Yeah I tried keeping it that size but by time I download it, edit it, and upload it again it has shrunk down. So I suppose then we will just have to use the original and keep a list of what systems belong to who. Plus I don't think that map has all of the systems on it. I couldn't find Meches for example, but maybe I just missed it?

And yes Kamino would be Republic. This will need to be a group effort because there are a ton of things I will probably miss xD Like Geonosis. I didn't find that and set it to CiS

One thing to keep in mind though is that we'll use the freedom of this being an alternate universe so that not every world will be the same. Not every world that for example, in lore was strictly loyal to one side or the other will be the same in this RP. The only ones really should be Geonosis is the CiS main system, Coruscant is the Republic Homeworld, and Kamino, if lost, would completely halt clone production for the Republic.

I'm a Lore buff so I can help out no idea if I'd partake or not.

What I will say is there are other clone routes that the Republic used nearer the end of the war. So loosing Kamino =/= no clones. Also if you want to stay semi-correct to lore I'd recommend a different map, that one has heaps of worlds in the wrong place.