Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A barren world awaits you!

This is gonna be long, you don't need to read it all if you don't want, you won't miss anything cruicial!

Phew that was a long one! Don't bother if you gave up, I told ya you can. So what is this? An RP about an age where humanity uses airships to travel. They travel from settlement to settlement, trading and fighting pirates. These settlements are either canyons and river beds where airships can park, or cities with skyscrapers as beacons for travellers. We would be a crew of the TSS Magnificent, a usual ship. Only difference is that the captain (me) is the son of Gabriel, and the ship has some modifications to make it stand out. We would discover new technologies, and help humanity rebuild, occasioanlly find secrets.

So what am I looking for?

It would be the best if we could get around 5 people (and me) to be the crew of the ship. I think you can already tell that I am not dead serious, so if real life happens we understand, and the be active part of any RP is thrown out the window. Posts should be short but not as short as in free, so around 2 moderate pharagrpahs.

Do you have what it takes to conquer the badlands?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Now open, and ready for fun!

Happy to announce that it has been only a day since I made the interest check and you guys already joined the crew!
You have been a big help, and I am thankful.
And now, I hereby present you the CS sheet YAY!

Appearance (image or text will do):
Background (How you got here):
Traits and Personality (have some flaws):
Why you joined (pretty self explanatory):

Did I miss anything out? If you feel like you miss something just post your complaint :D
World Map will be up soon. You can base your background story on that if you want!
Please note: the story starts in Thrin, a tiny settlement in a canyon, with a port for docking airships. In the background that is where you should be right now.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 9 mos ago


What gets steamed if there's barely any water?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Color me interested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@BytheSpleen Good question!
Planetary Weather 101 - If water evaporates it always condensates baack eventually
Steampunk Airship 101 - Not mecessarely powered by steam
Steampunk Genre 101 - It can mean style not just steampowered stuff.
Any more questions?

@Baklava Colored, flagged, placed, welcome aboard!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

I will post a CS as soon as I can. Which will be when I get home. In a few hours. But it will be great!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 5 days ago

Will have a CS in as soon as possible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Grimshaw Fontaine
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Appearance: A tall, stocky bald man with a perminant scowl, tanned, dirty skin and a brutish, square face, sporting an impressively large and bushy brown mustache. His face, however, is usually hidden behind a worn khaki balaclava and a pait of goggles. The rest of his wardrobe is just as ratty, consisting of what was originally a sleeveless gray shirt, but has since had the left sleeve from another, blue shirt sewn on, dark overalls, fingerless leather gloves and heavy work boots, along with a matching workman's belt adored with tools, canteens and other survival gear.

Background: There isn't too much to be said about this piece of work. Born and raised in a small Western settlement called The Boneyard, Grimshaw spent most of his life around raiders and pirates, and took to the life of often chaotic violence and debauchery quickly. When he grew old enough he joined one of the many pirate crews, where he remained for the better part of a decade, until a desert priest came into his crew's midst. At this time they were in dire straits after a number of botched raids, and the priest's words about redemption and such rang with many of the pirates, Grimshaw among them. He left shortly after, drifting from settlement to settlement trying to find a place in life, occasionally working as a guard for the merchant ships along the way. Now he's ended up in Thrin, drinking down his troubles while he waits to see if he might have found his spot in life here.

Traits and Personality: A gruff but likeable man with a penchant for hootch and easy women. He takes whatever job he has at the moment very seriously, saving the partying for when the troubles are over, and is happy to chide any who don't do their job right. He does his best most days to make up for the wrongs he committed during his pirate days, though the temptations if easy loot and fearful respect sometimes nag at him still.

Why you joined: Wanderlust, trying to find a place in life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED08734


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

My CS will be up sometime late tomorrow. Today is my birthday and the festivities consisting of mexican food and margaritas is about to start which will be followed by unhealthy amounts of tequila and drunk karaoke. So I won't be on much after this post. I am extremely excited about this roleplay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@BytheSpleen Good question!
Planetary Weather 101 - If water evaporates it always condensates back eventually
Steampunk Airship 101 - Not necessarily powered by steam
Steampunk Genre 101 - It can mean style not just steampowered stuff.
Any more questions?

Of course, mass = mass, but if the water disappeared from the oceans, did it go underground, or did it (like you implied) evaporate into the air and...so is there a blanket of clouds around the planet? Just wanna know where the water goes o.o

This sounds more like Gearpunk, anyhow. Might be interested.

I mean, I suppose a great cause for conflict is the double-usage of water as a drinking source AND a source of fuel. Just trying to see how this is all somewhat plausible so I can fit in a character that best suits this RP. o3o
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@BytheSpleen I would assume most of the water went underwater and evaporated into the clouds and trapped there. Since the majority of water is in oceans, if there are no oceans, there would be plenty of water for normal uses and fuel. An abundance really. The problem is extracting this water, but with the technology I don't see much of an issue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@BytheSpleen I understand. There truly is no gearpunk genre here, but I get your point. I think it is time to tell the cataclysm in order to better understand the situation. Most of the water evaporated, but a huge chunk went underground. The planet has huge coverage of clouds, but mostly in early and late hours when it can cool down enough. Rain is fairly common at night (once a week), but in the day it is really rare. The town that are the biggest either have a big waterfall, fountain or a way to suck water up(eg. a pump from the old world) oil and coal are abundant, but they use electrolysis to cteate hydrogen that fill the baloons, rather than using these fuel sources (yes there is small amounts of electricity avaible) I will make a post to explain it the best soon, but thats all you have till I get out of this bloody car
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 27 days ago

I do not know how many have already shown interest, so I'd like to ask if there are still room for one more?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@CandiBarr Happy Birthday!

On that note I'll be starting my CS. Shouldn't take long, as I already have an idea. I'll put it up soon and see how it works.

Also is Whacko accepted, @6slyboy6?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@ONL Well it is getting really cramped here. Just this page and the other one makes 8-9 people and me. But if we get too many people I will make a second page for you guys :D So welcome aboard!

So any more questions about the world? I am happy to answer. If I amde any contradictions feel free to adjust me, I am more than happy to correct it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Desire He is. I told him in the interest check!
And yes @The Whacko your CS is accpeted, in fact I very much liked it!
Keep sending those beautiful Caharcter sheets, and this will be the best RP you have ever done in no time!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Ash

Age: 23

Sex: Male


Background: Ash was an orphan would got raised into a military force on one of the larger cities. He never knew who his real parents were, and the times being how they were, they probably didn't want him. He never really cared too much, he never even knew his parents. All he knew was the military, and it'shard to have any kind of love or affection given to you at something like that. Seeing this as an opportunity, the military raised Ash to be a killing machine. Basically trained since birth to be the perfect soldier. He had the build, the intelligence, and the skill to do this. And he excelled at what he did. He was told orders, and he did his job, and he did it well. This went on for 20 years. But in the harsh world that Ash lives in, all this war time and abuse from the military, the lack of any love and care... He cracked. Ash left the military to live the world, not wanting any part of the military anymore, he actually wanted to live his life. But he knew nothing else, was not trained anything else. He knew nothing else. Ash would take odd jobs, mercenary for hire, stealing, anything to pass by. With the fragile mental state he has, Ash is a known alcoholic, and has drank his fair share of alcohol and uses it to keep himself calm and level-headed. He lives to live now, enjoying life, getting himself into trouble and trying to help his mental state to try and live a stable life.

Traits and Personality: Ash has been trained to be a soldier most of his life, so in turn he has excellent marksman and hand-to-hand combat skills. He is, quite literally, a one man army. Not super human in any means, but this is all he does. He's good at it. Even when he's drunk, he could pick off a dime off a clothes pin. As far as that, Ash isn't good at much else. Formal education has alluded him in any manner, and if it's not common or street smarts, he not too book smart. In addition he's not the most... wise person in the world. He drinks, and he constantly gets himself into trouble. He shows no fear, doesn't generally sense danger, and is cocky and in over his head at times. That doesn't even take account his mental instability. Clouding his thoughts, causing him to act sporadic and paranoid, he consumes alcohol to help numb this. This is where the reckless cocky asshole comes out.

Why you joined: A steady job, something to do, and can utilize his skills. It fulfills an exciting lifestyle, also.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Desire Noice! Welcome aboard ASH!
What pokemons do you have?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Thank you! Happy to be aboard!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@6slyboy6 Do we post our characters on the character list now?
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