Approximately 60 standard years ago, the battlefleet Deus Ex was lost in a sudden Warp Storm. The entire fleet was consumed, and believed to have been pulled into the Warp. This tragedy culminated into the loss of an entire sector to an Ork Waaagh, destroying countless civilized worlds and dealing a massive blow to the Imperium of Man. The battlefleet Deus Ex had been a combined effort between the Blood Ravens and the Ultramarines, a rare case where two chapters were forced to cooperate by circumstance. Over 200 loyal battle brothers were lost when the fleet was taken, and many more servitors and guardsmen lost. According to Imperial Record, all those aboard the fleet are dead, as are all those who are dragged into the Warp and fail to emerge.

However, the battlefleet Deus Ex was not destroyed. Even as it was pulled into the Warp and set upon by legions of Daemon, the ships managed to fend off their attackers. Whilst many lives were still lost, the fleet managed to defeat the force sent to ambush them, and left adrift in the Warp. In the home realm of the Daemon, faced with an endless tide of enemies, the Space Marines were forced to cooperate further. They found a planet that had been dragged into the Warp and seemingly lost to Chaos, and laid siege to it. Raining down fire and drop pods from orbit they reclaimed the planet, and set their servitors to work rebuilding the planetary defences. They created a beacon, and were able to draw in those ships from teh fleet that had been flung to further regions of the Warp, and even several vessels not of their Original fleet carrying further reinforcements.

Thus the Warp Colony was formed. The last stand of man in the realm of Daemon, a world under near constant assault by the infinite armies of chaos and kept at bay only by the tireless efforts of the Astartes. Many more vessels and lost ships gathered to this haven, forming an entire planet filled with capable warriors, reinforcing their defences and upgrading their weaponry. It was as if they had earned the Ire of the Chaos Gods, as they were constantly threatened but never overwhelmed. Thus the Warp Colony remained, awaiting some chance to return to the Materium, victorious by way of survival.

Among those surviving Battle Brothers gathered on the world's surface, it is time for heroes to emerge. For men to earn their medals and rise in ranks through feats of blood and steel. This is a time for the greatest of veterans and the most skilled of prodigies to emerge victorious, and earn their place in the tales of legend. Those heroes.... are you.

For those of you not familiar with the basic concepts of the Warhammer 40K universe, below follows a brief summary.

The Imerium of Man is the good guys, highly religious and worship the God Emperor of Man. Space Marines are genetically engineered soldiers with super strength and speed, think Captain America. The Warp is 'Hell', it's where Daemon (demons) come from and where the Dark/Chaos Gods live (really evil). The Warp is also the source of psychic powers. Orks are like normal Orcs, but with guns and sometimes they're psychic, and there are a bunch of aliens out there who are usually bad guys.