Name: Khazna, Otherwise known as Tablurath
Titles: Lord Cardinal, Black Mask, Dark Skull, Lord Tablurath
Age: 28
Theme Song: Theme
Weight: 176 Ib
Height: 5'11
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Race: Human
Character Tier: (Low Intermediate)
Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Standing just over average height, Khazna possess only slightly broad shoulders with a somewhat deceiving lean if not athletic build, compact with wiry muscles and a very dark complexion. His most notable feature is the solid midnight black mask he wears at all times, cast in the visage of a smiling skull. He wears a grey and black armored bodysuit with various visible armor plating, such as shoulder plates, elbow pads, knee and shin pads. On his head he has a black and grey mask, the eye region is covered by a reflective black visor, the over all shape is that of a skull. Apart from this his he often wears a fur like cape ending just around his knees a duel clips allows it to be easily shed when needed.
Personality Description: Khazna personality can be described as somewhat erratic. He often seems carefree, lighthearted, often joking or making light of even the most dangerous of threats. Khazna often makes himself appear to be foolish or dim. He does this seemingly to cause others to underestimate him. His jabs are often aimed to cause rivals to make mistakes when brought to wrath. Khazna for the most part believes wholeheartedly Angar-Rylla cause to bringing peace and unification throughout all the omniverse. To Khazna there are only two types of people, those who support the Angar-Rylla, and those who are against them. Extremely arrogant and prideful, Khazna often underestimates his opponents or twos with them over long.
Skills, powers and abilities:
(Intermediate)Scion of War: Despite his fairly young age, Khazna's arduous and extensive training since childhood by the military collages of Angar-Rylla has conditioned him to the absolute peak of human physical potential, granting him considerable speed, reflexes, and agility, well beyond the standard of his age, even compared to most peak humans still in their prime. He also possesses remarkable stamina and resilience, able to continue fighting effectively even with critical wounds. A formidable opponent in battle, Khazna's lifelong training has given him remarkable mastery in firearms, martial arts such as CQC which resembles judo or jujitsu, free-running allowing him to run along walls at speed, and he has become especially known for his inhuman skill in swordsmanship, being able to wield up to five swords simultaneously and strike with blinding speed and precision, even to the point he can predict and deflect bullets in mid flight. He has also demonstrates himself to be extremely intelligent leader and skilled in alien or extra-dimensional military weaponry. A prodigy from birth Khazna's mind and senses process information at such speeds that things often seem to move at a slower rate to him than normal, allowing him to perceive what would normally be moving too fast to see and respond accordingly.
(Low)Eyes of War: Khazna is rumored to be a descendant to the long since dead God of War and Goddess of the hunt. If such is true, it may explain Khazna's extraordinary skills, primarily his eyesight. He can see with perfect clarity at greater distances than an ordinary human, even in near-total darkness the second ability is being able to see through solid objects, basically translating into telescopic sight. Allowing Khazna to see through most barriers, and other things such as smokescreens. This power truly manifest itself by giving him sight abilities that far exceed a regular human's eyesight; allowing him to read an opponent in battle and avoid oncoming attacks by (reading his opponents body language, so this does not work on creatures with no clear autonomy; goo girls for example) with little to no effort depending on the nature of the attack. This abilities evolution is known as the "Eye Of War" and allows Khazna, after four preps, total awareness 360 degree of his surroundings for 300 feet. It lasts the equality of post used to prep it. (minimum of 4)
(Low)Durability/Strength: Khazna's durability is only slightly superior to that of a normal human being, just below peak human, having adjusted to survive the wind resistance found in mach speeds. In all it's not overly impressive in the face of a multiverse full of giant beast, monsters, and droids. Khazna can dead-lift 600 Ib though can hit with much greater force when combined with his potent speed.
(Low)Master Tactician: Khazna possess a keen military mind for both strategy and tactics. His campaigns leading Angar-Rylla forces have proven that he possess both intelligence and tenacity. He possess almost inhuman skill in calculating enemy moments keeping several steps ahead of any opponent he meets. A tactical master, taking every advantage offered him and seeking to create more. Khazna is also a very fast learner. Even if he observes a particular combat maneuver just once or twice, he is able to adapt it to his choice of weapons and duplicate it effectively in battle. He is also excellent at improvising; he can use his surroundings to excellent effect, when he would otherwise be at a severe disadvantage. Capable of perfectly predicting the path of his swords. Khazna is also a consummate warrior, combining his ambidexterity, military training, and warrior weapon skills to possibly be one of the most dangerous swordsmen in the Nexus Realms.
(High)Flash-point: Khazna was born gifted with extraordinary reflexes, but he's most impressive traits are in his speed and agility. Whether of innate ability or Angarian genetic tampering Khazna possess extraordinary reflexes. Through the use of 'flash-point' Khazna can summon the full might of his speed in quick burst exceeding or as high as 760 mph or translated to mach 1, so fast it seems he is teleporting. However, once Khazna starts moving at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, he can no longer easily discern his surroundings even with his preternatural eyesight. The world resembling one great blur of motion. To combat this Khazna built his blades out of a unique substance that are made up of strands only Khazna eyes can discern even while using flash-point. Allowing Khazna to always find them even while moving at high speeds. Khazna only ever uses short burst, for while has body has adjusted to using flash-point, Any prolonged use over 30 feet could theoretically flay both skin and muscle from his bones. Khazna also needs a clear point from one spot to the next in order to reach it.
(Intermediate)Strands of The Omniverse: Khazna's ability of sight does not end in accuracy and distance. Khazna has a rare gift in spotting strands and fibers that make up reality after achieving the right focus, even notice when these strands are disturbed by an invisible enemy, this ability thus allows him to see energy, energy flow, and the threads of energy circulating the system inside a body with great detail as well as the color of their energy. Unable to manipulate space or time, Khazna for the most part cannot interact with these strands or fibers. With his Starlhrim forged blades however, strands that build magical or supernatural effects can be cut when passing through certain focal points to alter them in such a way they collapse into themselves. In the most basic of terms, Khazna can slice a fireball or other magical bolt out of existence by cutting the power that sustains them from the rest of the effect. While also using gathered energy in a sword to cause the magic effect to collapse in on itself. As the blades cannot effect material objects in the same way, this only works on magical or supernatural attacks. The more energy/mana (prep) within the attack, the more strands need to be found and cut to destroy it. (also measured in preps)
(Low)Disciplined Mind: Khazna intense psychotherapy coupled with an indomitable will grants him great resistance in the face of psionic attacks or seduction.
Character Equipment:
(Low)The Mask: Khazna's mask is not simply for show, as it possess several life support features as well. A built in respirator helps filter out toxins and draw upon an internal oxygen supply that can last indefinitely thanks to it's ability to recycle used air. The Visors over the mask's eye holes protect Khazna from light bursts and allows him to see in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum's as well as enable vision in low-light conditions.
(Low)Generals Vestment: Khazna wears little actual armor aside from light body protection which is made of special particles that help resist air friction from moving at great speeds, they also defend on the same level as a bullet proof vest on par with modern day Dragon Skin. His body suit uses dozens of small round ceramic plates built under a hard vest that further protects against high caliber strength rounds while tightly woven fiber layers can give soft armor resistance to stab and slash attacks from knives and similar close-quarter weapons. Though offers no resistance against heavy kinetic blunt weaponry.
(High)Serenity and Mercy: Khazna always carries with him at all times twin blades both forged of a rare meteorite ore known as Starlhrim. Aside from being an ultra hard and lightweight material reportedly being able to cut through all known steel with ease, it has a unique reaction to supernatural forms of energy like magic. Once it comes into contact with it, it can store bolts of energy from raw elemental attacks, of which can then be used to help not only deflect these attacks but also dissipate them. Khazna skill with them means he can literally use them to cut away the energy used to manipulate these attacks. Mages and other arcanist are said to hate this material with a passion for their use in hunting their kind. The blades themselves are are razor sharp, enough to cut through tungsten, is forged entirely of Starhilm, making them resistant to almost all forms of elemental energy, including acid, force, fire, water/ice, earth, and wind. The swords have an overall length of 35.5 inches, both are kept in scabbards that house countless nano-machines known as Mibs. These Mibs are capable of almost instantly repairing any marks or even reconstructing the blades using a method called Matter Proliferation. Khazna built into each halt a specially designed trap that will spring if the blades are handled improperly, with Khazna knowing the exact manor in which to wield them. After a post of someone else wielding one of his blades, blades will explode out from all around the handle, slicing apart the victims hands. The blades can cut almost any known solid material, including most metals, wood, and some varieties of stone. The only known exceptions are Starhilm and other ultra-hard metals like adamantium. Khazna's ability to slice completely through a substance depends upon both the amount of force he can exert and the thickness of the substance. The grip and pommel length measure 6.25 inches giving it an overall length of 41.75" allowing decent reach, and a weight of 2 pounds 6 ounces.
(Low)Dance of Blades: The nano-machines Khazna possess can spread out in a thin dark mist from each scabbard at Khazna's waist. Khazna can slice through this mist where upon the per-programmed mibs will suddenly replicate the blade. This will for a short time make a double of the weapon, and there is no limit to the amount of time Khazna can do this as long as there is none-living matter close at hand for the mibs to replenish themselves. These fakes will fad and fall apart after a period of time (roughly four post), only Khazna himself can tell can tell the difference from a clone and the real blade thanks to his familiarity. The blades themselves are just as strong as the real ones they mimic and react to energy the same way. Khazna can snap his forefingers to instantly erase any and all created blades causing them to burst into obscuring black mist. He carries four grenades at a time with him full of Mibs which are none-lethal but allow him to quickly envelope a area in nano-machines. These of a 20-30 foot effect range.
(Low)Training weights: Khazna has strapped pair's of heavy 150 pound weights, these extremely heavy weights on his ankles appear deceptively light, increasing his strength at the cost of inhibiting his speed to levels that many of his peers still consider quite fast. Upon removing the weights, Khazna's speed vastly increases, making it almost impossible to see his movements with the unaided eye. Thus allowing him to reach mach speeds found in 'Flash-Point'.
Character History: Khazna was born in a colony world of the Angar-Rylla empire. The moment he was born Khazna was born his destiny had already been decided for him. He was chosen as part of a new Commander training program called "Project Tribune." Young children were taken young and placed within a foster school which would house them the rest of their young adult lives. There Khazna developed all his skills and knowledge in the art of war. Khazna is the name given to him upon gradation. He was originally "Prospective Number 12" amongst hundreds in a secret program created by Angar-Rylla and the Angarian military to find the perfect Commander. The whole process involved gathering male and female infants from their birth and secretly raising them up within the collage. They were taught about the world, strategy, history, and politics in classrooms. When old enough, Khazna and other would begin training with swords and would duel against one another in matches with everyone watching. Every candidate used the same type of sword, the same blade Khazna uses to this day. After their training was complete and gradation neared, doctors would then inject the Gene-spores bearing the genetic code of Angar-Rylla's greatest leaders and strategist into the candidates, the ones before Number 12 died as the powerful genes destroyed their bodies in rejection. Khazna ended up as the sole survivor of the process, his unique heritage allowing him to survive the experiments.
On his 20th birthday Khazna was given command of his first squad, and each and every mission he partook of he excelled expectations. A man of extremes, Khazna always went the distance, rapidly raising through the ranks. By the time he became Lord Cardinal with a fleet under his command, had already earned a string of successes under his belt and gained quite the reputation. Now having learned of the Nexus of worlds from Sir Dou’far Klaast preaching on the topic. Khazna too see's it as a glorious opportunity to spread the might and order of the Angar-Rylla Empire through all the muiltiverse.
Titles: Lord Cardinal, Black Mask, Dark Skull, Lord Tablurath
Age: 28
Theme Song: Theme
Weight: 176 Ib
Height: 5'11
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Race: Human
Character Tier: (Low Intermediate)
Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Standing just over average height, Khazna possess only slightly broad shoulders with a somewhat deceiving lean if not athletic build, compact with wiry muscles and a very dark complexion. His most notable feature is the solid midnight black mask he wears at all times, cast in the visage of a smiling skull. He wears a grey and black armored bodysuit with various visible armor plating, such as shoulder plates, elbow pads, knee and shin pads. On his head he has a black and grey mask, the eye region is covered by a reflective black visor, the over all shape is that of a skull. Apart from this his he often wears a fur like cape ending just around his knees a duel clips allows it to be easily shed when needed.
Personality Description: Khazna personality can be described as somewhat erratic. He often seems carefree, lighthearted, often joking or making light of even the most dangerous of threats. Khazna often makes himself appear to be foolish or dim. He does this seemingly to cause others to underestimate him. His jabs are often aimed to cause rivals to make mistakes when brought to wrath. Khazna for the most part believes wholeheartedly Angar-Rylla cause to bringing peace and unification throughout all the omniverse. To Khazna there are only two types of people, those who support the Angar-Rylla, and those who are against them. Extremely arrogant and prideful, Khazna often underestimates his opponents or twos with them over long.
Skills, powers and abilities:
(Intermediate)Scion of War: Despite his fairly young age, Khazna's arduous and extensive training since childhood by the military collages of Angar-Rylla has conditioned him to the absolute peak of human physical potential, granting him considerable speed, reflexes, and agility, well beyond the standard of his age, even compared to most peak humans still in their prime. He also possesses remarkable stamina and resilience, able to continue fighting effectively even with critical wounds. A formidable opponent in battle, Khazna's lifelong training has given him remarkable mastery in firearms, martial arts such as CQC which resembles judo or jujitsu, free-running allowing him to run along walls at speed, and he has become especially known for his inhuman skill in swordsmanship, being able to wield up to five swords simultaneously and strike with blinding speed and precision, even to the point he can predict and deflect bullets in mid flight. He has also demonstrates himself to be extremely intelligent leader and skilled in alien or extra-dimensional military weaponry. A prodigy from birth Khazna's mind and senses process information at such speeds that things often seem to move at a slower rate to him than normal, allowing him to perceive what would normally be moving too fast to see and respond accordingly.
(Low)Eyes of War: Khazna is rumored to be a descendant to the long since dead God of War and Goddess of the hunt. If such is true, it may explain Khazna's extraordinary skills, primarily his eyesight. He can see with perfect clarity at greater distances than an ordinary human, even in near-total darkness the second ability is being able to see through solid objects, basically translating into telescopic sight. Allowing Khazna to see through most barriers, and other things such as smokescreens. This power truly manifest itself by giving him sight abilities that far exceed a regular human's eyesight; allowing him to read an opponent in battle and avoid oncoming attacks by (reading his opponents body language, so this does not work on creatures with no clear autonomy; goo girls for example) with little to no effort depending on the nature of the attack. This abilities evolution is known as the "Eye Of War" and allows Khazna, after four preps, total awareness 360 degree of his surroundings for 300 feet. It lasts the equality of post used to prep it. (minimum of 4)
(Low)Durability/Strength: Khazna's durability is only slightly superior to that of a normal human being, just below peak human, having adjusted to survive the wind resistance found in mach speeds. In all it's not overly impressive in the face of a multiverse full of giant beast, monsters, and droids. Khazna can dead-lift 600 Ib though can hit with much greater force when combined with his potent speed.
(Low)Master Tactician: Khazna possess a keen military mind for both strategy and tactics. His campaigns leading Angar-Rylla forces have proven that he possess both intelligence and tenacity. He possess almost inhuman skill in calculating enemy moments keeping several steps ahead of any opponent he meets. A tactical master, taking every advantage offered him and seeking to create more. Khazna is also a very fast learner. Even if he observes a particular combat maneuver just once or twice, he is able to adapt it to his choice of weapons and duplicate it effectively in battle. He is also excellent at improvising; he can use his surroundings to excellent effect, when he would otherwise be at a severe disadvantage. Capable of perfectly predicting the path of his swords. Khazna is also a consummate warrior, combining his ambidexterity, military training, and warrior weapon skills to possibly be one of the most dangerous swordsmen in the Nexus Realms.
(High)Flash-point: Khazna was born gifted with extraordinary reflexes, but he's most impressive traits are in his speed and agility. Whether of innate ability or Angarian genetic tampering Khazna possess extraordinary reflexes. Through the use of 'flash-point' Khazna can summon the full might of his speed in quick burst exceeding or as high as 760 mph or translated to mach 1, so fast it seems he is teleporting. However, once Khazna starts moving at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, he can no longer easily discern his surroundings even with his preternatural eyesight. The world resembling one great blur of motion. To combat this Khazna built his blades out of a unique substance that are made up of strands only Khazna eyes can discern even while using flash-point. Allowing Khazna to always find them even while moving at high speeds. Khazna only ever uses short burst, for while has body has adjusted to using flash-point, Any prolonged use over 30 feet could theoretically flay both skin and muscle from his bones. Khazna also needs a clear point from one spot to the next in order to reach it.
(Intermediate)Strands of The Omniverse: Khazna's ability of sight does not end in accuracy and distance. Khazna has a rare gift in spotting strands and fibers that make up reality after achieving the right focus, even notice when these strands are disturbed by an invisible enemy, this ability thus allows him to see energy, energy flow, and the threads of energy circulating the system inside a body with great detail as well as the color of their energy. Unable to manipulate space or time, Khazna for the most part cannot interact with these strands or fibers. With his Starlhrim forged blades however, strands that build magical or supernatural effects can be cut when passing through certain focal points to alter them in such a way they collapse into themselves. In the most basic of terms, Khazna can slice a fireball or other magical bolt out of existence by cutting the power that sustains them from the rest of the effect. While also using gathered energy in a sword to cause the magic effect to collapse in on itself. As the blades cannot effect material objects in the same way, this only works on magical or supernatural attacks. The more energy/mana (prep) within the attack, the more strands need to be found and cut to destroy it. (also measured in preps)
(Low)Disciplined Mind: Khazna intense psychotherapy coupled with an indomitable will grants him great resistance in the face of psionic attacks or seduction.
Character Equipment:
(Low)The Mask: Khazna's mask is not simply for show, as it possess several life support features as well. A built in respirator helps filter out toxins and draw upon an internal oxygen supply that can last indefinitely thanks to it's ability to recycle used air. The Visors over the mask's eye holes protect Khazna from light bursts and allows him to see in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum's as well as enable vision in low-light conditions.
(Low)Generals Vestment: Khazna wears little actual armor aside from light body protection which is made of special particles that help resist air friction from moving at great speeds, they also defend on the same level as a bullet proof vest on par with modern day Dragon Skin. His body suit uses dozens of small round ceramic plates built under a hard vest that further protects against high caliber strength rounds while tightly woven fiber layers can give soft armor resistance to stab and slash attacks from knives and similar close-quarter weapons. Though offers no resistance against heavy kinetic blunt weaponry.
(High)Serenity and Mercy: Khazna always carries with him at all times twin blades both forged of a rare meteorite ore known as Starlhrim. Aside from being an ultra hard and lightweight material reportedly being able to cut through all known steel with ease, it has a unique reaction to supernatural forms of energy like magic. Once it comes into contact with it, it can store bolts of energy from raw elemental attacks, of which can then be used to help not only deflect these attacks but also dissipate them. Khazna skill with them means he can literally use them to cut away the energy used to manipulate these attacks. Mages and other arcanist are said to hate this material with a passion for their use in hunting their kind. The blades themselves are are razor sharp, enough to cut through tungsten, is forged entirely of Starhilm, making them resistant to almost all forms of elemental energy, including acid, force, fire, water/ice, earth, and wind. The swords have an overall length of 35.5 inches, both are kept in scabbards that house countless nano-machines known as Mibs. These Mibs are capable of almost instantly repairing any marks or even reconstructing the blades using a method called Matter Proliferation. Khazna built into each halt a specially designed trap that will spring if the blades are handled improperly, with Khazna knowing the exact manor in which to wield them. After a post of someone else wielding one of his blades, blades will explode out from all around the handle, slicing apart the victims hands. The blades can cut almost any known solid material, including most metals, wood, and some varieties of stone. The only known exceptions are Starhilm and other ultra-hard metals like adamantium. Khazna's ability to slice completely through a substance depends upon both the amount of force he can exert and the thickness of the substance. The grip and pommel length measure 6.25 inches giving it an overall length of 41.75" allowing decent reach, and a weight of 2 pounds 6 ounces.
(Low)Dance of Blades: The nano-machines Khazna possess can spread out in a thin dark mist from each scabbard at Khazna's waist. Khazna can slice through this mist where upon the per-programmed mibs will suddenly replicate the blade. This will for a short time make a double of the weapon, and there is no limit to the amount of time Khazna can do this as long as there is none-living matter close at hand for the mibs to replenish themselves. These fakes will fad and fall apart after a period of time (roughly four post), only Khazna himself can tell can tell the difference from a clone and the real blade thanks to his familiarity. The blades themselves are just as strong as the real ones they mimic and react to energy the same way. Khazna can snap his forefingers to instantly erase any and all created blades causing them to burst into obscuring black mist. He carries four grenades at a time with him full of Mibs which are none-lethal but allow him to quickly envelope a area in nano-machines. These of a 20-30 foot effect range.
(Low)Training weights: Khazna has strapped pair's of heavy 150 pound weights, these extremely heavy weights on his ankles appear deceptively light, increasing his strength at the cost of inhibiting his speed to levels that many of his peers still consider quite fast. Upon removing the weights, Khazna's speed vastly increases, making it almost impossible to see his movements with the unaided eye. Thus allowing him to reach mach speeds found in 'Flash-Point'.
Character History: Khazna was born in a colony world of the Angar-Rylla empire. The moment he was born Khazna was born his destiny had already been decided for him. He was chosen as part of a new Commander training program called "Project Tribune." Young children were taken young and placed within a foster school which would house them the rest of their young adult lives. There Khazna developed all his skills and knowledge in the art of war. Khazna is the name given to him upon gradation. He was originally "Prospective Number 12" amongst hundreds in a secret program created by Angar-Rylla and the Angarian military to find the perfect Commander. The whole process involved gathering male and female infants from their birth and secretly raising them up within the collage. They were taught about the world, strategy, history, and politics in classrooms. When old enough, Khazna and other would begin training with swords and would duel against one another in matches with everyone watching. Every candidate used the same type of sword, the same blade Khazna uses to this day. After their training was complete and gradation neared, doctors would then inject the Gene-spores bearing the genetic code of Angar-Rylla's greatest leaders and strategist into the candidates, the ones before Number 12 died as the powerful genes destroyed their bodies in rejection. Khazna ended up as the sole survivor of the process, his unique heritage allowing him to survive the experiments.
On his 20th birthday Khazna was given command of his first squad, and each and every mission he partook of he excelled expectations. A man of extremes, Khazna always went the distance, rapidly raising through the ranks. By the time he became Lord Cardinal with a fleet under his command, had already earned a string of successes under his belt and gained quite the reputation. Now having learned of the Nexus of worlds from Sir Dou’far Klaast preaching on the topic. Khazna too see's it as a glorious opportunity to spread the might and order of the Angar-Rylla Empire through all the muiltiverse.