hey all,
sorry for the vanishing act. I had thought to start things before I left for vacation but I had too much to do I never even finished everything that had to be done for real life (and am worried that gods only know what is going to happen while I'm gone but cest la vie). as I type I'm sitting on my balcony in Hawaii drinking coffee and eating ginger cookies. I thought I'd have all kinds of time on my vacation but it seems not. Today is the first day I haven't been in the wateer almost all day. Please forgive typos too. I'm on a blue tooth keyboard & my phone. The wireless internet I'm supposed to have here is not quite so much in existance.
Anyway I do have FB. Its a dummy account for one of my app games but I do check it regularly so I can be reached there. Well somewhat regularly. about once a day anyway.
I'm not going to try and use the tag feature but Kapuchu (sp?) I'm gonna get that email to you today. Anyone else is free to post and move the story along as you wish using what you know; I can work with whatever you might throw down and since I'm unrelliable at the moment no reason you need to wait on me.