Name - Adam Li
Color - Black
Age - 19
Wanna Be the Dragon - Yes
Personality - calm, stoic, honorable
Background/Brief Bio - Adam traveled a bit as an Army brat, his father having met his mother while he was stationed over seas. Upon returning to America, namely Angel Falls, Adam found himself as well as four others in the secret location of the elder Zordon. Being a Ranger was the best thing that ever happened for Adam, finally stepping out of his father's shadow and becoming his own man. On his 18th birthday, after being a Ranger for a year he started thinking about getting a tattoo but hasn't yet. He's very strong willed, and a skilled gymnast and martial artist. He began sketching Dragonball Z characters a lot in school in Korea, and is a big fan of anime and manga in general. He generally doesn't let his nerd side show and usually keeps to himself.
Villain of Choice -
Deadwood. Cool name, ghost powers AND plant powers. Can't contain how awesome that is.
Notes - Loosely basing this guy on an old friend of mine LOL