardens. He sat in his office, sharping his Greatsword. His Greatsword was a well kept family heirloom from all the way to the Blessed Age. It was very large, and heavy, being the size of an average human male, pretty much towering over him. But he could wield it with ease. Once he was finished sharping his blade, he pulled out his double barreled sawed-off shotgun, and made sure it was fully loaded before he left his office. He pulled out a pocket watch to check the time, it was nearing the time to set the recruits on the path of the joining.

"It's about damn time!" Colt groaned as he, The Elven Grey Warden Ashala, and another Warden hopeful, an Elven lass by the name of Silvia Law entered the port city. He tugged slightly at the poncho that Ashala gave him when they first met, she kinda torn apart his old one in the fight they had. "Patience is a virtue." She stated, with a small, and serene voice, being almost like a musical instrument. "Yeah well, I guess I'll have to get by on my winning personality, and firm ass." He smirked. "There's an image that I can't get out of my head."
As they walked, they got many strange looks, many dirty looks, all aimed at Colt. "Is there something we should know?" Ashala asked as she noticed this. "I may have been in Cumberland a few times before." Colt said, followed by a nervous laugh. Ashala raised an eyebrow at this. A woman around Colt's age with bright red hair, almost orange, approached them. "Shit." He muttered under his breath. "Jas-" Before he could finish his sentance the woman slapped him, and spat on his boots before walking away. "Hey! In my defense your mother came onto me!" He shouted at her as she left. Ashala raised an eyebrow as Colt rubbed his chin. She hit hard. "You're a pig. I want you to know that." She frowned at him. "You wound me madam! I am a gentleman!" He joked.
As they approached the outpost, with many different people pouring inside, Colt sighed. "You know, I'm starting to wonder if I wasn't better off with the noose." He stated, mostly towards Silvia. He didn't really think Ashala cared. "You two go on inside, I've got a report to give to the Commander once he's done with the recruits. I'll meet up with you two shortly after." She stated, and then went on ahead of them. "Well, I guess this is our last chance to run huh?" He said with a shrug. "Meh, screw it. Old age is for suckers." He said as he went inside the outpost.
Inside the main area of the outpost all the hopefuls were gathered. On the balcony on the second floor, next to the stairs of the outpost stood Dwyliner, overlooking all the hopefuls. "Welcome future Wardens. I am Dwyliner Klardash, Commander of the Grey of Nevarra." He greeted them, his voice sounding like thunder, deep, and oozing authority. Ashala soon joined him, being at his side. "This is my second-in-command, the Warden Constable Ashala." She gave a small bow after his introduction. Colt was a tad surprised, he had no idea they were traveling with someone so important.
"You all have come here for your own reasons, some by choice, others by circumstances. No matter what the reason, it is for the same result. And that is something, no matter who you are, we all have in common." He stated. "I will not coddle you. Most of you will die before you are even named a Warden." He explained. "Being a Warden is not for the faint of heart. You will be faced with hard choices. But you must remember one thing, no matter what your feelings are, no matter what your views are, a Warden's duty is to stopping the Darkspwan, to protecting all of Thedas. We cannot focus on protecting one village, one person, one city. We must heed the call of the greater good." His voice was rather cold, and unemotional, borderline uncaring.
He let out a slight sigh. "Bah, that is a lesson many fail to learn." He added. "Before you begin the joining, you must first complete the trails. You will be spilt up into different parties, each being led by a Senior Warden. They will guide you to an area thick with Darkspwan. Your Senior Warden will choose the parties themselves. You may take a few minutes before this, they will find you when the journey is about to begin. The Warden will inform you more on what the trial will entell." And with that he dismissed them to talk amoungst themselves. Dwyliner, followed by Ashala went to his office to discuss some Warden business.
"Well that was quite the speech." Colt muttered to Silvia. "You didn't know Ash was the Warden-Constable right? I'd feel kinda hurt if she only kept it from me. I thought we were getting along." He asked with a slight smirk. Though he knew she was less than warm with him. He looked around the room, checking out the talent.