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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...A world of bountiful forestry and color yet was also peppered with deserts and frequent storms, remained uncharted to the known galaxy. Auria was the planet, home to a humanoid species that related very closely to that of Humans and Voss alike. The Human like species was once visited by a Voss Mystic, a rare variety of Voss that have an advance connection with the force, being able to receive images of the future. The Mystic stayed long enough to have a lasting and permanent effect on the people, causing generations afterwards to have a direct relation with the Voss species.

The planet of Auria continued to grow, advancing to blaster technology yet leaving behind the need for motorized travel; domesticated beasts were preferred to traverse the rough terrain of the forests and wastelands. The people were still living by the means of hunting and gathering, they often traded or bartered but some things could be bought with script; a currency of the people that was simply a number on a data chip that could be transferred to another chip as form of payment, it had no physical form. Many of these people were curious of the world beyond their sky, but others were more contained to where they were born, the technology was not there, nor was there a need to research and experiment into it.

Our story begins with two younglings who were forced to grow up and learn on their own, they became well known in their local town and scavengers and scrappers, consistently curious in what was not of the Aurians. They grew such a strong relationship many of them would simply call and refer to them as brothers. Over the years one of them found a knack to dig and search in anything, in hopes of finding something lost of another world or useful in the future. The other learned a sense of technology, studying deeply into the mechanisms of wreckage found from decimated starships and scrapyards of failed machines. Together these two built and ran their own scrap and repair shop, fixing anything a towns person would have that was broken, and scrapping or finding objects of interests.


"Here ya go, yer blaster is as good as new, just don't use it like a hammer this time," Corelan stood behind the rustic counter passing the blaster to the paying customer. His eyes wide and bright with kindness and generosity, the blue honeycomb patter in his iris outlined with a glowing gold. His hair sat upon his head at palm length and slicked back to keep it a professional look and out of his face. His jaw was smoothly curved and framed his lips to a smaller proportion. The bridge of his nose was deep but curved low and shallow. His body was lean rather than built but was still fit in muscle.

The seventeen year old was always glad to help those around him, whether part of his town or not, a customer that needed help was still a customer. His partner often found the parts he needed or anything that could be of use in an invention or a later project. He found an interest in reverse engineering found technology, whether it was salvageable or not, there was still something to learn. He was curious about space travel but never made the attempt at making a motorized vehicle, he found more interest in the smaller things, like mechanic droids or strange devices that seemed to be used for communication.

After receiving payment from his customer Corelan walked out of the shop, wondering if he could see his brother in the distance on his way back with more junk. There was a slight breeze that held a sandy flavor to it, something that was common when a storm was nearby or about to brew. Their town was based along the border of a forest and a barren desert, rain storms and sand storms were common, but very rare would they mix. As Corelan looked off into the distance he could see the thick dust grow up from the horizon, soon reaching the height of the clouds as the storm of the desert was washing over the wasteland. He walked back inside and continued tinkering away at some gear that was salvaged the day before, not worried about his brother at all, knowing he had gone through worse, and at worst would come home the next day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sanguisuga
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Sanguisuga The Forsaken Prince

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Within the tempest of dust, a man covered head to toe in rags staggered through the immense power of the storm. Once again he had gotten himself into a mess like this. His rugged clothing now flapping violently in the torrent of sand. The man began to look frantically for a shelter, a place to hold out until this storm rage was sedated. His vibrant orange iris' being bombarded with the angry particles kicked up by the storm caused his vision to be blurred with tears. Attempting to cover his eyes the best he could without uncovering the rest of his face, he began to rush from the multitude of wreckage tat littered the ground around him. His efforts seemingly in vain, as much of the storm had made it nearly impossible for him to find a place of refuge. Under the tattered cloth wrapped tightly around his face he muttered curses to himself.

"I swear if I get stuck out hear because of poor timing Corelan won't ever let me hear the end of it... I'd rather be dead than hear him carrying on again.. I've gotta get out of here..."

The young man continued forward on his quest to find shelter; the wind attempting to make him kneel, but the boy did not falter. He pushed onward in defiance of the storm which engulfed him, knowing how bad the situation would be if he couldn't find an escape. After what seemed like an eternity of endless stumbling, there was a gleam of light in the distance: hope.

The man noted a downed starship emitting a strange glow from within. "There must be a way inside" the battered man thought to himself as he pushed on through the tirade of unrelenting sand. His forceful push onward became a difficult rush towards safety. The downed spacecraft grew closer in his vision and as he approached he noted the light was even brighter than he had previously thought. As he pressed against the side of the decimated metal of the downed ship, he desperately looked for a means of entrance. Thankfully, there was a blast hole just big enough for him to slip inside. As he managed to climb inside, he collapsed himself down onto the nearest wall he could find.

"Thank the ancient ones... That's enough blasted sand for one day..."

The man pulled off his ragged and torn cloth, which he had torn from his clothing to make a makeshift bandana around his nose and mouth, and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He smiled and chuckled a bit to himself, in disbelief he had actually managed to make it out of that ordeal. his sharp nose breathed in the cleanest air he had felt in what seemed like ages. He then ran his hand through his rugged, medium length, dirty blonde hair and sighed slightly as sand tumbled from his head. His peach skin slightly tanned from his time in the son, which only made the large white-blue markings on his body more notable. The markings were simply lines which ran from what seemed like the top of his head (hidden by his hair) down to the bridge of his nose, three lines vertically around his neck (one in the center and then two towards the back.) Two larger lines seemed to form just below his eyes and ran across his face and down to the back of his neck. His body was covered in these ancestral markings.

He smiled and brushed more sand from his head before attempting to clear his eyes. His hexagonal iris resembling that of a beehive, which glowed orange and were sharply bright. As the man took a moment to relax, his mind then jolted over to the light that had beckoned him to this safe haven.

"That's right..."

He spoke to himself, the moment of realization knocking him from the initial stupor he was in moments before.

"The light... What was it?.."

He slowly raised himself from the ground of the battered ship he began to search around of the source of the vibrant light. Staggering around the ship, still attempting to catch his breath as he did so, he noticed the light seeming to emanate from deeper within the ship: the cargo hold. The boy smiled as he began to slowly descend the dusty ship stairs. Each step resonating throughout the otherwise silent, ghostly wreckage.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, the light only continued to beckon him forth. He drew closer and closer to the allure of this unknown entity, not wondering how such a light could have been shown through the raging tempest and the metal of the vessel. As he approached the broken door frame he took a moment to breathe, partially in excitement, but also with a slight fear of the unknown.

The boy rounded the corner and quickly was left in awe at what he had discovered. A large, egg shaped capsule, shinning brightly with no notable means of opening the mysterious structure. The metallic shine seemed pristine and untouched. The sphere was not only in a perfect condition, but is was also levitating off the ground. The young man was left starstruck by the magnificent sight which laid before him. He drew closer, shutting out all around him, his vision tunneling, leaving only this ancient structure in his sight. Slowly he crept up to this foreboding and almost magical presence.

As he drew closer, his reflection appeared before him. The man raised his hand to his forehead and brushed a few strands of hair out of his eyes. He rested his hand in the air however, before ever so gently pressing his palm against his reflection. In that moment, his body became electrified, his eyes flaring with color once more and his body slowly lifting off the ground. In his mind was the sight of an ancient being, his face hidden by long robes which covered his entire body. A large man standing before another with a similar posture. The man could feel something different from this second figure. Hatred, pain, envy... hunger. This vision slowly faded away as a strong and foreboding voice rang out from within his head.

"You are worthy... but there is another I sense... The Force will make it clear to me in time..."

With the final words fading from his mind, the boy collapsed onto the ground. He laid motionless upon the ground, attempting to put together the pieces of what happened. His body weak, and his mind confused and conflicted. He slowly staggered to his feet and reached into one of the various pouches he had lining his belt. Reaching in, the young man grasped a slender, cylindrical communicator in his hand and pressed a red button on the side. He struggled to speak into the device but cleared his throat and forced himself to get the words out.

"H-hey Corelan... it's Avengol... When the storm is over I've got something for you to see... The tracker in this thing should still be working.. I damn well hope so.. I'm not strong enough to make it back... Come find me once it's safe."

With that, Avengol released his grip of the communication device and let it tumble to the floor. He collapsed to the floor not long after, his being tired and weak, his mind could no longer sustain him and thus, he shut down. He laid upon the cold metal floor, unconscious, hoping that his dear friend would be able to find him within the wreckage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Over the wind rushing past the open door of the shop, small piles of dirt and leaves began to gather inside. The town became silent, as if its been abandoned for decades, no life existing, just the smell and sound of the desert as the storms carried on. This happened very rarely and when it did something major was about to happen, something that drew the attention of Corelan. He got up from his stool when the wind began to blow louder and harder, rushing through the window and reorganizing the shop to its own chaos, slamming the main door in the process. The tall man ran to the window and forced it shut before locking it down, hoping to contain the disaster before it got worst. He started for the door to check outside, see exactly how far away the storm was, and if his brother was in sight. As he reached for the door a loud obnoxious alert came from his transmitter, causing his heart to skip then double in pace. He calmed his body before approaching the device, he pushed on the flashing light to listen to the message.

'H-hey Corelan... it's Avengol... When the storm is over I've got something for you to see... The tracker in this thing should still be working.. I damn well hope so.. I'm not strong enough to make it back... Come find me once it's safe.'

"Well shit," this was rather unusual for Avengol to need help but this storm does seem to be more extreme than those in the past. He set the transmitter down before returning to chambers where he began to change to a more suitable attire for the weather. Removing is causal garments revealed the blue and yellow stripes than ran throughout his body. They start above and below the eyes, from below they ran down his next and met together at the sternum. Above his eyes the markings rose a bit before turning at a right-angle and forming a ring around the crown of his head that met at the back then ran down his spine. The markings had a sun burst pattern that left from the sternum and met together at the marks on his back. His chest was well toned and fit for his size, that paired well with his legs an arms, packed of dense muscle with little body fat.

He reached through his closet and found the necessary clothing to venture into the wasteland. Multi layered pants that bear pockets up and down the legs with the color of a deep yet tattered brown, the inner layer was tight to the skin while the out layers were more loose. He threw over a basic t-shirt that had 'Finest Machine' which labeled the wearer and tucked it in. He threw on his regular trench coat that had pockets and slots for various tools and equipment that was easy to carry.

He left his chambers and headed out to his personal desk where he reached into one of his rustic drawers pulling out two items. They looked like typical junk at first glance but taking a closer look they were very similar to gas masks with just less material. It started with a basic mouth rebreather that was converted to separate molecules of bacteria and physical particles such as sand, to send pure oxygen to the user. He outfitted it so the oxygen also gave a stimulant that acted like adrenaline but without the body working itself. It simply just boosted the effects of the body rather than the physical muscles. The rebreather was then attached to a simple pair of goggles. "Well, no I have a good reason to test these out," he put one on and immediately felt the effects, receiving pure and clean oxygen.

He threw a couple bottles of water into the cargo pockets of his pants before reaching to his personal blaster and holstering it at his belt. The wind was still blowing hard so he fought against the door to push it open, revealing the thick dust of the desert everywhere. Seeing was impossible, he would have to rely on the tracking device to his transmitter. The door slammed shut behind him as the storm trapped him from escape. He pulled out the transmitter and activated the tracker, revealing a small screen with a map of the nearby area. "Alright Avengol, hand in there I'm on my way."

He started heading out away from the town, miles upon miles of walking, fighting against the rage of the desert as it continuously wreaked havoc everywhere. Hours went by and the storm was starting to relax, his vision was getting clearer but there was still no luck of finding anything if his transmitter gave out. He looked at it again and saw that he wasn't far from his brother's location. He began to jog slowly, being capable now that the winds weren't as heavy as before. As the faint wreckage came into view he stumbled over a piece of debris, quickly stabling himself before stepping more carefully. He started to see a faint glow emanating from various holes of what looked to be a spaceship. He found an opening inside and rather curiously began to follow the light rather than his transmitter.

Upon turning the corner he found a glimmering capsule, it reflected everything in the room and had an awe inspiring look to it. It drew Caloren to approach it, upon taking two steps closer the reflection of a body was seen. The man snapped out of the trance and immediately spun around and ran to the body. He turned the shoulder and saw that it was his brother. "Avengol, Avengol wake up," his voice coming out with the effect of the rebreather. He grabbed one of the bottles of water that was left form the long journey and slowly poured some into the man's mouth. Upon waking he quickly handed him the spare rebreather.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sanguisuga
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Sanguisuga The Forsaken Prince

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Avengol slowly arose from his deep slumber. After a simple touch to the ancient artifact his body completely shut down. He was surprised to be alive. Upon seeing his close friend, he smiled and let loose a sigh of pure relief. He accepted the water but pushed away the rebreather, he always hated those things. He took the water and then slowly staggered to his feet, before gazing once again at the magical structure which floated before them. He nudged Caloren slightly, not speaking a word as he did so. The mystical object spoke for itself.

"So... a good find right?" He said jokingly as he took a sip of the water. He then began to pace around the room, gazing deeper and deeper into the sphere and attempting to analyze the situation at hand. What was this relic he stumbled upon? What was the meaning behind the vision? Why did this vision cause his body to shut down? Most of all... the voice. What did it mean? It claimed he was worthy... and who was this other person it spoke of? Did they mean Caloren?

Avengol tossed around these questions tirelessly in his head. His mind racing still trying to decipher the cryptic meaning of the images he saw. But the one thing that stuck out most of all was this man's mentioning of "The Force." What was this "Force?" Was this man confusing the ancient ones for this being? Avengol eventually had tired of pacing around the gravity defying egg shape and then turned to his friend, speaking in a lower tone, as if not to draw attention to themselves. "So... what do we do with it?" Avengol said, attempting to break the silence which had all but overtaken the room. "This has to be worth something... Maybe we should bring it back to the shop?"

Avengol continued to beat around the bust with his questions. How can you simply tell anybody about visions and voices in your head? He'd look like a madman attempting to explain it. Not only that, but he really wasn't sure how to explain it. The voice spoke to him with a calmness but also with a great weight to it. This alone gave Avengol a chill down his spine, simply remembering the events that had transpired only moments before had brought back a residual feeling in his legs which caused him to stagger backwards a bit and press against the wall of the ship.

"I think the orb can.. can carry itself. All we have to do is lead the way. Whatever this thing is we can't just leave it here." Avengol said to Caloren as he began to walk back over to the orb. He placed his hand upon the sphere once more. This time, however, there was nothing. No image, no voice, just the humming metal which vibrated beneath his palm. Avengol felt a weight lifted off his shoulders, knowing he would not have to live through the ordeal again. He smiled at his friend and then began to move it effortlessly. "See?" He said with a jokingly smug tone "Easy to move. Let's get this thing back to the shop."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Coleran returned the second rebreather to one of the many pockets within his coat. Slightly disappointed that he didn't take it, not only would he have been breathing in cleaner air, it would have healed his body as well. At least he took the water, that was something to be thoughtful of. After being nudge the pair stared in awe at the orb. Coleran was curious about it but it seemed to hold no scavenging value to it, if anything, a large sum of script to the right buyer. "A good find? Avengol what are we suppose to do with this thing? Just by looking at it I can already tell you we can't scavenge anything from it." His brother was always interested in the strangest things and often brought back the most useless of cargo.

Coleran thought for a moment, he was right, it had to be worth something, "Well if we're looking for extra script I guess we should take it back, but I'm telling you Avengol, this looks pretty worthless to me." He continued to pace around the room, looking the egg shaped orb up and down, giving off the slight glow and hovering with ease yet no noise came from it. How is that possible? Coleran tried to look at it from a technical point of view but couldn't find any logical clues, he'd have to take a closer look inside back at the shop, that is, if he could get inside.

After his partner demonstrated that it could move on its own and convinced him it would be better off at the shop, he decided to go along with it and help push the orb out of the ship. "This better be worth all the trouble." The two ventured back across the barren wasteland towards town, leaving behind the wreckage and any destruction caused by the storm that passed not too long ago. "What do you think it does?" He asked out of curiosity. Knowing that Avengol has had more time with it than him, maybe he had knowledge of it.

Once they got back to the shop, the town was in the same frozen state of awe as they were once their eyes laid upon the orb. "This is currently not for sale or trade, so return to your business." Already knowing the town was going to be interested one way or another regardless if they knew anything about it or not. They pushed the orb into one of the corners in the shop where it stayed hovering off the ground and emitting a white glow, setting the room. "Great, we found ourselves a giant floating lamp, good job brother, best find yet." In disappointment Coleran went back to his desk to fiddle with more of his projects.
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