Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Indigo and Rutilus Twilight

Age: 26, 25

Gender: Male, Female

Race: Human, Human

Gear: Both carry a japanese style double-edged sword with a sheath and a leather bag to hold whatever supplies they come across during their travels. Sometimes, both wear brown cloaks to conceal themselves from any who watch.

Skills: Both specialize in swordplay and even some hand-to-hand training. What they lack in armor they make up in speed and precision. Whether it's slashing or stabbing, they were trained to always target the weakest point on a target even if they're wearing armor.

Physical Description: static.zerochan.net/Fire.Emblem%3A.Rek..

Basically, these siblings look identical to Karel and Karla from the Fire Emblem series. Indigo stands around 6'0" while Rutilus stands 5'9".

Personality: Both can be quiet and distant, even cold, due to their history and profession but sometimes, they can be seen talking normally. Both even speak their minds even in situations where it's considered rude or cruel. Sometimes, one speaks one part of a statement while the other finishes said statement to show the sibling bond they share.

History: The Twilights were a "house" of sorts back in the days where the lands were ruled under the three flags. Of which flag the family were from is now lost to history due to the rule of Kaaos but it's said it was one of the families that Kaaos himself had hunted due to the fact that some did have the "charisma" to perhaps unite the land. As such, they were deemed "threats". Even children of the familes were said to not have been spared.

However, it seemed two at the very least had survived that cruel fate as stories spoke of "sword siblings" who ruthlessly cut down anyone who serve Kaaos. However, all the stories tell is them protecting any village or town who simply wished to live outside the influence of Kaaos even in the most remote or harsh of regions in Evania that no ruler would find value in ruling. However, it seemed that didn't stop Kaaos from supposely "hiring" bandits and mercenaries to take those remote territories though those that survive never say that Kaaos himself hired them.

Although it seems the "sword siblings" don't work for the resistance, that will soon change when, somehow, a messenger reaches them and hands them both a letter with a message that will make them perhaps realize that simply defending won't be enough...

Other: N/A

Current Gold count: 2 x 400g
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TeddyThePsycho
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TeddyThePsycho The Teddy bear

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Sark (Pronounced Sah)

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Race: Djinn

Gear: Strapped to a belt made of two intertwined black ropes on his waist, there are several needles, of varying shapes, and sizes, all made of a strong metal imbued with magical energy. these needles are used as his main tool in his magic, alongside arcane threads he can summon.

Skills: Sark specializes in disabling and incapacitating his enemies, using magical threads that he summons and the needles made of magically imbued metals that he keeps on his belt. he uses these needles and the summoned material to send his needles into the enemy, passing the magical threads through and around them, pinning them to objects, entangling them, and whatever he manages to do with them. due to the magical nature of the material, it is very resistant and can hold even some of the strongest enemies, although he is limited to the amount of needles he brings with him, because normal needles aren’t strong enough to use the magical threads, so losing needles is a very unwanted thing.

Physical Description: Looking at Sark is like staring into the embodification of the deserts, his body flows like a thick sandstorm forming his silhouette, his face is one of the most apparently solid part of his body, seeming like it’s made out of the sand that forms the deserts themselves, with his eyes as glistening gems embedded within the sand. His form itself is of an average height of a human, however he always seems a bit taller as he hovers slightly above the ground, his bare feet fading into a mist of sand, seems to fall to the ground, yet never truly touches it.

As most other djinns, Sark covers some of his magical appearance, wearing a very long coat of a light, almost white gray, covering all of his body, with his only his face and some of his feet exposed, along this he has a thick black belt made of two intertwined ropes. this belt has several needles of different kinds and materials, embedded in it which he uses for his magic.

Personality: Like most Djinns, Sark isn’t particularly fond of other races, although he doesn't particularly despise them, and still collaborates with them, he enjoys the company of other djinns more, and is more prone to be cold, demeaning and sometimes straight out rude, as well as getting irritated easier with other races. Because of this, he tends to end conversations abruptly if he feels like the person he is talking to is getting on his nerves, simply turning around and moving on to avoid confrontations. Besides the short nerve with other races, he is moderately friendly when not irritated and sometimes even jokes around abit

History: A noble line of Djinns, known as the Kings of the sands, from before the time of Kaaos had discovered how to manipulate and summon a solid representation of magical energy, with time, these djinns studied and created several materials using this. but, with the rise of Kaaos, much of this knowledge was lost. and what remained was used for war and massacre.
Sark is a descendant of this line, owner of few of the remaining tomes and volumes that talk about these materials. with the aid of these books, and his own study, he created needles from a magical metal described in one of the tomes, and discovered how to summon a resilient, strong cloth like material made of pure energy. using these. he seeks to join the resistance, to accomplish his two greatest goals. To help bring the downfall of Kaaos, and to regain the honor and power his family once had.

Other: He currently has 10 needles on his belt, and for each he loses, he must manually find, or purchase a regular needle, and go through a process of enchanting it into the imbued state. this can in fact cause problems during his travels. he can however, recover needles after using them
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Eodwyn "Dawn Rider" Aether

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Gear: One leaf blade,one enchanted dagger, 1 bow and of course a quiver of arrows. 1 rope dart and a small tinkering kit.

Skills: Eodwyn has a ability to make people talk whether its the easy way...or the hard way. Although not as skilled a blacksmith as his Grandfather, Eodwyn only has enough skill to repair or modify weapons rather than craft them. Also is a good tracker and is okay at stealth.

Physical Description: http://imgur.com/a/2THZd

Personality: Reserved, mostly quiet but very protective of what few friends he has. Will never abandon those in need unless something else is of a higher priority.

History: If you were to say the name "Aether" before the reign of Kaaos, many would come flocking to hear the stories of the great warrior and smith who crafted the mightiest of weapons. Once, Long ago when the wars of the humans and griffins and Djinn's were just beginning there came one man who bestowed upon the King of humans 5 swords, known as the dawnriders. This man was known as Aldnar Aether. Upon seeing the creations of Aldnar and witnessing first hand at the sheer power it had, The king bestowed upon him the title "Godhand" and made him a Lord over a small castle in the northwest. It is there that Eodwyn's Father, and grandfather, resided. It is there that the reign of Kaaos began. If you ask the people of the first battle between men and the legions of Kaaos, Most people will tell you the tale of the battle at Salkire Keep. It was there that the small army of Aldnar Godhand fought Kaaos himself for three full days. They say that Aldnar and his son Ragnor Nearly mortally wounded Kaaos had it not been for the treachery of Eodwyn's older brother. Eodwyn was 10 when he witnessed the torture and eventual death of his whole family, his older brother excluded.

For 4 years Eodwyn was tortured mentally and physically before finally at the age of 14 managed to escape and after two days of aimless wandering, found a small resistance group hiding out in the forest nearby. It is there he was nursed back to health and was taught how to fight with a sword and bow, how to track even the smallest of things, and how to bend the dark of night to his will. He even made a little friend along the way, an Ice wolf named Oragnar. At the age of 17 Eodwyn decided to hone his skills elsewhere and became a wanderer. For nine years Eodwyn honed his skills, for nine years Eodwyn fought many skirmishes , for nine years Eodwyn searched for clues for his long lost brother, hoping to end the life of the person who caused his misery. And it is here that we continue his story.

Other: Eodwyn gained the nickname "Dawn Rider" As he would only fight before the break of dawn...most of the time. Has multiple scarring all over his body due to the torture he received. His dagger is made from a shard of one of the 5 dawn riders. Loves his wolf....

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roundabout
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Annelie Duran

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Gear: Armor, two hand sword, small knife and backpack containing basic survival items.

Skills: Skilled with large swords. Physically strong from years of hard training. Thrives in close combat battles.

Physical Description: Annelie is fairly tall and muscular. Long, light brown hair, usually braided or otherwise kept out of the way in a bun or ponytail. Bangs at the front, swept to the side. Whisky eyes with an almond shaped face. Thick eyebrows. Has a small gap between her front teeth.

Usually dressed in heavy armor, as her job as a city guard requires. Dons a comparably lighter armor while traveling or when not on active duty. When relaxed at home, she wears simple clothes, mostly because she can't afford anything more fancy.

Personality: Calm and collected, but not one to say no to a good time. Due to her chosen profession, she's disciplined and likes to have her life in order. She's content following rules. Dreamed of adventures and travels when she was younger, but life and hardships have made her settle for routine and order. Doesn't often question. Loyal and friendly, as long as no one's rude.

History: Born in a faceless city where nothing worth mentioning has ever happened. Her father worked as a tailor, while her mother was a miller. The family never had much to get by on, but managed to live a relatively content life, despite the constant fear of living under Kaaos harsh rule. ”"One should be happy not to be on the streets"”, her mother often said. Annelie was restless in her teen years, feeling trapped in a meaningless life with no escape from boredom. She often got into fights and rebelled against authority.

A big turnaround in her life came when the city was attacked when she was 15. The city guard defended the city with courage, but still enemies managed to get inside the walls. The streets were filled with screams and terror, and Annelie could do nothing but hide. She'd never felt more helpless in her life. She was discovered by two of the attackers. Just as she thought her life was over, she was saved by a captain of the guard.
In the end, the enemies where defeated and driven out of the city. But it was not a happy victory. There were many casualties, among them Annelie's father, who'd been attacked, brutalized and killed in his shop.

Overcome by grief, Annelie struggled, until she by chance was confronted by the guard captain who'd saved her life. She was offered a place in the city guard, and she accepted. She settled well in the military life, and came to embrace it. It gave her life meaning, and furthermore, it offered her a chance to never be helpless again.

Other: She wears a memorial necklace from her father. It serves as a reminder of both him and as a motivator to always train and push herself harder. The incident with her father also made her even more bitter towards Kaaos rule, as the city had received no help what so ever in their time of need. Rumors even went around that the attack had been sanctioned by Kaaos.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(Kaya) Khadila Usksha

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race: Djinn


  • Cloak - A rich, midnight-blue cloak made only for those who are recognized as those favored by the community; also worn by relatives of these important figures. (Un)Fortunately, she's the latter.

    An example of a daughter and father donning the aristocrats' cloaks.
  • Skiing...shoes? - A pair of high-heeled shoes with much of its parts cut off to resemble a sandal. The midsole and the toe (which can be pulled up to reveal cloven cleats) of the shoe is covered in smooth wood, while the heel of the footwear is dotted with steep cleats. A fairly recent invention used to traverse desert terrains.
  • Scroll Bag - A leather bag carrying three scrolls, each of which open up to 20 yards long. Two of them detail djinn physiology, and the remaining one lightly brushes over human and griffin physiology.

Skills: Khadila specializes first and foremost in surgery, as is custom of her lineage to practice. Following that from a far distance would be general medical practice on a broader scale, including the usage of certain substances instead of magic to cure certain illnesses, as well as performing a variety of other medical procedures.

Physical Description:

5'5 | 115 lb. | Rust Irises | Sandstone-Yellow Hair

Khadila is rather straightforward and frank on many issues, as is customary for her clan to behave when dealing with those outside the family. Though stubborn in her core beliefs, which include Djinn superiority, the despotism of any and all other "uncivilized, inferior cultures", and other prejudices, she treasures her life enough to let even these go for some policy to keep the peace. That is, unless she finds an injustice too strong to bear without intervention. Above all things, including her culture-related beliefs, she favors life. War itself is a disgusting thing to her, and though she is forced to be stain in its marks, she believes that if anything, it would be better if war and death wasn't a wanton, arbitrary thing, but rather a more natural occurrence by the work of the stars above and the rules that dictate the living world.


Khadila was born in raised in aristocracy, though most would say the "lower" aristocracy, if it meant actually doing work as opposed to managing those who did. Her family came from a long and broad line of researchers of medicine, the core branch of which studied surgeries. Khadila is part of that main branch, but is the only heiress of the lineage; her mother was found to be barren after giving birth to Khadila. The only problem was that, by then, Kaaos had shifted the hierarchy of the Uskshas to the branch that researched some obscure thing called "splicing". It was a hush-hush affair between that family and the rest of the clan, so few knew what they were getting into when they accepted the changes.

Khadila's parents instructed her to flee and join the resistance, one night, after they returned home all bloody and burnt, and it sure as hell wasn't their blood. The only thing that Khadila knew as she fled through the sand-swept alleys was that she was going to have to prepare her skills for something much larger than an affair within her clan...


  • For her ease of commuting, she dabbles with some minor telekinesis to fling herself over short distances, if she's in a rush.
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