True Name: Is known by many names but is most known as 'The Boogeyman'.

Alias: Calamity is her preferred alias.

Age: Around 700

Gender: Her species is considered genderless, but Calamity likes to take a female form.

Race/Species: Calamity is a Boggart, which goes by countless other names as a creature of darkness and catastrophe.

Human Appearance: Calamity's human appearance is a female figure, donning a punk-rock tom-boy look with short ebony hair in a down mohawk, pale skin, and deep blue-grey eyes. Her human appearance is clothed by a leather or jean jacket, a rock band tank top, straight dark jeans and heeled boots.

Boggart Appearance:Calamity's true form is a shadowy void with two eyes that seem like nothing but distant white lights, standing tall and thin when idle. Her shadowy skin moves around on her skeletal shaped insides as if her skin weren't attached but instead worn like clothing.

Personality: As it is in a Boggarts nature, Calamity is troublesome, and chaotic, having urges to break rules and cause a disturbance amongst human civilization. In her more joyful moods she is a prankster and can be quite playful and jesting to others, she can, however, be quite sadistic and mean-spirited, and unable to feel empathy easily, making it extremely difficult to reason with her. Favoring to keep to herself, Calamity would rather work as a lone wolf and acts cruelly towards those who try and contain her. Calamity sees mankind as nothing but puppets being strung along, dancing for those holding a higher position in human society. Calamity wishes nothing more that to break the continuous wheel of order and law. Chaos is her philosophy.

Skills/Abilities: Calamity is able to disappear into and travel between shadows, though she must be completely covered for this to work. She is also able to bring others through the shadows with her, but she must be willing to bring said other. Though she has no reflection, Calamity can enter and exit any clear mirrors at will, but doing so may get herself trapped *(see misc)*. She can move along walls and ceilings easily and is resistant to pain, but not completely unable to feel it. She can shift between her true form and her human form easily, and can even shift half-way.

Miscellaneous: The more fear and darkness there is surrounding Calamity, the more powerful she is, though if she is unable to feed off fear for a long period of time she can be weakened. In sunlight or a strong enough man-made light can also weaken Calamity. Too much intense light can force her to shift to her true form unwillingly, eventually killing her. Moonlight has no effect whatsoever. *If she were to try and escape by going into a mirror in one room, she could be trapped if the room was closed off and all mirrors in the room were covered. After, if you wanted to take her with you while still in the mirror, you would have to take the mirror she entered, keeping it well covered, and making sure it did not crack or shatter during transportation, for this could injure or kill her*. Boggarts are affiliated with bugs, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, and most other crawly, slimy or disgusting small animals.

History: Calamity came into existence when the bubonic plague was wreaking terror and death across the people of Europe in the 1300s, giving the young Boggart and endless buffet of distress and panic to feed off from. She ate the flesh of her first victim, which was a small human boy separated from his parents, commencing a sort of addiction in Calamity, an addiction to the taste of blood, fear, and havoc.
This was part of a Boggart's being: to enforce destruction and pandemonium into the daily schedules of the more organized beings, like a spider, once in a while breaking the arranged lines of ants that scurry on to support their unending structure of a routined life. After centuries of torturing the human minds before hunting them down, Calamity first went overseas to the Americas on the Mayflower in the 1600s. Though she was not the first of her kind to live there, and like the battles fought between the Europeans and Native Americans, Calamity had to struggle against her distant kin as well as other creatures who leached off of human life. There was constant competition at first, but over time Calamity had out-witted her rivals, earning herself respect, as far as Boggarts go.

On December 18th, 2005 which is well remembered by Calamity, the Boggart had been stalking a 15 year-old riot girl who ran away from her home to hitchhike the highways to Las Vegas. Calamity had a idea of torturing the teen physically and mentally to sustain herself after figuring she could befriend the human girl, though her plans changed drastically. The girl introduced herself as Kendra, telling Calamity of philosophical anarchism and her rebellion to the formation and pressure of human society. The two discovered what they had in common: The ambition to break the chain of order. Calamity liked the girl and allowed her to live, keeping her true identity out of their friendship.
A few short years past strengthening Calamity's bond with Kendra. She had cared for the human girl more than she realized, and though it seemed harmless at the time, Calamity's visits hadn't gone unnoticed by her kin, earning her threats and mistreatment. Things that would never affect Calamity before. Kendra was her ultimate weakness and it was known and frowned upon by her fellow Boggarts.

On April 1st, 2014, Kendra's body had been found brutally mutilated and left in a ditch at the side of the road. Human reports had stated it was some sort of wild animal that had butchered the young girl, but Calamity knew better than to listen to clueless humans. She realized deep down that out of 'fun' other Boggarts had maimed her after abusing her mind, because this would have been her doing if she had not liked the girl: the way the girl's flesh was treated yet not consumed, it was personal; Kendra was only killed to harm Calamity, and she was going to get revenge. She was going to go out with a bang. A big bang.

Calamity's opportunity for vendetta arose when word of an organization for hunting supernaturals spread like wild-fire. Most had dismissed it as being a practical joke, or as an organization that was more about looking intimidating but being too afraid to carry out their job. Calamity felt this a chance to find out the truth. In search of these hunters, Calamity heard the message asking for help. She revealed her message to Operation Shade, leaving a prank firecracker for them to find. Upon it's cackling explosion, a message was displayed with the remains, reading: 'I'm in'.