Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Hockeystyle Would you care to have a royal marriage?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hockeystyle
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Hockeystyle Would you care to have a royal marriage?

Depends, I would just let the RP play out for a bit and see what happens.


I want my first IC post to be about Serranthia, can we expect the Serranthia map tonight or should I save my post for tomorrow?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Could someone please help LordZell with his sheet, best you can? The only reason I ask is that I'm handling creating the new map and getting the first rather lengthy post organized! I'll get the Zellon Empire up as the fifth Great Power as soon as his situation is fixed a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Interested in joining. I can put together a nation sheet soon if there's still room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I done went and posted a sign-up in the interest check. Even made my own flag.

All hail the mighty Sanguine Empire!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I won't be checking the interest check. Please post all applications in this thread.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nation Name:
The Kingdom of Braiyusal


Brief Nation History:
Founded in the fourteenth century by King Nicolet I, the Kingdom of Braiyusal has thrived off a strong maritime and trading tradition. Though relatively powerful, the Kingdom of Braiyusal has seen very little conflict, and even fewer wars outside of trade disputes and opposition against new world natives. This has ultimately served to strengthen the country position, and has lead to a relatively isolationist view on world conflicts, both in the old world and new.

During the early 18th century and the reign of King Nicholaus IV the country of Braiyusal enjoyed what is often called a Golden Age for their people. They experienced newly found wealth and trade with their relatively small, but well placed colonial holding in the new world, and a wave of nationalism due to their naval superiority over many nations, even relatively large ones. Even today, the people consider the reign of King Nicholaus IV the peak of their country's power, and with good cause.

After the death of King Nicholaus IV in 1773, due to severe illness, his son King Hobard II the Unready succeeded him, and with it the challenges of a changing world. Even though late into Nicholaus’ reign many of these issues were prevalent, they weren’t truly taken note of until Hobard II took the throne. Like most rulers during the time, he embraced these changes brought on by the industrial revolution, but hadn’t prepared for the consequences that came with them. The merchants and wealthy men of the country, simply couldn’t adapt to this new world, holding on to their traditional ideals and actively fought against the Hobard’s reforms. Soon enough the people of Braiyusal experienced little trade with the outside world, and nearly 200,000 people died due to famine and hunger. Three years later Hobard II died due to food poisoning, some even argue that it was an assassination.

King Rolfe youngest brother of Hobard II succeeded the throne soon after his brother’s death in 1794, and unlike his brother had the support of the noblemen to bring about a change. Utilizing this newfound support, he quickly modernized the nation, and passed many reforms to appease both the people and the noblemen. Soon enough he began rebuilding their once great navy, and trade between nations had been revived.

It is now the year 1836, and King Rolfe find’s himself in good health, with three young children two boys and one girl, Prince Nicolet III age 28, Prince Rolfe II age 24, and Princess Jane age 19. The nation continues to enjoy it’s relatively quick recovery under Rolfe’s new reforms, and are starting to call it a second Golden Age.

The kingdom of Braiyusal is a semi-constitutional monarchy with a relatively small senate of ten members to represent the king's subjects and are elected by the people. Every other year the king must choose three members of the council of ten who he wishes to replace, to which the people then must vote a landed noblemen whom they wish to take the now empty seat. In an event that a council member dies serving the senate he shall not be replaced until time of elections and his vote shall be counted as abstained until the next election. Once election time comes, he shall automatically become selected as one of the king’s replacements, in an event that four or more members have died than four or more members shall be replaced that year depending on the amount needed to fill the seats.

The council itself has the power to adjust and create new taxes, arrange peace, declare war, and determine wages if 6 out of the 10 members agree to the decision, if the votes are split then the decision will not pass, unless the king himself wishes to intervene at which he can choose to pass the decision anyways. If the king feels any or all members of the council are corrupt or are actively working against the interest of their fellow country men, then he has the power to temporarily suspend their power within the government until a proper vote has taken place among the other landed noblemen in the country.


(If you missed it, it's the tiny island next to Tangaria highlighted with a black border.)

Spend points here
-- Population: 10,000,000 (0 Points) The Kingdom of Braiyusal despite it's relatively small territory, enjoys a decently size population.
-- Martial Prowess: (2 Points) Relying mostly on it's navy, the people of Braiyusal's troops hardly see conflict outside of fighting natives, and often the troops are relatively underfunded.
-- Cultural Unity: (4 Points) The people of Braiyusal have an almost unique culture compared to the rest of the old world built off trade and relative isolationism.
-- Navy: 18 3rd rate ships, 12 second rate ships, and 7 first rate ships (6 Points) The pride of Braiyusal, and extremely well funded to protect it's maritime trade and defend the Braiyusalian strait.
-- Colonies: (3 Points) A decent sized holding in the new world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Sanguine Empire

Brief Nation History: The disparate states of the northeast were known to be a backwards land, where the quality of life had progressed little since the renaissance. Petty states were locked in constant wars for centuries before the powerful Amoury family united them under their banner. Now, for the last several decades, the nation has known nothing but tyranny under them.

Being a relatively new nation, forged by conquest and blood, it has little other than the strength of the Amoury family and its relationship to the land's various nobles to hold it together. The numerous different peoples and ethnicities do not get along well, and the military must keep an ever watchful eye on its people. Most of the uprisings come from the south, where clashes of religion mix with problems present across the land.

The only modestly developed part of the nation is the seat of Amoury power and capitol of the nation: the city of Bittle. It is a rather idyllic-looking, small city, with beautiful architecture, with the resplendent imperial palace towering over the smaller buildings.

Emperor Damian Amoury has recently inherited the throne from his father. For now, it's not clear what kind of ruler he will be, as he has been shielded from court by a plethora of advisors, who hastily prepare him for the challenges of rule before letting him make any decisions himself, a situation Damian is very annoyed with, and the nobility are quite anxious about. He is but eighteen years old, and has yet to find a suitable woman of standing to marry. He has a younger sister, Roxana, who is fourteen years old. She is known for a flighty, spoilt brat. The two siblings do not get along.

Government: Feudal Monarchy - The Emperor draws fealty from his vassal nobles, who rule the land in his stead in exchange for being able to collect part of the lands incomes.

Landmass: [ That large gap of land in the far east, with all those woods, north of Kapitas. Not the straightest lines, but you get the gist. I have everything not already taken in the east, except that clearly uninhabitable stretch of desert, which is the presumed reason for neither the Sultanate nor Caliphate having it. If it is habitable, I'm definitely going to take it. ]


-- Population: 112,000,000 (12 points)
-- Martial Prowess: (3 Points)
-- Cultural Unity: (0 Points)
-- Navy: (0 Points)
-- Colonies: (0 Points)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago


The GM wrote that you aquired your ships through raids. Considering 1 of them is described as a Nehalenian First rate my nation might want it back ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The GM wrote that you aquired your ships through raids. Considering 1 of them is described as a Nehalenian First rate my nation might want it back ;)

I'll wait until the New World map is updated before I say anything. ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So would anyone like to help me finish my sheet? Also Chatzy? us19.chatzy.com/72624317956505
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Kingdom of Anvegad

Brief Nation History (No need for any history before 1700): The lands that would become the modern Kingdom of Anvegad were formerly the lands of three warring kingdoms locked in chronic conflict. A situation supposedly fostered by outside powers to gain access to the resource-rich lands at the center of the battleground that were exported in exchange for mercenaries, firearms, and early crude artillery to crack the network of entrenched castles and fortresses built since medieval times.

It would take an unlikely partnership between a radical general named Arden Strakov and the ruthless king Alexi Despovich to bring about a final end to the conflict via building the first domestic artillery foundries of the Kingdom and unifying the three kingdoms in a series of decisive strategically offensive yet tactically defensive battles that are actively studied today, as well as the less-known shadow war to eliminate the foreign agents that stoked the flames of war. Despovich would become the first King of a unified Anvegad in 1760, and Strakov would go on to found the first formal military academy and head it for ten years before disappearing into obscurity.

Since then, Anvegad actively strove to build and expand its dominion to remain competitive with the Great Powers, but ultimately was unable to achieve Great Power status as tides of politics, war, and colonialism swayed in favor of other nations. Frustration against foreign lands turned inwards as ideologies and philosophers declared they had failed because of fundamental weaknesses within the country and being too rooted in the past. A new wave of thinking rose as crown, generals, and merchants alike were forced to realize they had to keep up with the changing tides of the world if they were to avoid being swallowed up by the Great Powers or even chance an attempt at another rise to greatness. Though it resulted in two major civil wars and decades of civil strife as misplaced ideals and practices were taken advantage of by the ambitious or greedy, the kingdom would ultimately become stronger for it.

In 1830, the kingdom was struck by sudden tragedy when the King Tarkendis the Great died during the outbreak of Red Fever, leaving only the young heir Prince Adrian who was away from the capital studying at a foreign university alive to rule the Kingdom, resulting in a sudden shift in political power to the Inner Council that formerly advised the king, and an equally jarring shift from a traditionalist crown to progressive ministers now free to enact changes they deem necessary to ensure the survival of the kingdom without the careful balance of power upheld by the previous king, a situation even more complicated as the Supreme Commander of the Armies assumed de facto dominance over the council, and the young King is proving to be as paranoid about foreign enemies as he is open minded towards industrialization.

With the rise of industry, enlightenment, and radical ideas, only time will tell if the kingdom will stand the test of time.

Government: Parliamentary Monarchy/ Plutocracy

In theory, Anvegad is an absolute monarchy where the crown and his council of appointed ministers selected from the landed elite hold ultimate sway over the country in conjunction with a council of elected officials to represent the parishes and estates. In recent decades however, authority has shifted more towards the Imperial Council than the crown as the Kingdom expanded, which has now reached its peak with an inexperienced and underage king on the throne.

In current practice, the ten-minister Inner Council holds current control over the kingdom, which in turn is heavily influenced by the Supreme Commander of the Armies who possesses de facto control over the country in conjunction with the young king. Whether or not this arrangement will stand the test of time has yet to be determined, but is currently stable and secure.

Landmass: Between Osland and Boletaria

Spend points here
-- Population: 17 million (2 pts)

-- Martial Prowess: (9 pts)

The Kingdom of Anvegad is a martial power, primarily emphasizing state of the art artillery ordnance and doctrine backed by disciplined infantry and well-organized command and administration. Yet there is a continuous drive to improve, expand, and build even heavier cannons as the Great Powers continue to rise.

-- Cultural Unity: (2 pts)

Anvegad is united by common religion and culture, as well as a common distrust of foreign powers, particular the “Great Powers”. It is also unified by economic security,

-- Navy: 6 Third rates, 4 Second Rates, 2 First Rates (2 pt)

The Anvegad Navy is a shell of what it once was and not much effort has been put into rebuilding it or upkeep of its shore facilities, with shore battery forts at strategic coastal points considered an adequate defense of the kingdom’s lands from naval invasion combined with seasonal freezing of its ports.

-- Colonies: 0 pts

The kingdom has little interest, time, or ability to attempt colonial expeditions when it has more pressing issues domestically and with its neighboring foreign powers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I think my sheet is done aside from the military which I believe you decide. If you think there is something else that must be done please tell me either here or via PM. @Theodorable
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Regional Power (15 Points)

Nation Name: The Kingdom of Kalpia
Brief Nation History The Kingdom of Kalpia was a very divided kingdom with a lot of feudal dinasties fighting for power , that was until a great figure appeared called Gathian IV , this king was able to overcome the problems that his father and grandfather couldnt solve , he centralized the goverment made the nobles more loyal to the crown an even gave some rights to the bourgeoisie , his kingdom was one of the first to become an Absolutist Monarchy , but to overcome all the nobles he had to make an army loyal to the crown and not to the nobles this task took years but Gathian IV made it , he made an standing army big and disciplined , because of this Gathian was considered a military genius and his tactics and strategies are still used in the army of Kalpia.

The Succesors of Gathian IV has been able to maintain the army Gathian IV had created , but more recently they aspire to create a larger kingdom in honor of Gathian IV
Government: Absolutist Monarchy

Spend points here :
-- Population: 13,000,000 (1)
-- Martial Prowess: An largue army of soldiers have the task to defend the kingdom and the king , they have a high morale , the best discipline and some of the most modern equipment and strategies (11)
-- Cultural Unity: Faith Unity , the army and an Old Culture maintains the kingdom united(2)
-- Navy: 1 (3 Third Rates, 2 Second Rates and 1 First Rate)
-- Colonies: 0
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Murtox Eh may need to look at the sheets again..
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Murtox Eh may need to look at the sheets again..

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


LordZell's Zellon Empire, the The Kingdom of Anvegad, the Kingdom of Kalpia and the The Sanguine Empire and the Kingdom of Braiyusal will be added tomorrow.

The updated Western Sides will be added tomorrow. The Serranthian map will be added tomorrow.

Am I missing anything. Send your PM's. Jump IC. Awesome!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


LordZell's Zellon Empire, the The Kingdom of Anvegad, the Kingdom of Kalpia and the The Sanguine Empire and the Kingdom of Braiyusal will be added tomorrow.

The updated Western Sides will be added tomorrow. The Serranthian map will be added tomorrow.

Am I missing anything. Send your PM's. Jump IC. Awesome!

Glorious Sanguine Empire may post now, yes?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The GM wrote that you aquired your ships through raids. Considering 1 of them is described as a Nehalenian First rate my nation might want it back ;)

Those sound like fighting words!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The OLD WORLD IS FULL. ITS SO AWESOME. Don't go inactive or I'll hate you forever.

If you sent me a PM, it's been added. If not, get on it! Then send me a PM. If you go inactive for 3 in-game months your nation will become an NPC.
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