A barren world awaits you!

This is gonna be long, you don't need to read it all if you don't want, you won't miss anything cruicial!
Phew that was a long one! Don't bother if you gave up, I told ya you can. So what is this? An RP about an age where humanity uses airships to travel. They travel from settlement to settlement, trading and fighting pirates. These settlements are either canyons and river beds where airships can park, or cities with skyscrapers as beacons for travellers. We would be a crew of the TSS Magnificent, a usual ship. Only difference is that the captain (me) is the son of Gabriel, and the ship has some modifications to make it stand out. We would discover new technologies, and help humanity rebuild, occasioanlly find secrets.
So what am I looking for?
It would be the best if we could get around 5 people (and me) to be the crew of the ship. I think you can already tell that I am not dead serious, so if real life happens we understand, and the be active part of any RP is thrown out the window. Posts should be short but not as short as in free, so around 2 moderate pharagrpahs.
Do you have what it takes to conquer the badlands?