Jun'er and Sun walked side by side through the crowds of Muunilinst, Jun'er walked with crossed arms and straight legs, spinning around like a bored child, Sun was staring at a hologram viewer, buying stocks as he was walking, and of course he was talking all the way.
"GTV stock is up 99 percent! I'm rich! Oh wait, I already was rich, well now I'm more rich! Hahahaah! This is awesome!" Sun started skipping with joy in his wealth. Jun'er looked up at the Muun, staring at him and rolling his eyes.
"So, about the plan?" Sun stopped, causing Jun'er to walk face first into his back, stumbling for a second. When he looked up he was holding his face angrily.
"Oh yes, the plan, so, let us go over it again. Firstly!" The Muun clicked his heels and held up his head. Before walking forwards towards the tallest building in the plaza.
"You use the ID card to, now listen here Jun, we both know how well you listen." Jun'er opened his mouth to protest, only uttering a sound that sounded like the noise a sad bantha makes.
"You go to the imperials, use the ID card, and boom! You're a logistics manager, you transfer the money to my account, and we make off like bandits! Hahaahah!" The muun's laugh was weasily as usual. Jun'er was finally happy that things were getting done, at least a bit, but he still needed the Muun to return his ship.
"So, about my ship-" The Muun made a loud "Ohhh!" and shushed Jun'er more times than necessary, much more than necessary. He then placed a hand on Jun'er's shoulder, and looked into his eyes, however, due to being a (Taller than usual) Muun, he looked ridiculous, bent over with his knees also bent. Jun'er braced himself for another tangent, but Sun just tilted Jun'er's head up towards his face, and tenderly placed his hands on his face.
"I, as your adopted father, allow you to know, that your ship is perfectly safe." Jun'er was confused.
"Wait, you actually went through with that?" The Muun laughed again, slapping his knees as he doubled over in laughter. Sun straightened himself out, and looked down at Jun'er.
"I'm a man of my word Jun, you of all people should know that." Just then, they were interrupted by the voice of a human secretary.
"Mister Underlar, and son. We're ready to allow the boy to see his ship." Sun clicked his heels together again, and smiled.
"Brilliant! Show the boy his new ship!" Jun'er suddenly had a bad feeling,
New?Sun walked into the tall building, followed by his secretary. Sun gestured for Jun'er to follow, but Jun'er stood awestruck by the size of the building, which, he now noticed, read
"UNDERLAR ENTERPRISES" The building shined in the light of Muunilinst's sun, showing off the beautiful windows, and radiating over the city. Jun'er realized he was daydreaming, and shook himself back into the real world, following Sun into the building, the automatic doors amazing him as well. The interior of the building was as beautiful as the outside, white, radiant, Jun'er almost wondered how workers worked here early in the morning without being blinded. He looked around, there was a green door, a red door, and a blue door, all shining. He eventually saw Sun going up in a glass elevator, so Jun'er followed to the door of the elevator. After jamming on the buttons for a while, the doors opened, he stepped into a fully glass elevator, even the floors, showing the terrifying blackness of the elevator shaft, that he could probably survive falling down with what little force ability he had, he was confused as to why he was even worried. He pressed the penthouse button, which was of course the location of Sun's office, and the elevator shot up, faster than Jun'er was ready for, falling onto the ground.
"Grace, bah, who needs it." Jun'er stood up and cleaned off his pants, although the elevator floor was much more clean than he expected. When he looked up, he was gobsmacked, the view of the city, and the surrounding ocean, was incredibly beautiful. He barely noticed the door opening. When he walked out, he was in Sun's office, a gray carpet, messy shelves and garbage everywhere, he wasn't sure what he expected. At the front of the office was Sun, staring out the window with his hands behind his back.
"You promised me my ship, Sun, where is it?" Sun giggled, he didn't turn his body, only his head, looking at Jun with a smug grin.
"You tell me." and with that, the wall opened, to reveal a hangar, and in the center, was a smooth black ship, shining like the rest of the building. Jun'er didn't even recognize it. Sun giggled
"What do you think, mister Kyr'lath?""Torpedoes, repeating blaster cannons with a self cooling mechanism, and improved FTL drives. You'd be surprised how much that dinky thing costs." Jun'er was already busy getting acquainted to the new fighter.
"The cockpit's nice too, but seeing as you two are busy, I'll leave you to it." Jun'er's eyes popped open.
Oh yeah, the cockpit. Jun slid off the fighter, it was almost fun, like a slide. He ran over to the cockpit and leapt in, or he would have if the cockpit was open.
"Don't wreck the blaster-proof glass yet Jun." Jun'er picked himself up, and pressed the blue square on the back of the cockpit. The glass made a loud whirring noise as it opened, almost like the engine of a speeder, or a speeder-bike! Jun'er leapt in, and looked around at the interior, it was very nice, everything was black, except for the green of the control panel, which he couldn't read.
"Uhh... is there a hologram controls button?" Sun laughed before pointing to a button with the picture of a portly Rodian on it.
"I really need to teach you to read." Jun'er looked unamused, and the hologram appeared, with all the buttons showing what they did by picture.
"Perfect." Sun looked at the clock on the wall, which Jun
could read, if it where analog, however, this one was digital.
"You'd better be off, remember, avoid Coruscant, head for Admiral Sayall's ship, it's the big gray one... actually, you figure it out. God bless, Jun. Come back in one piece." Sun walked back, clicked his heels and saluted. Jun'er had a few questions, but had one chief among them.
"Why not the Grand Moff's?" Sun stayed in the same position, not even twitching.
"Tighter security on the Moff's ships, you can still access the funds from this one. Yet again, come back in one piece Jun, we need some comic relief around here." Jun'er closed the cockpit, gave one last thumbs up, and took off. He flew out of the building, and engaged FTL, sending Sun's office into an even bigger mess. Sun chuckled,
"That boy is something."