Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Imogen Klein-Hollister
Age: 24
Sex: Female

Background: Her birth parents fell to the dangers of the world early in life and she was adopted by her fathers, a talented airship mechanic, Elliott Hollister and a bar owner, Dexter Klein. Though she took after her more outgoing, bartender father, Dexter in personality, Elliott taught her most of what she knows. She worked with him in his dockyard for most of her youth, but always wanted something more, and was struck with a strong sense of ennui. She loved hearing stories of the pilot's adventures and would listen to them for hours while Elliott worked on their ships, quickly becoming enamoured with stories of high skies adventure and tails of the son of Gabriel and his ship, the Magnificent. She very soon began working for her father when she was of age, but would often skip out on her duties, going to explore the nearby caves and gullies with the neighborhood kids and getting into other kinds of trouble. One day, her dreams came true as the Magnificent came into Elliott's dock to refuel and resupply. She jumped at the chance to sail the skies with the son of Gabriel, packing her tools and belongings and leaving her father's dockyard within the day, only looking back to send letters back home when she gets the chance.
Traits and Personality: She is a curious and slightly mischievous girl. Quite intelligent, though not always the wisest. Her youth and naivete often betray her as she takes on tasks out of her grasps. She is a girl who loves tales of adventure, no matter how tall and can quickly become enamoured with fiction, her head getting up in the clouds higher than the ships she works on. As for the ships themselves, she is quite adept at repairing and maintaining them, taking great pleasure in completing a difficult task. She is flexible and agile, making her ideal for squeezing into the nooks and crannies of an engine room. She has a soft spot for her family, and writes to her fathers each chance she gets, keeping them updated on her adventures. Despite all her bravado, she is not a lot of use in a fight. She can keep herself out of a fray, but she can't pack a punch or take one very well Dexter insisted that she learn to shoot, but she was never much good at firing a gun. She took much more enjoyment in taking the firearm apart and putting it back together.
Why you joined: Sense of adventure and a chance to sail with a figure from her childhood stories.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Grimshaw Fontaine
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Appearance: A tall, stocky bald man with a perminant scowl, tanned, dirty skin and a brutish, square face, sporting an impressively large and bushy brown mustache. His face, however, is usually hidden behind a worn khaki balaclava and a pait of goggles. The rest of his wardrobe is just as ratty, consisting of what was originally a sleeveless gray shirt, but has since had the left sleeve from another, blue shirt sewn on, dark overalls, fingerless leather gloves and heavy work boots, along with a matching workman's belt adored with tools, canteens and other survival gear.

Background: There isn't too much to be said about this piece of work. Born and raised in a small Western settlement called The Boneyard, Grimshaw spent most of his life around raiders and pirates, and took to the life of often chaotic violence and debauchery quickly. When he grew old enough he joined one of the many pirate crews, where he remained for the better part of a decade, until a desert priest came into his crew's midst. At this time they were in dire straits after a number of botched raids, and the priest's words about redemption and such rang with many of the pirates, Grimshaw among them. He left shortly after, drifting from settlement to settlement trying to find a place in life, occasionally working as a guard for the merchant ships along the way. Now he's ended up in Thrin, drinking down his troubles while he waits to see if he might have found his spot in life here.

Traits and Personality: A gruff but likeable man with a penchant for hootch and easy women. He takes whatever job he has at the moment very seriously, saving the partying for when the troubles are over, and is happy to chide any who don't do their job right. He does his best most days to make up for the wrongs he committed during his pirate days, though the temptations if easy loot and fearful respect sometimes nag at him still.

Why you joined: Wanderlust, trying to find a place in life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Ash

Age: 23

Sex: Male


Background: Ash was an orphan would got raised into a military force on one of the larger cities. He never knew who his real parents were, and the times being how they were, they probably didn't want him. He never really cared too much, he never even knew his parents. All he knew was the military, and it'shard to have any kind of love or affection given to you at something like that. Seeing this as an opportunity, the military raised Ash to be a killing machine. Basically trained since birth to be the perfect soldier. He had the build, the intelligence, and the skill to do this. And he excelled at what he did. He was told orders, and he did his job, and he did it well. This went on for 20 years. But in the harsh world that Ash lives in, all this war time and abuse from the military, the lack of any love and care... He cracked. Ash left the military to live the world, not wanting any part of the military anymore, he actually wanted to live his life. But he knew nothing else, was not trained anything else. He knew nothing else. Ash would take odd jobs, mercenary for hire, stealing, anything to pass by. With the fragile mental state he has, Ash is a known alcoholic, and has drank his fair share of alcohol and uses it to keep himself calm and level-headed. He lives to live now, enjoying life, getting himself into trouble and trying to help his mental state to try and live a stable life.

Traits and Personality: Ash has been trained to be a soldier most of his life, so in turn he has excellent marksman and hand-to-hand combat skills. He is, quite literally, a one man army. Not super human in any means, but this is all he does. He's good at it. Even when he's drunk, he could pick off a dime off a clothes pin. As far as that, Ash isn't good at much else. Formal education has alluded him in any manner, and if it's not common or street smarts, he not too book smart. In addition he's not the most... wise person in the world. He drinks, and he constantly gets himself into trouble. He shows no fear, doesn't generally sense danger, and is cocky and in over his head at times. That doesn't even take account his mental instability. Clouding his thoughts, causing him to act sporadic and paranoid, he consumes alcohol to help numb this. This is where the reckless cocky asshole comes out.

Why you joined: A steady job, something to do, and can utilize his skills. It fulfills an exciting lifestyle, also.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: Nikola Thurston Vanderbilt

Age: 27

Sex: Male


Background: Nikola is the son of trade magnate, Thurston Vanderbilt and comes from a long line of traders, industrialists and adventurers before him. He was born aboard the Vanderbilt cruiser, the family flagship and residence, he attained a top notch education from a young age and lived a privileged life; though his father never let this cloud his understanding of the greater world. He often accompanied his father on his business trips, learning the practical aspects of being a Vanderbilt, persuasion, trading, the workings of airships and landships, using a gun and his trump card, practical application of maths, his arithmetic is bar none the fastest and most accurate. Once Nikola became a young adult, his father started to send him out on things he liked to call missions, scoping out potential in far off lands for business ventures, this is when he came into his own, using the practical skills he had learned to their fullest to increase the family wealth. His time as his father's scout also taught him the true nature of the world, he witnessed things like poverty, violence and most terrifyingly, bad business practices.

These many adventures however landed him in his current situation. During one office missions, his plane happened to run out of fuel and had to make an emergency landing in a small salt miming town; though much to his frustration they didn't have a fueling station. Nikola was forced to sell the plane parts for money, he wrote to his father for assistance and stayed at the local inn, believing that help would be arriving soon. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned into months, he eventually ran out of the money he gained from scraping his plane and got a job as a clerk in a salt processing factory. One evening however, he got a reply from his family. His father had died and apparently his brother had taken control of the family business, thinking Nikola to be dead as the letter hadn't arrived until much later then intended; Nikola wrote back, telling his brother to ready the company for his arrival but his brother had other ideas, he was unwilling to let go of control. Letters went back and forth, arguments and legalities were brought up until the pair decided to have it settled in court. Nikola's brother won, though Nikola always had the feeling that his brother's victory was not quite honest.

After that, Nikola packed up and sold his belongings, moving back to the salt town to continue his job as a clerk, though eventually the months started to drag on and boredom set in, he didn't feel fulfilled by his work, he wanted to go adventuring again, he wanted to make money and lots of it but he didn't want to go groveling back to his brother; he tried his hand at many things, though most ended in abject failure. He did however come out with a few gold nuggets, a patent for an efficient automatic ore crusher, scavenging rights on an ancient rusting ship in a distant dried sea somewhere to the west and several thousand monies. He spent most of the money purchasing a trade mark for his new venture, "Vanderbilt & Associates Ltd.", though as of yet his company is just a name on a piece of paper, he hopes for it to be more.

Eventually, Nikola became acquainted with the captain of the Magnificent, he saw that it was the opportunity he was so desperate for, the thrill of adventure and making money.

Traits and Personality: Nikola is a charismatic individual, this makes him a good people's person and an excellent business man, what is so key about his brand of charisma is it's innocence, it's not overtly cocky nor is it excessively proud, it's the kind of confidence one gains from years of experience and living a multitude of full lives. He is also meticulous, he doesn't like mistakes and often gets pedantic about them, though he tends to control his frustration as he believes that it is not befitting of him. Nikola is a sociable person, he is partial to a chat and a laugh and the occasional sip but takes everything in proportion, balancing play and work, the only thing he doesn't take in proportion is work, he often works himself to the bone and can become quite irritable when he's deep into it, though his sharp wit keeps him from being distracted and he can get the job done within an appropriate sphere of time. Beyond that, he is keen on seeing new things for himself and quickly grasps new knowledge that presents itself to him, knowing that any shred of information would become invaluable for him when he starts his business proper. As for fights, he would rather talk around things but if push comes to shove, he's proficient with a pistol and quiet quick with a knife.

Why He Joined: A sense of adventure, The spirit of a light hearted capitalist, the quest for wealth.


Gentleman Explorer

Adventure Capitalist

Human Touch

Gilded Age Elite

Human Calculator
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

THIS BELONGS TO @1n5tant Ar50n
Name: Tyra. Just Tyra
Age: 21
Sex: Female
-long, curly, ginger hair and hazel/yellow eyes
-pale and curvy figure, physically fit.
-Wears a short green and white dress with a buttoned bodice, and a green tailcoat. Has white leather gauntlets with frilled edging around the wrists. Bottom of the dress is layered and ruffled. Has knee-high colonial style boots with steel buckles.
-has three piercings on each ear.
-wears heavy smokey-eye makeup in green or blue tones.
Background: Tyra came from a small town called Matrilod, and her family was the richest there. When she was seventeen she was married off to a rich man from another city and made an effort to start a family there. She quickly became unhappy, however, after the birth of a baby girl left her husband disappointed with her. They argued frequently, which resulted in a violent confrontation that left Tyra unable to expand her family. She then ran away from her "new" home and vowed to never return. Instead, she wanted to seek out something new beyond her two-town experience and make her own mark on the world, on her terms.
Weapons: A pair of 6-chamber revolvers, which she learned to use thanks to an old drunk in a town she passed through, who felt "A lady should be able to protect herself".
Traits and Personality:
-extremely enthusiastic and willing to try new things
-over-excitable and occasionally a little too animated and loud (especially when she's had something to drink)
-strongly believes in independence and individuality
-can be a bit of a hypocrite and often doesn't practice what she preaches.
-not afraid to pick fights, even if she's aware of odds against her
Why you joined:
-to see the world and have some life experience on her own terms without her life being dictated by other people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Damien




Background: Damien was born on a trade airship that was under attack by pirates. His parents where killed but he was not. Instead the Leader of the pirates took him and named him Damien. As his son and raised him as his own. However When Damien was 12 His father decided that it was time for him to learn how to fight. But then they all realized something. Crafty was horrible at fighting. He could shoot but even at that he was average. However Damien was good at something else. He was very good at making guns. He was not very good at shooting them though. This earned Him his place on the pirate ship. His father also learned him the ways of a cartographer But when he turned 19 He and his father got into an argument. They where having a fight about him being to slow with making guns and Damien was angry because He wanted the guns to be better. This argument got so big that his Father kicked him of the ship at the first port they laid anchor to. Damien now free of his pirate ways but still wanting to fly tried to find a ship to join on. But he was always to late because they where either to full or they did not want him. So he traveled convoy after convoy trying to get on one. Until at last he made it to Thrin. Where he saw a giant airship. Hoping to join it he now makes his way up to it hoping to find the owner of the captain

Traits and personality: Damien is a nice guy who loves to chat with people about everything, Especially guns .
He is also very good at fixing small things. He likes adventure and is a little greedy. Something that he picked up in his pirate years. He is also a cartographer but still learning. He is 120 cm tall is white because he always worked outside of the light when he was on the pirate ship. He has blue eyes.

Why you joined?: To once again fly the skies and to explore and to maybe get rich.
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