The city of Xoni has come under siege by the Kingdom of Morgonwrath against the city state of Xoni. The city has almost been overrun at this point, but the battle can still go either way. In the center stage of this conflict, two mercenary companies find themselves locked in a struggle of life and death. The Silver Shield Company has been tasked with defending the main gate into the keep in order to safe keep the First Prince and his family still inside. The Black Talon sellswords have been paid and given the simple order to execute the Prince and his sons. The success of one company or the other could send ripples across the lands.

Name: Grand Archway
Size: 45 meter long bridge, 10 meters wide.
Description: In this scenario the Silver Shields are the defenders and the Black Talons the aggressors. The Black Talons begin at the far south end of the bridge (the max 45 meters away from the opposite team). The Silver Company are on the north end at the gateway into the central keep. The gate is some 15 feet high and some six feet wide. The gate itself is ironclad and barricaded, though a sustained effort could force it in. The Silver Company start at the foot of the gate and must fend off the Black Talon attack by any means. On the bridge itself are several of barrels and crates abandoned at the start of the siege centered in the middle of the bridge; they are all waist height. A large stagecoach sits in the very center of the bridge.

Name: Grand Archway
Size: 45 meter long bridge, 10 meters wide.
Description: In this scenario the Silver Shields are the defenders and the Black Talons the aggressors. The Black Talons begin at the far south end of the bridge (the max 45 meters away from the opposite team). The Silver Company are on the north end at the gateway into the central keep. The gate is some 15 feet high and some six feet wide. The gate itself is ironclad and barricaded, though a sustained effort could force it in. The Silver Company start at the foot of the gate and must fend off the Black Talon attack by any means. On the bridge itself are several of barrels and crates abandoned at the start of the siege centered in the middle of the bridge; they are all waist height. A large stagecoach sits in the very center of the bridge.
The Black Talon Company

The Black Talon Company

The Blacktalons are a mercenary group based out of the Eastern City of Drodrolis that predominantly takes contracts guarding and raiding caravans. Led by Taurgosz Khosann, they are an unscrupulous company known for their autonomy, vengeance (when they are cheated out of money) and for never reneging on a contract. As a testament to the bandits who preceded them, the Blacktalons are known for raiding unguarded caravans in order to encourage their owners to seek their protection. Recent times has seen the group rise to be one of the free realms of the east most powerful mercenary company. Ruthless and vicious, they are feared widely for their mistreatment of prisoners. Their emblem is that of four toed foot of a bird of prey.
The Silver Shield Company

The Silvershields is a mercenary company based in the city of Zrand's Gate on the Sapphire Coast, where a good portion of its members served as city guards. They also work outside the city; their sphere of influence extending just south of Beregost but stopping before Nashkel. The company was started by a landless knight by the name of Sir Janequin Blamarc also known as Janequin the Fearless. When the Northern realm of the Hosredor Kingdom was swept away by a large horde of marauding orcs, many noblemen and knights who had been forced into exodus found themselves without a liege lord. Janequin gathered these survivors into a reputable order of sorts, one that survived off the funds from clientele such as caravans that still needed to pass through the northern territories. Famed for their bravery and reliability, the Silvershields hire themselves out as sellswords to fund their campaign against the orcs of the north. Hoping to one day reclaim their homeland.
In Storm of Blood players have the option of a few classes to create a range of possible teamwork combination options in order to take advantage of the larger than normal number of players. This helps diversify the characters engaging each other and gives everyone a loose role to fill. Here are the classes currently available.
Knight/berserker- Knights are the armored juggernauts of their respective factions. Always making up the core of any fighting force or warband. They are the only ones who have access to half-plate armor (note not full plate heavy Gothic mail) and have access to savage killing implements such as maces, longswords, or even battle axes, the equivalent of the Black Talon company are often called berserker. Though in practice they share the same roles as their Silver Shield knight counter parts. Due to their expensive, but potent heavy armor, Knights/berserkers never have the option for ranged weaponry or tower shields. Instead relying on two handed weapons to maximize their sheer destructive power. They miss out on reach weapons such as polearms, however.
Men-At-Arms- unlike their larger or heavily armored and armed cousins, Men-at-Arms rely on a balance of protection and mobility often possessing nothing heavier than chainmail, but have the option of tower shields. Only they have access to pole-arm weapons as well as javelins or throwing axes for limited at range options. They tend to be the mainstay of an effective warband.
Archers- The deadly snipers of the battlefield who send quick death from afar. Properly protected, they can be a considerable threat to the enemy-- left unsupported however... well they tend to not last long. Only Archers have the option of ranged weapons, both in the form of bows and crossbows. Melee sees them armed with little more than a short sword or hatchet at most. They can have nothing greater than leather armor at most, with crossbowmen given the option of a pavise shield though usually are among the quickest on the battlefield.
Rogues/Assassins- The knight may choose to face her enemies head on, but the rogue classes tend to hang back and seek to take out targets from the shadows- often with a quick back stab if they can manage it. While they can have only slightly better protection than archers, they make up for it with the possibility of having a few tricks up their sleeve. They can carry throwing knives, hidden blades, or simple smoke bombs. Not to mention the option of having their main melee weapon coated in poison. It is never wise to discount the rogue.
All characters must be Tier one
Talon Objectives-
Eliminate all opposition and kill Prince and family.
Silver Objective-
Defeat attacking forces and hold the main gate.
Turn Order-
@GreivousKhan followed by @Vordak then @Skallagrim then @Stekkmen then comes @ImportantNobody ending finally with @EmptyArmor.