I'm going to lay out a quick physical recap of players and npcs and horse locations as of ConteAmarula's post on November 11. I would make a paint diagram but honestly haven't got a clue how. Since I still can't host pics it may not matter.
awwapp.com/b/uh69l6xghhopefully that gets you to the view
There is a wonky T junction of roads. To the left is Isabeau's house and towards the upper class city proper (where Ren & Lily came from), to the right is the city towards the House Ianus (where Johanna and Wes arrived from), and to the bottom left is the city towards the slums (where Lucie, Aleksandra, and the creature came from). At the Junction is the mill and assorted metal wells, wheels, and machinery outside.
Ren's horse has bolted back to the left but not on the road, into the thicket.
Ren is still inside the mill.
Lily's horse is outside the mill door.
Johanna and Wes are mounted on their horses heading to the right (outlying House Ianus).
Lily is the forest, far side of the path, opposite the mill.
Adam, Isabeau, 2 horses are just a bit further beyond Lily, tucked into deep woods between the road to the city slums & the road to Isabeau's house.
The Creature is running up the road from the city slums towards the mill.
Lucie & Aleksandra are a short distance behind it, following it up from the city slums towards the mill.