Name: Alexis Marquis
Nicknames/Aliases: Fox, The Flying Fox, Cloudbreaker, Deathwish
Rank: Sergeant
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Alexis stands at 5'7" in height and weighs in at 130 pounds. She has piercing green eyes and flaming red hair. Her skin is pallid and she has small, hardly noticeable, scars from debris all across her body.
Weapon(s)[Gear listed as it is in the WH40k Wiki]Mark IV Accatran Pattern Lasgun - All Elysian Drop Troops are armed with the Mark IV Accatran Pattern Lasgun.
5 Charge Cells - Not every world within the Imperium maintains the capacity to manufacture a Charge Pack capable of releasing a limited laser charge at a time. Some must make do with individual cells that expend their entire capacity in a single rapid burst. These have sufficient energy for a single laser shot and must be changed after every firing.
Combat Knife - This one-handed melee implement is the ubiquitous back-up weapon for warriors all across the Imperium, be they lowly hive scum or the elite soldiers of a Planetary Governor. Some, such as the Catachan Fighting Knife, are designed for a specific purpose, whilst others are more generic in nature.
3 Frag Grenades - Frag Grenades use a combustible charge and special fillers of shrapnel fragments to fill a given circumference with deadly shards that prove to be a potent anti-personnel weapon. Imperial Frag Grenades are roughly the size of a clenched fist and covered with a heavily notched shell, both to increase the shrapnel produced and provide a more secure grip for throwing.
3 Smoke Grenades - Smoke Grenades release a dense smoke which only obscures basic eyesight and optical based systems. They do not block detection systems that use heat or other spectral bands outside of normal human eyesight, but are much more widely available and easier to construct.
Armor/ClothingMark XII Carapace Armour - Carapace Armour is generally a sign of status and is mostly worn by Imperial officers and agents of the Inquisition. Elysia is a wealthy world and spares no expense in outfitting its troops. Made from moulded plates of armaplas, ceramite, or other strong materials, it can cover the entire body or just sections depending on the desired level of protection. Storm Troopers, for example, wear full body suits including a helmet, while most soldiers are lucky to gain access to just a simple chestplate to wear over more comfortable mesh or flakweave suits. Some bodysuits have slots designed for simple carapace plates to be inserted in, so that the overall suits can be rapidly configured for as much or little protection as desired. Damaged plates can be more easily replaced without requiring the purchase of an entire new suit.
Type 5 Pressure Helmet - Elysian Drop Troops are equipped with these specially crafted helmets, which come with built-in respirators and breathing apparatuses intended for low-oxygen, high-altitude drops or for deployment in hostile environments like the vacuum of space or on worlds with toxic atmospheres.
Mark IV Combat Backpack - This combat backpack is comprised of durable metal composites and contains the soldier's air supply, Vox-caster, and any other vital supplies like rations and water. This piece of equipment was designed to be used in conjunction with the Type 5 pressure helmets.
Poor Weather Gear - Proper gear to sustain the guardsman in poor weather conditions such as heavy rain or blizzards.
EquipmentGrav-Chute - A Grav-Chute relies on anti-gravitic suspensor fields to counter the pull of gravity and slow its user's descent to a planetary surface. Two small jets on either side above the shoulders offer extra braking and manoeuvrability as well. Unlike a true Jump Pack, Grav-Chutes are designed only to allow the user to land safely from a long fall—such as combat drop from a transport—rather than leap into the air and begin powered flight.
Micro-bead - A Micro-bead or Comm-bead is a short-range radio wave communication device worn in the ear, good for communication out to about one kilometer (depending on weather conditions and intervening terrain). Each fits discretely in the ear, with higher craftsmanship models nearly undetectable in casual inspection.
Photo-Visor - These advanced lenses are designed to increase the amount of light waves hitting the retina of the eye, which enhances low-light vision to that point that even on the darkest nights its users can see almost as well as in full daylight.
Vox-caster - A Vox-caster is a standard and reliable radio wave communication device used to transmit over long distances, including to and from orbiting vessels. This allows communications with other Imperial personnel who possess Vox-casters. A Vox-caster's standard range is 100 kilometers, though better crafted variants exist that have longer ranges.
Basic ToolkitMess Kit & Water Canteen4 weeks' RationsBlanket & Sleep BagRechargeable Lamp Pack - Sturdy and reliable, glow-globes illuminate many an Imperial paveway and cathedral. Most portable ones are roughly the size of a clenched fist and can shine strong, yellowish light a dozen or so metres in width, lasting roughly five hours before their power pack needs recharging or replacing.
Grooming KitDog TagsImperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer - A standard-issue Imperial text that covers a vast variety of topics, this book is possessed by all members of the Imperial Guard as part of their standard-issue equipment. The Primer is a basic guide that details everything a Guardsman needs to know: principles and regulations of the Imperial Guard, issued arms, attire, apparatus, and equipment, basic battlefield policy and Imperial Guard organisation and structure, elementary battlefield medical instructions, and a detailed guide on the foes of the Imperium. No Guardsman should ever be found without possession of a copy of the Uplifting Primer for the punishment is severe.
History: Alexis was an accomplished sergeant from the 412th Elysian Cloudbreakers. A veteran regiment of fifty-thousand drop troopers that was active during the final years Sabbat Crusade and responsible for many successful vanguard assaults on enemy worlds. Alexis was a sergeant leading squad 7, first platoon, B company and is to this day the only surviving member of squad 7 since its founding. Her squad has become infamous as it always sustains the highest amount of losses during a drop. When deploying at full strength of ten troopers, only three or four on average make it to the ground alive. Despite the crippling losses on every mission, Alexis has lead squad seven to completing its objectives and handling nearly any obstacle to come before them. Alexis has been coined as the regimental 'deathwish', those who get transferred to her squad often begin saying their prayers and making peace with the fact that their next mission will most likely be their last. The reason behind Squad 7's staggering death count is because she was childhood friends with the regiment's commander, and his faith in her abilities puts her and her squad on the most dangerous missions.
At the close of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade, the Cloudbreakers were given the option to retire and claim a new home, go home to Elysia or continue in another crusade. Alexis tried retirement for all of two months, but found life to be too boring without jumping from high orbit on a daily basis and came back to service. With the Cloudbreakers mostly disbanded, Alexis was assigned to a special operations mixed regiment in the Calixis sector.
Personality: Like most Elysian's, Alexis is a very proud individual. Her pride almost makes her seem like a bigot at times. She has a general distaste toward Catachans. Alexis takes great pleasure in the drop as she loves the adrenaline rush. She takes that adrenaline junkie mentality into her style of warfighting. Alexis's ideas are borderline suicidal, but those ideas take the enemy by surprise. Alexis has come to be rather uncaring for her squadmates as she is so used to them all dying anywhere from a few minutes to a few days into an operation. What was once a welcoming and comradely individual is now a DIY commando who trusts herself to get the job done. If one can manage to impress her and stay alive long enough, Alexis will begin to warm up.