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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 days ago

This is a high casual, Advanced game

140 years have passed since the fall of the Galactic Empire

It is a time of unprecedented peace in the galaxy. The Republic has had no major conflicts in nearly a century and a half, and in that time has enjoyed expansion that has seen its boarders grow well beyond those of the Old Republic.

The Jedi Order has returned, and under the leadership of Jedi Master Roan Skywalker has resumed its role as the guardians of peace and justice in the Republic.

However, the peace could not last.

From the corners of the galaxy, an old enemy has returned. Under the leadership of a mysterious new foe, a remnant of the former Empire has begun retaking system after system once friendly to the Republic. Targeting Jedi and Republic strongholds alike; the Imperials march through the galaxy nearly unopposed by a Republic that has grown weak by nearly a century and a half of peace.

With its sights set on the capital world of Coruscant, the enemy approaches, and it is unclear whether even the combined forces of the Jedi Order and the once great Army of the Republic will be enough to allow the Republic to survive.


-Players are allowed a maximum of 3 characters, though it is suggested that you start out with one to begin with.
- Characters must make sense and be original. Any character that is found to be too much like an existing character will NOT be approved.
-All races from the Star Wars Universe, including the defunct EU are fair game.
-If you are playing an alien, stay true to the mindset and general culture of that race. So do you're homework before selecting an alien race to play as.
-Unnamed, faceless NPC's may be killed, provided it's not random and has some purpose behind it. PC character deaths must be more than just some random death, and must have meaning behind it other than shock. Major NPC characters are off limits.
- Don't openly criticize another's work. We're not all as gifted a storyteller as George Lucas, or as skilled a writer as Timothy Zahn.
-Communication is the one word to live by for the RPGs. Good communication between players not only helps the flow of the arc and increases the enjoyment of the storytelling process, but it also helps create new twists and ideas that can make for some memorable stories.
-You can reside on any world in the Star Wars Universe and go anywhere within the galaxy that you desire, including the Unknown Regions.
-Several stories can be going at once, and you have the freedom to interact with other characters.
-Know your weaknesses and strengths of your character, and your craft (a smuggler is not going to win a straight fight against a Jedi, and a X-Wing isn't going to do much against an Imperial Star Destroyer).
-The Gamemasters have the final say in matters in the RPG. Though, we are always willing to work with you.
-There should be minimal cursing and swearing in posts.
-Most Importantly, HAVE FUN!

Star Wars: The Rise of the New Empire CS:

Screen Name:

Character you wish to play:

Race (such as Human, Wookiee, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc):

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc):

Background (list the history of your character here):

Character Class (choose one):

Scoundrel (all smugglers, cutthroats, outlaws, and general rogues)

Soldier (stormtroopers, Moffs, tribal warriors, Republic commandos, fighter pilots, and all other warriors and soldiers)

Force Sensitive (Jedi, Sith, Witches of Dothamir, Emperor's Hands, Knights of Ren, and all other Force Users)

Bounty Hunter (strictly Bounty Hunters, whether a member of the Guild or not)

Bureaucrat (all Senators, Governors, representatives, and general diplomats)

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, Wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc):

Character Personality (Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc):

Character Alignment (Choose one): Light Side, Walking the Line, Dark Side

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards:

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue or meet the RPG Advanced guidelines of 12 lines):
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Star Wars: The Rise of the New Empire Character Application Screen Name: Kalistar

Character you wish to play: Kaylee Starsmore

Race: Human

Faction: New Republic (New Jedi Order) Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): Kaylee Starsmore was born on Corellia to an affluent family. Her father had served in the Republic Senate, and was well known thought the galaxy. Kaylee had spent most of her childhood travelling between Coronet and Kor Vella, where her family had owned a vacation home. At a young age, Kaylee displayed some traits of Force Sensitivity, and it troubled her parents as they felt that the revelation that their daughter was a potential Jedi would hurt her father's standing in the Senate. Once her father realized that he would not be able to keep his daughter's force sensitivity a secret, he used his connections within the Senate to have his daughter quietly brought to the Yavin IV where shewould undergo training Jedi Academy. Once at the Academy, Kaylee was introduced to fellow Corellian Jedi Horn Datch, who would mentor her in the ways of the Force.

Character Class (choose one): Force Sensitive

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Purple

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc): Blue Bladed Lightsaber, data pad, survival kit, refitted Eta Actis class light interceptor with class 2 hyperdrive Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Kaylee is proud of her Corellian heritage and also takes her duty as a Jedi very seriously. She is devoted to the Jedi way, however, she has been known to show her "inner Corellian" and has been known to be a bit cocky and headstrong. This has gotten her into trouble on occasion. She is close with her mentor Horn Datch, truly looking up to the man as a true role model, and aspires to make him proud of her. Kaylee is also fiercely loyal, and will defend her friends no matter what. However, when it comes down to it, Kaylee is a young woman who despite her duties as a Jedi, craves companionship and approval. She also craves excitement and adventure, even though she knows that she should not, and at times she is unable to control these feelings and has a tendency to be impulsive because of it.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Light Side

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards:

Sample Post:
Yavin IV:

Kaylee Starsmore sits with her legs crossed at the base of a tree not too far from the main temple at the Jedi Academy. There is a slight breeze which is refreshing on this humid day. Floating in front of her, are several medium sized stones. She often finds that this spot under this particular tree is a good place to come and clear her mind when she has something weighing her down.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

She has had a lot on her mind as of late. She has felt trapped spending all her time at the academy, not having been off Yavin IV in close to a year. And if truth be told, she has been feeling a little cramped as well. Another trainee, Rush Diel has been following her around like a lost puppy, unfortunately for him, she has no interest in pursuing a relationship, with him or anyone else for that matter. It's not that she doesn't find him attractive, because she does. His long blonde hair and chiseled good looks are enough to make any girl swoon...except for her. She just doesn't have time to get involved with anyone. Yet he persists.

As she mulls over the actions of Rush, the stone that she is levitating begins to orbit around a larger stone, slowly at first and then faster and faster. Suddenly, there is a cracking sound, as if a tree were being split in two. Before she knows it, the trunk of a tree, along with a massive boulder comes crashing down on the stone that she had been levitating, burying it under the debris. Kaylee just sits there, her mouth hanging open in surprise at what just happened.

"Now lift your rock again." said a voice from behind her. The voice of her Master, Horn Datch. She turns and looks, only to find Horn and Rush, standing behind her giggling like teenage boys.

"You know, it wasn't funny when Master Skywalker did it either." Kaylee scolds them. With that, Kaylee gets up and begins to walk toward the jungle.

"Where are you going?" Rush asks, reaching out to grab her.

"For a walk." She says without looking at him.
"Come on Kaylee, it was a joke." He pleads, suppressing laughter as he tries to get her attention.

"It wasn't funny Rush, and if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone." She insists.

"Let her go Rush, she just needs to cool off a little." Horn tells him. "She'll be fine." The two men watch as she makes her way into the jungle, trying not to laugh, should they upset her any more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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I have half a mind to post up my wookiee Jedi
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 days ago

I have half a mind to post up my wookiee Jedi

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 1 day ago

I'm editing pieces of bu I just might
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 days ago

I'm editing pieces of bu I just might

Nice, I always love seeing the different approaches people take to playing wookiees
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Would it bother you if I used another sheet
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 days ago

No, not at all. This is just a basic sheet that I borrowed from an older SW game I ran, if you have one you like better, that's fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Screen Name: Bluetommy2

Character you wish to play: Jun'er Kyr'lath

Race: Human

Faction: None

Background (list the history of your character here): Jun'er Kyr'lath was born on an imperial flagship to two officers, Bor'in and Nambia Kyr'lath. Bor'in was the master of personnel, while Nambia was first officer, under Admiral Gran Myers. Bor'in was force sensitive, but hid his power from the admiral out of fear of his own abilities. Nambia and him met when Bor'in was handing out new identification cards to the staff due to fear of terrorist activity on the ship, the two were allowed to marry due to Nambia's high status, the Admiral not fearing that marriage would interfere with her job. A few months after Jun'er's birth, the fleet led by Myers came under attack by an unknown force, which ripped through the Imperial fleet like nothing. Nambia was killed by a blast to the bridge, staying there despite catastrophic damage in order to make sure all escape pods made it out. Bor'in travelled through the exploding ship to reach the nursery, taking baby Jun'er with him, he managed to save his and his son's lives by using his force abilities to deflect debris, however this quickly drained him due to lack of training, and by the time he got to the escape pod, he was barely able to walk. When the ship made it's final death throes, Bor'in prevented his section of the ship from collapsing for as long as he could, sending Jun'er off in the last pod, and after this, the ship exploded fiercely, with most of the crew alive due to Nambia's actions. Jun'er's pod crash-landed on Lothal. Jun'er grew, raised by nobody but himself, not even learning to read, he developed the personality of a loner, not liking other people. He was eventually transported off planet due to latent potential in the child seen by a Jedi visitor, Master Ju'wok. Entering Jedi training, Jun'er was uncooperative, not learning anything in the matter of force techniques. Jun'er eventually escaped the academy, fleeing Coruscant as a stowaway. Jun'er traveled from planet to planet, avoiding Jedi knights. Jun'er built enough money during his travels to buy a ship, a Savage, model E-669. He began serving as a mercenary escort for trader ships, hoping to eventually find a home, and maybe start a family, although people are a new frontier for him.

Character Class (choose one):Scoundrel

Items: Lightsaber with blue crystal as focusing lens, grip is small due to it being from when he was a youngling, Savage starfighter, model E-669, meant for fighter combat, Blaster pistol, a K-313 Riot Blaster, modified for faster firing, and longer range, and a small vibroblade, with the inscription; "For big, persistent mistakes"

Character Personality (Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Jun'er is a loner, he has severe Gynophobia, unable to speak to women without breaking into hysterics, he has a cynical sense of how the world works, and morals don't apply to him due to being raised on the streets, and doing many horrible things to survive. He hates the Jedi Order, mostly due to his morality clashing with theirs.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Walking the line

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards:

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue or meet the RPG Advanced guidelines of 12 lines):

"Yet another day of lessons that won't matter." Jun'er kicked his pillow out of the way of his door before flopping down onto his bed, he rolled over onto his front and stared at his blankets for a while, he then scrolled his eyes upwards before seeing coruscant's night sky, he bounced onto his knees and stared out the window, his hands and face pressed hard against it. He sighed deeply and loudly, before falling back onto the bed, his head hanging upside down off the edge, he stared at the wall for a while before his head started to hurt, then he sat back up and looked at the door. "Wait!" He jumped out of bed and leaped to the door. Master Ju-Ju Bean always locked the door before it was time for bed, but staring at the handle for a minute, Jun'er realized that he could pick this lock! His mind raced. He remembered the time when he was five or so, and the breadman locked his door, he just needed a knife or something to get it open. But where could he find a knife? Jun'er scanned the room up and down, eventually finding a piece of plastic that had fallen off his sock, all younglings were supposed to clean their socks before going to bed, but Jun'er didn't listen well. This would work! But it would be tough. Jun'er thumped over to the door, he took the bit of plastic and inserted it into the small hole in the door handle. "Come on door! Work with me!" After a few twists, and quite a bit of temper tantrums, Jun'er got the door open, finally. "I am the best!" Jun'er walked out into the dark hallway, grabbing his lightsaber from outside the door.

Jun'er walked down the stairs towards the red door, the one only Master Ju-Ju Bean was allowed in. He twisted the door-handle, and pushed slowly inwards. The door creaked loudly, causing Jun'er to cringe in terror, thankfully, nobody seemed to have heard it. He walked in, to see a long, well lit hallway, covered in white tile, with many doors on the sides. "Now which way is out?" Jun'er wondered, maybe out loud, maybe not, he didn't care at the moment. He couldn't see to the end of the hallway, so he used his special look technique! With that he saw the door at the end, and past it, seeing that it led outside, to a dropship! Outside! Nearly jumping for joy, Jun'er ran to the end of the hallway, tripping once, but getting back up easily. Once outside, a stiff breeze struck Jun'er hard. He saw the dropship, and ran towards it, focusing only on it. He got to the dropship, threw a rock through the window, got in, and saw the control panel. "So many buttons!" He exclaimed. "Maybe... This one!" He pressed the red button, and a hologram came up in front of him. "You have activated autopilot, put in coordinates now." The hologram face switched to a menu, with a key-pad, and a few preset locations. "Tatooine seems nice!" Jun'er pressed the button, and with that, the dropship began taking off, slowly but surely, and after angling itself right, it took off in the direction of Tatooine.

Ju'wok was not one to be woken easily, but the activation of a dropship seemed to do the trick, startled, the Jawa ran outside, only to find dropship 554, only just returning from a mission, taking off again, in the direction of Tatooine, an infuriated Ju'wok ran into the main hall, waking up the other masters, and prompting a full lockdown, just in case, however, nothing could match Ju'wok's fury when he found Jun'er's bed, empty, and with a note on it, reading: "Ha ha! You missed me!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 days ago

Screen Name: Bluetommy2

Character you wish to play: Jun'er Kyr'lath

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@nitemare shape Thanks mate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@nitemare shape That profile is the best thing I've ever made in my opinion, and I'm very harsh on my own work.
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Now I gotta rewrite my history for the setting lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 days ago

Now I gotta rewrite my history for the setting lol

I'm doing the same thing lol. My character's backstory is completely altered by the new timeline, but hey, I'm always up for a challenge
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 days ago

@nitemare shape That profile is the best thing I've ever made in my opinion, and I'm very harsh on my own work.

Yeah, I certainly liked it. I think he's going to be an interesting character, and there are actually some interesting parallels between him and my own character
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Mines set during the Knightfall event...before Vader has respiratory problems
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@nitemare shape Can't wait to see your char then!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Wait are we bby or aby here?

*read the opening phrases*

Never mind dumb question
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 days ago


I was tempted to call the Republic "The New Republic," but figured that after 140 years it wouldn't be so "New" anymore
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