Avatar of TeddyThePsycho
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    1. TeddyThePsycho 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Extinction will catch up to you and there is nothing you can do.
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Taking Edward's diverting his attention to writing on scrolls as a sign of dismissal, Sark rose from his seat, nodding to the others in the room before promptly leaving, going back to the bar. he ordered a drink and took a seat, deciding to take a break to himself, but today's events had left him a bit agitated, and in the end nothing much came from sitting down and thinking but a growing anxiousness for what would be to come tommorow.

Deciding it was a good idea to rest for the night and collect his thoughts, Sark paid for a room, and after finishing his drink, retired to it. letting his thoughts wander as he slowly drifted into sleep.
Sorreh bout not posting yet, internet in my home stopped working so i've been limited to school wifi, but it's just been fixed so i should post soon
Sark sat there for a moment, in silence as the others around him spoke. he was looking at Edward, this definitely wasn't just some random pastime, it would bring risks, many of them. and in the end it could still be a very elaborate trap. but he had gotten this far, and in the end, the prospect of freeing the lands of Kaoos was worth the dangers they'd inevitably face. So Sark took a quick look around the room, at the faces of he people who were in the room alongside him, and then looked at Edward.

"I am honored to accept, and would be interested in knowing more of what shall be done now, although you seem to be needed somewhere else."

As he said that he took a quick glance at Mirage and back to Edward, before going back to being silent.
Sark had remain in place, watching as others entered the room and took their seats, mindlessly he toyed with one of the needless using TK, spinning it, and weaving it around the belt. he greeted each person as they entered, and as they came he became more and more curious as to whom had in fact brought them here, and why.

Eventually, after everyone was seated, the man had lifted his hood and revealed the truth behind this meeting, and extended an invitation of sorts. Sark's confusion hadn't quite abandoned him even after the explanation, for new questions arose. he was going to ask them, but others started asking questions, many of them which he planned on asking himself, so Sark decided to simply watch, listening to the others and the replies they got. so he continued sitting down.
The bartender had pointed Sark to a door in the back, so getting up from his seat and nodding his head to the djinn behind the counter he went through it. walking in the door he saw a man adorning blue robes and a few trinkets, the man greeted him and in reply Sark said as he made his way towards the long table to take a seat.

"The travel was in fact arduous, but under the circumstances" he paused as he looked around the room, noticing the several maps, scrolls and other things that lined the room, before looking back to the robed man "I feel like it shall be worth while"

it wasn't long after he took a seat in which another person entered the room, a human, was welcomed by the man in blue robes, and soon there after by Sark himself, who, although not bothering to lift from his seat, nodded his head towards the human and greeted him
The small crowds of Myrkysburg were calm, no one stood out in the ocean of different races, each to their own activities. people going on with their daily boring lives, although some in this multitude of people, had come to this port, for a particularly intriguing event that would come to change the course of their lives from now on. In this crowd one particular person, or rather, one particular djinn is to be noted. Sark had come to these ports after receiving a letter from a noble in a gathering a while back.

This mysterious letter had informed him to head to the Drunken dragon inn, and to head to the back room by saying a key sentence to the bartender. With this in mind, he entered a shaggy looking inn with a plaque saying "Drunken Dragon Inn" on the outside. Sark took a seat in a corner, and observed the bar from a distance, considering the situation. Half of him was curious as to what this implied, and just wanted to head in, but another half was suspicious, fearing the threat of a trap to catch rebells.

Deciding to try a slightly more subtle approach, Sark got up and took a seat by the bar, asking for a glass of water. After drinking some, he turned to the bartender, waiting for him to not seem busy, and begun.

" Tell me sir, for I am troubled.. These waters, they bring many things with the tides, but can they take thing away? can they as the tide goes, take my troubles away?"

The old looking man turned to Sark with an expression of mixed confusion and amusement and gave a fairly simple reply.

"Well, i'm not sure quite what you mean.. But, for a troubled mind, a good mug of beer is the best medicine"

Seizing his opportunity, he hid a smile in his sandy skin and replied.

"True.. but a beer can't let me start over, undo my mistakes.. it can't let me begin again"

with that he went silent and waited.
ooooooooh pplz are joining, the RP is aliiiiiiiiiive.. ITS ALIVE I TELL YOU
Added it, and i'll be sure to keep that in mind
Name: Sark (Pronounced Sah)

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Race: Djinn

Gear: Strapped to a belt made of two intertwined black ropes on his waist, there are several needles, of varying shapes, and sizes, all made of a strong metal imbued with magical energy. these needles are used as his main tool in his magic, alongside arcane threads he can summon.

Skills: Sark specializes in disabling and incapacitating his enemies, using magical threads that he summons and the needles made of magically imbued metals that he keeps on his belt. he uses these needles and the summoned material to send his needles into the enemy, passing the magical threads through and around them, pinning them to objects, entangling them, and whatever he manages to do with them. due to the magical nature of the material, it is very resistant and can hold even some of the strongest enemies, although he is limited to the amount of needles he brings with him, because normal needles aren’t strong enough to use the magical threads, so losing needles is a very unwanted thing.

Physical Description: Looking at Sark is like staring into the embodification of the deserts, his body flows like a thick sandstorm forming his silhouette, his face is one of the most apparently solid part of his body, seeming like it’s made out of the sand that forms the deserts themselves, with his eyes as glistening gems embedded within the sand. His form itself is of an average height of a human, however he always seems a bit taller as he hovers slightly above the ground, his bare feet fading into a mist of sand, seems to fall to the ground, yet never truly touches it.

As most other djinns, Sark covers some of his magical appearance, wearing a very long coat of a light, almost white gray, covering all of his body, with his only his face and some of his feet exposed, along this he has a thick black belt made of two intertwined ropes. this belt has several needles of different kinds and materials, embedded in it which he uses for his magic.

Personality: Like most Djinns, Sark isn’t particularly fond of other races, although he doesn't particularly despise them, and still collaborates with them, he enjoys the company of other djinns more, and is more prone to be cold, demeaning and sometimes straight out rude, as well as getting irritated easier with other races. Because of this, he tends to end conversations abruptly if he feels like the person he is talking to is getting on his nerves, simply turning around and moving on to avoid confrontations. Besides the short nerve with other races, he is moderately friendly when not irritated and sometimes even jokes around abit

History: A noble line of Djinns, known as the Kings of the sands, from before the time of Kaaos had discovered how to manipulate and summon a solid representation of magical energy, with time, these djinns studied and created several materials using this. but, with the rise of Kaaos, much of this knowledge was lost. and what remained was used for war and massacre.
Sark is a descendant of this line, owner of few of the remaining tomes and volumes that talk about these materials. with the aid of these books, and his own study, he created needles from a magical metal described in one of the tomes, and discovered how to summon a resilient, strong cloth like material made of pure energy. using these. he seeks to join the resistance, to accomplish his two greatest goals. To help bring the downfall of Kaaos, and to regain the honor and power his family once had.

Other: He currently has 10 needles on his belt, and for each he loses, he must manually find, or purchase a regular needle, and go through a process of enchanting it into the imbued state. this can in fact cause problems during his travels. he can however, recover needles after using them
-Hmm, hope i didn't mess anything up ʕ ಠᴥಠʔ -

Name: Sark (Pronounced Sah)

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Race: Djinn
Gear: Strapped to a belt made of two intertwined black ropes on his waist, there are several needles, of varying shapes, and sizes, all made of a strong metal imbued with magical energy. these needles are used as his main tool in his magic, alongside arcane threads he can summon.

Skills: Sark specializes in disabling and incapacitating his enemies, using magical threads that he summons and the needles made of magically imbued metals that he keeps on his belt. he uses these needles and the summoned material to send his needles into the enemy, passing the magical threads through and around them, pinning them to objects, entangling them, and whatever he manages to do with them. due to the magical nature of the material, it is very resistant and can hold even some of the strongest enemies, although he is limited to the amount of needles he brings with him, because normal needles aren’t strong enough to use the magical threads, so losing needles is a very unwanted thing.

Physical Description: Looking at Sark is like staring into the embodification of the deserts, his body flows like a thick sandstorm forming his silhouette, his face is one of the most apparently solid part of his body, seeming like it’s made out of the sand that forms the deserts themselves, with his eyes as glistening gems embedded within the sand. His form itself is of an average height of a human, however he always seems a bit taller as he hovers slightly above the ground, his bare feet fading into a mist of sand, seems to fall to the ground, yet never truly touches it.

As most other djinns, Sark covers some of his magical appearance, wearing a very long coat of a light, almost white gray, covering all of his body, with his only his face and some of his feet exposed, along this he has a thick black belt made of two intertwined ropes. this belt has several needles of different kinds and materials, embedded in it which he uses for his magic.

Personality: Like most Djinns, Sark isn’t particularly fond of other races, although he doesn't particularly despise them, and still collaborates with them, he enjoys the company of other djinns more, and is more prone to be cold, demeaning and sometimes straight out rude, as well as getting irritated easier with other races. Because of this, he tends to end conversations abruptly if he feels like the person he is talking to is getting on his nerves, simply turning around and moving on to avoid confrontations. Besides the short nerve with other races, he is moderately friendly when not irritated and sometimes even jokes around abit

History: A noble line of Djinns, known as the Kings of the sands, from before the time of Kaaos had discovered how to manipulate and summon a solid representation of magical energy, with time, these djinns studied and created several materials using this. but, with the rise of Kaaos, much of this knowledge was lost. and what remained was used for war and massacre.
Sark is a descendant of this line, owner of few of the remaining tomes and volumes that talk about these materials. with the aid of these books, and his own study, he created needles from a magical metal described in one of the tomes, and discovered how to summon a resilient, strong cloth like material made of pure energy. using these. he seeks to join the resistance, to accomplish his two greatest goals. To help bring the downfall of Kaaos, and to regain the honor and power his family once had.

Other: He currently has 10 needles on his belt, and for each he loses, he must manually find, or purchase a regular needle, and go through a process of enchanting it into the imbued state. this can in fact cause problems during his travels. he can however, recover needles after using them.
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